Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Miscalculation ❯ Remainder ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whoa, took a bit of a longer break than usual this time. Sorry about that, but personal issues (such as my husband having surgery) have eaten up most of my fic writing time. But I now return with more of the saga of everyone's favorite overdone couple ;P
Chapter completed: 2008.05.10
Chapter 5: Remainder
Author: Sailorspazz
`This isn't my bed…” That was the first groggy thought that crossed Vegeta's mind as he awoke to the feeling of silky sheets and a pillow-top soft mattress. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a wall that shouldn't have been there were he in his own bedroom. As he wondered where he was and what he was doing there, he rolled over and found himself staring at the answer, as he discovered the form of Bulma fast asleep next to him in the bed. `Oh, shit.' His stomach dropped as memories of the previous night came flooding back to him. How could he have let himself get carried away like that? He could not believe that he had allowed himself to let the situation between Bulma and himself escalate to the point where they had ended up sleeping with each other.
There was no time to dwell on the matter, though. Vegeta wanted to get the hell out of there before Bulma woke up. Quickly and carefully, he attempted to maneuver his way over her. Apparently, his motions were not delicate enough, and her blue eyes popped open as he was still above her, stopping him in his tracks. At first, she looked as if she were about to scream, but then realization dawned on her, and she turned her head away from him with a guilty expression on her face.
Vegeta exited the bed and began swiftly gathering his clothes from the floor, hastily dressing himself as he went. Bulma sat up in bed, self consciously covering her naked body with the sheets, even though he had obviously already seen everything. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't think of any words that would make the situation the least bit better.
Vegeta put on his underwear and pants and threw his unbuttoned shirt on, carrying his socks, shoes, and suit jacket. Just as he was about to leave the room, he turned his head back to speak to her, though he kept his eyes averted. “Don't you dare tell anyone about this.”
Bulma, surprised that he had spoken to her, paused briefly before answering. “I wasn't planning to.” Did he seriously think she was going to go blabbing about it to everyone she knew as if it were the crowning achievement of her life?
“Good.” With that, he made a speedy departure from the room, winding quickly through the hallways of Capsule Corporation as he tried to get far away from Bulma's room as fast as he could. `What the hell was I thinking?!' Throughout the previous evening, Vegeta had realized that his attraction to Bulma was steadily growing, and yet he had done nothing to prevent himself from acting on his desires. He had believed his pride would have stopped him from letting himself do anything regrettable, but apparently, he had been wrong. How could he call himself a respectable warrior when he couldn't even resist the charms of a mere woman? He was ashamed to think of how poorly this indiscretion reflected on his dedication to devoting himself exclusively to his training.
Vegeta was so deep in his own thoughts that he nearly ran into the person who came traipsing down the hallway. “Oh, hi there, Veggie! How are you doing this morning?”
Being in no mood to deal with the excessive perkiness of Bulma's mother, Vegeta simply grunted and attempted to continue down the hallway.
“Did you and Bulma have a good time last night?”
“What?” Vegeta paused, his face starting to turn red. Had she figured out what had happened? `Of course, it must be obvious.' After all, he was half-dressed in the clothes he had been wearing the previous day and coming from the direction of Bulma's room; surely her scent was all over him. Even someone as dense as Bulma's mother could deduce what had happened. “How did you know?”
“About you and Bulma going to the wedding? I was there when you left, remember? What else would I be asking about?”
`N-nothing,” Vegeta stammered. He didn't want to stick around and end up incriminating himself any further, so he continued down the hallway, despite her pleas for him to stay.
“Wait, Veggie! You didn't tell me anything about the wedding! Was it beautiful?” Her calls echoed down the hallway as Vegeta rapidly disappeared from sight. “Oh, why doesn't he ever want to talk to me? He's so shy! Oh well, I'll go ask Bulma about it.”
The Saiyan prince sped along, hoping not to run into anyone else along the way. He finally reached his destination of the shower room and hopped inside, letting the water run down his skin as he tried not to dwell on what had happened the night before. However, though it was easy to wash away any reminders of his encounter with Bulma from his body, his mind could not be cleansed so effortlessly.
