Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Miscalculation ❯ Multiplication ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I return with the conclusion of the “Wedding Saga.” This was only supposed to take one chapter, not three….Ironically, I made a miscalculation :P Away we go!
Chapter completed: 2007.12.28
Chapter 4: Multiplication
Author: Sailorspazz
Bulma pulled her lips away from Vegeta's after a couple of seconds of the kiss to look over at Yamcha, whose jaw had dropped. She failed to notice the fact that Vegeta's jaw had also dropped at the surprise of receiving of his first kiss. He had been successfully preventing himself from blushing all night, but now his entire face had turned beet red.
“All right, that really got to him! Hey, Vegeta, is it okay if I keep kissing you throughout the night? I think it's the best weapon I've got against him.”
“Uh…sure.” What was he thinking? He should have told her no, that things had gone too far already. However, truth be told, he had liked it. Which was all the more reason to tell her no, but he really didn't want to. So what if he got a little enjoyment out of this sham date?
“Oh, and in the future, make sure you kiss me back. It looks really awkward if I'm the only one getting into it.”
“Y-yeah.” Like he knew how to kiss. He figured he would just have to follow her lead and learn as he went.
Yamcha rose from the table where he had been having drinks and returned to the dance floor, looking a tad bit pissed. He came close to where Vegeta and Bulma were and began dancing with his date in a full-on embrace.
“He thinks he can outdo me like that? Please.” Bulma leaned forward and locked her lips with Vegeta's once more. Vegeta concentrated on the movement of her lips and carefully mimicked her actions, closing his eyes since Bulma had done so as well. “That's better,” Bulma said as she broke off the kiss. She looked over and discovered Yamcha had begun kissing his date as well. A tinge of jealousy flared up, but she quickly suppressed it. Yamcha opened his eyes during the kiss and looked directly at Bulma, spurring her to kiss Vegeta yet again.
Their battle continued in this manner for several songs, with each other them using their respective partners as weapons. However, they soon reached a stalemate. The fight would have to reach another level before a victor could be declared. “Hey, Vegeta,” Bulma whispered slyly.
“What?” He tried not notice the pleasant sensation he got as her breath tickled his ear.
“Move your hand a little lower on my waist.”
“Lower than that.”
“If I move it any lower, I'll be touching your ass.”
“That's the point. Yamcha's watching us, so do it.”
Kissing in public was bad enough, and now he was supposed to fondle her? He had gotten to the point where he really wanted to touch her, but it was still embarrassing to be performing intimate activities in a public place. Still, it's not like anyone except Yamcha was paying attention to them, so Vegeta was compliant and slid his hand down further. “Would you like me to fornicate with you right here on the dance floor as well?” he asked sarcastically.
“Maybe later.”
“What?!” Vegeta sputtered.
Bulma chuckled. “I was kidding. I'm no exhibitionist.”
In the moment he had taken her response seriously, Vegeta realized that he actually did have a strong desire to sleep with her. `Shit.' Nevertheless, he reasoned, there were no grounds to believe he might be tempted to act on that yearning; he was only going along with what Bulma wanted to do on their date, and she was obviously not interested in doing anything with him beyond making Yamcha jealous.
“Ha, look at his face. I don't think he was expecting that. Why don't you give it a squeeze?”
Though he had resisted earlier when Bulma had tried to make him take part in wedding traditions, he was suddenly obedient when it came to touching her body. Vegeta began caressing her backside, and he would have felt guilty for enjoying it, were it not for the fact that Bulma had been blatantly using him the entire evening.
When Bulma looked over to see Yamcha's reaction to her latest actions, she was instead surprised to see Yamcha brushing his hand against Candi's breast. He made it look accidental, but Bulma could tell that he had done it on purpose to rile her up.
“Oh, that's just gross. We're in public!”
Vegeta rolled his eyes. “You're such a hypocrite. You only think his actions are disgusting because he's beating you.”
“Shut up!” Bulma quickly lowered her voice and placed her forehead against Vegeta's in an effort to make it look like they were having an intimate conversation rather than arguing. “Okay, you may be right. I just don't know how much further I can go with this. It's already getting out of hand…but I really don't want to lose.”
“We could take a break to work on a battle strategy.”
