Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets The Eye ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ.

The Plan

That woman has been like this for what seems like forever. At first it was easy to avoid her and her constant whining because during the day she was either at work or locked in her room, and at night I just had to stay a little longer in the GR till she cried herself to sleep. That was a slight variation to my routine, but it could be done.

Now, however, it isn't this easy. Though I can still avoid her during the day, she doesn't cry herself to sleep anymore. It seems that her tears have finally dried. Now she spends nearly all her nights whining, and moaning as if she were in great pain or something.

It's driving me crazy.

It's not that I care for her, it's that I care for me, and that I need a little rest! Not very much, that's true, but four or five hours after a hard training day seem quite right, don't they? She's in the room next to mine, so I can hear nearly everything that happens in there. With all the noise she makes I just can't sleep. It's not just my keen sayian hearing, but the fact that I have spent nearly all my life on a spaceship, in the middle of that soundless void called space and surrounded by threats and dangers nearly 24/7.

When this started my pride told me not to go in there because that might seem as if I care what she's going through, which I suppose has something to do with the weakling, and that I could go for a while with little to no rest. I am a warrior, after all, and I can cope with little privations such like this. But a warrior is a man, in the end, and as a man, I have my limits (even if I don't like to admit so). If this goes on any longer I think I'll end up falling on my butt as soon as I get the GR started! So that's it!!! To hell with what she might think, I am going to that room, and she'll get a piece of my mind, that's for sure!!

So, I go out my room and down the hall until I reach her door. I'm still a little hesitant about this, but as I am trying to make up my mind another burst of moans comes from her door, and that's about all I needed. I enter her room without even knocking to find her in some kind of fetal position on her bed, with puffy, red eyes and an empty pot of something called 'Belgian chocolate ice-cream' nearby. The sight is absolutely pathetic.

I can see that she is quite surprised to see me here. Normally I would have expected an outburst or something, some high yelling at me because entering a 'lady's bedroom' without knocking. Of course, that would have been before this all started. I haven't had a decent argument with the woman since I don't know when, and as much as I loath myself for admitting this, I miss them. Well, all her reaction is to stare at me as if I had grown another head or something, I bet she thinks I'm here out of worry. I'll erase those thoughts of her mind in a moment.

"Onna, what the hell is all this whining every night? I'm so fucking tired of hearing you day in and day off!! What the hell do you think? That people around you are deaf or something? Well, we are not, and all this noise you are making makes it nearly impossible to get some sleep. If you just wanted to get rid of me, there are better and more dignified ways of doing so, so I demand that you stop with all that emotional stuff right now! Have I made myself clear enough?"

When I finish I can say she is on the verge of tears. That's definitely not the reaction I wanted to get out of her. Damn, damn, damn!!! Now I think I have upset her even more so... now she'll be whining for the rest of my life!... I think I'll go crazy! Shit!!!!!

I just don't know what to do, but in the end it's her who talks.

"I'm sorry Vegeta, I didn't know I was being such an annoying hostess, and a selfish one, at that. I'm really sorry that I don't let you sleep. I'd be really glad to stop, believe me, it's just that I can't seem to be able to make myself do so. It's so frustrating!!!"

And she starts to cry now, really hard, if I must say. The little control she had managed during all this months slipping away as she tells me this. Now I just want her to shut up, so I try to make her mind follow another line of thought. "Well, if you want to stop all this crap, why haven't you? It's not as if you hadn't had enough time for it! Nothing can be that bad so that you can't get over it in all this time! You really must be even more weak and pathetic than I thought!" I spat, though not as venomously as I had intended.

She then stops crying and looks at me. "Well, you put it very easy, don't you? But it isn't this easy! It's very hard, in fact!" Now I'm getting a good reaction out of her, I think this last remark really did it. Good, with a little luck I'll have some days of quiet. That will be enough. But she isn't finished yet. "Damn! You don't even know what my problem is, do you? No, not of course! How could you interest yourself in someone else's problems? What a waste of your precious time, right? And how could you understand all that I am going through, you insensitive monkey! Well, as you made the effort to walk all the way to my room to let me know how pathetic I am, I'll let you know the reason for all of this: I found Yamcha fucking some slut in his house!!! There, are you happy?"

