Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Even more! * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't allfan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Goku noticed, as he woke up in the morning, that his stomach was getting progressively rounder. He wasn't losing any muscle tone, but he was gaining weight, and there was an unpleasant set of stretch marks that were forming. It had only been two months. How big was he going to be in another three? The terrifying shock to realize that once the children were in him they would have to come out had passed after a great deal of frantic denial. Vegeta assured Goku that the only ones to be looking at his unmentionables would be Vegeta himself, and perhaps-if absolutely necessary-Bulma. But that was it. Nobody else would be in the room with them until after the babies were born.

That was comforting. But for the past two months, nothing much else was a comfort. He felt fat-for the very first time in his whole life-and he was always hungry for the oddest combination of things. Hot sauce and onions, watermelon and mayonnaise and other things that made Vegeta scowl. Gohan, who had come back to live in the Capsule Corp building with them, actually lost his appetite. But the boy was getting stronger and stronger every day he battled against Vegeta. Trunks had told Goku that his son would be a Super Saiyan and he believed him, but Gohan had yet to break through that barrier despite how hard he fought. And after the little mishap with Piccolo, nobody would fight against Goku, so he was left to sit on the sidelines and feel fat and useless. The babies kicked him from the inside out, but other than the unpleasant bruising of his kidneys, that didn't do much. Piccolo, however, was sent to Dende for an extreme set of injuries that included either the bruising or breaking of every aspect of the Namekian.

Krillin and Yamcha had very cautiously started to come around occasionally. But for the most part it was just the Saiyans and the Bulma. She kept rattling off inane little observations about Goku's behavior for the past couple of months and informing him of the progress of synthesizing the antidote that Trunks had given her.

In fact he was sitting in the kitchen now. Alone. Feeling very lonely. He and Vegeta hadn't done anything but sleep next to one another for the past two months. Goku hadn't exactly felt like having anyone touching him, which was a huge difference from the first two days after he made his wish, because then he had felt like touching everyone and everything that smelled like Vegeta. Of course, the Prince told him that it was completely normal was he was going through. That it was more than normal for Goku to be hungry all the time, to go through insane mood swings, and soon-Vegeta informed him of this fact with a sort of grim excitement, as if he was looking forward to and dreading it all at the same time-he would crave sex almost continuously. Of course Vegeta was quick to explain that it would be perfectly okay for them to do whatever they pleased because it was impossible for Goku to get any more pregnant. Or for them to hurt the babies.

Goku trusted Vegeta. But he wasn't feeling terribly sexy at that moment. In fact, if there were an opposite of sexy-like big fat lazy blob-that was closer to what he felt. He had not spent five consecutive minutes of his life without fighting or training, and here he was for two straight months with nothing to do but cheer on Gohan as Vegeta inevitably beat him. For that matter, Vegeta stopped shouting "Eat this" gleefully as he shot ki blasts at Gohan and actually started to explain new tactics to the boy. Gohan, despite his skepticism, was accepting this instruction.

Goku heaved a giant sigh, ruffled the fur on his tail and contemplated his natural tendency to get himself stuck in situations he didn't completely understand. One thing for definite sure, the next time he went to visit the dragon, he would have a clearly outlined wish that did not involve Goku getting pregnant. Sitting still had never been something he was good at and now that he had been doing it for two months, he never wanted to have to sit still again.

Vegeta walked into the kitchen, smelling sweaty and pleased, covered with dirt and foliage, and behind him-in much the same state-Gohan was chattering on about some new attack that he had finally mastered.

Goku would have fallen out of his chair-except it took too much effort to wiggle out of the chair-at the expression on Vegeta's face, because the perpetually angry Prince was actually smiling! In pride! Smiling at Gohan! The world had ended. Goku was certain, because either the world was gone or Vegeta was possessed by something.

Cautiously, Goku sniffed the air, and no, there was no foreign smell. Just the musky, dirty scent of his mate and the grilled-cheese smell of his son.

Vegeta stepped up to the table and looked down at Goku's shocked expression. The smile changed to an arrogant little smirk that seemed to say: What? You didn't think I could change? He pulled his gloves off and dropped them on the table.

"Hungry, Kakarot?"

"No…" Goku looked mournfully at the dirty battle gloves, thought of how he would have loved to go spar, and sighed. He wasn't hungry. Eating would just make him fatter, and besides he was sick of sitting in this uncomfortable chair and just eating. There had to be something else he could be doing.

"How could you not be hungry?" Gohan asked.

"Don't know."

Vegeta gave Gohan a look, one of those looks the two of them exchanged a lot, and without being told to, Gohan gave his father a hug and promptly left. Vegeta hugged Goku's shoulders and rested his chin on the strong shoulder. "The worst part is almost over," he said. There was a soft trill in his voice, and the comforting smell was there, wrapping around the two of them, reminding that whether they liked it or not, instinct was stronger than they were, and the two of them were stuck together as long as Goku was pregnant.

One of the Prince's hands moved down to caress the developing bulge in Goku's waist. The trilling got louder, and Vegeta kissed his neck. His hand moved to catch Goku's, laced their fingers and then pressed both of their hands to Goku's waist. "Our sons," he whispered in Goku's ear, "You have that pride. To bear our sons."

