Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 4: A Strange History ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok, I've reposted the last chapter and I'm reposting this one too, there were too many character inconsistencies and it was just lame... I sorta like this one but there's a few bits that need tweaking.
Hopefully this chapter will explain a bit why Jazera seems a bit weird, thanks to the update she doesn't seem so pathetic any more, I just re-red it today and I don't know if it was the fact that I've only had 2 hours sleep and I'm utterly wired on coffee, but they irritated me to the point of growling at myself and my phantom saiyajin tail was definately twitching... So yeah this chapter should explain a bit why she seems so weird when she's around Vegeta, my own little idea of possibly saiyajin politics, sorta…
Ch4: Strange History
They'd been in the mall for a while, Trunks was holding a single bag containing one new outfit for Jazera, she seemed to be very picky, and the sour look had not left her face. She was complaining about all this ridiculous ningen fashion. All of a sudden she seemed to spot something that grasped her interest, heading straight for a large music store, Trunks followed.
Jazera's eyes glanced around the room, wide like a child in a candy store, she began do flit about, having trouble restraining her excitement. Trunks was glad she'd managed to loosen up a little though he could not help but wonder what had gone on between her and his father to make her so very hostile and nervous around him.
The lilac haired prince's crystal blue eyes now found their turn to go wide as he spotted her seating herself in front of a particularly expensive looking piano. Moving to stop her until her fingers delicately began pressing keys, a shop assistant hurrying over to her-red faced, he knew only advanced musicians were allowed to touch the more expensive instruments. Jazera played a single chord, then, with a truly satisfied smile on her face she glanced to the music on the stand `Moonlight Sonata' studying it for a moment, then seeming to cross reference with her hands she began to play.
Music began to softly fill the room, the powerful, almost melancholy tune reverberating off the walls, the beauty of it seeming to flood the space, Jazera's body swaying with passion. The shop assistant's face lost its furious redness and he moved over, watching the music and turning the page for her at the appropriate moment, she glanced to the middle aged man her left eye twitched but she refused to let it phase her as she continued. Trunks could see the tightly knit muscles in her back begin to relax as she played, all sign of tension leaving her, she flinched for a moment when the man accidentally brushed against her shoulder, he thought she'd have knocked him through the nearby double bass but somehow she only responded with another twitch. All too soon the first movement was over and she leaned back, her fingers still resting gently on the keys.
“How much is it?” Trunks spoke in a small, soft voice, the shop assistant looked toward him wide eyed. “It is a beautiful instrument but I am afraid you will not be able to afford it young sir” the lilac haired prince seemed to bristle for a moment and opened his mouth, unfortionately he seemed unable to make an appropriately cutting remark, shame that was not one of the genetic traits he'd picked up.
Jazera spoke out in a curt tone “excuse me, but do you not recognise the world famous owner of the capsule corporation?” It was the stout man's turn to have his eyes almost bug out of his head
“M, my apologies sir, I thought you would be older, time is kind to you sir… It is 17,000,000 zeni.” The two saiyajin blinked in surprise, wood and iron reached such a high price.
“Do not spend that amount of money on my behalf” Jazera stood and began to leave, clearly unhappy with the result.
Trunks looked to her “how do you know how to play?”
She turned back to face him “There was an instrument very much like this back at home, not exactly the same, but the similarity is unbelievable, your world has almost impressed me.” Her arms again crossed over her chest, muscles visibly tenced.
He held out his C.C. credit card “I'll take it” again the small man looked as though his eyes were about to shoot out through the shop window but he took the card and lead them to the cash register.
The stout man's face was pink once more, he seemed rather excited, Trunks assumed he must recieve some kind of bonus for selling such an expensive instrument. "Would you like insurance and when can it be delivered?”
Several days later Vegeta returned home, a strange, familiar sound drifted to his sensitive ears as he made his way upstairs “nani?” the prince muttered to himself. Stepping silently through the corridors towards the sound he found himself outside the door opposite Jazera's room, curiosity getting the best of him, he pressed down on the handle and slid inside.
“J, Jazera” her head whipped round and her fingers left the keys, face contorted in frustration, a huge contrast to the relaxed woman he'd seen before he spoke. “Where did you find a ki-bo-do?” The smaller saiyajin simply snarled at her prince and stormed towards him, bashing past with power that still managed to surprise him. Vegeta gripped her upper arm noting how far his fingers could close around it, she was getting thin, had she not eaten since she arrived? “Please… J-Chan…” She began to shake her eyes clouding over tears that she refused to let fall rimmed her eyes.
Somewhat to her distaste, but also, it was somewhat comfort he scooped her up and placed her deep into the soft cushions of the single chair that was situated within the room before closing the door and seating himself on the piano stool. `Do I still remember?' he slipped the protective white gloves from his hands, placing them beside him and flexed his fingers, placing them on the keys. Just like Jazera had done he pressed the odd key, then a single chord `not exactly the same, but similar, who would have…' the prince began to play a tune, it was soft and ancient sounding, a saiyajin lullaby passed down through generation after generation. Jazera stirred, wiping her eyes then making her way over to him, her thin arms looping around his waist.
“I, I can tell you now, I think…” Vegeta's fingers came to a rest and he turned to face her, Jazera began to tell her tale.
It was cold on the planet, dark, V-chan had left a long time ago, it was night now, and everyone except her was either off world, or dead. The pod was there, waiting for her, she watched the sky, wishing for one last glance of her prince's ship, but he was gone, she wouldn't see him again. All she was left with was the strangest feeling in her gut that she was being watched, unsettled, she stepped into the pod, initiated the launch sequence and seconds after the hatch closed she was blasted off into space.
