Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets The Eye ❯ Preparations ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ.


The next morning Bulma woke up more refreshed than she had felt in a long, long time. Now she had a plan! Someway to get things as they should be. She felt happy again!

She got up and walked to her window. It was quite a beautiful day, spring was in its fullest, and the weather could not be better, so she decided to take a quick shower and dress up, so that she could start with the day and her preparations for her plan. She decided to wear some baggy jeans and a bright blue top with a fighting girl on the front and reading 'I'm gonna rock you'. ~ That sure is the spirit, girl! ~ she thought while she took a last look at the mirror.

She went down to the kitchen. She had overslept, today, and it was past noon ~ oh well, after all I have gone through I deserve the rest, right? ~ Her mother was in the kitchen making lunch.

"Good morning, honey! Well, should I say good afternoon? - giggles - Don't worry, I think it was time for you to have a good rest, you've been working too hard, lately. Oh! And what's with your clothes? You look really well, you know? Geez, maybe it is the day, or maybe it's been the night!!!!" Ms Briefs giggles again and turns back to washing the dishes from the lunch... an awfully big lunch...

Bulma stared at her mother strangely... at first she'd been utterly happy that it was so obvious that her mood had changed for good, that meant she no longer had the face and looks of a zombie as she had had these last months (that was another thing that contributed to her depression), but what had set her off was that last comment... What had that meant? And that way of saying it... her mother had something on mind, and there was something that Bulma didn't know... and she didn't like it one bit!

"Well, yes, I've got a really good night, tonight. The best in a long time, really..." she answered hesitantly.

Her mother then turned to her and hugged her real hard. "Oh!!! I knew it!!! I'm so very happy! Since I saw him enter the kitchen this morning with that good mood and I noticed you sleeping in, I knew it!"

What?!! That didn't make any sense at all! What was she talking about? Him? Who was him?!! She was utterly confused... till an idea enter her mind ~ NO!!! She can't be thinking this! That's so stupid... sure, mom is not the most smart person in the world but this is down right ridiculous! ~ "MOM!! What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with any 'him' you can come up with... and if you are even suggesting the 'him' I think you are suggesting... you must be crazy or something!!!"

"What? Ooooh! So you and that young handsome man we're housing are not---"

Bulma cut her at that, she couldn't even hear that! She and Vegeta?! Yugh! "NO!! Of course not mom! For god's sake! We hate each others guts! He's a murderer, and an arrogant, cocky bastard!! It's just that I had a good night of REST, tonight, which I hadn't had in a while. And besides, I just found a way out of some little problems I was having and that's why I'm in so good mood! And talking of good moods, did you just say that Vegeta was in a good mood this morning?"

"Yes! Well, as much of a good mood as he can have... it's just that he'd become more moody and cranky than usual, lately. He's just so very serious... it's a pity! Though I must admit that it suits him... his dark mood with his dark appearance, with those dark eyes - giggles - I shouldn't be saying all this! - giggles again - Oh honey, and what was that about some problems? Do you need any help?"

"No mom, don't worry, as I said I've come up with a solution... kind of, so it's all under control, now. Well, I'm going to give me a break, so if dad asks for me tell him that tomorrow I'll be back to work, ok?"

"Sure honey, have a nice time!"

With that Bulma left the house. She was glad her mother hadn't asked too much. Her parents lived in the second floor of the house, while she and Vegeta shared the third floor. That's why Vegeta was the only one who had known that something was very wrong with her. She knew he wouldn't bother her, so it suited her just fine. She put up a happy face in front of the rest of the family, but anyway she knew that she wasn't at her best and it showed, that's why she had been so happy about her mother reaction to her looks. Though considering what her mother had said about Vegeta's looks... gosh!!!

