Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Forever Yearning ❯ Don't speak ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: If you're wondering why I said Piccolo's voice is 'harmonious' in this chapter, it's because I'm using th Japanese voices as if they're talking in english; Piccolo's Japanese voice is very ...well..nice! I'm not fond of the American change, so I'm using the Japanese actors.

***Mount Paozu***

Upstairs, Gohan still stared vaguely out the window as the sky became darker, and the bright colors of the sunset were just starting to fade away.

He sighed deeply, and turned his head down to see what exactly he had been doing all this time. He hadn't been doing his homework; rather drawing doodles of his father distractedly on his math homework.

Suddenly he heard a familier, high pitched squeal from outside his window. His head shot up with surprise. Higher Dragon's head was stuck right in his window. Before Gohan could shoo him away, he was licked by the ldragon's giant purple tongue.

Gohan laughed a little, but soon became serious. He pointed an accusing finger at the purple dragon." Go back to your cave! I'll get in trouble if you don't leave-- " But he stopped his scolding when he heard the little dragon's sad whining.

Gohan frowned deeply. " Well.. I guess we could go for a ride if you really want to.." Gohan said sadly, knowing the concequences when his mother would come up and see him missing. But the little dragon's ears perked up happily and squealed.

Gohan got out of his chair. The 12 year old boy wore a white, Chinese style suit ( the kind he wore before the Cell games) and black gi pants. He jumped out of the window and sat ontop of the dragon's back, holding tightly to the dragon's stubby horns.

The dragon started to run and then jumped into the sky and started flapping its small wings powerfully. Before Gohan knew it they were flying through the sky, high over the mountain and all of the forests. In the horizon, you could see Korin's tower- but you couldn't see Kami's look out, for it was well hidden high above the clouds.

Thinking about Kami's look out made him start thinking of Piccolo. He hadn't seen the Namek since Cell's defeat. He felt so bad; Piccolo probably thought he didn't like him anymore.

But in reality, Gohan's adoration for the stoic soldier hadn't changed at all. No matter how much Piccolo had changed over the years, they were for the best; he had started out mean and self conceited, just like Vegeta. But when he fused with Nail and Kami, he had turned into a respectable person. Not just an alien- but a real person with a heart and a soul of his own. His own memories, and his own love.

His mother didn't see that- how could she?? Gohan was the only person whom Piccolo had let get so close to him. Piccolo had protected him on more than one occasion and faced the most evil of enemies just for him.

He'd took the blast from Nappa for him--Gohan could still remember it from the time he was 4 years old. It was burned into his memory- the fear that he knew he was about to die.

But Piccolo had died for him. He'd...he'd cried for him. And sometimes at night, he'd cry for the lonely Namek, too.

Though he was only 12 years old, he didn't feel like it anymore; he knew his soul had evolved for more after he had turned into a super saiyajin two. After everything he'd been through, he couldn't blame himself for growing up quickly.

Gohan stared off into the horizon-he knew the spot where Piccolo came everyday. He would go there and wait for Piccolo.

//Who cares what mom thinks....//

The more they flew, the more un-inhabited the forests became until it was nothing more than raw forests and grass lands which looked as if they hadn't been disturbed in years and years. Gohan remembered it perfectly from his child hood.

" Ikaris, go down!" Gohan yelled. Ikaris suddenly took a sideways dive and headed downward towards where an average sized waterfall's water came crashing down.

Ikaris landed in a patch of tall, unkept grass. Beside that were heavy, jagged rocks sticking from the ground that surrounded the pool of water flowing from the waterfall.

Gohan climbed off the dragon's back. Gohan started to pet Ikaris's head gently. " Good boy. I'm going to wait for someone here- do you want to stay?"

Ikaris shook its head quickly. Gohan had such a soft spot for the little dragon- it was so loyal to him, and sometimes he felt as if it was his only friend..

" Alright...."

And so they waited. They waited almost all day--Gohan had sat down against the rocks beside the waterfall and let its spray cool him. Ikaris had found a log in the forest, and Gohan had played fetch with the little dragon.

As the sun was about to set, it started to get particularly hot. Gohan had been aching to get into the water all day, but his mother would get angry with him if he were to get his clothes wet.

Gohan was already getting sleepy and yearning to go home to his bed--the sunset was ending and now the stars would soon be coming out. Ikaris was curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully under a nearby tree.

