Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ Gotta Knock A Little Harder ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gotta Knock A Little Harder

Rated: NC17

Warnings: Lemon, Incest, angst, songfic (the HORROR)

Summary: Bura finds security.

Pairing: Vejita/Bura/Trunks, Vejita/Trunks

Timeline: After Buu Saga

Song: Gotta Knock A Little Harder (thus the title)

Happiness is just a word to me,
And it might have meant a thing or two,
If I had known the difference.

I've always loved Daddy. He's always been there for me, so how could I not? He's protected me when I was in danger, comforted and held me when I was afraid… there was nothing Daddy couldn't do. If the world was in danger, he'd be there to save it… to save me. I never questioned what he said, because I knew I didn't need to. Daddy was a bit rash sometimes, and every now and then he would say something hurtful, but he never meant these things, and he would apologize to me later. I knew Daddy, and Daddy knew me. Nothing separated us, nothing pulled us apart… we loved each other very much, just like a father and child should.

Emptiness, a lonely parody,
And my life, another smokin' gun,
A sign of my indifference.

Never once did I question Daddy… never. I'd seen the way that Daddy acted with Trunks when my brother would question him. I didn't like the look of burning rage that would cross Daddy's face. When Trunks questioned Daddy, I was afraid of him. I hated it… every moment of it. I had overheard Mommy and Goten's mommy talking about Daddy and his past… and I was afraid… but I never really cared what would happen to Trunks. I didn't know who Furiza, Cell, or the cyborgs were… and I didn't care, but I knew that they were bad people who Daddy had been very angry at once… and I hated seeing Daddy angry.

Always keepin' safe inside,
Where no one ever had a chance
To penetrate a break in

Of course, I had Mommy's curiosity. I had listened outside of the kitchen as she and Chichi spoke about someone named Furiza. I wanted to ask Mommy, but those words she whispered to Chichi frightened me. I heard her telling Goten's mommy that Daddy would have nightmares at night. That meant that Daddy was afraid of this Furiza person. Daddy couldn't be afraid! Daddy was so strong, he could never be afraid of anything! He protected those who were afraid… he protected me! I was so scared, as I listened to Mommy's whispers. I had to know that Daddy wasn't afraid, that he was here to protect me, that he wasn't going to cower and cry like I felt like doing. I fled from my hiding place outside of the kitchen and rushed to where I knew I could always find Daddy: the gravity chamber.

Let me tell you some have tried,
But I would slam the door so tight
That they could never get in

Daddy was always in the gravity chamber. He stayed in there so he could get stronger, and I was never supposed to go in there unless Daddy or Trunks brought me in to train me, to make me stronger in case Daddy wasn't able to protect me. The idea had always horrified me, and I had always refused to train. Daddy would always be there to protect me! Training meant that I didn't have faith in him, and I did. I had nothing but faith and love for Daddy… because I knew that he would keep me safe from the world.

Kept my cool under a lock and key
And I never shed a tear
Another sign of my condition

I found the door unlocked, and for this I was thankful. I grabbed the knob, turning it in my hand, glad that I was finally tall enough to reach the door. Trunks had always mocked me when I was younger about my weakness because I didn't train, as well as my height, but I'd grown up a lot since then. I stepped inside and froze, the door swinging closed behind me, echoing out with a bang. Trunks was with Daddy, and that rage was burning in his large obsidian eyes again. I struggled not to gasp, all words lost in my throat as I choked on a sob.

Fear of love or bitter vanity
That kept me on the run
The main events at my confession

Daddy looked at me with those enraged eyes and I struggled not to turn and flee. It would only make him angrier. I pressed my back against the door, trembling as he rose to his feet and stalked towards me. His clothes were gone, and Trunks was bleeding so badly. I could smell the scent of his blood, and hear his quiet sobs. Trunks was afraid of Daddy… oh gods… "Daddy… I…" tears were filling my eyes.

I kept a chain upon my door
That would shake the shame of Cain
Into a blind submission

He stepped towards me and leaned down, stripping the doll in my arms that I had been clinging to and tossing it over his shoulder. He grabbed my shoulders and hurled me to Trunks. I sobbed as I struck my brother, clinging to his blood-soaked chest in terror. This couldn't be Daddy… but it was. I knew it was without even looking up. This had always been my father… but I had never wanted to admit it. I had liked believing that Daddy was kind and gentle with everyone but Trunks… or maybe I had liked pretending. I didn't know. I wasn't sure. I had been safe in my blindness of reality.

The burning ghost without a name
Was still calling all the same,
But I just wouldn't listen

I heard Trunks whisper against my ear and I stiffened. He was saying it would all be alright… and I wanted to believe him… I knew I could believe him. I sat up, tears running down my cheeks as I looked him over. Trunks was without clothing also, his body chained to the floor, scared, beaten and bruised, and yet he was smiling so innocently, so sweetly, offering me comfort that I wanted… needed to accept. Had it always been like this… did Trunks question Daddy just to draw this darkness out of him?

The longer I'd stall,
The further I'd crawl.
The further I'd crawl,
The harder I'd fall.
I was crawlin' into the fire

Turning, I looked up at Daddy as his shadow loomed over us, the dark gray overpowered the vast whiteness of the room. He stood proud and tall, always the prince looming over his subjects. His body was coated in Trunks' blood, and his chest was moving with slow controlled breaths of air. I sat back against Trunks, trembling as I watched him kneeling down in front of us, a smirk falling over his lips. I tensed, waiting for pain… for death…

The more that I saw
The further I'd fall
The further I'd fall
The lower I'd crawl
I kept fallin' into the fire
Into the fire…
Into the fire….

