Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Dreams ❯ Faith Restored? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Note: And here it is...another chapter!!! ^_^

I'm not making this note too long, but I just wanted to let you guys know how old the characters are and everything. I made them exactly how they're supposed to be up to current date here in my fanfiction according to their original ages in GT...or at least I tried...

Pan = 21
Trunks = 35
Goten = 34
Bra = 20
Marron = 30
Ubuu = 25

Okay, I think that's about right. I'm not sure on Ubuu's age. All the other character's like Gohan and Videl, Goku and ChiChi, etc. etc. you should know already, or if not, well, it's not that important.

Disclaimer: Okay, usually I don't even include these in my stories, but for the sake of arguement and all the clueless people out there who are even taking into consideration that I could actually own either Dragonball/Z/GT, or the song that's featured a little later on in this fanfic, unfortunately, you are sadly mistaken...


Trunks sat at his desk with his head getting held up by his hand, staring at the paperwork in front of him. He sighed; he hated his job. It was so boring, and he felt that he was just so not cut out for it. As he signed another document for Capsule Corporation, he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a young, attractive woman walked in. She had her long blonde hair tied up into a bun with a few loose strands of hair falling out of place, framing her delicate pale face. ( A/N: Hey...that rhymed O_o;; ) She smiled brightly at Trunks and looked at him with her brilliant blue eyes. It was his secretary.

"Mr. Briefs, here's those copies of the contract between Capsule Corp. and Tech Industries like you requested," she stated as she handed him the papers. He nodded and took the paperwork from her, trying to plaster a smile on his face, but he was just too damn tired to succeed. The secretary noticed this, and tilted her head to the side a bit.
"If I may make a suggestion Mr. Briefs, why don't you go take a break now? You've been working since 7 o'clock this morning and it's already 4 in the afternoon, and you haven't even taken a break!"

Trunks looked up at his secretary and smiled. Unlike his last few secretaries whom were only working for Trunks hoping to get a chance at his money and body, this one, even though very attractive like the others, had a kind personality and actually cared about doing her job, rather than hanging all over Trunks and drooling over him. Of course, this might have also been because of fact that this secretary of his was a very close family friend.

"Thanks Marron, I think I'll do that, and stop calling me Mr. Briefs for Kami's sake!" He smiled as he got up and stretched a bit,then patted her on the shoulder. She smiled.
"Sorry Trunks, I guess I get into my job too much. Besides, when I'm out there at my desk outside of your office, I have to address you as 'Mr. Briefs' in front of other people, you know."
Trunks chuckled. "Yeah I know, but don't sweat it even if you say 'Trunks', you could always explain to whoever you slipped my first name to that you're a family friend."
Marron smirked. "Yeah right, that'd be a bunch of fun. I do that and 1: People would think I just got this job because of me being your friend and then they'd think it wouldn't be fair..."
Trunks cut her off. "So? That's their problem."
Marron eyed him, and so he shut up to let her finish. "...And 2: I'd get jumped by all those female secretaries who tried getting this job. Unlike you, I'm not a Saiyan, even though I have Android blood in me and my father is one of the strongest human beings in the world, I don't think I could take them all on. You know I don't train like you guys do. Even my mother and father have stopped training."
Trunks sighed. "Alright, alright, but to get to the main point, just refer to me in front of me as Trunks, okay?"
Marron smiled. "Yes sir, Mr. Briefs sir." She smirked and giggled a little as she received a playful punch in the arm.

Trunks looked at her smiling. "Oh, hey, that reminds me, you're getting off of work in an hour anyway, so why don't I just wait up for you and eat a late lunch with you? I mean...if you're hungry, that is."
Marron smiled, but shook her head. "I'm sorry Trunks, after work I have a date with Ubuu. I'll have to pass."
Trunks nodded and smiled. Marron and Ubuu had been going out with eachother for a while now, and they both seemed to be meant for eachother. Everybody, including Marron, was impatiently waiting for Ubuu to pop the blonde half human, half android the question. Ubuu was somewhat shy, so it was no surprise that it was taking him so long.