What was he going to do now? It would be awkward to continue living at Capsule Corporation, but he needed to have access to the technology that only Bulma's family possessed. He could try avoiding her, but they would inevitably run into each other at some point. Apparently, it was a bad idea to have a one-night stand with someone living in the same house as you. Vegeta slammed his fist into the wall, cracking the tiles. He had been making good progress in his training. Why did he have to go and screw everything up? Although his dalliance with Bulma had been pleasurable, it was not worth the complications that were likely to ensue. He should not have let his loneliness and curiosity get the better of him when he had known from the get-go that it was a stupid idea. Still, though it was mortifying to think about what had happened, he had to stick around and continue to get stronger for the sake of his training. No way was he going to let one incident hinder him on his path to becoming the greatest warrior the universe had ever seen.
After Vegeta had left her room, Bulma flopped down onto her back, covering her face with her hands. “Oh, my god!” It was shocking to think that, not only had she had sex with Vegeta the night before, but also that she had been the main instigator. In the whirl of her confusing feelings concerning Yamcha, she had ended up pushing their charade of a date much farther than she had ever intended. She was a bit embarrassed thinking about what she had done, and Vegeta's reaction that morning made her feel guilty for getting him involved. Of course, he had obviously enjoyed himself, and didn't really make any attempt to resist her, so he shared culpability as far as she was concerned.
She was curious about how things might change between them. Obviously, neither of them was looking for a relationship, so it's not like they would start seeing each other romantically because of their encounter. She also did not intend to continue having a sexual relationship with him; it had been a one-time thing that just happened to occur under unusual circumstances. Bulma thought it would be nice if things could stay pretty much the same between them, though if he were a little nicer to her following their fling, that would be a bonus. Still, Vegeta's reaction earlier had told her that he might not want to be around her for a while. It's not like they usually talked to each other much anyway, so it wouldn't be that much of a loss, but the banter that they did share was usually as much or more enjoyable as it was exasperating.
Bulma was suddenly struck by the thought that she was not at all concerned about what Yamcha would think of this affair. During times when they had been broken up in the past, Bulma had occasionally gone on dates with other men. Even though they never turned into anything serious, there was always the presence of Yamcha in the back of her mind, making her feel guilty for going out with someone else. This time, on the other hand, though she had gone as far as to sleep with another man, she did not care at all what Yamcha thought about it. As recently as the previous night, when her main objective had been to make him jealous, her concerns had been completely focused on him, but for the first time in sixteen years, she felt that his opinion didn't matter. It was this realization that confirmed to her that she was over Yamcha, once and for all. At least one good thing had come out of Bulma and Vegeta's ill-advised encounter.
Bulma looked over at her clock and saw that the time was 10:47 AM. She got the nagging feeling that she was forgetting something. “Oh, crap!” Bulma said as she jumped out of bed and scrambled to get dressed. She remembered that she had been scheduled to run a meeting along with her father to discuss new invention ideas with the Capsule Corporation research & development team at 9:00. Her father was certainly capable of running this sort of meeting on his own, but she'd had a few ideas of her own that she had wanted to present personally. Hopefully the meeting had run long and she still had time to make it. As she was about to rush out the door, she noticed that the tie Vegeta had been wearing the night before was still on her floor. She had borrowed it from her father, so she hastily grabbed it so she could return it to him.
Running through the halls of Capsule Corp., she quickly made her way to the corporate offices. When she arrived at the room where the meeting was scheduled to be, she found a few people milling around, but the room was mostly empty. She spotted her father gathering up his paperwork by the front of the room. “Papa!” she shouted as she struggled to catch her breath.
Dr. Briefs looked up. “Oh, there you are, Bulma,” he said, sounding as cheerful as if she had actually shown up on time. The man did not have a malicious bone in his body.
“Is it…Is it too late?”
“Well, the meeting is over, but you don't have to worry about not being there. They loved your ideas, even though I probably didn't explain them as well as you could have.”
“I'm so sorry, Papa. It was really stupid of me to not get up on time.”
“Now, now, no need to be so hard on yourself, dear. I knew you were going out last night, and thought you might need to sleep in. It's no crime to have fun when you're young.”
“No, it was really stupid, and really…really irresponsible.” Her father had no idea that she was talking about more than just missing the meeting as she looked at the floor and wrung her hands absentmindedly.
“Oh, is that my tie?”