“You always say things in such a fighting oriented way, but it's still a good idea. Let's rest for awhile.”
Vegeta sat down in a chair near the dance floor, and Bulma took a seat on his lap. He didn't even protest, and simply wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer. Bulma put her arms over his shoulders and relaxed against him. It felt very natural and comfortable to hold her like this, more so than Vegeta cared to admit.
“So, Vegeta, what should we do next to piss Yamcha off?”
The Saiyan prince noticed the ex-bandit giving the two of them the evil eye from the dance floor. “I think he's plenty pissed about our new arrangement.”
“Yeah, but we need to do more than just sit here. Maybe…” Bulma trailed off into giggles as she felt Vegeta's lips brush against her neck. “Stop it, that tickles!”
“You wanted to do more than just sit here. I'm doing something more.”
“Yeah, but…” She started laughing again as Vegeta continued placing kisses on her throat. She grabbed his face and turned it up toward hers. “If you need to keep your lips busy that badly, then kiss me properly.” Bulma playfully pulled him into another long lip lock. When she broke it off, she looked a bit embarrassed. “Idiot…you had me so distracted, I didn't even check to see if Yamcha was watching that. I don't want my efforts to go to waste.”
Her statement irritated Vegeta, but he had to keep up the illusion that he wasn't enjoying himself. “Yeah, I'm getting tired of this. I don't want to have to kiss your dirty lips anymore than necessary.”
“Me? Dirty? This is coming from someone who would never bathe if not told to do so.”
Before he could reply, one of the bridesmaids got onto the microphone to make an announcement. “All right, everyone, it's time for the bouquet toss. All you single ladies, get over here!”
“What's this next ridiculous tradition?”
“The bride is going to toss her bouquet into a crowd of women. Folklore says that the one who catches it will be the next to get married.”
“Aren't you going to join them? I thought you were into all these asinine customs.”
“I'll sit this one out. I just got out of a sixteen year relationship; I don't exactly feel like thinking about marriage right now.”
The two sat and watched as a crowd of ravenous looking women hovered behind the bride. Once she set the bouquet flying, there was a flurry of hands reaching into the air, followed by a brief struggle as several women tussled over the prize. Finally, a winner emerged. “Yay, I got it!” It was Yamcha's date, Candi.
“I hope that bimbo's not getting her hopes up with Yamcha. He's obviously just using her,” Bulma chortled.
Vegeta noticed a chair being set up on the dance floor and the bride taking a seat. He was startled to see the groom disappear under her dress. “What's going on now? Are they going to…?”
“Stop right there, this is a lot more chaste than it looks. He's just removing her garter. After that, he's going to toss it out into a group of men, just like the bride did with the bouquet.”
The groom retrieved the garter using his teeth and stretched it like a slingshot on his fingers. However, his aim was a little off, and the garter went sailing over all of the men, landing on top of Vegeta's hair.
“What the hell?”
Bulma burst out laughing. “Wow, Vegeta, you must be really eager to get married; that garter was just drawn to you!”
Vegeta blushed and threw the lacy object to the ground. “So stupid…”
“And now you get to have a dance with the lovely Candi.”
“The woman who catches the bouquet and the man who catches the garter are supposed to dance together. So, get on out there.”
“But I don't want…” Vegeta cut himself off before he could say that he didn't want to dance with anyone but Bulma. It was too ridiculous to even think that, let alone say it aloud.
Someone grabbed his arm from behind and an exuberantly chipper voice began talking at top speed. “Hi, I'm Candi! Nice to meet you! What's your name? We're going to dance together, how fun! Isn't it exciting that we're supposed to be the next people to get married? What if we ended up marrying each other? How wild!”
Vegeta slowly turned his head back towards Bulma, a pained `why me?' expression on his face. Bulma simply smirked and waved him off. “Have fun!” With that, Vegeta was whisked away in a flurry of cheerful chattering. Bulma sat back in her chair and snickered. `Serves him right for being so difficult.' Suddenly, Bulma felt a hand on her shoulder.
“May I have this dance?”
Bulma looked up and gasped. “Yamcha!” She quickly averted her gaze and looked down to the floor.
“Well? Do I get a dance or not?”