She was not being paranoid, another ship was tailing her, she did not find out until the several months later that she landed. Waking from her suspended sleep she stepped out into a world that for once was inhabited, she allowed one hand to drift to her stomach, last time she'd been conscious it was toned and flat. She looked down in disbelief, her abdomen was rounded, she felt heavy, this was entirely alien to her, she was not adjusted to this uneven distribution of weight.
When she reached the earth equivalent of 7 months along, she was finding it somewhat difficult to move, seated in her small hut in a remote village, posing as a traveller who simply needed somewhere to stay as her pregnancy no longer made it safe to be on the move. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and everything was peaceful, until the entire world began to shake, Jazera made her way outside to see a sight that chilled her blood. Frieza's ship was landing right in front of her home, the top already open and the ice jin gliding down to face her.
“Hello there little girl” his chill grip wrapped round her wrist before she could make her escape “What's this, were you playing naughty games with my monkey prince?” Jazera held back a snarl “well, you escaped from me, I can't have that”
She was doubled over as his fist collided with her enlarged stomach, just as she managed to right herself once more, she found herself flung backwards by the force of his tail, crashing through the wall of her house. Frieza was standing over her in a second “I killed the rest of them, they were of no use to me, but I think I'll leave you alive, it'll be more fun that way” his cold finger found its way under her chin, tilting her head towards him “I'll be back for you later”
She must have blacked out; the next thing she knew was a world of pain and seated in a pool of her own blood. Women from the village heard her screaming and came to find out what was wrong.
They were washing their arms and hands, she was cradling the bloody form of her child, he was breathing, but so tiny. His sopping wet tail was coiled round her wrist, one woman handed her a bowl of warm water and a rag, she began to wash the little boy. He was squirming and giggling, had she beaten Frieza, she still had a tiny piece of her prince even if he had been killed.
It was too dangerous to stick to tradition, and his father was not around to approve so he could not be named Vegeta. She translated the meaning of the name and used the planet's language to create her son's name. Verdur, tiny little Verdur, with a shock of auburn hair and deep midnight eyes, just like his father, but unlike his father he was weak, thin. He had been born too immature, Jazera's body had not been ready to produce milk and despite the kindness of the village people offering milk from their livestock and even one woman who had her own child and offered herself as a wet nurse, it was not enough.
A growing saiyajin needed the exceptionally rich milk that only its mother could produce, Verdur developed so slowly, it was only a matter of time. One chill morning Jazera woke to find herself curled round the now cool, still form of her child, barely the size of an average newborn even though she'd spent several weeks with him. Still so venerable tail coiled round her arm, one thumb in his blue mouth.
From the moment she cremated him, she vowed revenge, even if there were no other saiyajin left in the universe she'd find a way to hunt down the one who'd destroyed everything she cared about. She tried sparring with the small group of warriors from nearby villages, but none were strong enough. Uncovering the pod she's abandoned months ago she disappeared, searching for creatures to help her train.
That was how she'd ended up in the company of emperor Papyri, his brother had enraged her he'd been a minion of Frieza, he knew what the ice jin had done to her as he recognised her as saiyajin, he had teased her and knocked her about with energy blasts. Her fury built beyond even what she'd felt when Verdur had died, suddenly she found herself bursting with power, and her victim cowering before her. Moments later she found herself smothered in her own insane laughter and all that was left of her adversary was a charred mark on the ground.
Papyri had sensed this power and appeared before her, he had promised her that he would find and allow her to kill Frieza as he had hated the ice jin for corrupting his dear brother. Jazera had not believed his reasoning but followed the strange creature in the hopes that she would be led to her nemesis.
After several years of travelling with him and achieving new heights of power by defeating foe after foe she found herself on earth.
“And the rest you know, Kakarot and the other's shocked me, I was blasted to the ground in my surprise as I let my guard down and then you came to C.C. and saw me…”
Vegeta was dumb struck he stared at her wide eyed. “That's why I was terrified of speaking to you, I don't know which of the saiyajin traditions you still keep up and allowing the death of an elite's first son…”
“Was punishable by death.” The prince spoke in a solid, unfeeling tone
“If that's how it must be” Jazera bowed to the floor “I just wanted you to know how it happened.”
“There was nothing you could have done” Vegeta took her upper arm and lifted her to a standing position as he rose from the piano stool “I will forgive you if you stop acting so very pathetic” and much to her surprise he slapped her across the cheek “get a hold of yourself, stop whimpering and come with me to my gravity room, I want to see what you can really do."
Jazera let out a roar and dived for her prince punching him squarely in the jaw before running down the corridors for the gravity room.
They fought for hours under 50x gravity, Vegeta promised to hold back at first, but once he saw Jazera's super saiyajin two he let himself go. He was the stronger but Jazera was so quick and skilful, perhaps this was how Kakarot felt fighting him. In the end Vegeta won, pinning the smaller saiyajin to the cold steel floor with a triumphant grin then helping her up once she conceded.
“That was more what I was expecting from you. You're lucky you were born female, that kind of strength as a male could have gotten you killed at a young age, the law about no saiyajin born can be more powerful than the prince.”
“I would not have equalled your power, I know you could have gone further, there's more levels of super saiyajin that what I've achieved and I know you've done so.”
The prince nodded “I'll tell you about them sometime”