“Huh?” Bulma snapped out of her reverie and noticed the thin piece of fabric she had been twisting to death in her hands. “Oh, yeah! Here you go. Thanks for letting Vegeta borrow it.” She suddenly realized how suspicious it must look that she was somehow in possession of the tie Vegeta had been wearing yesterday, even though she had obviously just woken up and rushed to get to the meeting. When would she have acquired it unless she had been there when he had taken it off? Fortunately, she didn't think her father would pay attention to such details. He wasn't an incurable gossip, unlike her mother.
Right on cue, the bubbly Capsule Corp. matron entered the room. “Hi, honey! Oh, and you're here too, Bulma. How was the meeting?”
“It was great. I think we got a lot of things done,” the doctor said, popping a cigarette into his mouth. “Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do in the lab.”
“Okay, I'll bring you a snack soon. See you, dear!” The older woman turned to her daughter. “Would you like a snack, too? I've got plenty waiting in the kitchen for us.”
“Sure…” Bulma answered hesitantly. She knew she was about to get grilled about her date with Vegeta, and she wasn't sure if she could handle her mother's probing questions without giving anything away. However, avoiding the issue now would only give her more ammo for later, so she might as well get it over with.
“So…” Bulma's mother began, slyness already starting to creep into her voice. “How was the wedding?”
“It was great. The ceremony was really beautiful, and the reception was fantastic. I'm so happy for Mulai and Molen.” Honestly, she couldn't give much information about the details of the wedding since she had been so distracted with her plan to show up Yamcha.
“Oh, that sounds wonderful! And it seems you had a good time, too. I heard from Papa that you weren't there when the meeting started. I thought about waking you up, but a girl needs her beauty sleep, right? I didn't want to get you up before you were, you know, clear-headed.”
It was better for her parents to assume that she had been sleeping off a hangover rather than guessing what had really gone on, Bulma figured. She was also quite grateful that her mother had decided not to awaken her, or else she would have had to come up with a reasonable explanation for what Vegeta was doing in her bed. “Yeah, I may have overdone it a bit last night. I mean, who can resist an open bar, right?” Bulma almost wished she had gotten drunk, since it would have made her lapse in judgment a bit more excusable.
“You need to be a bit more careful, sweetie. Why, just now when I was looking for you, I peeked in your room and saw that pretty dress you were wearing last night all crumpled up on the floor. It'll get ruined if you don't take care of it.”
Leave it to Bulma's mother to consider the mistreatment of clothing as one of the major consequences of over imbibing. At least she thought the dress had been carelessly dropped on the floor while in a drunken stupor rather than being thrown off in a fit of passion.
“Oh, I saw Veggie just before I came looking for you.” The subtle slyness that had been present in her voice before was now coming out full force.
Bulma felt her cheeks starting to burn, but she was careful not to let any change of expression show on her face. Now that the subject of Vegeta had been raised, she knew her mother would be looking for any evidence of romantic activity. “Oh, really? What did he say?” Certainly, after the way he had threatened Bulma not to tell anyone about their liaison, she couldn't imagine that Vegeta would have told her mother anything, but the woman definitely had a way of prying information out of people that they did not want to give.
“He didn't really say anything. I asked him about the wedding, but he just mumbled and walked off. He looked a bit embarrassed, actually. Do you have any idea why?”
She needed to come up with something plausible, and fast. “Well, you see, weddings are really emotional, right? Vegeta's not used to that sort of stuff at all, and he got a bit swept up in all those emotions.”
“Oh, really? Tell me more! What did he do?”
“During the ceremony, when the bride and groom said `I do'…he cried.” Bulma nearly cracked up at her fabrication. It was so hard to imagine Vegeta crying. She highly doubted that he was even capable of shedding tears.
“Oh, that is so sweet! You know, I've always thought the reason for his shyness is because he's a very sensitive person. Why do men try to hide their emotions so much? Don't they realize us girls are looking for caring, sensitive guys?”
“Mama, don't forget, you're married.”
“Oh, I know, but you just have so many handsome friends; how am I supposed to resist?” she said with a cheeky giggle. “But enough about me, what I want to know is how things went with you and Veggie last night. Did you make your move?”
“Mama, I told you before that I'm not interested in him. Why would I want to make a move?”
“So, did he make a move on you, then?”
“You don't have to get so defensive, honey, I'm just curious about how your date went.”
