Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Pretty much all the time for the next couple of chapters * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't all fan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Vegeta woke up to the unusual sensation of warmth, wetness and suction. There was a definite ache and when he lifted his head he was greeted with the sight of a head full of spiky black hair between his legs. Well, he thought with a groan, stranger things have happened. And then, oh Kami, the PURRING! Never before did he appreciate that purring as much as he did today. But just as his whole body was jerking against the hands on his hips, Kakarot pulled back and grinned.

"Hi Geta!" he said. Huge grin on his face, licked his lips and Vegeta wanted to grab the happy face and forcibly make him finish what he started. But the big baka bounced on the bed and purred but didn't show any signs of wanting to continue his morning activities. "What are we having for breakfast, 'Geta?"

Vegeta constrained the murderous impulse. He was not going to do anything rash. He was not going to attempt to attack Goku, not after what happened to the green alien. He was simply going to attempt to reason with the oversized idiot. "Kakarot," he growled, "Why did you stop?"

Head tilt, blink. Cute, innocent, oblivious. "Because I'm hungry."

Oh yes. Kami had a horrible sense of humor. Vegeta sat up, repressed the pained groan that he felt, and forced himself to focus on what Kakarot wanted instead of what he wanted to do to him. "I'll bring you breakfast in a minute," Vegeta said. Then he moved to the bathroom, and just as he was there, the baka was behind him, one arm around his waist, the other around his chest. Goku was breathing into his hair, and the scent that had started peaking the night before was slowly getting stronger.

"Where are you going?" Goku asked.

"To the bathroom."


"Kakarot. Let me go." Vegeta tried to pull away, but the arms got tighter around him. Then Goku took one of his hands and wrapped his fingers around Vegeta's wrist, pushed his hand down to the Prince's erection. Then laced their hands together and tightened their hands around Vegeta. The groan that rose from the very tips of his toes ripped out of his throat without the prince's permission. Goku moved their hands, up and down, sliding on the saliva the baka had left there. Vegeta could hear the idiot grinning into his hair, and then, Goku lowered his head and sucked on Vegeta's neck.

Great, the Prince thought through the haze of pleasure, the male instincts are getting stronger. Just great. Then all thoughts were forgotten when he arched into the hard body behind him, felt satisfaction like molten lava in his veins and Kakarot's lips on his. When the moment passed and Vegeta was panting for breath, the baka smiled again.

"I'm hungry," he announced again.


Bulma came into the kitchen that morning to find a half-dressed disheveled Prince of all Saiyans angrily throwing dishes around as he made breakfast for his pregnant mate who was sitting at the table, toying with the end of his tail as if it were a cat toy. Bulma stared, because right there, on the juncture of neck and shoulder, Vegeta had the biggest, darkest hickey Bulma had ever seen. His back was still streaked with thin, pink scars from where Goku had clawed him, and until she got a good look at them and the hickey, Bulma had never realized the full extent of what her best friend had been doing.

The mental image of the two overly muscular, overly dominant, sexy Saiyans going at it was enough to make her envious. But the evidence, the scars on Vegeta's back and the hickey, was enough to make her downright horny. That, and there was the most interesting smell in her kitchen. Warm and spicy, and she sat down at the table next to Goku and looked at him. Wondered why Chichi had ever been displeased by him. Looking at him, she couldn't figure out why a woman would ever be displeased with him. And he almost seemed to realize what she was thinking because he was licking his lips and staring right back at her.

Bad Bulma! She yelled mentally. Bad! Bad! You are not getting between the two of them… Although, that thought in itself was certainly an interesting one. She considered it, staring at Goku, wondering what his hands felt like, what it would be like to have pressed all against her…

It was the clang of metal against her table that finally tore Bulma's eyes away from Goku. Vegeta was standing there, glaring at her. "Eat Kakarot," he said. Then he moved to her side, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back out of the room. Once they left the kitchen, he threw her against the wall, and growled at her. "Mine!" he snapped. Just like that, everything he did not say was implied, and he turned his back to her and returned to the kitchen.

