Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain of Needles ❯ Story ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mountain of Needles
By Starbearer TM.
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama. It is owned by Shonen Jump, Toei Animation Co. Ltd. Shuisha Bird studios and released by Funimation. This fanfiction means no harm to the manga or anime. Only the plot is my idea and is for entertainment only. This story is based on the movie Fusion Reborn, and contains dialogue from it.
Warning: Implied M/M relationship aka shonen Yaoi. No lemon though. Don't read if you don't like the undercurrent of such things!
Within a vast mountain of spiked spheres they sought refuge. Son Goku and Vegeta bled bright from the multiple wounds crisscrossing their battered bodies. Shreds of cloth fluttered in the harsh biting wind of hell. Held alongside of him, Vegeta laxed in Goku's arms. Around the larger saiyan's neck was wrapped Vegeta's left elbow. Strangely the proximity of the prince alongside him was comforting, even though he was a former enemy. It had been ages since Goku had physical contact with anyone other than brief kicks or blows landing in Otherworld.
Even if Vegeta called him rival, Goku called the Prince otherwise. Despite the pressure of that revelation he rejoiced to share Vegeta's company again. Such memories were links to the previous existence Goku sorely missed. Only Vegeta seemed solid and real to Goku in the phantasm warped world that became Janempa's plaything. Goku had seen spheres of polished rainbow glass fuse out of nothingness, and replicas of himself shooting back. Vegeta served to ground him in reality.
"Maybe it's because Vegeta was once a ghost," Goku thought to himself as he lowered Vegeta gently to the clearest place among the giant sized burrs of needle mountain. When all this was over he guessed that Vegeta would dissolve and vanish, to join the legions of punished souls in hell once more. Naturally the thought of this stung Goku because he loathed thinking of his friend suffering as a fluttering ghost of his former self. Immediately Vegeta squirmed, and Goku let the Prince lightly drop to his side while he knelt alongside him.
"Don't touch me!" Vegeta snapped.
Bracing himself on his hands and knees Vegeta pushed himself up. He turned his face downwards. Somehow Vegeta always felt the need to refuse help. Aching bones hurt far less then the wounds to his pride, Goku reasoned. Every muscle of Vegeta's body quivered, bearing witness to the struggle to mask emotions from his erstwhile rival.
Through clenched teeth Vegeta gritted, "Why don't you just let me be, Kakkarot!"
"Vegeta…" Goku started to say. He bit back his next words when he saw the Prince's back heaving up and down. Wet spots appeared just under the Prince's bowed head, and Goku shivered.
"What hurts even worse… is that you've grown stronger, while I've… remained the same," Vegeta half sobbed.
Another pang of familiarity pulled at Goku's gut. Immediately he answered, "It's… only natural that there'd be a gap between us. You've got to understand I've been training in otherworld all this time…"
To this Vegeta said nothing, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. Only once before did Goku remember seeing Vegeta shed tears and he felt his mind dragging him down the corridor of memories to Namek. Where he stood over the Prince's shattered form laying vulnerable in the shadow of Freeza. Torn between joy at reuniting with his friends and concern for the Prince, Goku wasn't sure if he still hated Vegeta. To see him reduced to this was a fate he wished on no one. A litany of past misdeeds spilled from the Prince's trembling lips despite Goku's efforts to stop him.
With those halting words Goku's heart melted, and he understood. Just like the understanding that had dawned when they had first fought. If but for the grace of Kami that could have been him… so many similarities. Goku found himself reliving that tangible pain and couldn't stop himself from offering what words of comfort he could, "But… I'm even more amazed that you've remained so strong after not having a body to train in!"
Bitterly Vegeta cut him off, his words like a slap in the face, "Don't you DARE try consoling me, Kakkarot!"
Goku exhaled, realizing that was the worst thing he could have said. He kicked himself inwardly for yet again blundering with words. Propping himself up against an upright slab, Vegeta rested his aching bones.
Even though Vegeta had slain many in his short lifetime, piling bodies on top of his tally as a Majin, Goku found it within his heart to forgive the Saiyan Prince. Since that moment when he glanced up to see Vegeta's white boots drop before his gaze he knew his friend was back to his former self. Gut instinct told Goku Vegeta had his prideful reasons for accepting the taste of power to surpass him.
"I know I know," Goku laughed, trying to mask his hurt.
"Do you think there's any hope of defeating him?" Vegeta mused, snapping him back to the reality of their present.
"I admit he's one of the most powerful beings I've ever fought. But there's once chance we can," Goku admitted. Eyes turned towards Vegeta he knew what he was about to suggest would probably be rejected, but he hoped Vegeta would see the necessity. Ever since he had seen the Metamorese there was one possible solution. The difficulty was getting the prideful prince to admit it. Yet if their positions were reversed would Vegeta offer the same? Most likely not.
"Are you crazy? He picked us apart!" Vegeta spluttered. Through their fights Goku had learned intimate details of the Prince's life that only Bulma herself would know. The bond between hated enemies forced an intimacy almost that of a lover. Goku shivered. In his own way Vegeta had bared his soul during their clash after Babidi's spell.
