Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm not crazy. I'm NOT crazy. Why do I sound so crazy? Oh, we've gotten off wrong haven't we? The things you must think of me. Let me start over. Let me pick up where the story is left off. Or rather, where the story begins.

I simply stared at Vegeta, at his closeness, at the beautiful contours of his face, so delicate, so perfect that he suddenly seemed immaculate to me. When had he gotten so beautiful? Hadn't he always looked this way to me? But it wasn't so was it? He'd changed over the two years I'd known him, growing, expanding, transforming it seemed. What had been a hateful, childish monster come to destroy the earth was now a hateful man who dwelled upon this "ball of dog shit" and used its resources as if he were a native.

I tried to look away, to move from him like he was a virus, maybe even to sneer in disgust at what he'd said, vulgar and profane as it was. But I couldn't. He had me. Just like he had Bulma, making us pawns suddenly, stuck there in our strange obsession with his appearance, puppets of his own design and control. The worst part being that he was fully aware of it.

"See something you like Kakarot?" he challenged, his eyes cold upon me.

"Not even a little Vegeta." I spat distastefully, turning away from his incessant stare. I crossed my arms, wrinkling my nose at the smell that attempted to overwhelm me, trying to understand and comprehend what it was that I should do next. The authorities would soon be here, the mass of weak stomached soldiers that would gag and dry heave at the stench and sight of all the desolation, picking through the mounds of grotesque bodies and fruitlessly searching for survivors everyone knew wouldn't be there.

"Lets get out of here." Vegeta said quietly, gazing again at the destruction and horror of it all, shrugging his shoulders as I noticed a slight trace of helplessness pass his features. "Wouldn't want this rank smell in my clothes for eternity now would I?"

"No." I said with a sigh. "No I suppose you wouldn't."

I felt my heart tighten once more as I felt my feet leave the ground, my arms feeling heavy at my side. All this death. All this loss. Imagine the people that would cry when they found out their relatives and loved ones were among the many casualties strewn all over the streets like wasteful garbage, no rhyme or reason for it all. A war with no sides but the losing one.

"Come with me." Vegeta said suddenly, knocking my somber thoughts into the back of my mind. "Come away from all this with me."

"What? Where?" I insisted.

"The day is too young to be wandering home to your Amazon of a wife is it not? Let's do something mmmm………..together."

"Together?" I knew I had to be hearing this wrong. The only time Vegeta showed even the least amount of interest as far as activities involving me went, it was merely to spar, nothing more than an excuse for us to beat the living hell out of each other. And while this didn't sound at all appealing, (my lust for battle feeling rather weak at the moment), I was intrigued at his mannerism, his rather excited invitation. "What do you suggest?"

"Well," he mulled, lacing his fingers behind him as he levitated next to me. "there's all sorts of things we could do, you know. Changing your outfit would be a start for one."

I glanced down in a rather uncharacteristic embarrassment, grabbing the sides of my orange clad thighs and examining my old ensemble. A change of clothes? Whatever for? These were perfect for fighting, giving me much needed room, heavy enough to sustain my power level, strong enough to ward off unexpected blows. What on earth would I need a change for?

Seeing my distress, the Prince smirked, raising his trademark eyebrow.

"Confused?" He laughed. "Well, there's simply no way you're accompanying me tonight wearing an orange and blue work out uniform. I doubt they'd even let you in doting that horrific apparel. Come now, Armani awaits."

"Hey!" I said, following him upwards as he moved. "You never said anything about meeting some Armani guy!"

And it wasn't until I was sporting a gorgeous three piece leather suit that I realized just what Armani was.

"TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!" I squeaked, staring in horror at the yellow price tag, trying to convince myself that it was virtually lying to me.

Vegeta, as expected just laughed at me, examining one of the hundreds of suits he'd tritely snapped at the sales attendant to gather for him.

"Hmmm, too red." He muttered to himself, touching the iridescent black and maroon fabric of his posh ensemble. His delicate yet masculine fingertips smoothed over the pinstriped design, a crisp, plastic sound emanating from the garment.

"Darker." He growled at the bird faced woman who coward at his command and quickly scampered to find the desired object.