She watched his butt. God. Hadn't Vegeta warned her about this? Did that really matter? The smell was growing stronger; spreading all through her from the top of her head to the tip of her toes, and her whole body had never felt warmer or more aroused. Returning to the kitchen was obviously not an option. She pushed herself off the wall, and went back to her room.


Unlike most things that happened to him, Goku recognized the feeling in his body when he woke. Recognized the hunger that had nothing to do with food, recognized the way Vegeta was looking at him and Bulma. Wanted them. One of them, both of them. Whatever. Guilt visited him as he realized he was considering cheating on Vegeta, but then a certain bitterness to realize that the Prince thought he was dominating Goku. Not likely, thank you. Goku maybe a little oblivious to things, he might not care what other people really thought-how could you care that much what people said when you were fully capable of reducing everyone to little piles of burning ash?-but he did not like the fact that he had proven more than one time that he was stronger than Vegeta and yet the man never accepted the fact that it did not matter. If Goku beat him so what? Vegeta was still getting stronger. But he was not going to continue to dominate Goku, because the man had had the past two months to think about what happened those first forty-eight hours, and unlike then, he wasn't blind to instinct.

He knew. Knew what his smell was doing to everyone around him. Knew that he wanted sex, wanted Vegeta inside of him and all around him. But he also knew that he wanted to be inside the Prince. Something that would take a little more work, he was sure, because a physical examination while Vegeta slumbered revealed that he did not have any extra feminine body parts. But there were ways around that, Goku knew. He had traveled everywhere when he was young and seen a lot of things that little boys were probably not supposed to see.

The very thought of Vegeta under him made Goku's mouth water, made him wonder how much persuasion it would take to convince the Prince. Probably a lot. But Goku had the advantage because he was the pregnant one, and he was the one that letting off that smell that made Vegeta shove Bulma out of the kitchen and growl.

Goku ate his breakfast because Vegeta wanted him to. Because the little ones inside of him were moving around, and they needed the nourishment. But he wasn't interested in the food. Didn't care what it was. Didn't even really taste it. But he could taste Vegeta. Smell him. Hear the growl deep in his chest that was growing louder, and see every single muscle in his body get tight and then release until he was rippling from head to food. Rage and lust was emanating from every facet of the Prince and Goku just smiled.

Suffer, he thought at Vegeta. I know you want me. I know you do.

"Hey 'Geta," he said.

"Yes Kakarot?"

"How do you know about Saiyan pregnancy? I thought you were only five when Freiza destroyed planet Vegita."

"Saiyan's go through fertility cycles every three years." That was it. As if everyone understood ambiguous statements, and everyone should be able to infer from half-explained sentences that the Prince had watched other Saiyans go through the cycles.

"Do boys have fur…fur-utility cycles?"

"No. Saiyan males are always fertile."

Which of course explained why Vegeta was always interested in him. Goku didn't pay attention to most things, but with hyper-sensitive senses all around, he knew without meaning to, that humans relied on their instincts a lot more than they liked to talk about. Men and women responded to each other based on what they considered to be strength and even if they didn't realize it, they responded to the smells of the other. But unlike the Saiyans, humans were almost always fertile.

Goku purred, finished his food, and leaned back in the chair. His tail curled around the chair leg again, and Goku narrowed his eyes to look at Vegeta. Watched him stand there and try to deny that he would have preferred to be fucking Goku into the kitchen table.

Which was fine for Vegeta, he guessed but Goku wasn't exactly known for his self-restraint. When he wanted something he generally got it, just as long as it didn't hurt anyone. And Goku was fairly certain that being with Vegeta wasn't going to hurt anyone.


It was just after the purring started that Vegeta began to realize that Goku's male instincts would not be dormant for long. The larger Saiyan had responded with feminine instincts thus far because he was fertile and flooded with female hormones, but those hormones should be devoted to the preservation and nurturing of the children inside of him at this point, leaving Goku to respond to this part of his pregnancy with his more masculine instincts, and if Vegeta was careful that could end messily.