Anyway, now the first thing she had to do was to think and plan what she was about to do. Vegeta had given her the main idea, and had told her to talk with him about anything they had to do, but she still had to come up with the ideas to make it work. ~ Before we start with the faking, I think I should prepare myself. If this has to be believable, the first thing I need to do is to get over Yamcha!! Well, not exactly get over him, I mean the main purpose of all this is to get him back, but just to be able to see him without breaking down... yeah, that would be it! Great!! But how do I do that? ~

In the meanwhile Bulma had been walking through CC gardens and surroundings, and had finally arrived near the swimming-pool. She had come to a dead end in her thinking. She knew what to do, but didn't know how to do it. She looked at her surroundings and saw a couple of chairs near the pool, with some towels on them. It wasn't hot enough to get in the water, yet, but lying on the grass enjoying the first warm rays of sun of the year sounded pretty good to her. Sometimes she thought she was like a flower: she needed the sun to be happy. Winters were so very sad and lonely and depressing and, mostly, gray. That's what she hated most of the winter, that everything was gray, 'cause there was no sun to light up all the colors and oh, how she loved bright colors, they give a happy shade to your life, right? So she took one of the towels, laid it on the grass and laid herself on it, with her hands behind her head and her eyes closed, enjoying the warm feeling all over her body...

~ mmmm... that feels just great... this is the best I've felt in a while... I should quit comparing to how I was until yesterday, it' won't do me any good. The old me is clearly going to bring me nothing good... look at how it ended with Yamcha! I was too much dependant on him... I should get to be more independent... yeah, I'm not a frail little woman who needs of a man to do anything, or I least I don't want to be! That's it, all this time I've been acting like a defenseless lady, and a dependant one at that, when I wasn't clinging to Yamcha like a girl with her first crush, I'm asking dad to help me out of all my problems... Oooooh, this is going to change right now! The old Bulma is going out the window, here comes the new one!!! And the first thing will be a new look, what a better way to change myself than to see me different? ~

With that decided she stood up and headed for the house. She took a jacket, just in case, the capsule of her car and some empty ones for her shopping, and left to the mall. She decided she'd start with a nice massage and some bubble bath at her favorite salon before changing everything: starting with new clothes, new shoes, even new make-up and, of course, new hairdo. And as she'd be buying all this, she'd set the mood for her new her and decide about the other things that she needed to do.


Meanwhile, Vegeta was in the GR training as usual. Today he was very well. He'd slept five hours straight after his 'talk' with the woman and hell, was he rested! He'd been going for more than half the day and still could go for the other half without stopping. Definitely, talking with that damn woman was the best he could have done, for both their sakes, and their health. The fact that now he was stuck with her little plans and that he was going to 'help' her get the weakling back was slightly bothering him, but he'd said he'd do it, so there was none other choice, not in his mind.


It was past dinner time when she arrived home that day. She'd stayed at the mall till the last of the shops there had closed. She was tired, her feet ached, as well as her back, all her capsules where filled to the limit, and her credit card was burned out, but she was completely satisfied! After a lot of musing and thinking - and buying, of course - she had come to a decision and a plan had started to form on her mind. ~ All right Bulma. It is time for a change! You're not going to depend on someone anymore... on anyone! I realize that you can't do everything by yourself... I'm not denying your need for help, I've just decided that you're going to reduce it to the least. While going out with Yamcha you had relied on him to protect you from everything in the world... he was kind of your shield to the big, ugly world out there... well, you're nearly thirty, now, a grown up woman, and can face that world yourself. This means no more playing the weak, distressed woman, no more relying on Yamcha, or daddy or anyone to take your butt off of your problems AND no more living in daddy's home and having mommy take care of you.

I'm well aware that you cannot change all your life from night to day... things need to be done at their own time, so you're going to start by the easiest and work your way through the others. First thing is moving out. This is the easiest... you're going to build yourself a house... CC has a pretty big factory of encapsulated houses, so you're going to design yourself a house and in a matter of a week, maybe two, you'll have your new home.