"Hn, so that's it, uh? I realize that that surely has to be something hard to get over. I mean the sight of that disgusting excuse of a warrior in bed must be... hard to forget! I understand now what has taken you so much time, but I think that you should be able to get over seeing 'that' by now." I smirk at her, knowing that is surely going to set her off. Here we go...

"YOU... JERK!!! It is obvious that is NOT the problem!!! I admit the sight was slightly disturbing and quite disgusting and... uh... BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT, DO YOU HEAR ME? The point is that he was cheating on me, the point is that we had been together for ten years, the point is that I trusted him, the point is that now I feel like... I mean he... I.... something... something is missing, you know? Not, of course you don't know! I just don't know why I'm telling you all of this!"

"Well onna, I don't know why either, but anyway, I think it was your own fault for trusting him. That's what happens when you trust people... they fail you. And this missing thing... what you miss is probably a lot of water from all your crying, you must be dehydrated! "

I expect a sharp remark about this, but surprisingly, she bursts out laughing so hard that she has to hold her sides. I am slightly stunned, but I guess that this is better than before... At the end, she finally calms down and is able to speak.

"Well Vegeta, I sure didn't expect that one, you know? It was kind of funny, and now that I think about it, you can probably be right." I snort at that, of course I'm right, what is she thinking? "But you don't understand what I mean when I say that something is missing and that I can't get over this... how could I explain it to you so that your tiny brain could comprehend it?... hmmm... wait!!! I know, if you're half the prince you claim to be you'll get it this way: imagine you still had your planet. You would be king by now, wouldn't you?" I skeptically nod at that. I'm not sure if I'm going to like this explanation. And what was that about me being half the prince I claim? Is she challenging me?

"Well, so you are the king of your planet, ok? And imagine you have an ally. A planet that gives your planet some material that isn't available in your own, so you need him. You two have been allies for a lot of years now, so you trust the other planet, but someday you find out that they have decided that what your planet could offer was not enough for them, so they have made other allies and now that you have find it out they are free to do what they want. You are not allies anymore, of course, and you can get over them failing your trust in a while, that's pretty obvious, but there is still that material they gave you, that you don't have. You can't get over that, because you need the material and there is no way to make it by yourself. It doesn't matter the amount of time that goes by, this isn't going to fade away, and it's not as if you would go crawling to them for help on this, right? Do you understand me now?"

Well... that sure was a good explanation, I get it. But I, being the strategist I was taught to be, can't help to look for a fitting solution for the problem, had I had it. Of course I am still thinking in a political way, but... "Yes onna, I do understand you, but if it were the case and I were king of my planet as it should be, I'd find a solution. That's for sure. For starters, usually there isn't just one planet in all the universe who can provide some kind of material, so I would go and find someone else who could provide for me. I suppose that if I weren't with them in the first place is probably because those traitors were the ones who better suited me, so I'm going to make them back. Of course, my race is a proud one, so I won't go begging! In the least! What I'll do is get my revenge on them, humiliate them and make THEM come to ME begging to be allies again."

The woman seems deep in thought as I finish... "Wow Vegeta, I didn't think you could come up with something like that, you know?"

WHAT!!!! How dares she say that to me? I'm a great strategist, and I was trained to be king, of course I can solve some minor problem like that without further shame for my people! "Onna! During my years at Vegeta-sei my father brought me the best teachers in all and every subject that could be of some kind of use to me in the future! My father made sure that my people would have had the best king!"

"I see... well, if you are sooooo very good tell me, how would you solve MY problem, uh?"

"Hn, you really are helpless, aren't you? Not only physically weak, but also you have very little resources. That's simple onna, my plan applied to the weakling would be something like: you go and pick another man, someone better than him - which means nearly everybody, so that shouldn't be that difficult" I smirk at that and I can say that she is ready to snap something, but then she stops herself and takes a deep breath... I guess she must be really desperate if she is so interested in what I can say... "Well, you must parade this man in front of the weakling as much as you can, show him how this man is so much better, making everybody see that, and have this man pretend that you are the only thing that exists for him...-that will quite harder, hn?- in time the weakling will just end up coming to you again, even begging you to take him back."

