Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Saiyajin Slave ❯ Pain and The Basics ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Vegeta gave Kakarot an intense glare, and asked,"Are you just going to stare at me or are we going to the throne room?"

Kakarot shot the glare back, and grumbled,"You smell of sex."

The prince gasped in offense, and yelled,"Shut up!"

"Well, you do!"

Soon, very soon, the two Saiyans found themselves yelling at each other, screaming words of pure hate at each other, waving their arms in almost frantic chibi movements, just as a baby would do.

"Hey! Girls, stop fighting!" came a deep shout from behind the two teens.

Both of the two turned around, towards the voice, in surprise. Then their faces paled at the man who was there, right in front of them.


"Hmm? I didn't give you a slave so you can fight with him, Vegeta!" he yelled, red eyes burning bright.

"Lord Cooler! I'm sorry! I-I-I.. He's disrespecting me! I had to fight back!" the prince protested.

Cooler snorted. "You sound like a girl! Whining about something so simple! If he bothers you so much, why not do this?" he hollered, and in a second, he had disappeared.

"Lord Cooler?" Vegeta had screamed in surprise, looking around feverishly, then finding him behind Kakarot. "Ka-Kakarot!" he cried.

Kakarot looked at Vegeta, with intense eyes. "Hmm? What is--" he began, but was cut off when pain exploded up his body. He let out a tortured scream.

Cooler's hand had pinched the very end of Kakarot's tail, which had still not healed completely. He knew for a fact that tails were a very senesitive appendage, and that the injury didn't make anything better.

"Haha. Just do that!" he laughed, ignoring the screams coming from the younger one.

"You sadistic bastard! Stop it! Let go of Kakarot!" the teen yelled, eyes flashing in anger and fear.

Cooler gave Vegeta an insane smile, and let go of Kakarot. The young Saiyan fell to the floor, body flat on the ground. The demon kept smiling that same way, and said,"It comes in handy. You ought to take in my sadistic ways."

And he disappeared, almost like magic.

Vegeta sighed in relief, and ran to Kakarot, who was breathing heavily as he struggled to get up. "Kakarot! Kakarot! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" he screamed nervously.

"Hnn! Leave me alone! Do as he says! Beat the hell out of me for your own sexual pleasure!" Kakarot shouted, embarrassed by how simply he was caught off guard. He forced the upper part of his body up, and succeeded in keeping it up.

"I could never do that. Now quit being so stupid and get up. You seem okay. I'm glad he didn't do anything more than mess with you," Vegeta said sympathetically. He shook his head as the younger teen hissed curse words under his breath as he got up, weakly, but successfully.

"Don't you dare even try to charm me with your sorrow. That's the last thing I need. Love," Kakarot grumbled.

Vegeta tilted his head to one side in curiousity. "What are YOU on?"

"I'm saying simply 'Don't you dare even try to make me fall in your arms. I won't fall," he whispered venomously.

The prince smirked, getting the message now. "Oh, okay." He looked around suspiciously for a brief moment, then muttered,"We should get going now. I don't think we'd like another surprise attack from Cooler, I know I don't."

"Mmmhhmm. Agreed," Kakarot mumbled, walking, forcing the winces that shook him to stay in.

"You look pale," Vegeta mused as they walked.


"Now, now. You don't want Cooler to come in and attack us again, do you?"

Kakarot grumbled under his breath again, and said,"Of course not. Who would?"

The Saiyan no Ouji grinned slyly and kept walking.

He's got something up his sleeve.. Let's hope it doesn't have anything to do with me.

"I hate to be a wet blanket, but there's no way father is going to see to you like.. That," Vegeta continued to chatter, pointing out how freaked out Kakarot seemed.

"I don't care. Would you stop talking? You're like a jay in the morning. Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!" he said, hands mimicking the swift moments of a jay that sang in the morning.

Vegeta laughed deviously, and said,"Haha! You're so funny, Kakarot!"

Kakarot rolled his eyes. Now I'm positive that he's up to something. I need to find out what..

"The throne room is right over there. Wait until father calls you in, then make the proper acquaintance, since it's your first day here. DO NOT make yourself look like an idiot!"

"Umm, Vegeta! Wait!" Kakarot yelled, but the prince had already stepped inside the room. He sweatdropped.

"Oh Kami. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. I think I must bow, but I'm not too sure.." he said to himself frantically, looking at the door nervously.

"Son Kakarot. You may come in."

The teen went a bit blue, and stepped carefully through the door, to see the king, prince, and Tarble, the boy from earlier, in there, all in dignified stances.

"Good morning, my king," he said, bowing over. He had then accidentally stepped on his foot, and that ruined it all. "Oof!" he cried, tripping on his boot, and falling on the floor, face flat on the ground.

Vegeta slapped his forehead while King Vegeta rolled his eyes, and Tarble laughed hysterically. "KAKAROT! I fucking told you to not make yourself look like and idiot!"

"Now, now, Vegeta. It is his first day, he's probably just nervous. Show some mercy towards him," the king chuckled.

Vegeta just growled under his breath.