"Two thousand dollars," I mulled over again, shaking my head. "For what? Chi Chi could sew this up for next to nothing! What's the difference?"

"A name." Vegeta said tiredly, lifting up another suit. "And not everyone befits poverty quite as well as you Kakarot."

"You could say that again." I agreed, turning this way and that in front of a mirror. To be honest, I was simply stunned by my reflection, barely recognizing the frisky, handsome creature that stood so stylishly in front of me. It was the same tight lipped mouth, high cheeks and large, puppy eyes. The same wild, untamed hair that disclosed my race. The same muscular, tall and lanky build. But this man had two things I didn't. This man had style and class.

I was impressed.

"Say your worship," I teased lightly, looking up to see him examining my new look shameless. "Just what exactly are we getting all dressed up for?"

"Who says we need an occasion?" he asked. "Maybe I would take damn near any excuse to get you out of those ridiculous clothes and into something a little more……. practical."

"Practical is hardly the word," I laughed, running my hands along my muscled thighs. "Leather pants and jackets aren't exactly mandatory outfits where I come from."

"Well, than it's a good thing we aren't going anywhere near where you're from now isn't it?" he remarked dryly. "Where we'll be attending, this sort of thing is more than mandatory, my humble idiot. It's expected."

And I was to find that he was right, as we parked his breathtaking black Lamborghini in the valet, Vegeta tossing his car keys to the overgrown attendant and remarking that there would be an extra tip in it if he didn't find a scratch this time. To my shock, the beast of a man swallowed hard and nodded, apparently quite familiar with the Prince's rather rash temperament.

Entering the club, my mouth dropped at the beauty of it all, lavish pillars of gold and black stretching to the ridiculously high ceiling, scantly clad women in cages dancing to the beat of music that made my heart thump in time. My eyes could barely take it all in as Vegeta rudely pulled me behind him through the mesh of nearly naked people, all young and wearing next to nothing, their skin a different shade each second as lights rocked and twisted back and forth of all different colors. I would be blinded for a second, and then completely awe struck once again by the gorgeous decorations of colored cloth and crystal beads dangling from the ceiling, mirrors and glass everywhere.

A short woman pushed passed me, tantalizing my eyes momentarily by the fact that her breasts were completely bare except for an amazingly thin sheen of purple cloth over them, the dark, round areas of her nipples nearly hitting me in the face as she grabbed a hold of Vegeta and spun him around.

"Vegeta!" She screamed over the pounding bass of the psychotic music, her precious face being hit by lavender light and shadows. "Vegeta baby you never called!"

I was stunned, my eyes glancing accusingly to Vegeta who all but laughed in her face, turning away and continuing our movement through the crowd. Not one to be turned down, the little cherub grabbed his shoulder once again, spinning him around and glaring daggers into his face.

"Answer me!" She hollered, her face twisting with ugly rage. "No guy turns me down Vegeta! I don't care who you are! How dare you not call me! How DARE you!"

"Buttercup," he sighed. "How do I put this nicely? You're a lousy lay and you give head like you're snorkeling. Better?"

We left Buttercup with a dropped jaw and a gasp, forcing our way once again through the crowd, my opinion of Vegeta already altered. So it was true then. He cared nothing for Bulma. Oh, he knew of her affections, I was certain of it. But as for any obligation or loyalty on his behalf, he would have none of it.

I blushed as a group of nearly naked women admired me, smiling in that seductive manner that only promiscuous women can obtained to such perfection, one of them going so far as to grope my groin as I passed her. I gapped in shock as she widened her eyes, making some surprised noise and giggling with her whorish friend. I didn't know what to make of it. No woman had EVER done anything like that to me! No, I'd had my share of admirers, woman often commenting on how "handsome" I apparently was or how "great" I was built. But none so bold. None so positively shameless!

I hurried to escape her, nearly tripping over Vegeta as he pulled me in a different direction, towards a less crowded area and even a sitting room.

"Excuse me fella's." Said a large, bald man, placing his hand rudely in our way and rolling his eyes. "VIP only."