Bulma was hesitant to say yes. She knew he would probably use this opportunity to try to convince her to get back together with him. On the other hand, she could take this chance to let him know she considered their relationship to be over. “All right,” she said, taking his hand as they walked out onto the dance floor. Once they began to dance, Yamcha wasted no time in pulling her tightly against himself; Bulma, quickly finding herself falling into old habits, leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes. His arms felt so warm and familiar. She wondered if he could feel how quickly her heart had begun beating.
Across the dance floor, Vegeta was doing his best to tune out the vacuous ramblings of his current dance partner. How had this woman survived so long without being killed by anyone who had to listen to her for more than five seconds? Granted, she had a very appealing body, but was that really enough to make up for a complete lack of substance? Vegeta found he was far more attracted to Bulma despite the fact that she wasn't as buxom as the woman before him was. Shouldn't his level of desire directly correlate with the level of a female's attractiveness? If so, why was Bulma more appealing to him? It didn't make any sense.
Vegeta noticed Bulma was no longer sitting in the chair where he had left her and looked around the room wondering where she might be. He was surprised to see her on the other side of the dance floor, comfortably wrapped in the arms of Yamcha. He knew he should be happy to have her out of his hair, but he couldn't force himself to feel what he thought he should. In actuality, he was jealous. It displeased him to see her back together with Yamcha, but realistically he knew that she had never been interested in him anyway. `It's better this way.' Despite his attempts to convince himself, he still found himself hoping that things wouldn't work out between Bulma and Yamcha.
“You look beautiful,” Yamcha said softly, practically pressing his lips against her ear.
“Thanks.” She knew she needed to be wary of his sweet talk and compliments. Bulma could not allow herself to be won over by him.
“You seem to be having a pretty good time on your `date',” Yamcha said with a chuckle. “What exactly are you doing for Vegeta to get him to go along with this?”
Bulma turned her head. “I don't know what you're talking about. We're just on a date because we enjoy each other's company.”
“Oh, yeah? From what I've seen, there's been more than one time during the night when you've wanted to throttle him.”
“So you've been watching me?”
“Of course. I know you've been watching me, too.”
“I may have glanced your way once or twice,” Bulma sniffed.
“You know, maybe you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. It's obvious that we're both pulling the same trick here. Let's just put a stop to it right now and get right to the ending we both want.” He looked lovingly into her eyes and started leaning his face towards hers. She found herself captivated by his gaze, eying his advancing lips with desire. At the last second, she shook her head and turned away.
“No! You're wrong! My reasons for doing this are completely different than yours.”
“Oh, really? How so?”
“You're trying to make me jealous so I'll realize I want to come back to you. I'm trying to show you that I've moved on and don't want to be with you anymore.”
“Hmm. Well, here's a little advice, Bulma.” Yamcha leaned closer to her, staring into her eyes with intense sincerity. “Before you try to convince anyone else that you're over me, you might want to try convincing yourself first.” The song ended and he released her from his grip. “I'll see you later,” he said as he walked away from her.
Bulma stood with her mouth agape as she watched him disappear into the crowd. She reached out a hand after him and almost shouted out for him to wait, but managed to hold herself back. The gravity of her own emotions held her immobile where she stood. `What am I doing?' She was shocked at how quickly her old feelings for Yamcha had come washing over her. She had wanted him to hold her, and kiss her, and whisper loving words into her ear. Was he right? Was she truly not over him yet? Her head and her heart were in disagreement over what she should do about Yamcha. She felt tears stinging at her eyes. Why did this have to be so complicated?
Bulma decided to put her feelings aside for a moment and find Vegeta. She looked around and saw him trying to pry Candi off his arm. She made her way over to them and put on a forced smile. “I'd like my date back now, please.”
“Oh, here you go. He's all yours. Boy, I tell you, this one's definitely a keeper. He's such a good listener, aren't you, Mister…uh, what was your name again?”
Vegeta was surprised and secretly grateful that Bulma had come back to him. Once Candi had scampered off, he was about to ask Bulma what had happened with Yamcha, but before he could say a word she had pulled him into a tight embrace, burying her face in his shoulder. He could feel that her breathing was erratic and her body was shaking slightly. Was she crying? Vegeta wasn't exactly the comforting type, so he wasn't sure what he should do. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered to her, “Don't let him win. We can still beat him.”