Something about this method tantalized Goku. Was it out of selfishness to want to know more about Vegeta's past that he was about to voice the alternative? Because Fusion would merge them in a physical being as close as lovemaking. Goku shivered at the thought, and took a deep breath before saying, "C'mon Vegeta it only lasts a half hour!"
"You don't mean…?" Vegeta gasped, his eyes wide.
Goku inwardly chuckled to see the narrowed slits of Vegeta's angular eyes in such a shape other then a frown. Though he had to admit he couldn't tear his eyes from Vegeta's stern features that burned their way into his mind. The gleaming hatred in Vegeta's eyes almost resembled the passion that Chichi had once held for him before…
"Fusion," he whispered.
"You know better then that!" Vegeta returned. Again Goku flinched as if he'd been backhanded. Why did Vegeta's rejection sting so much more then usual. Slumping his shoulders Goku felt his hopes again dashed. Sometimes he wanted to scream in frustration at Vegeta's stubbornness.
Still he pushed on, his voice insistent, "Isn't it worth the risk?"
"I'd rather die then join with you, you clown!" Vegeta retorted. Goku saw the brick wall slam up, and knew this was getting him nowhere. Here Goku offered to share of himself and offer Vegeta a chance to fight WITH him and he was again refused. Just what impelled Goku to keep giving of himself to someone who frustrated his friendship at every turn? Something flickered in Vegeta's eyes, and Goku realized it was fear. Hurt pride to rely on anyone's help especially Goku's.
Goku could only laugh at this. Shaking his head he sniffed, "You're already dead, Vegeta! Didn't you say you'd rather face anything than…"
"NO! Don't you DARE ask me again! Not in a MILLION YEARS!" Vegeta snapped, shoving himself off the slab and slashing the air with the sweep of one arm. Wouldn't Vegeta take ANY chance to become powerful? Even the Majin, but he would outright refuse Goku's offer born out of goodness. Perhaps that was what hurt Goku the most. Mercilessly he felt the surge of power and screamed to Vegeta to watch out. Thousands of shards of needles slashed through them like razors.
"Vegeta are you okay?" Goku cried, when the attack ceased.
"Do I LOOK okay!" Vegeta grunted back, struggling to rise. Goku's hand automatically extended to help but he was not surprised when Vegeta slapped it away.
"Don't TOUCH me!" Vegeta gritted.
"I know.. I know. It's been a while since we've seen each other. No sense in fighting the whole time," Goku found himself saying with fondness. Vegeta's expression was stoic in response to these words. He realized then how much he'd missed Vegeta's crankiness.
Suddenly Vegeta's words once venom laced drifted back to him, "Here we are Kakkarot! Just you and me! Isn't it GLORIOUS!"
Uncomfortably Goku squirmed and realized he was guilty of the same crime: the need to push beyond his limits. Goku had taken exorbitant liberties to train in exotic places instead of returning home to his family. All the times he delayed returning or said he was on a mission was he really being selfish?
"I guess that means Fusion's out. We'd better get out of here, because this place won't last much longer," Goku suggested. Vegeta shakily stood, his back presented to Goku, head bowed. Through the ripped spandex Goku watched the twitching muscles of his back speaking the words Vegeta suppressed.
Said Vegeta firmly, "I refuse to run! If I do, it'd be hell…"
"Grab hold of my hand," Goku offered, again reaching out with his long fingered hands to touch Vegeta's arm.
"If I run life's a hell, and if I die, life's a hell," Vegeta intoned, shaking his head. Back and forth his cone of spikes swished. Every aspect of the Prince filled him with a sense of urgency, and he found himself suddenly wanting so badly to comprehend Vegeta that moment. It hurt him to see Vegeta like this, and Goku suddenly realized why. They were alone. The last of their kind, against incredible odds. Few else could comprehend the exhilaration and ecstatic joy that ran through their veins at the thought of a fight to the death.
Again the shoulders rose and fell, before Vegeta softly broke the silence, "I've only one choice then. I'll do it, I'll do the stupid fusion!"
Inside his well muscled chest, Goku's heart skipped beats. The mask had cracked and the armor had fallen, something he had never dared hope in a million years. Excitement of Vegeta's acceptance overrode his sense of urgency, and Goku scolded himself for such selfish glee. Just what form this opening up would take puzzled Goku. Why did his knees tremble in anticipation?
Why did his tongue knot as he whispered, "Vegeta…" with a half silly smile on his face. Why was he so happy that Vegeta wanted to share Fusion when he knew how much pride Vegeta ate to 'degrade' himself. Then Goku felt sadness. Only when pushed to the wall did Vegeta accept, not because he truly wanted to open himself up to Goku.
Again reality interceded the awkward moment, and Goku snatched at Vegeta desperately. He heard the whooshed grunt of Vegeta's surprise in his ears the moment he touched his forehead. Inside his brain closed a circuit, and reality fizzled out. Molecules turned to energy, and he clutched Vegeta tightly. Using the technique the Prince once hated Goku again saved the Prince. Although he knew Vegeta would be furious for suddenly snatching him away, he consoled himself with the thought of Fusion.
Vegeta despite being coerced had agreed. His heart again leapt at the mere thought of finding answers to questions he didn't even know he had. Fusion meant melding together in a seamless whole. Neither would be the same after it was done.