He distinctly reminded me of Nappa and I would have commented into Vegeta's ear about it if it weren't for the choking noise the man made after having looked a bit closer at the person he was talking to.

"Vegeta." He gulped, quickly removing the red velvet barrier. "Forgive me sir, I didn't recognize you in this light."

"Take care to notice more swiftly next time Bruno, my patience wears thin in this crowd." Said the Prince, observing his surroundings with blatant disgust.

"Ay," Nodded Bruno, ushering us into the blue lighted booth, a large pipe sitting in the middle of the marble table. "Its very crowded tonight I'm afraid. That newest attack has everyone insane, being so close and all. Guess they're all planning to go out with a bang if they must."

"And they will," Vegeta smirked playfully, handing a wad of bills to Bruno slyly. "If you don't fetch me a drink a.s.a.p."

"Same as usual?"

"Absolutely. How bout' you Kakarot?" His eyes upon me. "What would you prefer? Courvoisier or Remy Martin? I'm into French Imports myself but you may actually like something a little more-.."

"I think I'll pass." I said quickly, trying to dismiss the subject. I'd never been one to touch alcohol of any sort, despising the flavor for one and hating the effects for another. Vegeta merely brushed me aside, ordering something called Remy Martin, Louis XIII and shooing away Bruno.

"You need to relax Kakarot. You're a free man tonight. Forget all of your fears and doubts. Let go. Look," he pointed at the massive group of people dancing crazily in the shadows and the light, the men resembling legendary Gods and the woman moving like the lithe nymphs from fairytales.

"Look at all these creatures, so fragile, so weak. So easily destroyed and controlled by their own vulnerabilities. In the face of the end, when nothing within their power could stop the inevitable, they cast away their fears like so much garbage and thrust off all inhibitions to dance their last moments away. When by all accounts they should be quaking with fear, they celebrate their life rather than dwell on their deaths. Should you not learn something from all that? Should you not be thankful for your strength and that it sustains you when everyone else's fails?"

"I should be thankful that instead of preserving what could be their last precious moments, these people act out their own ridiculous fantasies to escape reality? Drinking their minds away simply because they don't want them anymore? It seems more like a futile attempt to hide that fear rather than cast it away." I said, stupidly trying to match wits with him when I normally let him win all conversations and escaped into my ever present façade of ignorance. But I thought nothing of this, looking over at him, so Godlike in his own presence, body clad in the same gorgeous, tailored suit he'd thrown such a tantrum about.

"So you believe it's the end?" I asked him, unable to stop myself. It had been the fear in everyone's heart from the beginning, first only found in the most eccentric, the type that normal people brushed off and then creeping its way into the minds of even the most atheistic and logical types.

"I don't know what I believe," he answered thoughtfully, peeling off his jacket and sporting a tight fitting black silk shirt, buttoned down low. "I think the possibility of this world's end is a reality. Like many planets, perhaps it's merely burnt itself out, the inevitable end only moments away from us even as we speak. Or maybe it's another enemy. How am I to know? I fear nothing regardless. Death has taken me once before and the end of this life is but the beginning of another."

I nodded, pondering his words and grateful that we had escaped the horrendous crowd.

"What was the after life like for you?" I questioned, looking up as Bruno offered us our drinks in crystal glasses, the copper contents swishing around along the sides.

"I should ask you the same," He answered as the large man left, his fingers clicking the top of the table as he unwound a large tube from around the pipe. "You died. Where did you go?"

"Ah, but you've heard that story before," I complained. "I trained and there's nothing more to tell. But you, you must have gone someplace else. Surely you went to…." And than I caught myself, unforgivably about to suggest that….

"To Hell?" he finished for me in a cocky tone, raising his thick, sculpted eyebrow.

"I'm sorry. I didn't….. I mean I….. Well its just…." I stammered, watching as he placed the metal tip of the pipe in his mouth and inhaled slowly, making water bubble in the base of a great glass bowl.

"Forget it Kakarot." He said, letting out a huge wisp of smoke, right into my face as I winced. "I know what you were implying and I have no reason to hound you for such an assumption either. I went to Hell, that's true enough. And I remember it perfectly."