A gentle hand caressed my cheek, making me burn, tremble in terror. My eyes slid open and I looked at my father. The rage, the hatred, it was all gone, and the peaceful world of security returned. I smiled at Daddy, leaning into his touch. He pulled away at my movement and scowled. "This is sex, Bura. It's wrong, and you shouldn't be in here. I won't make you stay; I won't make you leave. Choose."

Suddenly it occurred to me,
The reason for the run and hide
Had totaled my existence

I felt Trunks stiffen against me, a faint growl burning in his throat at Daddy's harshness, but I reached out and touched his arm, offering Daddy a kind smile. I should have been disgusted, I suppose, but I was no infant. Daddy and Trunks had been doing this for a very long time, and though I'd pretended not to know, I had. It had frightened me, but it had been a part of that security, knowing that my father and brother actually loved each other quite passionately, while the outside world believed that they couldn't be around one another for more than a few hours without war erupting. "I don't want to leave, Daddy."

Everything left on the other side
Could never be much worse than this,
But could I go the distance

Then the pain had started… the vicious long moments of rattling chains. I'd cried in panic as Daddy stripped me off my clothes, scarring my skin, as my flesh was revealed. The chains had cut into my skin and blood had stained my body. I suppose, compared to Trunks, Daddy had been merciful, but when waves of agony were rushing through me, I couldn't think about how good I was getting it, how nice Daddy was being. All I could see was white anguish.

I faced the door and all my shame
Tearin' off each piece of chain
Until they all were broken

From where I hung, I'd watched in morbid sick fascination as Vejita had unchained my brother, shoving Trunks against the wall and sheathing himself deep within. I'd listened to the shrieks of pain as my brother was violated and ripped apart from the inside out. In disgrace, I'd found myself breathless.

But no matter how I tried
The other side was locked so tight
The door it wouldn't open

Trunks had cried in release first, collapsing against the floor, leaving Daddy unsatisfied. Hardness had been pulled out slowly, Daddy's thighs slightly bloody from Trunks' violation. He approached me and I had struggled not to whimper, feeling reality weighing heavily on my shoulders. The chains had rattled with my attempts to free myself, but it was all in vain, and Daddy only smirked at my attempts. I wanted to hate him as he had stepped up to me, gentle calloused hands brushing against my skin, causing me to shiver, but it was impossible. I would always love Daddy… no matter what he did… and I wanted him to do this.

Gave it all that I got
And started to knock
Shouted for someone
To open the lock
I just gotta get through the door

I'd been unbound, and I'd cried out as what happened to Trunks happened to me. My manicured nails had scraped down Daddy's back, earning moans and snarls from the prince. He had always said I was so much more Saiyajin that Trunks, and for the first time, as my first climax washed over me, sending waves after waves of madness through my thoughts, soul, and mind, I believed him. I felt the wildness that Mommy had talked about in her quiet gossiping with Chichi, and I loved it. Life was fading away, and I was struggling to embrace it, wanting it… needing it… almost desperate. I hated the world, everything about it, and Daddy was letting me forget. I embraced it… I embraced him. Leaning against him, my mouth reached out, my teeth scraping Daddy's neck.

And the more that I knocked
The hotter I got
The hotter I got
The harder I knocked

Trunks pulled my head back before I got the chance to pierce the flesh. Vejita grinned at his son and at me, and all I could do was shriek with another climax just as Trunks' slick fingers pressed into my back opening, throwing me over that cliff. I'd screamed against Daddy's mouth as it claimed mine, struggling almost desperately not to pass out from the mind numbing pleasure that had exploded somewhere deep inside me, and all I could hear through the hazing vibration was my father's sadistic chuckle.

I just gotta break through the door

Struggling not to sob, I felt my brother's hardness slip inside me. Something inside stretched, maybe was broken… I couldn't tell. It hurt, but I could only moan as Trunks' hand circled my waist, touching something so sensitive between my legs that I felt like I would die. Through slit eyes, I'd watched as Trunks leaned past me, meeting my father's mouth in a passionate kiss. Their tongues dueled and battled in a war that only Daddy could win. My arm wrapped around Trunks' neck, but he and Daddy paid me little heed as I sobbed, on the verge of another release, as they both pounded into me without mercy. Inane words left my lips, my hand running over Daddy's muscular sweaty torso, nails scraping his nipples, earning a moan that was swallowed by Trunks.

Gotta knock a little harder...

I was trapped between the two of them, Trunks and Daddy, lost in a sea of mindlessness. Everything vibrated and ached. I felt Trunks reach around, nails gripping Daddy's shoulders, as he ripped his lips away, nibbling at my shoulders. Trunks bit through my flesh as he lost his control, sending me following quickly. My quivering caverns caused Vejita to follow with only another thrust, and there, meshed together in stickiness, held together in such a manner that any outside observer would be horrified by, we rested, panting for breath. The world was outside… locked out, and finally, in this little room, I'd found security.

Break through the door

I had to wonder, how long would it last? The door couldn't stay locked forever.