Gohan's eyes drooped over and over again as he listened silently to the little dragon's deep breaths as it slept. By now Gohan's heart was aching-- he yearned to see Piccolo more than ever now.

What would Piccolo think when he told him that he'd been waiting the entire day and night..?

Gohan shook away his sleepyness with a deep sigh. He stood up and shed his upper clothing, remaining only in his black pants. He stretched a little before walking over to the small pool.

As he stepped into the cool little spring, his pants became heavy and immediatly sank him to the bottom. His bare-feet slipped against the slick rocks at the bottom. slowly, he made his way over to the waterfall and slipped under it. The rushing of the cool water relaxed him.

Afterwards, he dunked his entire head underneath the water, holding his breath. He swam to the center of the pool, and then resurfaced, gasping for breath.

" Hey." Said a cool, almost harmonious voice. Gohan turned his head, his heart almost wrenching with excitement and a little of even fear. Beside the pool was Piccolo, standing tall right over him. He didn't have his cape or his turban on, only his papery purple gi.

" Piccolo!" Exclaimed Gohan, mostly out of surprise. Piccolo however, looked a little suspicious of him.

" Why are you here?" He inquired.

Gohan suddenly blushed, though he himself didn't know the reason why. He looked down at the water which gently moved back and forth in the night, the stars reflecting on the glass-like water.

" I..waited for you..all day." He admited. He actually now felt stupid.

Piccolo looked surprised, and crossed his arms. He still didn't look very convinced. " I thought you weren't allowed to come see me."

Gohan frowned, but didn't look up at Piccolo." Well, uhm.. I did anyway. I came to see you because I was..." He took a gulp, " I was lonely.."

Piccolo suddenly got a rare look of sympathy on his face. Gohan didn't look up at him though.

Piccolo kept an icey look on Gohan as he untucked his purple shirt from the blue fabric wrapped tightly around his narrow waist. He laid it on the ground, and kicked off his brown boots.

Gohan glanced up and watched as Piccolo took one, then two steps into the water. The water came all the way up to the bottom of Gohan's chest. However, the water paled in comparison the Piccolo's height, and barely came to the bottom of his waist.

Gohan heard a sloshing sound as Piccolo walked slowly forward. Gohan flinched with suprise when he felt a Piccolo's course fingers grip his chin and jerk it upwards.

" Look at me." Piccolo stated firmly. Gohan obeyed and stared into Piccolo's almost endless, black eyes, and right then he realized that he loved him.

Gohan's entire heart and being shuddered and fluttered as Piccolo's strong, ridged arms circled completely around him.

Gohan felt as if he could cry any minute as he thankfully wrapped his arms tightly around Piccolo also, though his arms could not interlock around Piccolo's broad back as Piccolo's did to him.

Piccolo's hands went up to dig into Gohan's black, unruly locks. Gohan's head rested sideways, pressed firmly against the man's flat, green chest.

It was an unbelievable feeling as he realized that Piccolo had felt this way about him all along and that they felt the same about eachother. The feeling was too tremendous to put into simple words.

" Piccolo, I--" He started to say. However, Piccolo bent down a great deal to look the boy deeply in the eyes.

" Don't speak- I know what you're thinking."

With that, Piccolo gently placed a finger on Gohan's lips. Gohan shivered, but maybe it was just the sudden coldness of the water around them.

Gohan leaned up on his tip-toes and Piccolo bent down a great deal, but finally their lips pressed together in the most undeniable act of affection. Gohan shut his eyes tightly and wrapped his arms eagerly around Piccolo's broad shoulders.

The kiss lasted for eternity, but finally Piccolo gently drew his lips away from the teen's. Gohan was in a state of pure bliss, but unfortunately, he was dead tired. His exhausted body leaned heavily against the powerful Namek's.

" I'm--tired.." Gohan said, a deep sigh coming from him as he layed his head against Piccolo's chest again and closed his eyes.

Piccolo drew away a little. He placed his hands under Gohan's arms and hoisted him up, up onto his shoulders like a small child getting a ride from their father.

Gohan sighed deeply and closed his eyes, leaning his head against Piccolo's. His dark hair brushed against the Namek's antennai.

Piccolo shifted a little, but then started to walk away from the small pond and the sleeping dinosoar.

" Don't worry, Gohan. I will take care of you from now on."


An:Well?? Good?? Bad?? Marvelous?? Tell me! I'd loooove your feed back!!