Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 6: Royal Tears and Joy ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks to everyone for your continued interest, I guess you didn't really like the last chapter :( I thought it was sure, kind of weird, but kinda liked it… Never mind, it's just how my mind works and I guess things aren't going to change all that much, except some more sadness and plot strangeness.
Ok, I'm updating this too, I'm not to fond of the "Truten" bits in this chapter but I can't think of how to improve them or reduce them while keeping the relevant information there... Man I suck.
Chapter 6: Royal Tears and Joy
The breath huffed from Trunk's lungs as he received a sharp blow from his father “stop lying to me boy, the sooner I find out the truth the easier I'll be on you, but you should well know I will not hesitate to beat you into a bloody pulp if you dare lie to me again” the flame haired prince's face was severe, his voice low, measured and chilling.
“F-father, I… We…” Trunks slowly raised him self to a standing position so he could look into his father's eyes but kept his frame bowed somewhat and submissive “Goten and I have been, seeing each other for a little over six months” He swallowed and tensed, awaiting the blow he was sure was coming.
“See boy, it's not that hard to be honest is it.” The lilac haired prince relaxed with a somewhat confused expression as he lifted his head. Vegeta did not disappoint and struck his son hard on the jaw instantly knocking him to the floor “That is why your wife really left you, because you were fraternising with that third class gaki, isn't it boy!”
Trunks tried desperately to remain calm though his voice was cracking somewhat “It was long after I got divorced that Goten and I, I would never cheat on my wife SHE cheated on ME with some self righteous hippie type.” He received another furious punch to the face. He whimpered, lip split and jaw aching, “B, but father, J, Jazera said the son's, Goku's father was respectable, they would have been raised to low class elites on Vegetasei. The only reason they wouldn't be high class is simply because of their birth." he swallowed, what he was about to say could get him killed and he knew, it was almost a mumble but he knew hes father would hear it as clear as if he had shouted it "How can the class system exist anyway when there's only 3 pureblood saiyajin left in the universe?”
Vegeta snarled and kicked his son again “How do you know there are only 3, for years we believed there to be only 2 left then that onna appeared, there could be hundreds, even thousands of us scattered among the stars.” He seemed to pause for thought “Perhaps, I could use the dragonballs to bring them together and build a new Vegetasei…”
Seemingly distracted Vegeta simply turned and left, Trunks breathed a sigh of relief, he had gotten off very lightly, he was expecting to be unable to move. He was sure he'd be punished later; his father was not exactly the understanding type. Would his mother have minded, it was her death that essentially brought them together. He shuddered remembering the nightmares and how Gohan had held him through the night; just like they'd done for each other as children and had a bad dream.
The next day Jazera seated herself beside a shaken Trunks her face serious but an odd twinkle in her eye “You got me in trouble, you know that kid?” the young prince looked at her, confused “you told Vegeta that I said the Son's were alright because of their power levels. That didn't go down well; I had to have an ice pack on my face for the last few hours.”
“I'm so sorry Jazera, I, I shouldn't have mentioned you, I know my father…” She punched him lightly in the arm
“I'm joking kiddo, your father's royal feathers are just a little ruffled because… Well, it's almost like he's lost a potential son and grandson in the last couple of weeks.” Trunks retained the baffled expression that had graced his features for the past several minutes “well, I expect he'd hoped you'd get back together with whatshername and have a son, or get a new wife… But because you're… With Son Gohan, you're not going to ever have another child.”
“I got that part” Trunks frowned “but how did he lose a son, you didn't?”
“Years ago... Damn it was about 75 by now, I hate earth years, they're so short, make me seem ancient! Well, about 75 years ago, I was pregnant, with your father's child…” His eyes widened “Unfortunately I was not in the most pleasant circumstances and my son died when he was only a few months old.” Jazera's face was expressionless, it was clear that after all this time, she was still in great pain, telling him and his father must have rekindled many old feelings.
“I, I had an older brother? Well, half brother… What was his name?”
“Verdur… It means the same as Vegeta, but I translated the name into the language of the planet I was staying on at the time…” She sighed “It's a real shame Vegeta never got to meet him, he might have never been as strong physically as his father, but he had such determination.” She shook her hair behind her shoulders “But the past is past, who's gone is gone to a better place, I'm sure someone else has his soul now and is thriving.”
Trunks nodded “it would have been nice to see him, but yeah, you can't change the past, that was his destiny and we cannot dispute what the gods choose.”
“Why Goten?” Trunks blinked “Why Goten, why'd you choose him?” Jazera asked, wishing to change the subject.