Since Bulma was starting to get flustered, she knew she had to put a stop to this conversation before she blurted anything out impulsively. “I'm not dating Vegeta. He's not my boyfriend. He's just a guy who lives in our house, eats all of our food, and breaks all of the equipment we give him. What's there to like about him?” They finally reached the kitchen and Bulma grabbed the plate full of snacks that her mother had prepared. “I'm going to take these to Papa, and do a bit of work of my own in the lab. I'll see you later.” With that, she quickly departed the room.
“Bulma, wait!” her mother called after her, but to no avail. She scrunched up her face and stamped her foot. “Geez, why doesn't anyone want to talk to me today?”
In the week following his encounter with Bulma, Vegeta had devoted as much time as he possibly could to his training. Giving in to Bulma has demonstrated a lack of resolve, and he needed to prove to himself that he was better than that. Still, even though he repeatedly drove himself to the point where he was bloodied, bruised, and barely able to move, his mind would not let him forget about what had transpired. He had thought at the time that allowing himself to have sex with her just once would release him from his repressed desires, but in actuality that experience had made his urges stronger. His body had finally experienced carnal pleasure, and it craved more.
However, Vegeta would not allow himself to make the same mistake again. To deter the possibility that he would foolishly act on his sexual wants again, he had spent the week deftly avoiding Bulma. It was difficult since he was still living in the same house as her, but Capsule Corp. was large enough that it was possible to have little contact with someone if you were not specifically seeking them out. Of course, there were areas such as the kitchen that both of them used several times each day, but he just had to search out her ki before going into any of the common areas to ensure that she was not currently occupying them. Unlike a warrior's ki, though, Bulma's was much more subtle, and if he did not concentrate on its presence, it was easy to lose track of it. For that reason, he tried to limit his time in common areas so he would not end up accidentally bumping into her when he wasn't paying attention. He had also begun avoiding Bulma's parents following a couple of occasions when he had seen them and they had seemed to be looking at him differently than before. The way her mother would giggle and speak coyly to him made him suspicious that they knew something. He figured Bulma had told them about what had happened, even though he had demanded that she keep the incident to herself. `Damn woman couldn't keep her mouth shut…”
After a particularly grueling training session, the Saiyan Prince was in the kitchen area trying to quickly grab something to eat before heading back to the gravity room. As he was searching through cupboards, he heard the door swing open behind him. The footsteps belonging to that person stopped, their voice intoning his name softly.
It was Bulma. Why hadn't he sensed her ki sooner? He noticed the presence of some other unknown ki interfering, but where was it coming from? He wasn't in the mindset to worry about that, though; all he wanted was to avoid any kind of confrontation with Bulma. Without turning around to look at her, he began walking toward the door on the opposite side of the kitchen.
“Vegeta, wait!” Her voice began to come closer as he stopped in his tracks. “I know you've been avoiding me, but can you come sit down and talk with me for a little while?”
Vegeta wasn't sure if he should listen to what she had to say. What if she said she wanted to start dating him? What if she wouldn't let him continue to use her training equipment if he refused her? What if she wanted to use their liaison to blackmail him somehow? Of course, it didn't really matter what she said to him, since he could always use his superior power to establish who was in control. Plus, he could use this opportunity to set the record straight about his intentions regarding their encounter. “Fine.” He made his way over to the table, where Bulma was already sitting.
They faced each other for the first time since their rather unpleasant morning after conversation. Neither of them seemed comfortable looking the other in the eye. “Listen, I know that it's embarrassing to talk about what happened, but it's silly for us to avoid each other for the rest of our lives because of one incident. We made a mistake, right? Everyone makes mistakes.”
Vegeta was relieved that she also viewed their encounter as a slip-up and not the start of a beautiful relationship. Still, his nature would not allow him to make a statement showing complete agreement with her. “You may be okay with making mistakes, but I hold myself to higher standards,” he said haughtily.
Bulma rolled her eyes. “Well, obviously your standards can be lowered sometimes, mister high and mighty prince.” At least their ability to bait and insult each other didn't seem to have been hampered by what had happened between them. “Anyway, just so you know, it was never my intention for things to happen the way they did. The situation kept escalating, and things just got out of hand.”
“Thanks to you.”
“Well, for such an unwilling participant, you sure seemed to have no problem going right along with it!” Bulma said defensively.