King Vegeta nodded. "So, Kakarot, after a discussion with Vegeta here, we thought up of something you will do here."

Kakarot nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll take in the job you've given me." In reality, though, he was just about ready to stamp his foot on the ground feverishly and protest. But what good would that do?

The king kept nodding. "Mhm, and since you're Vegeta's slave, or much more formally, his servant, he chose the job."

Kakarot paled a little. Oh God. Oh God. "Y-Yes sir."

The older man gave a bob of his head to the prince, and the young teen began to speak.

"I have assigned to you, the job of simple house cleaning, something even a moron like you couldn't possibly mess up," he said, giving an almost scornful look to the younger teen.

The slave fought back the urge to kill Vegeta. How dare that little prince whore give him such a look.

"Alright. I'll be on my way?"

Vegeta nodded. "You just follow Tarble there. He'll help you out."

Tarble giggled, his eyes shining. "Yay! Come on, Mr. Kakarot! I'll take you over there!" he squealed, grabbing his hand, and running off with him.

"Heyy! Heyy! Don't drag me! Ahhh!" the older cried as Tarble pulled him painfully towards his work space.

One they were out the room, King Vegeta turned to his son and gave him a smile. "Kakarot seems like something more than what I expected him to be. I may take back what I said about him."

Vegeta chuckled at his father. "Hah, you haven't an idea as to how special the guy is."

He then smirked wickedly at the memory of his encounter with Kakarot earlier that day.


Tarble had pulled Kakarot into what seemed to be just a normal room, and giggled.

"Sheesh, Tarble, you don't have to drag me," Kakarot grumbled, watching carefully as Tarble ran to one of the closets and pulled out supplies.

"Hey, Mr. Kakarot, can I call you something else? You know, like a nickname?" Tarble asked, swaying around innocently once he ran back to Kakarot with a mop, grinning. He kept another mop for himself, and ran back to the closet. Once back, he had brought a bucket.

The look on Tarble's face almost made it impossible for Kakarot to object. He had to admit, it was pretty damn adorable. "Sure, why not?" he insisted, giving Tarble a weak smile, and carefully taking the mop.

"Yay! I'll call you.. Goku!" he chirped.

Kakarot's ears pricked up at that. Goku? What kind of a name was that?

".. Does 'Goku' have any history behind it? You know, like if there's an actual meaning to the name?" he asked curiously, though half of him didn't really expect an answer.

To his surprise, Tarble did answer. "When I was little, my brother told me that Mommy would tell me stories of a monkey king named Son Goku! I've heard many times that the name means wisdom, and I thought it would be a good name for you!"

Wisdom? Pah. Tarble really was pathetic, the slave thought.

"Yeah. I like you, Kakarot. You fought against Cooler. You may have not won, but you had the courage! I find that to be some sort of wisdom," the younger boy grinned.

"Well.. okay. Sure. Why not?" Kakarot sighed, giving another smile, but a more genuine one.

"Thanks, Goku!" Tarble giggled. "Come on, first let's fill this bucket with water, then let's go mop the floors of the rooms where we sleep first, then the rest of the house," he kept laughing childishly, grinning, eyes beaming. He grabbed Kakarot's hand once more, this time more considerably careful, and wakled out of the room with him.

Kakarot followed, without a single complaint. Just a smile.

And, for that day on, Kakarot was called Goku, but secretly. Tarble knew what trouble he could get in if he was heard calling Kakarot 'Goku'.

One day, Vegeta piped in as well.

"Hey, 'Goku'," he grinned in that same fake way, face flushed red.

"Hey, Vegetable," Kakarot had grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Haha! Oh, stop it! You make me laugh so much!" the prince cried, rubbing his eyes and giggling.

He's trying to make me fall in love with him. Don't do it. Don't let yourself fall.

Don't let yourself believe in love anymore.


As you may figure by now, Tarble is going to have a VERY big part in this. Very.

He's a little kid, ja, and he may not seem like much, but I wouldn't have added him if he wasn't going to play a big role.

Everyone takes part. Cooler (especially him, too.), Kyuuri, King Vegeta, too.

But Tarble.. I left a very big part on this kid's shoulders. xD

Vegeta: You're going to mess up the story for us. Seriously.

Me: Haha. I'm just saying that, because I know a few people that hate Tarble *le gasp* and they don't think he does anything in any fic, just add more filler. But, you know the trouble kids cause. (haha)

Vegeta: Hr.

Me: Hurrr, Ima hoers.

Vegeta: o.o The fuck are you on?

Me: You've never heard of the hurrr hoers?

Vegeta: The hell? No.

Me: Where have YOU been? The hurrr hoers is almost as entertaining as the hurrr train.

Vegeta: -_-' This chapter was horrible, by the way.

Me: Vegeta, shuttup. You know that it's better than nothing, and anyway, it's obviously part of the main plot that will come soon so don't whine. *shoves him into the closet with the huge mosquitoes*
Anyway! Would you kind, kind people please review? And thanks to those who did, in the last chapter. ^^;

Thanks so much!