"... wow!!! Vegeta, that's a great plan, you know? I mean going around with someone better than him, and showing him that someone better could just look at me! It's saying something like I'm the best catch around, right? And besides, not even I don't have to put my pride aside, but it will be him who will beg me!!! Really Vegeta, all those teachers surely made a good job with you! Now all I have to do is..."

I zone out at her chattering... Really I don't know why she didn't think of something like this by herself... and all this crap about this 'special thing'... this ningens are so very strange... I bet it's something related to this damn emotions they use so much! Ha, that just makes me see how this emotions make you weak, as I thought. Oh well, I hope that now that she has a plan she will let me sleep... It has been quite disturbing to have to help her... I mean I have been almost civilized around her for what? Half an hour? That surely surpasses what I would have deemed appropriate, but neither she nor I were our normal selves, she is... well, like this... and I am sleep deprived so... what the hell! In times of need...

Suddenly she cuts my train of thought. She has been talking out loud for a while, now, I just didn't pay attention to her, but as she calls my name I look up to her. She is looking at me with expectant eyes and a bright smile upon her face. She seems another.

"What do you want now, onna?" I'm not in the mood for this crap any longer.

"Well, I have been thinking about that pretending thing, looking for a man that would suit my necessities, it has to be someone really well built and quite strong, and someone who doesn't like Yamcha so that he'll agree to this, and who won't fall for myself, 'cause this is just pretending and I will end up with Yamcha, right?"

"Stop flattering yourself, onna! Who could fall for you? And besides, why are you telling me this? I have already helped you, I just didn't want to hear you anymore! I could care less what kind of man you choose!"

"But Vegeta! You don't understand it!! You are the perfect man for this!!!"

"WHAT???!!!" Now, she's gone crazy for sure!!! "What are you talking about onna? Has all this crying affected your mind or something? Do you expect ME, the Prince of all Sayians, to parade around so that you can get your stupid cheating boyfriend back? Well, keep on dreaming!"

"Oow!! But Vegeta!!! You are the perfect man for this! You are so strong and well built, better than him, that's for sure, and you hate his guts, so you could get a lot of fun humiliating him this much, you know how good it would be to tell him that his ex-girlfriend has got over him with the man he hates the most!!! His face would be one to remember!"

Well, she's got a point there... besides, it's been a while since I have been able to torture someone, to play with them and hurt them were it hurts the most, and since I can't kill anybody on this mud ball it would be quite interesting to toy around with the weakling's mind... hmmm...

"Okay onna, I'll do it, but on my terms, ok?"

"Well, that's fair. What would they be?"

"For starters, I am not going to waste training time, so if you want to tell me something you'll have to wait till I get out of the GR. Second, I won't embarrass myself in the least, got it? Whatever you want me to do, we'll have to talk about it before so that there won't be any surprises, understood? Oh, and this little parading show will be something between the two of us, I don't want anybody knowing of this supposed relationship!"

"Ok, it can be done... just a couple of things: I know you don't want to waste your training time, but if we have to parade in front of Yamcha we'll have to go out on 'dates' at some reasonable times, so I'll wait to talk to you till your are finished with the training, but you'll have to skip it the days we put the plan in action, deal?"

I'm not very satisfied with that last one, but I guess that is necessary to go out if this has to work in the least... "Deal."

"Yay!!! Mission 'Revenge on Yamcha and make him beg me' is set up!!!"


Well, that's it for the second chapter. These two have been rather short and I hope to make the next chapters longer. I think that from now on things will start to develop a little... I know that the beginning is quite slow, hope that it's not that much boring (that's what I feared when I read it).

Oh, and I'd like to ask for some feedback. I've seen that some people have at least clicked into my story and I'd like to think that some of you did actually go through all the chapter, so if you could at tell me what you think about it... not much, just to tell me if you like it or if you think I'd better quit writing all together.