Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Forever Yearning ❯ Dead Man ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

***Mount Paozu***

Gohan sighed deeply, his chin rested in his hand and his elbow against his heavy oak desk. A sheet of paper was infront of him as were five large books beside that. He was supposed to be doing his math studies, but he had become distracted by his thoughts as he gazed out his window at the setting sun.

He was about to turn 12 years old now; it had been only a few months since the battle with Cell had been won and the life of his dad had been taken. For good this time.

He had heard the words from his father clearly on Kami's lookout, but even now 4 months later, he still couldn't believe his dad was gone for good. He would never see him again, only getting to see him often in his own dreams.

It was so sudden; He strongly resented his father for leaving him; him and his mom, him and his unborn brother for such a worthless cause.

And yet the more sensible, grown up part of him deep inside of him kept pushing the fact that his father was only staying in the after life because he loved them; because he didn't want anymore harm to be caused to them because of him.

If only his dad knew how much he loved him; didn't his father know that he was still hurting him, even in the afterlife?? He wanted dad so much to see his little brother; see him go to high school; see him grow up and see his children. But he never would.

And he just had to deal with it.

***Capsule Corporation***

Bulma sighed deeply as she walked into the living room, her legs wobbling slightly. Her aqua hair was tied in a ponytail and her bangs were plastered to her forehead.

Before Mirai Trunks had left, he had given Bulma blueprints on how to create the time machine. She had spent all morning trying to create one part of it, but it had been extremely difficult. The future her must have been *really* smart.

She wore a black shirt and pants made of some velvety material with two white stripes going vertically up the pant legs and the sleeves. It looked like something you would go jogging in or something close to it.

She turned a little, smiling to herself on what a good job she had done. However, she was met by a suddenly depressing picture.

In the windowsill sat Vegeta, his legs curled up to his chest and his slightly muscular arms wrapped tightly around them. He wore the navy bottom part of his training suit, but nothing else.

His head was placed gently on his knees. Bulma couldn't see his face, though she had seen this scene many times in the last months. Vegeta would just gaze out of the window, never moving. Never blinking, only looking out towards the sky, every day as it setted.

Bulma gave a sigh, and Vegeta's head suddenly snapped up to glare at her.

" What do you want?" Asked his masculine, slightly British sounding voice.

Bulma frowned deeply. She truly cared for this man, but Vegeta never seemed to show her any care back.

" Have you eaten today?" Asked Bulma, nibbling on a fingernail.

Vegeta seemed to glare daggers at her. " Yes."

" Liar."

Both just stared at eachother in silence.

" Can I fix you something to eat?" Asked Bulma almost shyly.

" Hn. Whatever." Vegeta said Vegeta grouchily, unfolding his legs and climbing off the ledge of the windowsill. Bulma lead the way into the kitchen.

Vegeta took a seat at the table and Bulma went directly to the fridge and started to shoveling through whatever was in there.

" What do you want, Vegeta?" Asked Bulma, her head still in the fridge.

" Nothing."

"Nothing at all?"

" I'm sure."

Bulma sighed deeply again, shutting the refrigerator door shut. It made a loud clunking sound, and then Bulma went to take a seat across from Vegeta at the table.

Both continued to stare at each other in complete silence. Bulma was used to it by now; it didn't get on her nerves or get boring.

She could stare at him forever.

For the truth was that she loved this brooding man with all of her heart; who knew Bulma Brief's heart would be snatched by someone like him??

Bulma had fallen in love with him long before Son Goku had died. Even on Namek she had admired Vegeta's rugged good looks, but could never even think of liking him because of his evil ego.

But when Son Goku had gotten back to Earth and they were awaiting the android's arrival, Goku had told them all of everything that happened on Planet Namek.

Including the death of Vegeta.

Vegeta hadn't been in the room; if he had been, Goku hadn't have brought up the very embarrassing and tragic story. But Bulma had wanted to hear it then; and she had found that Vegeta did have a sensitive side. Well, something close to a sensitive side, atleast.

It had all started with her feeble attempts to flirt with him like she had Yamcha; calling him pet names he didn't ask for, winking at him. Vegeta was not impressed with any of this and it didn't seem he would ever be.