"Well, you have a good time, okay? I guess I'll take off now. Let mom do the rest, she owes me one anyway for me taking her place at that big meeting last week. It's not like I left her that much anyway..." Trunks hugged his friend. "I'll talk to you later okay? Oh, where are you guys going anyway? Is it a special occasion or something?"
Marron smiled. "Actually, yeah, it's our 4th year anniversary. I think he's taking me out to that new fancy restaurant that just opened up downtown last week, what was it called? 'Serene Gardens' I think. I don't know why they'd call it that though..."
Trunks blinked. "Oh, yeah, I went there the day of its grand opening! It's called that because...well, I don't wanna spoil it, so I'll just let you go and see." Trunks chuckled when he saw the look of disappointment on Marron's face. Well, he didn't want to mess up the look of surprise on her face that she'd be showing to Ubuu the moment she walks into that restaurant.
Inside the restaurant was a huge garden, lit up with different flouresent colored lights. Above it the whole ceiling was glass, showing the outside. It was especially gorgeous at night, when the stars in the sky shimmered down onto the restarant's guests. Trunks knew Marron would be delighted.
'Hmm...wonder if he's actually gonna ask her this time...' Trunks thought to himself.

"Alright, I'm off then!" Trunks stated as he hugged Marron and went right out the window. He didn't really like walking out the usual way and have to run away from all of his crazed girl fans. As he flew out, he saw a huge cloud hovering over the air, and he smiled to himself at his window of oppertunity as he flew into, then within seconds, whipped out a capsule and pressed it, his work clothes vanishing and in its place were a comfortable pair of baggy black jeans, a white tank top, and a silky black t-shirt buttoned over it.

This was the easiest way to get dressed; it was just like Gohan's old watch when he wanted to turn into the Great Saiya-man. All you had to do is press the button and 'Poof!' You're done! Yeah...walking out of his office dressed like this would definately not have been a good idea. He'd probably get raped...


Goten strolled around the city, his eyes set on finding a good restaurant. He soon found himself in a chinese restaurant that wasn't too fancy, but wasn't really one of those trashy kinds either. After ordering what would've easily fed about 5 humans, he dug in. After finishing up the chicken lo-mein and half of the fried rice, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hi!" chirped the dark-haired girl behind him. She was wearing a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a red tank top. In the young woman's hair was her classic trademark; an orange bandana.
"Pan-chan! Hi!" greeted Goten happily. "What are you doing here?"
"The same as you I guess. I came here to pick up a quick little snack."
Goten blinked. "Did you eat yet?"

Goten ordered the waiter to come to their table. Pan ordered what she wanted, the waiter sort of stunned at how the two young people couldn't share the food that the first one had ordered, seeing as how he had ordered so much. But hey, more money and a bigger tip for him, so he didn't say anything and just went to the kitchen to order in.

"So, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while," smiled Pan gently as she stole an eggroll from off of Goten's plate. His face went into a pout.
"You're gonna owe me for that."
"What?!? It's just an eggroll!" Pan argued as she took a bite out of it.
"But...it was MY eggroll..." Goten whined.

Pan just rolled her eyes. Typical Uncle Goten.

"Your attitude towards food is never gonna change. But that's no surprise. Have you seen Trunks lately?" Pan asked, looking up towards her uncle, who was stuffing his face at the moment.
"Nope," He responded, a mouth full of fried wonton. "Why?"
"Oh," said Pan, "No reason really. I just haven't seen him in a while. Come to think of it, I haven't seen anybody in a while, I guess I've been so busy with finishing up the final exams and such. But it's over! It's finally over!" She smiled happily.
"Yeah, I guess you can go and catch up with everybody now that it is. The last time you saw me, or anybody for that matter, was at your college graduation last month." Goten looked up as the waiter came and served the many amounts of food that Pan had ordered as her little "snack". He swiped one of her 6 eggrolls and stuffed it into his mouth, grinning sheepishly at her. Pan rolled her eyes again.
"Yeah, I know. I was thinking of stopping in on Trunks sometime tomorrow. He's become too much of a workaholic these days."
"I know." Goten finished chomping on the eggroll and swallowed it. "But since he's started working at Capsule Corp. he's always been like that. I think he actually LIKES his job."
"I don't." Pan frowned. "He's been hating that job ever since he started it. He's just covering up his true feelings towards it for certain reasons that I know nobody really cared about way-back-when."