"You do?!" I said, relieved that he hadn't taken offense to my impertinence. "Well tell me then! What was it like?"

"You mean, was it all the fire and torment that you imagine it'd be?" he grinned. "Lets just say, Heaven would probably seem remarkably dull in comparison. I can't describe it in words really, so I wont try. I'd be making a grand fool of myself if I did, and I'd rather avoid that if possible. But is it a bad place? Well, that's up for debate. I think Hell is comparable to Las Vegas, or would be, if our modern day Sodom and Gomorrah hadn't been destroyed by Sin that is. It all depends on the person."

"Would I enjoy it?" I asked spontaneously, curious about a topic in which he'd never spoken to me about.

"Well, that depends as well Kakarot." He said, moving towards me to an uncomfortable closeness that he seemed to admire and that made me feel claustrophobic. "Do you enjoy sinning? Do you….." he touched his fingers over my arm, his face exceedingly close to my own. "desire temptation that's by all accounts forbidden by the rest of society?"

I backed up, unsure what he was asking, unsure what he was implying with his body language.

"No," I choked, moving backwards as quickly as he approached. We were in a stalemate of sorts, an awkward silence erupting even through the blaring techno music and occasional hollers from the crowd. He merely sighed after a moment, moving a comfortable distance away, much to my relief, and inhaling the pipe which I was to learn was called a Hookah.

"Hell is the absence of God." He said simply, smoke filtering through his teeth as he spoke. "It's isolation from goodness. That is simply all."

"So you enjoyed being isolated from God?" I wondered allowed. "The idea of being concealed from Him isn't rather horrific to you?"

"As I said Kakarot," he answered. "It all depends on the person. It comes down to your belief in God, or perhaps simply your feelings towards Him. Belief is different than devotion. You can believe in something and still despise it you know."

"What do you mean?"

"I guess there's a lot of ways to look at it. Being grateful for life differentiates from a certain resentment all living things experience when they realize all of the blessings God withholds from them. Even the strongest believer must feel some sort of hatred when they gaze around them and see misery and despair so great that it consumes a person's soul. Even the most devout must feel a sense of detachment from God when they look upon death and are given only the conclusion that it was His will. Did I feel much of a loss when I was pitched into Hell of His own accord? I doubt it."

I took a heavy swallow of my drink, half expecting a lightening bolt to crash through the ceiling and strike him down dead. No, I'd never been much of a believer myself. To be perfectly honest, I doubt I'd ever in my life had such an in depth discussion about God. It wasn't taboo in my family. It simply wasn't a subject at all. On very rare occasions, Chi Chi would drag us to church, making us sit for those long hours on an uncomfortable bench in our itchy suits, the dreary preacher casting us ugly glares when we would fidget during his boring mass. And even those times, it was more of a social gathering than any sort of faith.

"Enough of this talk Kakarot." Vegeta informed me, brushing the air to cast the topic away. "You're negligence of that drink irritates me. Don't tell me you've never had Remy before!"

I merely shook my head.

"My God," he breathed, lacing his hands behind his head nonchalantly. "but this will be fun."

_______________________________________________________________ _________

And for my little ghetto girl Dallin, the ganster who was… TOO afraid to leave her REAL email address…. You should feel honored "dog", I'm actually taking you into account.

Look, since OBVIOUSLY you haven't a clue what the actual PURPOSE of writing fanfiction is, let someone with a brain enlighten you ok honey? It ISN'T the fact that we're writing about a cartoon... its the fact that we're writing at all. Which, haha.. I dont see any stories under YOUR name sweetheart. Hmmm…….. boy, that seems a little quaint since NO flamers or... hahah... wannabes in your case EVER have their own stories or any BACK up to produce, that would ever, in any way, make me think that you have ANYTHING at all over me.

sigh*... But I appreciate the review. Its nice to be reminded why I'm better then most people on this site. Because jealousy is an absolute bitch and more than anyone else, I get little embarrassments like you out here to remind me.

Nice try babe, but unlike some people, I have the talent behind the arrogance to back it up. Wink* There's a reason some people are arrogant, and there's a reason that some people...... well…... cant be.