Bulma pulled her face up from his shoulder in shock. Was Vegeta actually trying to console her? She never would have expected him to make any sort of attempt at being sensitive. It was almost astonishing enough to make her forget why she had been crying in the first place. She smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thank you, Vegeta.”
Vegeta blushed and looked away from her. “It was nothing.”
For the first time, Bulma noticed how nervous Vegeta was acting. Was it possible that he was taking this date seriously? Bulma suddenly felt guilty that she had been so wrapped up in plotting against Yamcha that she hadn't even noticed the man who had been by her side the entire evening. It was strange to think that Vegeta might suddenly be interested in her; after all, he had never shown anything but disdain for her over the past couple of years. Still, he seemed to be holding her a little too closely for someone just putting on an act. In retrospect, she noticed that he had all but stopped arguing and complaining once the two of them started getting closer physically. `What should I do?' She didn't want to lead him on if he was hoping that something might happen between them. On the other hand, she remembered Yamcha's words that she first had to prove to herself that she had moved on before she could convince anyone else. `But with Vegeta? He's such a jerk!' Bulma had never considered his merits as a romantic prospect, but now that she thought about it, he was fairly attractive, could engage her in entertaining banter that she secretly enjoyed, and, apparently, had a hidden tender side that was just beginning to reveal itself. The idea was intriguing, she had to admit, but was still hard to imagine.
Vegeta didn't know what had happened between Bulma and Yamcha to cause her to come back crying, but it certainly raised his level of hostility towards Yamcha. He kept shooting him nasty glares from across the dance floor, all of which Yamcha brushed off. `Cocky bastard.' Vegeta gave him the finger, a gesture that caused the other man to laugh and shake his head. `Make light of me, will he? I'll show him!' Impulsively, he pulled Bulma back into a dip and kissed her. After sustaining the kiss for much longer than he had intended, he pulled her back up and found himself temporarily unable to tear his gaze away from the gentle smile she now wore.
“Wow…that was nice.”
He felt his face starting to burn again. Her attitude has suddenly changed in a way that was having an enormous effect on him. “It was…I just…he was giving me a funny look, so…” God, now he couldn't even form a coherent sentence. How the hell was she doing this to him?
“It's okay, I understand.” They resumed their dancing as Bulma continued pondering the idea of getting together with Vegeta. He appeared to be interested in her, and she found herself becoming more interested in him the more she thought about it, but was it really a good idea? He didn't seem like the type to want to get into a long-term relationship, but then again, that's not really what she was looking for after the many years she had spent with Yamcha. She was more interested in having someone to comfort her, which, astoundingly, Vegeta seemed capable of doing. But how far was he willing to go? Rather, how far did she want him to go?
Looking over Vegeta's shoulder, Bulma noticed that Yamcha and Candi were heading for the exit. Now she had to make the decision of what she was going to do. Since Yamcha had left, Vegeta's original purpose of coming with her on the date had been fulfilled. It was only fair that she let him know that he was free to go if he wished. However, she didn't want to leave his arms just yet. “Thank you, Vegeta, for helping me out tonight.” She gave him a soft, lingering kiss.
Vegeta felt a bit guilty about sharing another kiss with her, for he had seen Yamcha leave. He knew he should stop and let her know, since she would probably be angry if she knew that the target her actions were against was no longer present. Though he was enjoying himself, he knew that he had put himself in a bad situation that had only gotten worse as the evening went on, and it was best to put an end to it as soon as possible. Still, he found himself hesitating to say the words. “Yamcha…has already left.”
Instead of getting the surprised or angry reaction he had expected, Bulma simply looked deeply into his eyes. “I know.” That acknowledgement hung in the air as the two of them stared into each other's eyes, each realizing the significance of the fact that neither of them made an attempt to leave.
After several moments, Bulma moved forward to place her lips against Vegeta's once more. The kiss was slow and intense, much different from the distracted kisses she had given him earlier while trying to get Yamcha's attention. He felt her tongue slip into his mouth and brush against his own, sending an arousing jolt through his body. He tried to move his tongue in sync with hers, which seemed to please her, judging from the light moan that escaped her throat.