You want your independence, but that doesn't mean you're going nuts, so you're just going to pick your house and put it somewhere in the forest of CC lawns, maybe near the lake. That will provide you independence and privacy, which suits your motives perfectly, 'cause you're going to take your Saiyan guest with you. It will make your acting more believable if Yamcha thinks you're living together, alone, and will keep others of knowing what is going on.

You'll have to talk about this with Vegeta, though, and he isn't going to like this in the least, I'm sure of that, and you should also talk with him about the second step... Oh what the Hell!!! I'm talking to myself, now. Great!!! ~ She had unpacked all her new things by now, and looked to the clock. It was well past midnight, her parents were asleep by now, and Vegeta was going to quit his training for the day soon, so she decided she'd make a little dinner for the both of them and she'd talk with him after eating. He couldn't say no, that was the plan, after all, and he had agreed to it.


Later that day he entered the house after a whole day of hard training to find the woman with both their dinners set on the table. ~ So the little minx is feeling better, huh? Looks like she went out... at least she got rid of that ridiculous hairdo, straight isn't as annoying... Hn, a change was in order I see... She must have been thinking about my idea. Now the question is whether the change is gonna be for the better or not. ~

He didn't say any of it aloud, just sat and dug in the food. They ate in silence for a while, both deep in thought. When she finished she got up, took her plates to the sink and went to the next room where the main freezer was, while he finished his own meal. By the time she came back he had already finished and his plates where in the sink, too, waiting for her, though (at least they'd get him to take them to the sink. Thank God for little miracles).

She ignored them for now and went back to the table, instead, and put a pot in front of the Saiyan Prince.

He had known all along that if she'd done his dinner and waited for him was just because she wanted to talk to him about her plan with her baka boyfriend, therefore he'd stayed at the table after he'd finished. However, he'd been puzzled when she had come and put that thing in front of him. He could recognize it from seeing it the night before when he'd entered her room, it was that 'Belgian Chocolate' thing, but he didn't know what it was, and by the looks it was pretty cold, probably it was still frozen, so he gave her a questioning look.

"It's chocolate ice-cream, Vegeta, a dessert. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it, I love it and it helps me think. Try not to eat it too fast 'cuz you'll get a brain freeze."

So he took the spoon and did as he was told. Surprisingly the woman had been right, he liked it. In fact, he thought it was one of the better things he'd ever tasted, so he just snorted at her inquisitive stare and kept eating. After a while, though, he was the one to look at her.


She could feel his eyes on her. She knew that he'd been well aware through all dinner of which her purpose was, but hadn't said anything. Until now, that is. Now he wanted her to say whatever it was she had to say. She'd been preparing for it, but was not that much sure of how to approach the subject, yet. Finally, she drew up all her determination and decided to just blurt it out.

"Vegeta, I've been thinking the whole day. At first about what you told me yesterday, later on about my own life. You had a point in what you said, you know... I mean, about not going to humiliate myself any further, and I've realized that up until now I've been too dependant on everybody around me: dad, Goku and the guys, Yamcha... Well, that's about to end! From now on I'm going to be more independent and to grow stronger. Yamcha will see that all those sluts he goes out with can't compare to me.

That's not an easy task, I know. First thing in my list is moving on my own. I've already been thinking about how the new house will be and where will I put it. I've even started the design. I will move out in a couple of weeks..." ~ So far so good... he seems quite 'pleased' with my decisions, or at least he seems to agree. The hard part is still to come, though... ~ "...and you're moving out with me."

Vegeta was left astounded! He had been agreeing with her throughout her little monologue until that thing about moving out together. What had that to do with anything?! "Onna, what the hell are you talking about? Moving out? The two of us? Why?!!! That's ridiculous. If you need to grow up that's fine with me, but I left daddy's home a long time ago, and I'm pretty well in here, so I'm not going anywhere."

She knew something like this would come, and had prepared herself for it. "Vegeta, you're not looking at this from the appropriate point of view. I'm going to move to the forests of CC, so you'll be by yourself nearly all day: without workers all around you and me gone to work."