Painfully. For Vegeta. Because he wouldn't even be able to defend himself if Kakarot decided to fight for dominance. And instincts could very well push the otherwise abnormally gentle Saiyan to do things that Vegeta would never have associated with him like not-so-consensual sex. The very thought of Goku fucking him made Vegeta's blood curdle in his veins.

But, between the smell and the purring, Vegeta didn't stand much a chance in abstaining. In fact, despite himself, he was moving toward his mate. Every step took an eternity, because Vegeta was so sure how patient Kakarot was going to be in getting what he wanted.

A smile crossed Goku's face and he stood up, moved to meet Vegeta, and ducked his head, kissed the Prince's neck-alleviated every single one of Vegeta's worries, because Goku was submitting, giving over the dominance, but there was a warning as the Saiyan licked his neck over the blood-spot. He was giving this submission voluntarily and Vegeta was not to forget it.

Vegeta slipped his hand down, pushed into Kakarot's pants and wrapped his fingers around the erection. The purring faltered for a moment, got deeper, more masculine, and then softened again as the taller man whined.

"'Geta," he whispered. Then the kissing, bloody kisses that were always the most decadent part of it because Vegeta would not have allowed himself the pleasure if Goku had not made that ridiculous wish, and yet, he couldn't imagine his life without the taste of blood on his lips and the feel of the larger body pressed against him, vibrating with a purr. He lowered his mouth, away from Kakarot's, tasted the salty skin, bit down over the scar that was already on his shoulder, tasted the blood more, sucked on it and then moved farther down, pushing clothe out of his way. Ran his teeth over the little nubbins that were changing-not that Vegeta would be the one to mention it to Kakarot-but the nipples were getting fuller, more feminine, preparing to accommodate for the milk that Goku would be produce the final weeks before pregnancy. They tasted like that milk, sweet and full. Vegeta sucked on them, felt Goku's hips drive hard against him. Yes, this was part of the lust-cycle.

Goku's hands shoved Vegeta back, away from him, down onto the floor. Hand pinned his shoulders to the floor and Goku whimpered and purred and pressed into Vegeta's hand. His tail wrapped around Vegeta's wrist and tugged.

With an impatient snort Vegeta ripped the baka's pants away from him and groaned when the bigger Saiyan purred in happiness and sank down onto him. Kami, every time he slid into this body it got hotter.

Vegeta tried to move, but with Kakarot's weight on his hips and his strong hands pinning his shoulders down, there was little he could do besides continue to put his hand to good use. Goku sat there for a moment, his head thrown back, shivering everywhere, and then he looked down at Vegeta and grinned. Clearly impressed to have the Prince trapped under him. Hips started to move, just barely, one inch up and back down, over and over again until Vegeta was the one squirming. Goku was still grinning, and then, he bent and sucked on the blood spot again, just for a second, and moved his hands to the floor on either side of Vegeta's chest for leverage as he started to pound himself down onto Vegeta.

The kitchen door opened. "Hey…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MY eyes!" and who ever it was that had the unfortunate luck to walk in ran back out.

Goku stopped, sat up straight and looked out the door. "Yamcha?"

"Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted.

"Hmm?" but the idiot didn't move, didn't look back down, didn't do anything, but stare over the kitchen table, out the door at the unfortunate idiot that interrupted them. Vegeta stopped moving his hand, and it was that that made Goku turn back and look at him. "Why'd you stop, Geta?"

"You stopped first!"

That grin again, and Goku was kissing him, humping him in little tight thrusts. "I'm sorry, Geta." And just like that, they were back to it


Why aren't you reviewing?

Gk: They're afraid that if they do you'll stop trying to make them happy and you won't post any more chapters.

Vegeta: Or they are afraid of me: Prince of all Saiyans.

Gk: Or not.

Vegeta: Don't mock the great Vegeta!

Gk: *holds up one hand that has a painted vegeta on it* Don't mock the greeeeeeat Vegeta! Hey! Vegeta. You can almost spell vegetable with your name!

Vegeta: *doing calming breathing* Only three more months. Only three more months.

Gk: *with hand puppet* Don't mock the great Vegetable! I am Vegetable, Prince of all Asparagus!