Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Cover your eyes, and try not to listen, folks, because there is actual Heterosexual sex in this. * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't all fan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Yamcha never returned, needless to say. In fact, besides the phone call to tell Bulma that he didn't think he'd ever be able to come to Capsule Corp again, and the bill that arrived in the mail from a psychiatrist, nobody even heard from Yamcha again.

Not that Vegeta had any time to notice. Over the past week and a half he had spent all his time either afraid that Kakarot would lose his patience or actually attending to the insatiable needs of his mate. Either eating or fucking, Goku was always hungry for something. And he was getting a rounder waist. Which was a sight that made Vegeta smile, to know that his sons were nestled in that, but also made him very aware that attending to a pregnant Saiyan was probably much easier than raising four little ones.

And Kakarot came up with the oddest things to do. He was always pinning Vegeta to the floor of a room and christening the room. As ridiculous as it sounded, it was as if the taller Saiyan was marking his territory. Vegeta counted himself lucky that Goku hadn't just peed everywhere, because he was certain that Bulma's tolerance level would not have withstood walking into her living room and seeing the pregnant man peeing on her couch. Apparently, fucking on her couch was something she felt needed to be watched, because she had just stood there and licked her lips.

Hentai woman.

Gohan had wisely decided to stay as far away from the house as he could while still being on the same planet.

So, for the past week and a half, Vegeta's entire world consisted of worrying about his ass and appeasing Goku's appetites. And the stress of the constant worrying was wearing his nerves a little thin. There was only so many times a man could get himself pinned to the ground with a great big warm, snuggling, loving, but entirely too interested pregnant male on top of him before he snapped. After all, Vegeta was only Saiyan.

Inevitably, Vegeta knew he was going to say something he would regret, and that he would spend all of the energy of regret to convince himself he had nothing to regret, because his pride allowed him nothing less than absolute perfection in all things. Which meant that he never said anything he didn't mean to say.

So it was, that Goku pinned him down to the upstairs hallway-one of the very last places that had yet to be christened-and pulled Vegeta's legs up, his purr turned into a growl, and Vegeta-reacting as befitted a Prince-exploded in fear and rage that had been steadily building since that day in the kitchen when he first realized Goku was indeed a male.

"You will not!" Vegeta shouted and he kicked Goku away from him, struggled to his feet, away from the backlash of ki, and stood-like an offended virgin-in the hallway, seething in rage. And so it was, that Vegeta-unwittingly-repeated some of the very same things that Chichi had said. "If you want that sort of filth than you will find someone else!" And to top off the insult, Vegeta spit at his feet, snarled at his mate, and flew out the window rather than get close enough to Goku to pass him.

And like Chichi before him, Vegeta inadvertently set off a chain of events that would once more change history.


Bulma felt the explosion just before the roof of her lab started to crack into little pieces. She heard the primal scream of pain and rage, and wondered just which one of them was the origin of that scream. The ceiling started to sag, and she grabbed the vials of Goku's heart vaccine off the shelf, shoved them in a crush proof case and ran with it out of the lab, through the kitchen and out the back door just in time to see the top of her house explode in the brightest yellow light she had seen, save the sun, in all her life. And to answer her question-it was Goku standing there, hair longer than normal, brow thicker, stronger and more dangerous than she had ever seen him in all her life.

The sheer magnificence of it and the amplified scent of lust that came from his display was enough to make her weak in the knees, but she didn't have time to throw herself at him before he disappeared. Once he was gone, the whole world seemed dark around her, and she fell to her knees in the grass. The house crumbled a little, but on the whole it would be okay with a little bit of restructuring. Bulma pushed herself back up to her feet and tried to see-without having to go into the house-whether or not Vegeta had been a causality of that explosion.

Like a little speeding bullet, Gohan was there, breathing heavily and red faced. "Where's my dad?" he asked. "I felt it!" Tears were in his eyes. "There was an explosion and then he was just gone!"

Bulma wrapped her arms around him, tried to think of something, but couldn't find any words that would explain what had happened, because she had no idea. Absolutely none. "He's alright," she whispered to the little crying child. Whispered to herself, and she wanted more than anything to believe it. Because if Goku wasn't okay there wasn't a force on earth that could stop him. Or save Vegeta.


Instant transmission was new, Goku thought. Of course, so was Super Saiyan two. So he figured that today was a day of new things. Somewhere in the middle of the transmission he dropped his ki so low nobody would be able to find him that wasn't looking at him. And when he reappeared, he was standing just at his wife's side. Chichi opened her mouth to scream, but when she looked at him, something crossed her face that reminded him of a time when they had been happy, before everything had gone wrong, and she wrapped her tiny, soft arms around him. They sank to the floor of the kitchen, and she kissed his forehead as he started to sob.

Goku never cried. He hadn't cried when he died, he hadn't cried when he realized his son was more bonded to Piccolo, he hadn't cried when Vegeta left him that morning after they first mated. He hadn't cried when Chichi told him she was glad his kind were dead or when she hit him or when she whispered a thousand hateful things to him. He hadn't cried when he realized that nobody would ever understand him because he was all alone in the world. Hadn't cried when Freiza killed Krillin, because crying wasn't a Saiyan instinct.

