Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain of Needles ❯ Close for Comfort ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mountain of Needles
By Starbearer TM.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama. It is owned by Shonen Jump, Toei Animation Co. Ltd. Shuisha Bird studios and released by Funimation. This fan fiction means no harm to the manga or anime. Only the plot is my idea and is for entertainment only. This story is based on the movie Fusion Reborn, and contains dialogue from it.
Warning: M/M relationship aka shonen-ai and Yaoi. Don't read if you don't like such things!
Now left alone with the impending destruction of them, both sat in a remote location to try to learn the poses. Vegeta felt broken and ashamed, sitting there with his knees hugged to his chest. Goku knew that he had to do something and encourage his fusion partner to keep trying.  
Hard muscles tensed, adding to the overall intensity that would not be denied.
Bending one knee Son Goku genuflected before him, not wishing to break his dark eyed gaze for a second. In ebony depths, Vegeta saw the resolution harden along with the set of Goku's youthful jaw. “Vegeta please, we have no time…”
“Just do what we were going to, and make it quick,” Vegeta hissed through his teeth. He rocked back on his bottom, retreating further into himself.
"I hate seeing you like this, Vegeta. You think it is the worst thing you can do, joining bodies like this. Is it that horrible?" Goku tossed his head, retaining a small smile. "I guessed I never realized how much I even missed you complaining about everything."
“If death is the only option, you know I refused to run. Hurry and show me this damn dance,” Vegeta continued, as if spitting poison.
Extending his large hand, Goku brushed his long fingers over Vegeta's bared shoulder. “Vegeta please, I know you say you hate me and hate pity…”
“Did I tell you NOT to touch me?” Vegeta snapped, slapping Goku's hand away.
“You're sure trying hard to push away someone you always spend a lot of time and energy hating, Vegeta,” Goku said, reaching out glide his hand up bare tanned skin. The Prince locked into a rigid pose, only the brief flutter of his Adam's apple betraying how much Goku's feather touches affected him. "All that pride, even when you're broken and battered. I just wanted to reach out and try to help you.
“Shut up!” Vegeta snapped, struggling.
“You always bit my head off, Vegeta. Why do I get the sense you say one thing and mean another?” Goku asked, reaching out his other hand while pinning Vegeta in place by his shoulder. Though Vegeta cursed and struggled, Goku's other hand slowly reached out to caress the Prince's trembling cheek.
“I could kill you for this. What are you doing, fool?” Vegeta growled his voice rough and deepening to a primal growl.
“Get close and let you know you're not alone?” Goku asked lamely.
The Prince seized Goku's hand in his gloved one. Despite the difference in height, their hands were the same size, except Vegeta's palm was a bit narrower, and his fingers slightly shorter. However, the viselike grip squeezed tightly against Goku's flattened hand.
"Idiot," Vegeta uttered, filling the insult thickly with something Goku swore sounded like affection. “You won't bloody give up will you? You will not leave me alone, Kakarotto. Even now in death you try to force your way into my face?”
“I… please Vegeta, stop shutting me out! I want… dammit I want to help you and you are so stubborn! Can't you see this rivalry is destroying you?”
“It's all I have to keep me going, Kakarotto. It's not your business!” Vegeta hissed.
“It is now. We have to do this together. In whatever way. Isn't it worth overcoming whatever damn chip is on your shoulder to let me help this once?” Goku asked. Snatching hold of Vegeta's hand, he gave a tug. The Prince surprisingly allowed this, until he too mirrored Goku's pose.
“You don't realize what you're doing, clown. If you get too close you will regret the day you were born,” Vegeta growled, face moving closer.
“No Vegeta. I know what you mean. Now more than ever. I know why you want to shove me out. Because you're afraid.”
“How dare you!” Vegeta snarled, his brow twisting in hatred.
“We can't synch and join as one when you're fighting me so much. But I know why you say you hate me. Because inside you don't,” Goku swallowed hard. Vegeta's eyes widened in the same shock, as Goku's other hand lifted up. Vegeta squeezed shut his eyes, trembling all over as Goku's callused hand caressed his cheek.
“Damn you,” he whispered, leaning into Goku's soft stroke.
