Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 2: An Ancient Alien Princess ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two- An Ancient Alien Princess
Author's Note- Alielle is mine, ALL MINE! AHAHAHAH! Okay any who.... Read and Review and don't mind my ranting. Oh how I wish Piccolo was all mine but alas I don't own him as much as I would like to.

'Goku! I can't believe this! I take care of your family and this is how you repay me!' Piccolo thinks as he zaps the letter to oblivion.

"What is it, Mister Piccolo? What did my dad say to you?" Gohan asks the obviously seriously ticked-off Namek.

Piccolo is glaring at the new woman with such hatred and anger that almost everyone in the room is slightly worried. Piccolo scowls as he notices the halo disappear from over her head.

"Mama, the glowy gold thing over her head just disappeared!" Goten points out.

Alielle looks over her head surprised, "How? I'm alive? Goku!"

Piccolo growls, "Goku said in his letter that he was having Dende wish you back to life with the Dragonballs. Apparently I am supposed to train with you."

"But… This wasn't supposed to happen. I am just the messenger. I've been dead for five hundred years! I was just getting used to it!" Alielle shouts but then she sighs slouching her shoulders, "Goku, I knew you were up to something. You just wanted to be rid of me. Dump me on your unsuspecting friends! You know I can just kill myself."

"Um, who are you talking to?" Krillin asks.

"I am so sorry for the intrusion. I will be going."

"Where, may I ask? To go kill yourself. Goku has asked me to watch you so I'm not going to let you do that." Piccolo stands ready to pounce if the woman so much as turns to the door.

"You have no idea," Alielle mumbles under her breath, "A second chance, he asked me. A second chance to live, not as a princess but as a woman. I'll do it."

Part of Piccolo wanted her to kill herself then he wouldn't have to babysit. "What was Goku thinking?" Piccolo asks himself.

"Goku showed me his entire past, we had a lot of spare time. I showed him mine. He obviously chose you for a good reason, well, knowing Goku, it was probably just some stupid reason, but if you will have me, I would like to train with you."

"Just what is your relationship with my father?" Gohan stands up and asks the question on everyone's mind.

Alielle smiles remembering the day she was introduced to Goku, "Sit down. It is a LONG story."

After everyone is settled, Alielle begins her story, "I'll start with myself to answer the other unvoiced questions. Over five hundred years ago, I was the princess of the planet Alexia. Saiyains came and I ended up dying trying to save my people. Because of my noble sacrifice, I kept my body and trained with the other noble warriors in the afterworld. I was strong… the strongest. I did nothing but train and meditate. I sharpened my mind and my body. All I thought of was revenge, revenge for those blasted monkeys for destroying my home and killing my people. The Alexians were extinct because of the Saiyains.
"Five hundred years of intensive training and even research into other planets. I was the leader in the afterworld. I have always been a leader. Then Goku came and turned my perfectly pleasant world upside-down. A Saiyain, I couldn't believe it when King Kai said he was a Saiyain. My blood boiled and I was so angry that a Saiyain would be allowed into a place for noble warriors. I hated him before I knew him. I challenged him and he refused. But when I attacked him, he had to fight back. We were evenly matched and I hated him. He should have lost for he had only trained for less than fifty years… I had been training for ten times as long. A Super Saiyain from the planet Earth, he said as I began to question what he was. His power continued to grow as I pummeled him. I only grew weaker and I admitted my defeat. He asked why I hated him and I told him about the Saiyains.
"He understood and told me he wasn't like them. He showed me who he was and needless to say we became friends. He is a fun guy and great at all the tournaments. Still, he is dense as can be, but so innocent. We talked for days, of course stopping frequently for him to shovel food into that endless chasm he calls a mouth. He showed me all of you, from when you were childhood friends and childhood enemies to when you grew up and were defenders of the planet. Goku, I know why he did this. I said I envied him for you all. I said I wished I had had friends when I was alive. I wished I… That's enough about me and Goku."

It takes a few minute for everyone to take in the story of Alielle. Gohan is the first to speak, "So you think my father did this so you could be friends with us?"

"Yes, and to protect you. I am powerful and I am strong. He is always worrying about you all."

"You say you are almost as powerful as he is? I want to see this power." Vegeta says smugly.

"This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Lets not bicker about who can kill who." Alielle says not looking at the prince.

(AN: *hehe* If you don't get it watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The scene where Lancelot kills all the wedding people. You get it? No, probably not. Oh well, I think it's funny!)

"Oh wait, I forget to tell you the happy part! Goku is coming for Christmas! He told me to tell you all to be at the Lookout for Christmas because "Goku is coming to town". He said it, I'm just quoting. So everyone should be happy! He can stay the whole day because the Grand Kai said he could! Isn't it marvelous?" Alielle clasps her hands.

"Daddies coming home for Christmas?" Gohan said child-like, eyes wide and going super-chibi.

"Yep! He is on the good side of the Grand Kai after the tournament." Alielle smiles sweetly at the boy.

"Look as amusing as… wait this isn't amusing… are you going to train with me? If so get your butt in gear and let's go."

"Oh! Were you looking at my butt? Shame-shame." Alielle teases Piccolo giving him the naughty finger, receiving unanimous laughter.

"Woman, this is not a good way to start our relationship."

"Oh, we have a relationship, now do we?" Alielle continues to embarrass the Namek, receiving even more laughter.

"Come on,"

"Yes, my liege." She bows as Piccolo walks out the door ignoring her.

"Um, you might want to take it down a notch. Piccolo…" Gohan starts his warning.

"Don't worry about it, kid. I am nothing like this. I'm just screwing with him," Alielle smiles and waves as she takes off after Piccolo.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Gohan sighs.

****That's the end of Chapter Two. Please R&R! Just how well are Piccolo and Alielle are gonna get get along? Is Alielle as strong as she says she is? All in the next chapter!****