When they broke off the kiss, they gazed at each other again, the music in the background all but drowned out as they listened to each other's breathing. Neither could resist the urge to crush their lips together again, completely oblivious to the world around them. They didn't even notice Yamcha, who had briefly returned to retrieve the suit jacket he had inadvertently left on his chair. He had hoped to find Bulma eagerly awaiting his return, but instead saw her still futilely attempting to prove she was over him, so he promptly left.
“Do you…” Bulma said breathily as they tore their lips away from each other, “Do you want to go somewhere more private?”
“Yeah,” he said without hesitation. Hand in hand, the pair made their way out of the inner garden and through the halls of Capsule Corporation, heading toward the living quarters.
Bulma could hardly believe what she was doing. Yamcha was the only serious boyfriend she'd had, and the only man she'd ever slept with. Now, all of a sudden, she found herself dragging another man back to her bedroom, a man she wasn't even dating and really didn't know all that well, and most of what she did know about him wasn't good. Still, she felt the need to get her mind off Yamcha. Perhaps this wasn't the best or smartest way to achieve that goal, but it was the most attractive option available at the moment.
`What the hell is going on?' Vegeta wondered to himself as he and Bulma silently headed in the direction of her bedroom. He was sure that she had only taken him on the date to show up Yamcha, but now she was taking actions that were clearly not for an audience, and he found himself going right along with it. `This is ridiculous. I have to put a stop to it.' Despite what he thought he should do, he kept walking down the hallway with her. What did this say about his willpower as a warrior? Every day he was closer and closer to becoming a Super Saiyan, and that training was too important to allow for any distractions. Why should he let this woman lead him astray? There was no feasible benefit to giving in to his desires, only possible complications. `It's not worth it.'
As the door to Bulma's bedroom loomed, she slowed down to a stop in front of it. Vegeta hesitated slightly before letting go of her hand and continuing down the hallway. “Vegeta,” she called after him softly.
`Don't stop moving. Don't turn around.' His body didn't care what his mind told him to do, though, and he stopped in his place. “What?”
“Can I at least have a goodnight kiss?”
`Just say no and walk away.' The simplest solution proved to be the most difficult, as he found himself turning around to look at her. He found her in an alluring pose leaning against the door to her room, back slightly arched with her chest sticking out. `Oh, shit,' he thought as he found himself quickly closing the gap between them. Pressing his hands against the door behind her, he eyed her slightly parted lips with yearning as his mind suddenly turned from rational thought to rationalization of what he was doing. `Just one more kiss. That's it.' He hungrily claimed her lips, their tongues clashing as they eagerly explored each other's mouths. Errant hands began to roam, softly caressing the flesh beneath them.
Bulma was shocked at the level of passion and need she sensed from Vegeta. She had never imagined that he would even be interested in any sort of intimacy, given the way he usually acted. Now, it was quite clear that he was eager to engage in that sort of activity, given that she could feel his arousal pressed against her. She no longer cared whether it was a good idea to sleep with him or not; she just wanted to get him into her bedroom as soon as possible. Bulma hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “On second thought, maybe I'd rather have a good morning kiss.” She reached back and pushed the button on the wall to open the door to her room. Without hesitation, Vegeta carried her inside, only pausing to allow Bulma to close the door by pushing the button with her foot as he made a beeline for the bed.
After he had deposited her on the bed and crawled on top of her, they continued to kiss and fondle each other, Vegeta groping at her breasts and thighs as Bulma felt up his chest and ass. `Just one time. If I do this just one time, I can get these urges out of my system,' Vegeta continued to try to rationalize his behavior to himself. He stopped worrying about trying to justify his actions when he realized the biggest issue was the huge disparity in experience levels between himself and Bulma. While Vegeta had never even kissed anyone before that night, Bulma had been in a relationship with Yamcha for half of her life, so she most likely had a good decade and a half of experience on him. Obviously, his pride would not allow him to tell her that he didn't know what he was doing. He was pretty good at bluffing, but bluffing his way out probably wouldn't work in a situation like this where he clearly needed to take action. However, the only type of action he was used to utilizing on another person was battle techniques. Not exactly a skill set he could use in this situation…or could he? In any battle, the most important step is to analyze what the opponent is capable of and then take actions to counter them. All he had to do was pay attention to what appeared to be working on Bulma as he made his first foray into this new realm of human contact.