But pain had not been changed to rage, and he heard Vegeta's words over and over in his mind. He was filth. Vegeta thought it was filth to submit. Vegeta thought he was filth. Maybe he was. He didn't know, he didn't know anything, he never did. He wasn't smart. He was stupid and everyone that he loved hated him.

Chichi started to sing. Little voice in his ear, soothing him, whispering that nothing could be so horrible. Whispering words he would have died to hear pass her lips before. Words she couldn't say to him because she was too proud. She kissed his forehead again, ran her little fingers through his hair and told him it was fine to cry, that she was there. Warm. Sweet-smelling.

"Chichi," he said, in a strangled little voice, "Chichi, why does everyone hate me?"

She pressed her cool palms to his warm face, wiped away his tears with her dishtowel. Her eyes were filled with tears, her hair was down-for one of the first times Goku could remember-and she looked so desperately sad. "We don't hate you, Goku." There was a pause, a little frown, and then with complete honesty in her eyes she told him: "You're better than us. Stronger. Everywhere you go is touched by light, Goku."

"Vegeta hates me."

Chichi huffed a little sigh. "Vegeta hates everyone, Goku." Then she pressed his head to her breast again and sang. "But you love him don't you?" She sniffed the air around them, blushed in embarrassment as she realized the quickening in her loins was in response to the man currently-however awkwardly-pressed to her breasts. And as his breath puffed against her, she felt her nipples stiffen, and stifled the automatic response to press against him.


Evening fell. Bulma sent Gohan back to the lookout, told him to tell everyone that Goku was fine. He didn't want to be found, but he was fine. Gohan didn't seem to believe her but he promised that he would do as she asked. And she sat there, outside the cracked Capsule Corp and waited for one of the Saiyans to return. Stars blinked merrily in the sky and it was Vegeta that came back, like a dog, but an arrogant expression on his face.

"Did you feel it?" Bulma asked. "It was like having the sun explode."

Vegeta sniffed, sneered. "I felt it."


"Of a third class baka? Never." But there was rage in him, she could see it. Painful rage, and he moved closer, glowed in the starlight, like a devil.

"Then why did you come back? To take his children? I don't care what you did, Vegeta, I don't want you here anymore."

"And what about him?" Vegeta demanded. "I'm not the one that blew up your house and ran off to my ex-wife to fuck!"

Bulma ignored it. Ignored the rage that was in that sentence, that Vegeta honestly thought that he was the wronged party here. "And what did you do Vegeta? Goku doesn't just blow up buildings on a whim!"

"I am a Prince!" he shouted.

"You sound like Chichi! She was a Princess, Vegeta and neither one of you are worth the dirt on my shoe! You're dog-shit, Vegeta!"

He moved closer, shoved her back, sparkled yellow, and then faded to black, stared directly into her eyes. His arms trapped her against the side of the building. "I'm a Prince, I do not submit to anyone."

Bulma opened her mouth in shock, then closed it and attempted to not scream at him. Saiyans were known to kill first and wish back to life later, after all. "That's what this is about? You don't want to let him fuck you?" She laughed at him.

And then he was kissing her, bruising her mouth with his own. Anger and pain and lust. Everything she had never wanted, and he was pressed against her, hot and hard everywhere, smelling like Goku, smelling like lust itself. Bulma bit him, sank her teeth into his princely lip until blood filled her mouth. His hands ripped at her clothes, and she pulled back to glare at him, hating him so much in that instant, but giving into him none the less.

He ripped her pants off, pulled her legs open, and she only had time to grab his shoulders before he was thrusting into her.

"I hate this planet!" he shouted. "I hate all of you!"


Chichi was laying on top of him-how did he always end up under people, anyway-looking down at him. His tail was curled around his bare waist and her knobby knees pressed it against it. Her naked skin was glistening and flushed with the pleasant afterglow of-what Goku considered to be-slow, soft sex. Her hair was in sweaty tendrils, her face fully flushed, but she was still singing to him. It was nice, reminded him of a time before there was Gohan, of before he died. Back before he went Super Saiyan, before he even knew what a Saiyan was. And she kissed him, softly, like a little girl, and then gave him the saddest look. "We won't work, Goku," she said, "I can't love you. You're too much."

And Goku nodded. "I know."


Bulma dug her fingers into Vegeta's shoulders, tore at his skin wherever she could, hated him and wanted more of him, panted for him and begged for him, and hated him. Tried to break his skin everywhere she could, but it didn't matter. He never stopped, not for a moment, there was no consideration in them. When he stiffened at last and curled his hands into the wall behind them, she shuddered against him from the sheer intensity of it. He pulled back, tore away from her as if she was burning him, and she landed on her knees again, aching everywhere. She looked at him, as he stood there, staring at her, incredulous, amazed-as if he didn't understand what he had just done.

"It's your fault," Bulma said, "You're afraid of him. Afraid that he might become more important to you than even yourself."

Then Vegeta scowled at her. "What would you know?" Just like that, he was gone, and she was alone.


If you can recover from the het sex and the non-Chichi-Bashing, leave a lil'review! (Please note this is entirely optional. ;) And I'll keep updating even if you don't.)

Gk: Stubborn ass.

Vegeta: It's exactly my ass I'm concerned for.

Gk: I promise to give it back in one piece.

Vegeta: Kakarot, I have seen what you do.

Gk: I still have those Dragon Balls.