Vegeta passed the room to see Jazera and his son deep in conversation, he growled but let it pass, he'd just been speaking to Kakarot who'd apparently known of the situation for weeks. He was certainly not in the best of moods as he made his way upstairs to his room, his right hand pocket bulging with the shape of three balls.
Vegeta was laid on his bed, he was watching his orange reflection in the surface of one of the six dragonballs he'd managed to gather together. There was a soft knocking on his door, he turned over in bed to ignore it but the sound continued `tap ta tap tap' a pause of several seconds then `tap ta tap tap' Vegeta snarled and slid from the bed. Upon opening the door he regarded Jazera standing with a somewhat shy look on her face. “Hey, V-chan”
Vegeta swallowed, her eyes were wide and dark, one hand behind her back “Jazera? It's late should you not be in bed, we've got a lot of training tomorrow…”
“But I found something I thought you'd like… You've got six others, I've seen them and this one's got a different number inside” She brought her hand forward and resting on her palm was the four star dragon ball. Vegeta stared at it for several seconds before smiling.
“You have no idea what this is do you” Jazera shook her head looking somewhat shy, Vegeta pulled her into his room and shut the door “That is a dragon ball, there are seven on earth and once you collect them all, the eternal dragon `Shenlong' will appear and grant one wish” Her eyes widened “I was going to wish to bring all the ramaining saiyajin together and for a new Vegetasei, but… Do you have a wish?”
“I…” Jazera sat down on his bed “can the dead be brought back to life?”
“Only if their souls have not yet moved on and they died of unnatural causes” Jazera slumped somewhat “I… I think I might have one…”
The dragonballs were arranged on the lawn of capsule corp. Vegeta summoned the dragon and Jazera nearly fell over as the huge form of Shenlong burst from the collection of balls. So shocked she did not even hear the dragon ask her wish. She was nudged by Vegeta then regained her senses.
“Shenlong-sama” she began, unsure of how to address the dragon “would you do me the honour of granting me the wish of…” she swallowed, her hands were shaking “Can Vegeta meet the son we had together, Verdur even if it's only for a short time, can we see our first born son?”
The bellowing voice announced that the wish had been granted and Jazera looked down to see the tiny, warm form of her child squirming in her arms. “This form can only exist for a single day and night, this time tomorrow, it will cease to exist.” With that, Shenlong disappeared and the dragonballs scattered.
“Verdur” Jazera whispered, his thin little tail wrapped around her arm. She looked up to see Vegeta looking utterly dumbfounded “sorry, I know it was a silly wish but…” she bit her lip. The prince took a step forward then reached out to the tiny child, pale chubby hand wrapping around one of his gloved fingers.
“He's, my son?” the prince spoke in almost a whisper, Jazera nodded then adjusting how she was holding the small boy handed to him the father he'd never known. Vegeta accepted him nervously “He's even smaller than I remember Trunks ever being…”
“He never had the chance to reach the size of even a newborn” Jazera choked out, even Vegeta's eyes rimmed with tears managing to slide the gloves from his hands and touching his son's soft pudgy cheek.
“He's so small but so powerful” his voice was a whisper “I'm so sorry J-chan” He stepped forward to lean his head against Jazera's, Verdur cradled between them squirming with excitement in his big dark eyes “I should have protected you, I should never have left you alone.” A single tear trickled down his cheek, Jazera was shaking a little.
“It's not your fault, you did the best thing you could, Verdur would have never had the chance to live even for a short time if he was born on one of Frieza's ships and there's no way we'd have both gotten away.” She sighed “I'm just so glad you got to meet him, even if it is only for a day…”
Goku stared wide eyed at the sight that fell before him, there was Vegeta, damp eyed, cradling a tiny baby with Jazera head on his shoulder watching the child, tears streaking her tanned cheeks. He'd stumbled across the two as he'd come to visit capsule corp. to speak with Trunks about Goten. The tall saiyajin made his way over to the pair “Vegeta... Who's that?” Two pairs of tear filled eyes rose to greet him in unison.
“Kakarot… This, this is my first born son Verdur.” Goku frowned and opened his mouth but before he could speak Vegeta had already answered the question that was about to pass his lips. “He died when he was only a child, Jazera made a wish to Shenlong asking to let me meet him, he'll be with us until tomorrow afternoon”
Goku stepped over so he could see the boy properly and a perfectly genuine, warm smile replaced the worried and confused look on his face “Wow Vegeta, he looks just like you.” The prince hiccupped and tears began to flow freely down his cheeks, the taller saiyajin's eyes widened “I'm so sorry, I just, he does, it's just such a…” he swallowed and reached a hand towards Verdur “can I?” Jazera nodded and Goku stroked the child's hand with one fingertip, soft little fingers locking around it. “His soul's moved on, so you couldn't wish him back?”