Vegeta began to pay close attention to how Bulma reacted to the way he was touching her as he ran his hands over her body. He found that he got the strongest reaction when touching her breasts, so he concentrated his efforts there, rubbing his fingers against the pert nipples he could feel through the fabric of her dress. She moaned and kissed him more vigorously, stroking her fingers through his hair. Apparently, Bulma didn't notice his inexperience, since she seemed to be enjoying herself.
Bulma scooted out from underneath Vegeta and stood up next to the bed. Kicking off her shoes, she reached back to unzip her dress. The Saiyan prince watched in awe as she slipped the straps off her shoulders and let the outfit flutter to the floor. Since the dress had been low-cut, she hadn't been wearing a bra underneath, and she stood before him clad in only her panties. It was his first time seeing a woman almost completely nude, and he could only gaze upon her in wonderment as she sat next to him on the bed and swiftly removed his tie. As she began sliding his jacket off his shoulders, Vegeta realized he needed to snap out of his stupor and stop being so passive. He was supposed to be the man, dammit; he couldn't just sit there and let her undress him. As she moved on to begin unbuttoning his shirt, Vegeta reached down and undid his pants. He tried to slide them down his legs, but in his haste, he had failed to take off his shoes, so his trousers were stuck at his ankles. Bulma giggled and kneeled down on the floor, removing his shoes and socks for him. `Dammit…she's probably figured it out.' Vegeta was starting to get flustered. It was maddening to be in a situation where he was clearly at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, he was sure he could overcome his shortcomings and take command of the situation as he was supposed to. With the obstacles on his feet out of the way, he removed his pants and reached the same level of undress as Bulma, wearing only his underwear.
Bulma pushed him back and straddled his lap, her breasts hanging in front of his face. He wanted to just sit and admire her body, but if he did that, he stood no chance of asserting his dominance, especially in his current position. He lifted his head up to kiss one of her breasts as his hand fondled the other. He found that licking and sucking on her nipples elicited the most delightful moans. On the other hand, pinching and squeezing her nipples with his fingers brought forth gasps that were difficult to interpret as pleasure or pain. He figured it would probably be best to keep things on the gentle side, given his level of strength.
Bulma pulled Vegeta's face away from her cleavage and began kissing him passionately once more. The way she slowly and deeply probed his mouth with her tongue as she lightly grinded her hips against him was beginning to drive him crazy with lust. The thin layers of fabric separating their genitals from each other had become a maddening barrier that needed to be done away with quickly. Vegeta's hands drifted to the waistband of her panties and he began sliding them down little by little, an act Bulma helped along by maneuvering her body to quicken the process. He then moved out from under her and removed his own underwear, throwing out the last bit of cautionary common sense that had kept both of them at least partially clothed up until this point.
For several moments, the two of them openly stared at each other's bodies. Vegeta took in her fully nude appearance as he anxiously wondered what his next move should be, while Bulma looked him over and couldn't help but compare him to her only previous sexual partner. He didn't appear to be as big as Yamcha, which she supposed was to be expected given his height. But did size matter? `I guess I'll find out soon…'
Vegeta figured he had to act soon, lest he allow Bulma to gain the upper hand again, so he gently pushed her into a prone position and crawled on top of her. He wanted so badly to immediately plow himself right into her, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself. After all, though he knew the general layout of a woman's body, he didn't know exactly where everything was located. It would be embarrassing to attempt to enter her, only to find his aim was completely off as he poked around trying to find the correct hole. Instead, he opted to get acquainted with her nether regions using a less conspicuous appendage first. Removing his hand from her breast, he slowly slid it down her stomach until he reached the top of her thigh. As he began to move his hand over to the center, she compliantly spread her legs to allow him access. His fingers encountered hair and folds of skin as he searched, until they finally reached the main source of moisture and warmth. `So that's where it is? I would've been way off…' Feeling the size of her vaginal opening, Vegeta wondered whether he would be able to fit inside her. He slipped a finger into her, feeling the smooth, slippery skin inside. When he added another finger, he found the skin was surprisingly elastic. Considering that women gave birth out of that same opening, Vegeta supposed it was only natural that it would be expandable, and he felt silly for worrying about it.