“That's because…” Vegeta had started speaking without thinking, and could not think of any way to end that sentence without owning up to the fact that he had felt attracted to her, and, though he didn't want to admit it even to himself, still found her alluring. “Forget it.”
“Oh, I see how it is,” Bulma said knowingly. “I know you're a lonely guy who doesn't socialize with others a lot. It's only natural that you'd have some…needs that weren't being met. Putting you in a situation like that with all those people in such a romantic environment, of course you'd end up hooking up with someone. It just happened to be me since I was the one with you the whole time.”
“Yeah.” It was better for her to think that he would have slept with anyone rather than letting her realize that she was the only person in whom he'd had any interest at all.
“You don't have to feel bad about it. After all, you're not the only one who got something out of this. Though this probably wasn't the smartest way to do it, this experience helped me realize that I'm really over Yamcha.”
“Weren't you supposed to have been over him before we went on that date?”
“I thought I was over him before then, but I guess I was wrong. If I really had been, things probably wouldn't have spiraled out of control as much as they did.”
“So if you hadn't been lying to yourself, none of this would have ever happened.”
Bulma sighed. “If you need to blame someone, then yes, you can blame me for what happened. I'm sorry if you felt like you were being used. I obviously underestimated how I would react to seeing Yamcha with another woman.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “But anyway, why don't we just forget about this whole thing and move on? I know we weren't really friends before, but I don't want to be never able to talk to you again because of one stupid incident. We can be adults about this, right?”
“I don't know, you're pretty childish.”
“Oh, really? Who's the one throwing around childish insults?” They glared intensely at each other as they began to fight, but both found the argument so ridiculous that neither one could keep a straight face, and they began snickering. “Well, it certainly seems like things are back to normal between us.”
“Lucky for us.” Vegeta tried to sound unenthusiastic, but he actually felt relieved. He had more fun interacting with her than anyone else, after all, and it would be a shame to lose that.
“Oh, I almost forgot. I've got something to show you, Vegeta. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I've spent the past week keeping up my end of the bargain.”
“Remember the deal we had? I promised to make new equipment for you if you went out on that date with me. Don't tell me you forgot.”
“O-of course not. Why didn't you mention it sooner?” Actually, because of what had ended up happening on their date, the original terms of their agreement had completely slipped his mind.
“You don't have to be so snippy. We can go to my lab right now and I'll show you.”
They began walking through the hallways of Capsule Corporation. Before reaching the lab area, they ran into Bulma's ever-sprightly mother. “Hi, Bulma! How are you doing? You've been working so hard lately, I've hardly seen you! Oh, you're with Veggie.” She let out a mischievous giggle. “Well, I don't want to interrupt you two. Have fun!” As quickly as she had arrived, Bulma's mother disappeared from sight before either of them had the opportunity to give any reply.
“I can't stand it when she goes off on her little gossip hunts,” Bulma said through gritted teeth.
“Did you tell her what happened?” Vegeta asked suspiciously.
“Are you crazy? Telling her would be like announcing it to the whole world!”
“She acts like she knows something.”
“She's always like that. You're just being paranoid. Unless you said something that tipped her off. I heard that she talked to you in the hallway the morning after.”
“Of course I didn't say anything. I have a reputation to worry about.” He left out the part that his disheveled, half-dressed appearance at that time could have led to Bulma's mother figuring out what happened.
“So if neither of us said anything, no one should know. Just relax. No one will ever think that something happened unless you act suspicious.”
Soon after, they reached Bulma's laboratory. “All right, there're a couple of things I've been working on, but let me show you the one that's the most complete.” Bulma pulled something from her workstation and presented it to Vegeta. “Tada! What do you think?”
Vegeta looked at the garments she held before him. “Is that my armor?”
“Yes. Well, technically, it's not exactly the same as the armor you used to wear, but it's a pretty accurate reproduction. I've studied your armor and found that some of the materials it's made out of aren't available on Earth, so I had to improvise a bit to find the closest matches possible. Why don't you try it on?”
Vegeta took the battle suit from her and began to undress. Though he had never been one to feel shy about his body, he suddenly felt uncomfortable taking off his clothes in front of her, given their history. “Uhh…”
“Oh! Sorry…” Bulma quickly turned around.
Once he was fully dressed in the armor, he began moving speedily around the room, performing punches and kicks in rapid succession. He was amazed at how much it felt like the armor he had worn before. Bulma's skills were truly impressive.