"Fusion… is the only way till now that I could get this close to you," Goku rasped, eyes bottomless black and filled with an almost infinite sadness. Still holding hands, Vegeta waited in anticipation to see Goku's left hand gliding towards his face. Instead of still cupping it, he diverted to squeeze Vegeta's shoulder, adding a slight soothing rub that only Saiyan fingers could apply enough pressure to release the tension in titanium muscles.
"So it was for selfish reasons you foist Fusion on me, eh, Kakarotto?" Vegeta snickered. "I knew it. You should have asked me to fuck you instead! I would have been MORE than willing to do that instead of you forcing me to do that humiliating dance!"
“You mean…” Goku gasped. He blinked, swallowing hard. Impulsively he slid his hand around the back of the Prince's neck and jerked him forwards. Vegeta landed against the solid chest, pulled up off his feet into a crushing embrace. Hardly thinking, Goku's mouth silenced any stuttering curse or reply. Blood caked their bodies that were fused into an embrace. Hungrily Goku forced all the comfort he could into the gesture before Vegeta would push him back.
To his surprise, Vegeta relaxed into the kiss, his hands wrapping around Goku's neck. Lips opened under Goku's and he felt the moist exhalation of the Prince's breath crossing his palate. Swallowing hard, Goku felt the soft tongue joining his, and time stopped. His heart hammered fit to burst in his chest, echoing that of the small Saiyan devouring his mouth and struggling to dominate the kiss.
Gasping Goku surfaced for breath. Still he clutched the Prince around the waist. Something tingled in the base of Goku's spine, and he saw Vegeta staring right into his face. Weak in the knees both of them slammed into the hard flat surface of the cube on which they floated. Still in Goku's arms, Vegeta's own knees were bruised by the impact. Vegeta's dark eyes gleamed with something other than hatred.
Goku's eyes widened to a boyish roundness, indicating the shock of realization. His lips opened to reveal strong sharp teeth, breath rapidly catching. “Vegeta… you… know?”
“I refuse to run, Kakarotto. There is only a moment and then Fusion. Do what you will or leave me be,” Vegeta whispered.
Rasping breaths resounded in a closing gap between them. Goku seized Vegeta by the forearms, dragging him forwards into his broad chest. Grunting Vegeta thought first to fight then allowed the boldness, feeling Goku pull his pelvis towards him. Simultaneously Goku rested his weight on his backside, dropping his bent knee. Boosting Vegeta into his lap, he planted him in the triangle of his legs. This action brought their eyes perfectly level with one another's.
“Vegeta there's no time,” Goku whispered. “Either we face this now or never.”
"You…" Son Goku panted, gritting his teeth at the motion of Vegeta's hand dipping into his underwear. Shifting up so he straddled Goku's lap squarely, Vegeta caught the shock in his face.
Vegeta retaliated by reaching between them to grab hold of Goku's pant clad thighs. His gloved fingers curled into baggy fabric, tugging at it. Goku inhaled sharply at the sound of the rip, and then felt the Prince seize his sleeveless top and rip it more completely off one shoulder. Quickly he undid the sash holding up his pants so it would still survive. Following through with the same hand, he dipped it into the remaining collar of Goku's shirt, massaging the trapezium along his neck. Goku rolled his head slightly, eyes shut with bliss at the strength in Vegeta's questing fingers. A throaty chuckle escaped the latter's lips, accompanied by the downward grind of his pelvis into the younger Saiyan. Then holding Goku's neck by the base, he yanked his face forward so their lips collided. Forcefully he invaded Goku's lips, only to feel the sideways twist of the Third class's head to reciprocate.
Unwilling to be passive, Son Goku emitted a low sighing growl, locking his arms around Vegeta's torso. He slid one finger just inside the waistband of the pants, dragging it along the rim of Vegeta's waist. Next Son Goku slipped index finger and middle of both hands into the hips of Vegeta's tight garment and shove it down.
"Damn it," Vegeta cursed, marveling at the strength in his hands. Nobody would have such equivalent abilities as a full-blooded Saiyan, trained his equal and more for so many years.
"I would take what I could get. To be close enough to win. For us to work together was all I wanted. Just to have the chance to fight together. Not WITH each other, don't you see?" Son Goku confessed, teeth slightly bared. He could not resist the buzzing energies crackling through him, and the primal fear to control him was shuffled aside because the Prince would not break. Gold energy surged at the rising peak of what Vegeta's fingers worked on Goku's saiyanhood, exploding into flames that licked over his seated figure. Vegeta arched his back, basking in the radiance of Goku's form growing in size and strength, locks fluttering up and glowing from within. Yet he did not stop there when another squeeze of fingers and the action of a tail coiling around Goku's waist sent pulses of electricity crackling over them both.