With his fears alleviated, Vegeta finally felt ready to move on to the actual intercourse, but Bulma had other plans. He had been so busy concentrating on trying to figure out what the hell he should be doing that he hadn't even noticed how worked up Bulma had been getting as he fingered her. It had gotten to the point where she felt he was teasing her, so she had decided to tease him back. She rolled them over into a position where Vegeta was on his back and she was lying next to him. She kissed him lightly around his neck and chest as she took his erection in her hand and slowly began to stroke him up and down. He gasped at the sudden intimate contact, his breathing becoming heavier as he concentrated on the incredible feeling of her hand movements. Though he had masturbated before, the sensation he felt from another person performing the same action was far more intense. He heard her giggle as an involuntary moan escaped his throat. `Is she…mocking me?' Vegeta realized that he had once again ended up in a submissive position without even noticing it. `Dammit. I'm not going to lose to her!' With one swift movement, he had her pinned underneath him, the tip of his penis pressed against her entrance. He had literally reached the point of no return. The rational part of his mind encouraged him to stop while he still had the chance. However, he could not deny the fact that he really wanted to keep going.
“Go ahead,” Bulma said softly, her piercing blue eyes boring into him.
Vegeta could not tell from her tone whether she was trying to coax him or dare him, but it was enough persuasion nonetheless. Slowly, he pushed himself forward, sliding his member inside her and relishing the sensation of her body enveloping him. Each of them let out a deep moan as he gradually made his way deeper into her body. Vegeta could hardly believe he was willingly giving up his virginity to the woman who could drive him crazy in more ways than one. He knew it was stupid, but he didn't care anymore. All he wanted now was to continue reaching new heights of pleasure.
Once he had buried himself inside her to the hilt, he gradually began to pull back, savoring the feeling of her slippery inner walls trying to suck him back in. He continued to push in and out of her at a slow yet steadily increasing pace. Bulma dug her fingernails into his back, her body craving more. Due to the excitement of the situation and almost agonizing pacing, she found herself feeling more aroused than she had ever been before. She felt as if she could come at any second, but his leisurely thrusts were keeping her from reaching that peak. Still, perhaps the elongated buildup would only make the end result all the more fulfilling.
Vegeta's speed continued to increase as he plunged himself into her, soon reaching a satisfyingly quick pace. Bulma could feel the heat and tension building deep inside her and spread her legs wider to allow him deeper access. He could hear her breathing and moaning escalating to a rapid pace that sounded almost desperate. Bulma gripped him tightly as an intense orgasm exploded within her, sending a wave of pleasure throughout her body. Vegeta could feel her body clenching around his erection, and he was soon sent over the edge, releasing his seed inside of her as he put in a few final thrusts.
Pulling out of Bulma, Vegeta collapsed on the bed next to her. The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing, which soon turned to the deep, steady breathing of sleep as the two spent bodies succumbed to slumber.
Weeow! Finally, I finished the chapter. Boy, I tell ya, the last couple of chapters have been a bit of a pain to write. Not because of Vegeta and Bulma (though they are difficult to write sometimes, especially when they won't stop arguing), but because of the wedding stuff. After I had my own wedding, I was glad to think that I would never have to think about wedding planning again. But then I had to go and write a fanfic including a wedding, and I found myself struggling to remember such details as, “what's the processional order at a wedding ceremony,” and, “Is the cake cut before or after the champagne toast?” It was a drag to have to look all that crap up, and brought back memories of exhaustion :P But I managed to push through and get it done.
And then, after all that, I had to write a new type of sex scene (as in, heterosexual :P). Having only written BL love scenes before, it was a bit of a new experience. And it took forever to get to it….I mentioned before that the content of the last three chapters was originally planned to be one, which would have made a 15,000 word chapter. I blame it on the filler episodes that were thrown in so the fic wouldn't get ahead of the manga ;P
Anyway, make sure to come back next time for the aftermath! See if you can guess the “surprising” result of Vegeta and Bulma's lusty affair (hint: his name is Trunks ;P)