Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 8: Ashi the Merciless ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm disappointed, so few reviews, I know this must mean that my writing has been disappointing everyone… Sorry about that, I'm not too good at getting my thoughts down, I could blame my dyslexia but that seems like a bit of a cop out… Well, this chapter's got a bit more action in it, and a new character ((insert evil cackle here))
I've also updated (and hopefully improved) from chapter 3 onwards so… I dunno, hopefully I'll be able to spark some interest again.
Chapter 8: Ashi the Merciless
Cold, all she could feel was the chilled sting of his fingers digging into her flesh, alone, isolated save for this monster, he was laughing at her, that cruel, disgusting laugh. He would not win, not again, not another ice jin. A tiny shred of ki danced in her uninjured hand. She'd been hurt this badly from that single strike? Eyes closing she concentrated her ki, this creature reminded her all too much of the torture she'd experienced in her past, it could not be allowed to continue living.
A single blade, a flash, she spun and buried it deep in the stomach of her attacker; even his blood was cold as it flowed over her hand and arm. She kicked the screaming creature from her form, black bodysuit shredded, so much for technology. She touched her broken wrist, it was a clean break, she could heal from that quickly, a length of the corpse's uniform was ripped from its body and wrapped tightly around the injured body part.
Blasting from the stained ground she rejoined the main battle, Son Goku's hair shone thick and golden, cascading down his back, he really was the most powerful saiyajin in existence. Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and Goten all had blue sparks surrounding them and high spiking golden hair, Kuririn, Yamucha and the others were already out of it, craters in the ground. Jazera roared and joined the golden ranks, ki sparking over her as she let loose an immense blast towards the vast being that was causing the destruction of all she had just learned to call home.
The symbol of Emperor Papyri was clear on the creature's chest, her blast struck there and for a moment the beast hesitated, knocked back as a sparkle of his scales rained over him and down. The other Saiyajin all glanced back to her; apparently their attacks had not been able to break through the barrier. Flying over to Vegeta she charged a small blast and pressed it into his hand “copy that, I know these force fields, he's one of Papyri's” Vegeta stared at her for a moment then replicated the energy signature of her blast, firing another equally devastating one into the beast's torso.
“Tell the others, I'll keep him back!” Barked the prince, Jazera was already on her way round the ranks showing each one how to cut through the shields. Within moments they had the upper hand, roars of agony sounding from the vast crimson beast, its mouth stretched wider than they could imagine, long fangs like a snake dripping with venom. Long armoured arms were flailing trying to black the attacks to its face, already on its knees dark, almost black blood flowing in a vast sticky river over the dusty earth.
Suddenly its long tongue flicked out, barbed, aimed straight for the lone female, Jazera who was still attempting to show Kuririn how to replicate the blast, she knew they'd need all the help they could get. “J-Chan!” Came the roar from Vegeta as the appendage shot towards her. Faster than could be seen by humans the prince dived towards her, his body charged ready for the slicing blow he lanced at the tongue, blood and poison gushed out and engulfed the prince as he fell to the ground in agony.
Jazera's eyes grew wide then, forgetting her initial task she shot from the injured human's side, body charged with ki flying faster than she believed possible. “Get the poison off him!” she barked as she shot towards the creature. Hands in front charging a blade-like ki blast she dove straight through the force field and blasted her way clean through the chest and heart of the beast.
Coming round she landed beside the shivering form of Vegeta, the poison already burning through his veins as he unwillingly absorbed it through his skin. She was covered in chunks of gore as she burned her hands in an attempt to scoop the remaining substances from his body.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and in an instant she, Vegeta and Goku were all in one of the many capsule corp. shower rooms. Instantly she leapt up and turned on the shower to full, bringing the head down to wash off the poison that was clinging to his skin. She ripped what was left of his armour and clothing from his body, she had to get him entirely clean, ignoring how much it would embarrass him when he woke.
“Kakarot… Goku, go back to the others, get Trunks to collect a sample of the poison so he can work on an antidote…” She swallowed “I don't think what he has absorbed will kill him, but it could cause irreparable brain and liver damage if left too long.” In a flash the tall saiyajin was gone leaving Jazera with the unconscious prince.
On returning Trunks made his way directly to the lab, he had scooped up some of the sludge that had covered his father and was now sampling it into a complex looking piece of machinery. Goku descended the stairs carrying the limp form of Vegeta dressed in a loose, warm looking black pair of training pants and t-shirt, Jazera was close behind.
All of the saiyajin were present in the lab, all concerned by the shivering form of Vegeta, unconscious yet shivering. Silently Jazera worried if nerve and brain damage were already beginning to take effect, she gripped the hot hand of the prince, he was close to running a fever, the climate around him had been adjusted in an effort to keep him cool.
“That was just a warning sign” Jazera's voice was cold and monotone “Papyri wants us all dead, he'll send more powerful creatures to get the job done…” She swallowed, an image of cold silver eyes framed by pure white hair flashed though her mind `not him, it cannot be him'
Vegeta was recovering quickly, it had been three days and thanks to the combined efforts of Trunks and Dende the saiyajin prince was up and about. Jazera stayed by his side every second of the day, Goku visited regularly as did his granddaughter Nemi.
The female saiyajin seemed quieter than usual, preoccupied even; Vegeta had noticed her waking up more often during the night, shaking. He'd gained control over his nightmares in his many years away from their source but it would seem Jazera suffered right up until she arrived on earth.
The prince hugged her tightly as she whimpered and shivered in her sleep, her slender tail wrapped tightly round his leg. “A-Ashi-sama” she murmured, brows furrowing “Ashi-sama, nani yatten no? HANASE!” She jolted awake and tore herself from his grasp, slipping off the bed onto the floor in her haste.
“Genki desu ka J-chan?” Her eyes were wide, staring straight into his for several seconds before diving at him with a cry.
“Vegeta oujisama!” Her arms wrapped tightly around him “Vegeta, he's coming… Ashi is coming…” the prince looked confused “he is Papyri's number two; he's under some control, but not much. Papyri's deadliest weapon half saiyajin, half shiktenjin; he's even more powerful than you and Kakarot together…”
“Shiktenjin… The fanged demons of the southern galaxy, I thought they were wiped out?” Vegeta's eyes were wide, the shiktenjin were one of the few known species that were more powerful than the saiyajin, they were known for being even more vicious and bloodthirsty.
“They were like us, mostly wiped out but a spare few survived; apparently one of their males took a liking to one of our females, several years before Vegetasei was destroyed… He kidnapped her and forced himself on her before getting other creatures to make her forget everything about being saiyajin… The child she bore him was Ashi.”
“Then we must train, I will tell the others so they can get themselves prepared, I suppose it wouldn't do to have any of them killed.”
Jazera shook her head “It's too late, he's already here.”
((Bleugh, short, never mind, the next chap will be up probably before you even realise this one is…))