Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets The Eye ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ nor the song (Flinch by Alanis Morissette). There is a little part of Your House which is Alanis Morisstte's, too.


[ What it's been over a decade?

It still smarts like it was four minutes ago

We only influenced each other totally

We only bruised each other even more so ]

It has been over half a year, now, and it still hurts as if it were yesterday. True that we were not made for the other, I knew he wasn't my prince in shining armor, but we had spent ten years of our lives together.

Sometime during those ten years I realized that my dream of wishing for the perfect boyfriend was just that, a dream. I realized that there was no such thing as a perfect nothing, thus, not a perfect boyfriend. So I came to the conclusion that I had found a great thing in him, we were happy together, we had fun, we took care of each other, we loved each other, and so, we were the best we could hope to find.

I still love him, even after what he did.

Knowing the amount of things we had discovered and experienced together and those ten years of our life lived with the other, the least he could have done was to be sincere with me and tell me it was over. But no. I had to go and find him screwing some cheap whore who he had found somewhere during the night and didn't even know her name. I had trusted him, I had thought that he'd protect me and never ever let anything or anyone hurt me. He had done so, he had protected me, but in the end, he was the one to hurt me.

The day when I found out everything, I had gone to his house to search for a couple of things I had left there the last time I had gone. I assumed that he was out training so I didn't bother calling, I just took out the key from where I knew he hid it and entered. He, being a famous baseball player, had a house, a little one, but a house, none the less, so at first I didn't hear what was happening upstairs, which gave me time enough to collect all my things. All of a sudden my gaze fell upon a paper on his desk. It read:

'Hello love.
I love you so, love.
Meet me at midnight.'

And no, it wasn't my writing. I was so shocked, I just didn't know what to do. I knew I had entered without permission, maybe I shouldn't have done so, I hadn't thought it was a bad idea before, but now... My logical mind understood what was the meaning of that letter, but my heart refused to believe it. My heart screamed to me that surely he had a good explanation for it, maybe it was just one of his fans... yeah, that had to be it, he would never do something like that to me. And so, I just took my cell from my bag and called his. What would be my surprise to hear his cell ringing upstairs, and then someone just shut it off, without answering. I was stunned. Had he been upstairs all this time?

When I reached the first floor, I started hearing noises, not just cries, but moans and gasps, too low that I hadn't been able to pick them up from downstairs. I followed the noises till his room, opened his door and found him fucking some blonde.

I stood there for a few seconds trying to register what was happening right before me, after a few seconds he saw me and his eyes went wide as saucers. That snapped me out of my trance and I just went downstairs, picked up all my things and left.

I know he was expecting me to blow up and scream to him till my face was blue, but I just couldn't do so. He had hurt me really bad, I loved him, I had put all my trust in him, and he had failed me.

Some time after that he called me and told me he wanted to talk to me, he wanted to explain to me, so we went for a walk in the park next to my house the next day. I could say he was fairly surprised by the fact that I had been so 'civilized' about all of that and that gave him a slight sense of self assurance. After a while of just walking around in a quiet silence, he spoke. He told me that he had intended to tell me about 'the others' as he put it, sometime, but that he had been afraid of my very probable outburst and that he was very happy that he had been wrong about that one. He told me that he had realized that there wasn't that flicker of the beginning, nor the passion or the emotion. Sure, he was comfortable around me, and he did show me all his gratitude for me for being able to make him be over his fear of women. Well, he kept going on for half the afternoon telling me all the things I already knew about how we just got each other hurt more times than we could count, how he was afraid anytime I would burst into a fit of rage at the stupidest things and how he would hurt me once and again by not remembering important things or just by not being able to be the man I really wanted him to be.

Sure, our relationship had been quite rocky, but in our very special way, a stable relationship none the less. And that's what he did not see, the fact that the passion he was searching for would never last, that you could never find just the person you really, really want, and that what we had he won't have with anyone else. Neither will I. Of course, I kept all this to myself and waited patiently for him to finish. When he was finished I could see relief written all over his face and with a bright smile he looked at me and asked me if we could still be friends. I nodded and he pecked me on the cheek and left.

I came back home and went straight for my room, locked myself in it and didn't come out till the next evening, all spent and after crying all my tears. He didn't realize what he had given up, but I did.

[ What are you my blood? You touch me like you are my blood

What are you my dad? You affect like your are my dad

How long can girl be shackled to you

How long before my dignity is reclaimed

How long can a girl stay haunted by you

Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name

Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name ]

But as I was saying, after more than six months, the pain still hasn't gone, and I just keep wondering when did he gain this control over me, when did he learn to affect me this way, when I became so shackled to him.