“That's right” Jazera finally spoke “but it's ok…”
“Next time I won't let this happen” Vegeta stated, now it was his turn to be stared at by two dumbfounded saiyajin “what? You think I'm going to settle for this, not having a child to raise with…” He trailed off, what was Jazera anyway, he'd almost said mate, `soul mate' was that what she was? They had been intended for each other after all, they were so very compatible.
“I'll leave you to with Verdur, I shouldn't be taking up your time with him… Is it ok if I talk to Trunks?”
Vegeta nodded “he's in his room, good luck getting any response out of him though; he won't even open his door let alone speak to me.” Goku nodded and slipped his finger out of the tiny grip before turning and walking towards the back door.
Trunks was shivering in the grip of the larger saiyajin, Goten was in hospital, he'd suspected it when he'd felt the other's ki drop but not anything like this. He'd taken a hundred too many sleeping pills and was in a critical condition, on hearing that the lavender haired prince began to cry and fell into the arms of his lover's father. They'd been in this position for several minutes now, Goku still somehow staying perfectly calm, on the outside at least. He'd always felt he had to be the strong one, he'd not even cried when Chi Chi died, he'd just been rather quiet for a while. Same with Bulma and everyone else he could remember, but his own little son hurt him the most, the thought of losing him, and not to age or a bad guy, or even illness.
“Goku, can I see him?” he swallowed looking down into the wet blue eyes that were staring into his “please Goku, if he's… If he can, even if there's the slightest chance he'll hear me. Even if they can't… Please…”
“It's past visiting hours… I'll IT us there.”
The next moment they were in a hospital room, Goku lowering his fingers from his forehead. Trunks made his hesitant way towards the bed where a soft beeping was confirming that the young Son was still alive. A tube in his nose, needles in his arms and sensors covering his skin, his hair was damp, a cold thin sheen of sweat covered him.
“Oh gods” Trunks breathed “Oh Goten…” He felt Goku beside him and stared in disbelief at the envelope offered into his hand, Goku vanished, leaving them alone. Seating himself beside the pale bed he tore open the paper and read the letter inside his eyes welling up with tears that were flowing freely by the end.
“Goten…” Trunks' pale fingers brushed against the cool still palm of the comatose Goten. “Kuso, my father didn't hate you, he hated me for not giving him a grandson, it wasn't your fault.” He swallowed “he didn't exactly approve sure but he doesn't control me, I just had to let the air clear then we could disappear together.”
A weak voice responded “my dad was ok… He said as long as I'm happy, he approves…” Trunk's eyes were wide in an instant. "B-but I don't want to go away, I like it here... Dad'd be so lonley..."
“Damn you Goten, I always forget you're a tough asshole” Tears still flowing freely from the prince's eyes
“Being, half saiyajin helps… I think…”
Trunks chuckled “damn it Goten you scared the crap outta me, don't you dare ever be stupid like that again!” swiftly avoiding all the wires and tubes Trunks embraced the younger demi-saiyajin not hearing the door creak open.
“Who the hell are you? How did you get in here and what are you doing to my patient?!” A slightly chubby nurse with an older, protective sort of face was standing fuming in the doorway of the tiny room staring accusingly at Trunks who leant back from Goten and regarded the woman carefully.
“My name is Trunks, I'm Son Goten's partner, his father just informed me of what happened and brought me here… He's awake” He nodded towards the wide eyed Goten watching the expression of shock overtake the nurse's face.
“He's, but how? And how did you? Partner, like… What?!”
“Sorry, I'll be heading off, it was very rude of me to visit after hours, I just needed to be sure he was ok… I'll be back in the morning. He's got an incredibly fast metabolism so make sure you've got a really big breakfast on his menu, he's gonna need it. Oh and he'll probably be fine by this afternoon” And with that Trunks calmly slid past the woman and made his way swiftly from the hospital.
On arriving home, Trunks was surprised to still see many lights on downstairs, he opened the front door and swore he could hear his father chuckling with Jazera. Quietly padding down the carpeted hallway he came across them, both laying on the floor of the lounge with a small child crawling around between their arms making excited gurgling sounds.
Vegeta glanced up, a smile on his face that had been gradually appearing more often since the new saiyajin had appeared. Trunks liked her, but almost resented her because it was clear his father much preferred her to his late mother, that hurt a little, and who was this child? “Boy, come here.” Trunks complied and seated himself beside the trio, the chilled gurgled and crawled high speed towards him. “Trunks, I'd like you to meet, your older brother.”
“Wha?” Jazera chuckled and explained the situation; the lilac haired prince was shocked and simply stared at the little boy who was already using his jeans as a climbing frame.