Even though Bulma was only 3 years younger than Vegeta, it showed tremendously; she still acted like a little child around him back then. She would blush when he spoke to her, and sometimes he'd let her feel his muscle when she asked. But Vegeta couldn't have been less interested.

But when Vegeta had almost gotten himself killed in the gravity chamber, it was like a serious wake-up call; she had been so worried, so devastated about Vegeta that she could hardly think. And so all that night she worried by his bedside, and finally fell asleep beside him.

Then Vegeta had blessed her with a child; Bulma didn't know if it was somehow out of love or just out of sympathy for her; he still treated her as if she was a child. And every time Bulma tried to bring up a question about their son, Vegeta only said that it was because he needed an heir.

Bulma couldn't let herself believe that Vegeta didn't love her, but every single day that rolled painfully by, it seemed more and more likely so.

Staring at him now, though, she still loved him very much. She yearned for him to do the same, but come on; she couldn never expect *Vegeta* of all people to fall inlove with her out of a blink of an eye. Either it was going to happen slowly and gradually...or never happen at all.

Suddenly the silence was broken.

" Bitch."

" Bastard."

" Hag."

" Monkey."

It was funny how they could always match wits; they both seemed to be at the exact same level of intelligence; they had so much in common, yet they were worlds and worlds apart.

Bulma felt so lonely....was this how Vegeta felt....?

" Atleast I'm not becoming a vegetable like you are." Bulma said back. Ever since Goku's death, Vegeta had been out of action; out of everything, especially fighting.

" Atleast I'm not some old, tied down housewife." Vegeta replied back, sounding snide.

" Atleast I'm not some worthless prince who's waiting for a dead man to come back to life." Bulma spit back at him, not thinking out completely what she said.

Yes...ever since Goku died, Vegeta had been out of commition in every way. His old..sparkle...if you could call it that..was gone. His ambition, his pride. He didn't seem to care about getting stronger or facing new challenges like he was did.

Vegeta was suddenly silent. Swiflty, he leaned across the table, and before Bulma knew it Vegeta had slapped her across the face roughly.

Bulma's head practically swung backwards, she let out a yelp. She spun her head around to see Vegeta walking briskly out of the kitchen.

" Wh--where are you going!?" Bulma shouted.

" Out!" Vegeta yelled back, his feet stomping. There was the sound of him putting on his shoes, and then the creak of the door as it swung open and hit the wall with a bang.

" Wait! I... I'm sorry!!!" Bulma cried out desperately.

// No, please don't leave me! //

There was a pause. Bulma waited, and flinched when she heard the door slam shut, the hinges squeaking because of such force. She heard the crackling of Vegeta ki as he powered up, and as he blasted off into the sky.

***Mount Paozu***

ChiChi hummed a happy melody to herself as she set the table for dinner that evening. The kitchen was very silent, but it was nice; she could hear the birds chirping outside in the nearby forest.

As she set a pile of plates down on the table, she glanced over to the stairs to Gohan's room.[1] She smiled to herself in aproval.

Ever since the Cell games, Gohan had been studying much harder. However, ChiChi had felt something different about her son; he did not come home to her the little boy she once had. It was like he had skipped 5 years of his life and he had already matured into a grown man, somehow trapped in an 11 year old's body.

He didn't like doing many of the things he used to; he didn't like to go swimming in the lake; probably because it reminded him of his father.

Mostly, Gohan would study, train a little, or take rides and spend time with Higher Dragon. ChiChi still disaproved of the animal, but ChiChi was willing to do anything these days to make Gohan happy.

One thing she did like about this new Gohan was that he didn't hang out with Piccolo anymore; oh, sure, Piccolo was 'a good guy' now, but how could ChiChi trust someone who's green and has big pointy ears?

A few months back she had forbid Gohan to go see Piccolo at all; it hurt the boy, but ChiChi saw it as his own good. Piccolo had kidnapped him from the time he was 4 years old and had brainwashed Gohan into thinking that he was somehow that alien's "friend".

As ChiChi saw it, it was both Piccolo and Goku's fault for temporarily turning her son into a 'delinquent'.