Goten sat across the table from her and blinked a few times.

"Ne?" He murmered, confused. "What do you mean?"

Pan sat in silence as she gobbled down her food while Goten kept nagging her to answer the question. She never did.


Trunks sighed. He finished the last slice of pizza of his second large pizza pie and flopped onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling. Funny how he always did that whenever he was feeling down. In fact, he found himself doing that rather often. The thing was, he didn't know WHY, and it pissed the hell out of him. Ever since he can remember when he started working at his family's company, he had always came home weary from all the work and depressed about something. But the question was, what?


The next day, Trunks received a visitor at his job. Pan smiled brightly as she passed the secretary in front of Trunks's office (Marron wasn't in that day...) and entered the room. The back of the President's chair was facing her and he stared out of his window, over-looking all of the city and the forests beyond. The radio was on, it's volume low, but still could be heard at a reasonable level, and he appeared to just be staring out of the window. Before Pan could even say anything, she started to hear him sing along with the lyrics:

"Never made it as a wise man,
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing,
Tired of living like a blind man,
I'm sick inside without a sense of feeling"

Pan was struck with awe; His voice was so...beautiful. 'Even after all these years...' She heard herself say in her mind.

"And this is how you remind me...
This is how you remind me of what I really am
This is how you remind me of what I really am..."

As he continued to sing, Trunks closed his eyes as he continued on, his voice rich with the melody as he carried on with the song.

"It's not like you, to say "I'm sorry"
Words written on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For having you a heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong
I've been dumped
Into the bottom of every bottle
These 5 words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"..."

As the little musical break in between the main parts of the song played, with the occasional "yeah's" being sung by Nickelback, Pan cleared her throat to let Trunks know he wasn't the only one in the room. With hearing that, Trunks quickly flicked the radio off with it's remote, and turned to see who was in his office with him. His eyes opened with surprise as he saw Pan.

"P...Pan! Hi! What are you doing here? How long...have you been standing there?" He asked, stuttering a little as he first spoke her name and finishing his last question with a nervous quiver that she detected in his voice. Trunks really didn't like anybody listening to him sing; it pained him if anybody ever complimented him on it and suggested that he should go into the music entertainment business instead of wasting all his time and talent behind a desk here at the corporation.

"Oh, I just decided to drop by on you, and only since the song first began," Pan answered honestly, smiling a bit to reassure him that she wasn't going to bug him about his singing, sensing how it probably would hurt him a little.
"Oh, I see. Well, what a nice surprise!" He said, thinking he may have sounded disappointed at first when he greeted her. "Sit down! Make your self comfortable!"
Pan did as she was told. She looked up at him, brushing the loose strands of hair that escaped from her ponytail behind her ear (she wasn't wearing her bandana that day).

"Well, I guess I just wanted to see if you would do me the pleasure of joining me for some dinner," she stated brightly.
Trunks smiled and glanced at his wrist-watch. It was about time he started heading out anyway. It was already 7 at night.
"Sure, why not?" He answered as he got up from his big leather chair and pulled his coat off the hanger in the closet. She smiled and got up as he walked to her, as they chuckled a bit taking their arm in the other's and walked out of his office.


"Oh my Kami, that was so funny when we we walked through the corporation like that!" Giggled Pan as they sat down at a somewhat fancy Italian restaurant. "I have never seen so many jealous looking women all in the same place at one time! That was hillarious!"
Trunks chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I know...I suppose they all thought you were my girlfriend or something. I guess I do sort of get a bit of attention from the ladies..." The lavander-haired Saiyan prince looked at his nails and rubbed them against his jacket, trying to act smoothly. His only response was more laughter from the quater Saiyan sitting across from him.
"I'm surprised you haven't been raped yet!" Pan laughed at the statement she just made, then burst out laughing more at the look on Trunks's face. "What? They probably would if they had the chance!"
"Yeah, I know, that's what's scary..." Trunks trailed off nervously as a sweatdrop appeared on the side of his head. It's not that he was shy or timid, he just really didn't like being the center of attention, especially to so many women; young, old, beautiful, or unfortunately, just down-right ugly.