"Hai, I must say that that's appealing, onna, but that also means that there won't be anybody to repair the GR or to make me lunch, and that it will take longer for either you or your father to repair or upgrade the machine and the robots because you'll have to bring it all there. I cannot afford to loose all that training time."

"That wouldn't be a problem; I can give you a private phone line to my lab so that if there is any problem I can be there within moments. Besides, I can't leave you here with my parents. They're old and need peace and quiet and can't be keeping track on what you do and on your demands."

"That's a lot of bullshit, onna. The quiet and peace you talk about haven't been here for the whole year I've been living with you. Every time I exit the GR I can hear you bitching at the top of your lungs about one thing or another, and it can be heard from all over the house..."

"You can hear it every time you exit the GR because it's YOU who makes me mad and who I bitch at and about."

"But it's still loud and doesn't give any peace, right? So then! And for my demands... they've been doing pretty well, so far, I don't think it would be a problem."

~ Damn him! He's got an answer for everything I throw at him, and pretty good ones, may I add. Grrrr! But I've been preparing for this all evening and still have an ace up my sleeve. ~

"True Vegeta. Now tell me: how would you like me to leave you here, all alone so that there would be no-one to distract mom when she's 'chatting' with you? I'm sure you'd love to hear about the fancy shoes she bought and how well they match her new purse. I know she likes to chat with you so much, you're such a good listener!" She ended faking her happy mother's voice and putting her hands together in imitation of her posture.

~ Shit! That woman got me there. I hadn't thought of it, but the damn blonde can make my live living hell with her high pitched voice and that too happy face all day! - shudders at that thought - ~

~ Aha! I got him here, I knew it! Has he just shuddered? Oh man, this victory is mine! Just one last little push... ~

"Moreover, if we move out together we can put our plan into action and nobody will notice a single thing, just as you wanted."

"Fine, onna. We'll move out in a couple of weeks. Up until then, though, and considering we'll be living 'together' - shudders - for quite some time, I don't want to know any of you, ok? We'll talk about what we do once we move into the new house."

With that said he stood up and went upstairs without waiting for her reply.

~ Ouch! I didn't get to talk to him about second step! Hn, he's so much of a bad loser!!! Oh well, I guess that one thing at a time is enough as it is, and at least he agreed to this. Well then, to bed right now! Tomorrow I got a lot of things to do, I must have a new home ready in two weeks! ~


Two weeks passed by quickly for her. She'd been awfully busy. To move out was not as simple as she'd envisioned it. Aside from designing and building the house, she had had to go choose where to put it and have the place leveled. She had chosen a spot by the lake in CC, just where the forest ended and the shore started. It was a very beautiful place with trees all around the house and an awesome view of the shore and the lake from the living room, and the house would fit perfectly there. In summer she'd have her private beach to sunbathe and swim and read all by herself. There was so much quiet in there!

She'd been also pretty busy selecting and buying all the furniture, curtains, towels, blankets... After all, it was a new house she had to make her home.

She had also had to talk to her parents about her plans. They had been really happy about her moving on her own and said it was proof of her maturity after all, but had also been a tad sad about their 'little baby leaving the nest' as her father had put it. Bulma thought that what saddened the man the most was that his 'little baby' wasn't a baby anymore. All in all, they'd been overjoyed... until the 'Vegeta' subject had come up. When she told them that he was going to live with her, her mother had squealed happily about how she'd have grandchildren soon. Both Bulma and Dr. Briefs had stared horrified at her, but she didn't notice as she was in her own world trotting upstairs already. Her father, on the other hand, hadn't been too excited about it, but Bulma convinced him that it was the best for all of them and that nothing would happen.

Anyway, the two weeks had come and gone and it had finally arrived: the day when she moved to live on her own. She was very excited. She'd got up early in the morning and had packed all her things (including some of her current projects from her lab to work at home) and put them all in capsules. When she finished she had a fair amount of them, threw them in her little bag and it over her shoulder. It was a curious scene to say the least, seeing her moving out with just a little bag hung from her shoulder.