Goku panted, teal eyes gleaming without discernible pupils. A matching tail lashed and curled against the ground, identical to the tower of gold spikes Vegeta plunged his hand into. He extended one of the hands towards his companion, so that the white teeth bit down and peeled them off one by one. This enabled the Prince to feel the contrasting softness of hair that seemed in all likelihood to resemble wire.
The hair of a super Saiyan 2 was stiffer but still silky. Spun sunlight lit from within. Even the skin radiated that same blinding light. Lightening abated, and Vegeta wrinkled a dark brow in question. "Why not go all the way? Even now, holding back on me? Show me that ridiculous third form. The one that you hid from me… that I hardly see."
"I thought you said it was stupid," Goku replied with a slight echo to his voice. “Janempa will see us!”
“He will know we're here already. Show me what you held back,” Vegeta hissed. For a moment, Vegeta climbed off his lap, and then used the chance to peel the remains of his torn garments and boots aside to witness the lengthening hair and the loud scream echoing through the trees. In but a moment pupils peered from under that hairless brow. Before another word was uttered and the crackling aura of Goku's transformation dropped, Vegeta pounced on him. Still bracing his torso up with one hand throw behind him, Goku again repositioned the Prince into the triangle of his legs. Fingers tunneled and twisted the flowing spiky waterfall; a gilt parody to one the Prince missed.
Lips aligned, breaths surging in one another's mouths. Son Goku's Saiyanhood brushed past the base of the Prince's legs, rubbing against the other's firming excitement. Loud groans were swallowed in the forceful press of their lips, the growling quests of their fingers seizing handfuls of black and golden hair to tug and pull. Groaning, Vegeta pressed his knees down, pushing himself up off Goku's lap a bit and shifting his own hardness aside. A nod of understanding passed between them, and Goku positioned himself with the Prince's hand guiding his. Shortly Goku feared harming the Prince, but then realized from the wrinkling snarl of the midnight stare, it was expected.
At the same time, Vegeta slammed himself down, Goku thrust up. He cupped Vegeta's hips in his huge hands, while Vegeta placed his own on Goku's shoulders blistering with added muscle. A strangled groan resounded in Goku's ear when he sank into moist warmth. Now the privilege was reciprocated, and Vegeta shifted his hips teasingly slowly. Words were not needed as Goku demonstrated what he would do.
Gasps echoed between them as Goku rolled over and pinned the Prince under him. His ki senses screamed danger, and there were only mere minutes before they would have to stop and join in other ways. When at last Vegeta buried his face in a kiss, Goku's next protests were silenced. Together they shuddered, taking what bliss they could in a moment that exploded like a supernova. Then Goku collapsed headlong onto the Prince's body.
“Get off me you fool. You way too damn much,” Vegeta panted, pushing up against him. Shakily Goku lifted himself off with palms flattened to either side of his shoulders.
“Sorry Vegeta. We have to try Fusion now. We have to…,” he panted, his face blistering with sweat. During the seconds of their climax, he had dropped into his default form. Ignoring the blush crossing Vegeta's cheek, Goku gently eased the prince's legs from around his waist. Vegeta's mask fell, indicating a neutral scowl as he locked away the strange feelings he felt would destroy him if they were expressed.
“Fine, show me the damn dance,” Vegeta hissed under his breath. He pulled his spandex back into place, shakily sitting with knees again bend. His head slumped, and he struggled to catch his breath again. Goku hitched up his torn gi, refastening it as best as he could. Only one shoulder was torn and most of his chest was showing still.
What had just happened was quickly pushed aside as Goku stretched his body and martial led his strength. It had given him an extra rush of energy, and he was hopeful that Vegeta was now more willing than ever to try. Holding his arms up he called to Vegeta to listen, “It's a bit like a cross between water ballet and dancing, without the water…”
“Ballet?” Vegeta repeated, snapping his head up. Again, his angular eyes were wide with shock.
“Yes….” Goku said. Vegeta despite being coerced had agreed. His heart again leapt at the mere thought of finding answers to questions he did not even know he had. Fusion meant melding together in a seamless whole. Neither would be the same after it was done.