The first weeks after we broke up were very hard. I just stayed at home and concentrated on my work at the lab. All my projects were suddenly updated, all the work at my office was done and I was just searching for new customers and new projects to start with. The reason why I pushed myself under such a load of work was because, while working, I couldn't think of anything else. I knew I had let him go without much resistance, I knew that I could have fought for him, to make him understand what I knew, I could, at least, have told him what I thought, but that afternoon, in the park, while he told me everything I realized that I couldn't make him change his mind. He had to come to the same conclusion as myself on his own, he had to see that I am the best one for him, as I know he is the best one for me. But, even knowing I had a good reason for what I had done, knowing that, with time he'd be back to me (of that I was, and still am, sure) I couldn't help spending my spare time thinking about what could have been, about all the things we'd miss, about what I'd do from now on... about how lonely I felt then.

That was the worst part of everything. The loneliness. At work I didn't have time to realize it, but whenever I walked out from my lab I just felt it, like a heavy weight upon my shoulders. I had been with him for the last ten years. Whether we were a lovely couple or having an argument, or just couldn't see each other for a while, I always knew he was there. If I needed something he'd come and help me, if I was upset he'd comfort me, if I just needed a pair of strong arms surrounding me... I'd find his around myself.

That was the worst, for sure. And if I couldn't handle this feeling during the day, night was unbearable. I just longed for two arms around my waist, for a warm body beside mine in the bed, for warm breath upon my neck... My bed was cold, my room was cold, all the house was so cold. I kept remembering how his hands were always warmer than my own when he touched me, how my skin would tingle whenever he caressed me, how good it felt to have his hands on my waist, my head on his shoulder and my body pressed against his hard chest.

Now I just had myself to comfort me, well, besides my parents, but it was not what I needed. I spent my nights holding myself in bed and crying myself to sleep... alone.

[ So here I am one room away from where I know you're standing

A well-intentioned man told me you just walked in

This man knows not of how this information has affected me

But he knows the colour of the car I just drove away in

What are you my kin? You touch like you are my kin

What are you my air? You affect me like you are my air ]

But well, that was just the first weeks. Time went by, and I grew used to the loneliness. It's not like I don't feel it now, it's just that I can push it to the far end of my head, so that I can live without realizing it is there that much.

With him, things are quite difficult, still. Even though we are still 'friends', every time the whole gang go to Master Roshy's for a family reunion or just to party and get to know what's up, and I see a new slut hooked from his arm, or whenever I catch a glimpse of him on the TV in one of those sports reports, with all his fans all over him and he is just drooling over them, I just can't help but to run for my room and lock myself till I can compose myself again and I am able to go out.

And it is not as if I could hide from him or something. I mean: we live in the same city, have the same friends, go to the same social parties... I'm the richest woman in the world, he is one of the most famous baseball players in the country, it's like I find him wherever I go, and I can't run away from him every time we are bound to be in the same room, right?

[ How long can a girl be tortured by you

How long before my dignity is reclaimed

How long can a girl be haunted by you

Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name

Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name ]

It is so fucking embarrassing, the way I am rendered to him, it seems as if I don't have any kind of dignity in anything in which he is involved. I know I am not that kind of girl, I am strong willed, I have a cunning mind and I have quite a temper. Half the city is afraid from my 'outbursts', while the other half admire me for my genius and my beauty. I know I'm quite the catch and that I could get whoever I wanted. I am a proud woman and don't let anybody control me or know my weak points (it is hard enough to make yourself a place in this business when you are a woman in a man's world, and the daughter of the most famous and rich scientific, at that, with them thinking you have none of them).

But all of it comes down crashing whenever he is nearby. I just hate this feeling. I have to move over this, over him, and keep on with my life. I know he has done so without even a second thought.

I just don't know how to do it. He's done so, and he's dated half the population in the city: that is nearly every woman in between 20 and 40. I just can't do that. I don't feel like going out with any of these men at my door. They want me because I'm my father's daughter, and the only one at that, or because they want a good lay, or to be famous, and so on. I could continue for days, but there would be nothing in my list such as 'because she is so intelligent and funny' or 'because we get along so well' or 'because she completes me' or 'because I love you with all my soul'. None of them know me in the least, none of them care about me, and that's all I want, that's what I had, that's what I don't know how to get over.

But I know I'll find a way, a way to get over all of this, a way to be able to feel happy, a way to get over the loneliness...

A way to be me again.

[ Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name

Soon I'll go on and I won't even flinch at your name ]


Ok, this is my first fic, so I'd appreciate some feedback, either if you like it or if you don't (constructive criticism will be very valuable). I know this chapter may have been a little sappy, but I intend to do something more on the line of humor, or at least nothing sappy... this is just a little prologue! Next chapters will be better, I hope ^_^