The house was within walking distance, but it was quite a walk and she had a lot to unpack and set ready for living, so she decided she'd pick her motorbike. Before, though, she had to go and tell Vegeta to pack and leave for she had stayed clear of him for the whole two weeks as he had requested and so he didn't know yet. She approached the GR and shut it down. That got her what she wanted: the Saiyan Prince demanding answers.

"Vegeta, calm down, I just wanted to let you know that you're moving to the new house today. It is..."

He didn't let her finish, though. "Fine, onna. I'll be there at dinner time with all my things. I'll find it, I can track your ki if it's necessary."

"Right... well, I'll be waiting for you, then. We have some 'chit chat' to do, remember?"

"Hn... then get me some of that ice-cream. It's good enough to make it bearable to talk with you."

With that he thought the conversation was over so he was on his way back to train when he heard a muttered 'jerk' and so, grunted a 'bitch' and closed the door to the GR.


It was around 9.00 p.m. when he decided to call it a day. It was way earlier than his usual quitting time, but the woman had something to tell him and he'd said that he'd cut his training sessions short if it was necessary.

He went to his room to pack his things. At first he'd intended on showering too, but had decided it'd be easier and quicker to do it in the new house. He didn't have much to pack, just a few training suits and whatever he'd had with himself when he was wished back from Namek. The woman had given him some clothes along the lines of that pink shirt she had made him wear when he came back from space, but all that stuff was gonna stay in CC. He wasn't gonna wear it again, that was for sure.

So, in a matter of minutes he had everything packed, went out the window and to the GR, encapsulated it, and took off to where he felt the woman's ki.

Soon he arrived to a huge lake surrounded by a thick forest, and there, just where the forest began, half hidden from view, was a house. It was a two-story house, made out of wood and not very big. It was nothing like the CC building: this was what you'd call 'a traditional house', more like a cottage, built so that it blended with it's surroundings as much as possible as not to disturb the views.

Upon entering he stood in a huge room the size of the house, there where no walls in the fisrt floor. There was a kitchen to one side and a huge table with some chairs to the other, distributed as to make them two different spaces even though there were no walls. At the far end of the room there was a third space, put in a way so that it had a warm air about it. It had a fireplace to one side, with some armchairs looking at it from nearly the other side, standing just in front of some shelves, and in between, looking to the far wall there was a plush sofa and a little table.

The far wall was made entirely out of glass giving an awesome view of the lake. From his position at the entrance, Vegeta could make out some chairs through the glass where he assumed was some kind of porch.

Where the kitchen ended there where the stairs to the second floor. He went up and found himself at the middle of a hallway. There were three doors to both sides and a last one just in front of him.

He could sense the woman in one of the rooms to his right so he went to the left and opened the first door. The room was empty, so he went to the second door. This one was a bathroom and the last one was a bedroom. It had a king sized bed made of some kind of dark wood, with royal blue silk blankets and some black cushions. To the right there was a huge wardrobe made of the same wood as the bed, and next to it there was a door that he guessed connected with the bathroom he'd entered before. To the left there was a nightstand and a desk, and in between there was a glass door that led to the balcony outside, just above the porch. The balcony continued along all that side of the house and lead to another door at the other side, a door from where he could feel her ki, so he assumed that that was her bedroom and so, the one from which he'd come was his.

Good. He liked the house. It was rather simple, without anything unnecessary, yet it didn't lack anything, either, and everything in the house was visibly strong, of good quality, fit for a prince. More over, the place was really quite and he found his room very suitable. So, after admiring the views for a few moments he reentered, unpacked his few belongings and went to have his shower.