"What are we going to name them?" Goku asked. If only in moments like this, he felt like something other than a worthless lazy idiot. He felt like he had done something nobody else would ever have been able to do. And honestly, he supposed, he had. Because nobody else would be able to bring full-blooded Saiyans into the world.

Vegeta thought for a moment, kissed his neck again and then replied: "We'll know when they're born."

Goku turned his head, looked at Vegeta, stared at him, at how different he was now. How handsome he was, really. Stared until he began to realize for the first time, that what the two of them done could never be undone. For the rest of eternity, they would share this bond. It could only get stronger. "I'm hungry," he said.

Vegeta moved away. "What would you like Kakarot?"


Vegeta was tired. Training with the brat had gotten harder. Every day-every minute, really-the kid got stronger and closer and closer to Super Saiyan. Every day he found a new way to push back Vegeta's attacks and another way to get closer to winning. He had Kakarot's unending enthusiasm, and the same lust for fighting, for getting stronger. One day he might very well surpass Vegeta. But until that day came, the Prince was not going to concern himself with it.

As for Kakarot, he was growing bigger. Getting more depressed. Eating the strangest damn things that Vegeta had ever heard of. Because who had ever heard of eating strawberries and ranch dressing? But as long as the man kept eating, Vegeta was about to deny him whatever he wanted.

Bulma and he were trying to patch together what exactly constituted normalcy for a pregnant Saiyan from Vegeta's memory of his people and her observations. Every so often, Bulma would speak to the screeching harpy over the phone to inquire about whatever Chichi went through with Gohan, but mostly, they stayed away from her. Vegeta figured that sometime in the next week or so Goku's mood would flip from depressive to manic and he would constantly be moving around, in everyone's way, hungry all the time, and horny all the time. Which meant that Vegeta would need to find a way to keep from smelling the scents Kakarot would be giving off. Of course, more importantly than he not smelling the scent, he would need to find a way to keep others from sniffing around his mate. Because the smell of fertility was downright subtle in comparison to the smell that Kakarot would be giving off soon. There was a difference between fertility and lust. The lust smell would make everyone horny. Fertility was only for prospective mates.

Vegeta walked into their room and dropped his gloved on the dresser. There was the sound of running water coming from their bathroom, and Vegeta shook his head. It had to be Kakarot doing something. Probably something odd that seemed like a good idea to the overly large baka. Vegeta crossed the room, pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, and pushed the bathroom door open.

And lo an behold, there was his mate, sitting in the tub, legs indecently sprawled, rocking himself back and forth in the three inches of water. Head thrown back, fingers curled around his erection, and the baka looked like a porn magazine.

"Kakarot," Vegeta said, "What are you doing?"

"Ve..Vegeta?" Goku stuttered. He looked at the Prince and smiled guiltily. The insane rocking did not stop. Goku didn't move his hand away from his erection either. "I was… Uh, I…"

Vegeta sighed to himself, wondered how he had gotten into this mess in the first place, and moved to kneel by the side of the tub. "Stop rocking," he instructed.

"But…" Goku said. He bit his lip and stopped, however reluctantly. His hand didn't still though.

Vegeta sniffed the air, cautiously. There was the vaguest tint of the oncoming lust, but it was hardly even powerful enough yet for Vegeta to smell it. He leaned forward and kissed Goku, listened to the purr that rose out of the man's chest, and used his fingers to tease Kakarot's entrance. That's what the idiot was trying to do anyway, rocking back and forth in the water. Goku jerked at the first touch and then whimpered as he purred. Kami, the full brunt of the lust-cycle was going to be the death of them. If Kakarot was already this hypersensitive. Between Goku's hand on his own erection, the kiss and Vegeta's fingers slipping in and out of him, it did not take long for the pregnant Saiyan to shudder and orgasm. When the shuddering stopped, Goku pulled back from the kiss and gave him the strangest look, then raised his arms and whimpered. Vegeta slid his arms around Goku and lifted him up-as ridiculous as it had to look considering how much taller Kakarot was than him. He carried his mate into their bedroom and laid him on the bed, kissed him again and allowed himself to be pulled into bed.


Review, review, review!

Lil'note: No the lust-cycle thing is not an excuse for gratuitous lemons. I watched this show, Nip/Tuck and there was this pregnant lady that was really horny. So I was like, hmm. And then, decided that Saiyans probably should go through something similar considering their instincts respond to the hormone-changes in their bodies, and Goku would be undergoing massive hormone differences and in order for the littl'uns to develop right they needed both the saiyan equivalent to estrogen and testosterone: and wham, bam thank you: lust-cycle.

Gk: Why do I always have to be the one in embarrassing situations.

*author points at Vegeta who is currently standing in front of the mirror naked, attempting to figure out if Goku did anything with the dragon balls*

Gk: Yeah. But he only sounds stupid in the funny notes.

Vegeta: *notices audience staring at him * Kakarot! Why didn't you tell me they were there?!
Gk: Let me be on top.

Vegeta: NO.