“How does it feel? Is their any restriction of movement?”
“No. I can move around pretty well. It's performs similarly to the armor I'm used to.” Actually, he felt it was an improvement over his old armor, but he couldn't admit to her that she had developed a more advanced armor than even the greatest scientists in Freeza's domain where able to create.
“I'm glad you like it,” Bulma said with a satisfied smile on her face. “Now when you're doing your training, hopefully you'll stop hurting yourself so much since you'll have some good protection.”
“Now I can push my training even further since there'll be lesser chance for injuries.”
“Whoa, whoa, don't you go too far with that training of yours. I don't want you blowing up my house or something because you go too far overboard.”
“Well, even if I did blow up your house, at least I would be protected.”
“You selfish bastard!” Bulma growled. “Don't you care about anyone but yourself?”
“Obviously, I don't.” Suddenly, the mysterious ki Vegeta had felt earlier flashed through his senses again. The feeling was akin to a tiny pinprick, so it was either very small or very far away. But why would this one particular ki be nagging at his mind when there were billions of other ki on the Earth? Vegeta began stalking around the room as he tried to discern what direction it was coming from.
“What's wrong, Vegeta?”
“I'm sensing a ki signal from somewhere. It seems…strangely familiar, but I don't know who it belongs to.” He stopped abruptly in his path. “It's…it's Saiyan. But it's not Kakarrot, or his son.”
“But if Son and Gohan are the only Saiyans besides you, who could it be?”
“There's also that Saiyan kid from the future.” Did he come back in time again? Why, and where was he? “The ki is quite similar to his, but much smaller. It's coming from…” Vegeta continued walking around the lab, eventually circling back to where Bulma stood. “It's coming from…you.” He finished saying the words before he had time to fully comprehend their meaning, and once he did he just stared at her in shock.
“Me? But, why would…” Her question trailed off as she too realized the implication of what Vegeta has said. “So, what you're saying is that I'm…pregnant…with…”
“With my…”
“Your child.” There was a long silence as the two gazed at each other in disbelief.
Vegeta eventually turned away, muttering to himself. “Shit. Why did this have to happen?” Things had gotten far more complicated than he ever should have let them. He was supposed to be focusing on only his training during these critical years leading up to when the Artificial Humans were supposed to arrive. He'd experienced one lapse when he had allowed himself to indulge in his desires, and because of that one incident, he now found himself having a child with a woman whom he had no intention of being in a relationship with.
Bulma, who had been standing in silence with a stunned hand over her abdomen, finally spoke. “It's okay, Vegeta. I can take care of the baby on my own. You don't have to do anything.”
Vegeta snapped around quickly. “I wasn't planning to. I have much more important things to worry about. Now I have to achieve even higher levels of greatness to make up for this embarrassing blemish on my reputation.”
“Yes, because your reputation is the most important issue right now,” Bulma said in a huff. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go tell my parents the news. I'm sure they'll care more than you do.” She swiftly left the laboratory, leaving Vegeta behind.
He could hardly allow her to go off and tell her parents all about what had happened without being there to monitor what was being said. Soon after Bulma had left, he began following her, being careful to maintain enough distance so that she wouldn't notice him, but soon paused as he began to question his actions. `What am I doing? I should go back to my training, not concern myself with such trivial matters. It doesn't really matter what she says,' he tried reasoning to himself. Still, he found himself intrigued enough that he wanted to know how the situation would play out.
`It's really not my concern, but I need to go see what they're saying so I can protect my pride.' Vegeta continued sidling down the hallway as he trekked after the woman with whom he had conceived an unintended consequence.
Yay for long breaks? As I said at the beginning, it was mostly that pesky thing known as real life that kept me from writing for a long time. But things have mostly settled down now, so the next gap shouldn't be nearly so long (Of course, my husband and I just bought a place, so I'll be moving soon….). So, next time on M! (Miscalculation doesn't have a cool sounding abbreviation like DBZ, it seems :P) Bulma's parents find out! Someone else finds out! (Cue mysterious shadowy figure that is obviously Yamcha). And maybe the baby is born? My chapter planning skillz leave much to be desired, so I doubt I can fit everything I'm planning into one chapter (hell, most of that stuff was supposed to be in this chapter). See you next time with the results of my sporadically written efforts!