Bulma smiled to herself when she heard the shower a few rooms down the hallway. She was glad he had 'approved' of the new house, as was proof the fact that he had no entered her room hollering about how did she expect the Prince of all Saiyans to live in a place like this. Besides, he was having a shower, so he must had kind of settled in his room, already. She hadn't expected him to make himself noted in any way upon his arrival at the house and had decided to leave her settling in her room for the last, this way she would be out of his way while he took a look of the house.

She had designed it taking into account his needs as much as hers. That was why she had made kind of two wings to the second floor: to the right it was her wing, with her bedroom, bathroom and a study room. To the left it was his, with his bedroom and bathroom, as well, and a third room she'd left empty so that he could make whatever he wanted of that one. In between the two wings there was a last room which she had intended as a common room of a sorts. Yes, there was the whole first floor for them to 'enjoy' each other company, but the first floor was 'public' space because that would be the space which anyone visiting them would see. She had wanted something they both could enjoy that it was more private. The problem was that she didn't know him well enough to know what kind of space that would be, so she had left it empty for the time being. Maybe it had been foolish of her to design such a room, maybe she would just end up converting it in some kind of home lab or something for herself.

Anyway, she was quite proud of the end result.

Now for the upcoming dinner. She wanted to talk to him about starting with the plan now that they were by their own and hadn't to worry about anyone suspecting anything. She wasn't very sure about what should they do in the first place... she guessed that once it was started it would be easier to carry on, problem was how to start it without Yamcha noticing anything strange.

Besides, she wanted to talk to Vegeta about the second step in her changing herself. She wanted Vegeta to train her. She new that he wouldn't be pleased with the idea, starting with the point that it would make him loose some more precious training hours, but she had spent two weeks preparing herself for this and had good arguments for anything he threw at her. The fact was that she had always been frustrated when she hadn't been able to make Yamcha, or any other of the Z-senshi for that matter, do anything he hadn't wanted. Don't misunderstand: she could talk Yamcha to do nearly everything she wanted him to do, but when talking about the little things such as making him leave her home, or letting her go when he had her in his arms... or whenever she was so mad she wanted to hurt him and hurled things at him or pounded his chest with her fists, it was very frustrating to see that knowing smile on his face as if she were some little girl throwing a fit who needed to vent up some anger and he let her 'cause she couldn't harm him in any way. It made her feel inferior to him, those times, and she didn't like feeling inferior to anyone about anything! Add to that the fact that she always had to be carried whenever the gang went to some place flying, and protected or left aside if trouble aroused. It pissed her to no end to know that she was given a special treatment, that she was more of a burden than anything else.

Well, those were some of her arguments, the real motives, and she was sure he would understand them, but she had a list full of other ones ready to shot at the prince.

So, after putting the last item of clothes in her wardrobe, she went downstairs and prepared a huge dinner. She wanted to start the night on his good side, at least. It wouldn't make her any good to do otherwise.


They'd been living together for nearly a month, now. That first dinner had gone incredibly smooth. She prepared one of his favorites dishes: red meat rather raw. She didn't know how he could eat that, sometimes it even bled a little when he cut it!! But he liked it a lot and she wanted him in a good mood.

He had seen directly through her plan and knew she was going to ask something of him, but hadn't complained, after all, it was to his advantage to keep his mouth shut. When at last she'd asked what she wanted in between mouth-fulls of ice-cream he'd been pleasantly surprised and had agreed without struggle.

She had been baffled! All her arguments and all the thought she'd put on this single discussion and he simply agreed? Of all the reactions and possible lines of thought she'd expected him to have, this wasn't one of them. She wanted to ask him why, why was he willing to loose some valuable training time on her, why did he agree to train her so easily, HER of all people, who didn't have any powers, who hadn't trained in all her life... but she wisely decided that she didn't want to push her luck anymore and so, she'd keep all her curiosity for a better time, if that ever came.

So, it had also been nearly a month since she started training with Vegeta.