Soon the waiter came by their table. They ordered their food, and with that the waiter walked off. They continued to have conversation, mostly about how they had been doing and what was new. Before they knew it their food at arrived, and they began to eat.

"You know Trunks..." Pan started between bites, "I really think this type of career wasn't meant for you."
"Oh?" Trunks responded, not really knowing where she was getting at, too occupied by the delicious food that he was forking into his mouth.
"Yeah...And I always wanted to ask you a question, but I guess everytime I meant to do it another topic was brought up or I just forgot." Pan stopped eating and looked up at Trunks, who just stared at her blankly.
"What is it?"
"Well," Pan said, unsure of herself and what his reaction might be to the question she was about to ask. "Trunks, whatever happened to you and that dream of yours? You always wanted to be a singer, no?"

Trunks choked on his food.

"Are you okay?" The raven-haired Saiyan asked, concerened. Her nerves calmed down as he swallowed his food and took a sip of his water, then cleared his throat.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why are you bringing this up? That was so many years ago, Pan-chan," he said, with a straight face, but Pan could see in his sapphire blue eyes that he was feeling a small tint of pain from the memories of that dream.
"Oh come on Trunks, you KNOW you still have talent, I just heard you singing in the office!" She tilted her head to the side as he looked down a little. She could see a faded shade of pink start to spread across his face. "I don't know why you gave up so easily either. You of all the people I know are not the type to quit at something like that."
"Pan..." Trunks trailed off, sighing. He knew that once Pan had started up something like this, there was no way to get out of it. "Pan, it's just that...I...I just didn't want to continue on with it, that's all." He looked up, then started to speak again as he saw her mouth open. "I know what you're going to say, yeah, sure, I can still sing, but whatever! That's nothing special...lots of people can sing!"
Pan glared at him. "Oh come on Trunks! I know you can think of a better excuse then that! You had, probably still have that same talent you had so many years ago! I know it!"

Trunks simply sighed. Then, to Pan's surprise, he started laughing a little.

"You know, it's just funny how you remember all of this. You were only a toddler." He looked at Pan with a kind smile spreading across his face.
"I know. I have a good memory, Trunks-chan." She said, using the nickname for him almost timidly and small, reminding him of how she always called him that when he was just 19 and she was 5, her sitting on his lap as he told her stories of the great Saiyajin warriors, her most favorite one of her own father when he defeated Cell those many years ago. Trunks only knew of that tale from his own mother, for he was only an infant at the time.
"It's just that, you really had a lot going for you. You really should get back into gear and start trying to achieve that goal." Pan looked at Trunks with determination in her eyes. "I know you can."

They sat in silence for a little while after that. After both snapping out of the trance, they continued eating and finally left the restaurant, Trunks picking up the tab as he flew her home.


Trunks walked Pan to the door of her own house (her being 21 and being out on her own since she was about 19). She sighed and turned to him, smiling.

"You want to come in for a little coffee or something?" She asked politely, but he turned the offer down.
"No, I better not, I have to start heading home. Mom wants me to stop working so hard and to come home at an earlier time so I can get some good sleep at night." Pan nodded.
"Okay then. I guess I'll see you when I see you then, okay?" She smiled the famous Son smile and gave Trunks a big hug.
"Trunks, I know you still have all that talent in you and deep down, you really want to finish what you started." She looked up at him, the Saiyan Prince looking down back at her. "I know the reason you quit is because nobody seemed to care or have faith in you, but don't let that put you down. I know for a fact that you can pull through, and you want the same thing."
Pan entered her house and turned toward Trunks as he stood there still watching her from the doorway.
"I believe in you..."
And with that, she closed the door. Trunks then flew off to his home, with a lot on his mind to think about.


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