He had turned out to be the best sensei she could have hoped to find. He was very strict, but was also aware of her limits and just pushed her till she reached them. He was very constant with her training and didn't let her fool him whenever she was in a lazy mood. He knew when to push, when to taunt, when and what buttons to pull to get her to give all she had but didn't let her go mad, she had to keep her concentration at every moment.

But the most important: he knew perfectly well what he was doing; aside from martial arts, he had a deep knowledge of the human anatomy and the way the body reacts to every effort, knew how to take care of the body, he had made a rigid schedule for her that didn't limit only to their training together but to all her day so that she stretched, massaged and took care of her muscles and so that she ate properly according to the kind of training they where doing and what skills they were working on. He had even taken to account her job, varying her schedule depending if she was going to spend the day at her office doing paper work or if she was working in her lab. He had taken her training very seriously.

For that she was very grateful, for she knew that if she had gone to Goku or Yamcha or anyone of the others they would have gone soft on her, they would have pampered her and she wouldn't be progressing this fast. She was very proud of what she had accomplished so far. Even though she had just trained for a month, the results were clearly visible in her body and the way she carried herself. She had always been rather slim, but all her curves were soft, kind of childlike, now she was toned, all her muscles well defined, her curves more pronounced and hard under her silken skin. She carried herself proudly, straight, her head high, and walked as if she were floating - she had always marveled at his way of doing this, seeming to float around instead of walking, but know she knew that, aside from his natural grace and perfected agility and stealth, he seemed to float because he really felt as if he didn't weight an ounce, and that was because of the GR. Even though she had just reached 5G's and stayed there a little more than an hour and a half per day, walking around in normal gravity now seemed so easy, so free... -

He still hadn't taught her much about fighting, they had just trained her body and mind. That's one thing she already knew: how to meditate, but even that he had improved.

She didn't know why, but had been very surprised when she started to realize the depths of his knowledge on the subject. It had been foolish of her, she knew, for thinking back she should have seen that this was his job, he had spent all his life training, his body was both his means of living for it was his best weapon when it came to his job, and the reason he was still alive, it should have been only logical to think that he would know his job, the techniques and tools, as well as she knew hers. Somehow, however, she hadn't. Maybe she had underestimated both him and what he does. She probably thought that fighting was just knowing some techniques, training a lot just doing pushups and the likes, shadowboxing, sparring and a good deal of improvisation and foresight when it came to battles.

She had been greatly surprised, and pleasantly too. She felt she couldn't be in better hands.

Anyway, after a month of living together they had decided that it was time to put their plan into action. All her doubts about how to begin had been cleared. Vegeta had asked her to find out a restaurant where he usually took her girlfriends to and after a little subtle interrogation of some of the Z-senshi to know so, they had gone to have lunch or dinner there sometimes. He had explained that this way they would be known in the restaurant, seeming that they had been together for a while and that it was pure casuality that they met Yamcha there. More over, this way they would get to know each other's habits while eating which would make it all the more believable. She had a feeling that he had also wanted to see how we humans behave in this kind of situations so that he didn't make a fool of himself.

Now everything was ready and tomorrow would be the day.


Well, that's it for the third chapter. As I said this one is way longer. It probably isn't what you were expecting... maybe you'd have liked to see them on their first date, already. Well, I thought I needed to put all this before... for one I don't think anybody could go from being depressed over her ex and not being able to see him without breaking down to plotting something like this and acting as if nothing. AND I thought that they should have got to know each other a little before acting and it seemed to me that training was a good way to do so... don't you think?

On the other side I think that she needed to grow up a little. I mean, look at her on Namek! Sometimes she just got on my nerves with all her complaining like a spoiled little girl: they were nearly killed, on a planet that was about to explode and all she could think of was that they had left her alone and that she was bored??

Anyway, next chapter will be their first date! What's gonna happen? Will it turn out well? And what's this: Vegeta doesn't have anything to wear... do I see a trip to the mall? I still don't know how next chapter's gonna be that much, just have the general idea, so this one's gonna take some time to be finished... See You!