Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Saiyajin Slave ❯ The Prince's Tears Threaten Death ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
So several weeks passed. But Kakarot did not let his guard go down. He always remained close to little Tarble, who always enlightened him. Sure, it seemed peculiar for a boy so young to be so smart, but Tarble was peculiar, if he was really to be described in such a way for his strange intelligence. He was frequently mistaken for just an ignorant, silly child, one whose only interest should be something so stupid, so simple, so childlike. But Kakarot dared to think that the boy may just be even more wise than the prince and king themselves. He knew that if he were ever to be caught thinking something like that, boy, he was in deep trouble. But of course, why not think it? Everyone in the entire palace was an idiot, all except Tarble. He had the knowledge to not be an idiot to another idiot. Kakarot liked him.

Tarble liked the servant too. He thought Kakarot was kind, and playful, just what he looked for in another Saiyan. That itself made people think he was immature. But the younger boy hid his intelligence and only unveiled it when Kakarot had asked the little Saiyan what he really thought of Cooler, and what he really thought of his resistance against the icejin demon. The answer given to him last time was something simple, so flat and straightfoward and frank. But when asked the same question again, the same answer came, but in such a different tone that Kakarot was very, very surprised.

"Cooler is a man who can have people loving and worshipping him, and people who want to kill him. There is no inbetween for him. There isn't anyone who thinks he's 'okay'. He's a ruthless killer and destroyer of worlds. But he showed mercy to our kind. That's why people either only adore or despise him. He does nothing inbetween either. What do I think about him? I think he has to go. Just like his brother did. Think about it! He killed his own brother, Goku! What kind of sense is that? People are blinded away from that vital fact. He killed his brother. He killed his brother! If he did that with ease, imagine what is to come for us! I bet he killed his father too! Have you ever seen his father around? No! I think he killed the poor man too!

"As to your resistance, I can honestly say I supported it, and still do, even if it fell apart. Goku, you had such courage to mount the barricades! You knew that he had to go down! You even had the courage to go around and ask people if they wanted to be apart of the revolt! You didn't care if they snitched. You didn't think about that, you only focused on your and everyone else's freedom. If only people weren't so ignorant.. We could have won! If only Veggie hadn't snitched! If he hadn't blabbed, we would have gotten so far!"

A blow. A twist to his world. Kakarot almost fell in disbelief. Not only did Tarble's understanding get him suddenly, but the fact that Vegeta snitched! Kakarot knew it! He always knew there was somehting more than just 'he's a whore'! Vegeta snitched and started Kakarot's misery!

"You're telling me that Vegeta told Cooler that I starting to resist against him? Are you serious? Tarble, are you sure? You were pretty young when that happened! How do you know it's true?" Kakarot questioned breathlessly, his heart racing and his head throbbing in utter anger. Oh, he swore that if Vegeta were to walk in, he would surely strangle the older teen. But he tried to hide his fury from the young child, because if he didn't, he might scare Tarble. Then Tarble wouldn't tell him if it was really a fact, or something he thought was true.

"I'm positive it's true. I was little, but I remember Vegeta telling me to tell Mommy that he went out to tell Cooler something. Then he added in a satisfied voice,'I think I've finally found the culprit who started this uprising'. Then he went running out the door and I let that sink in for a while. Remember how I told you that I really liked how you uprised and everything? I would have definately remembered Vegeta-sama telling me that. There's no way I can forget that."

Barely able to contain his anger, Kakarot asked one more daringly testing question. "If you're apart of the royal family, then why did you let me revolt against your father too, because I wanted my father to have the throne?" This he found was a more difficult question that would really test Tarble's intelligence, both because he had to think about why he let someone rebel against his father and because the wording that Kakarot thought that he may have screwed up. To make it simple, he was asking 'Why did you support me, did you think having your father kicked off the throne is an okay price to having our freedom?'.

Tarble answered after a few minutes of almost eternal silence. "It was because I thought that maybe you were right. I don't know if Daddy is stronger than your dad, but I don't care about that. I think it matters only that your father was a scientist. A lower-class, but a genius. None of this should be based on strength. You're here because you were considered weak, and because they decided against sending you to some other alien planet, you were thrown into a world with discrimination. I'm sure Daddy sees that, but what can he do? He's not strong enough to take on Cooler."

"But I thought you said--" Kakarot began, but then stopped in his tracks when he heard and felt light footsteps, and smelled the odor of another Saiyan coming near. "Holy.." he mouthed, grabbing his mop and watching as Tarble frantically grabbed his own, dumping it into the bucket of water hastily, pulling it out in the same manner, and sloppily mopping the already clean floor. Kakarot blinked and felt his heart flutter as he did the exact same thing, keeping up his actions until he heard three knocks on the door and the suond of the door swinging open.

There at the door stood a man who Kakarot had never seen before. His hair had the same blue tint, only it wasn't wildly spiked in the same way, instead it only reached to his shoulders. His brown eyes were calm, and his face the same, so Kakarot wasn't really scared of him, even though there shouldn't be a reason to be scared anyway. Instead of the armour with the royal family's crest, he only wore the blue spandex. He gave a quick glance to Tarble, and said, now staring at Kakarot,"Tarble, do you really think you should be helping the slave with his duties?"

Tarble gave an innocent pout, and replied,"No, but I wanted to help him. And he's not a slave, he's just a servant, Kyuuri." He looked at Kyuuri pleadingly, and then continued,"I have nothing to do, and the faster Kakarot finishes, the more time he'll have to help around in something else. See? It does everyone good if I help out!"

Kyuuri sighed, and said,"Yes, yes, I suppose so. But you can be reading right now. You won't learn from mopping." At the look of Tarble's almost adorable pout, he added quickly,"And, anyway, Prince Vegeta, your brother, has requested to see Kakarot for something." He then glanced at Kakarot when the pout had faded, and uttered,"Come along, Kakarot. He doesn't like it when people arrive late, you know."

"I don't want to."

At those words coming from his mouth, Kyuuri's jaw almost dropped, and he gave Kakarot a look that could have killed. His brown eyes now had a burning fire in them and his fangs poked out of his mouth. His eyebrows knitted together, and his fists clenched, and he tried to keep them as close to his body as possible, to avoid attacking Kakarot. "You say no? I told you that you must go with Prince Vegeta immediately! I never asked for your opinion! Even if I had, it would have been a rhetorical question, you baka!"

Kakarot grumbled, and found no point in fighting Kyuuri. Not because he was afraid that he may call Vegeta to settle the arguement more easily, but because Tarble was already pale and looking at both of them, as though they had grown into monsters and were about to kill him. He didn't want to scare Tarble, so he just walked out the door, and looked back, with just enough time to wave Tarble, before Kyuuri grunted,"Get a move on, monkey slave. We don't have all day."

"You're a monkey too," Kakarot whispered hatefully, his fangs compressed tightly to keep any other comments from escaping. He turned to see if Kyuuri had heard, and of course the other Saiyan had heard his insult. But Kyuuri had merely laughed and shaken his head, in an almost pitiful way to Kakarot.

"Oh, Kakarot. I know I am. But you're a slave, not me," he sneered, chuckling silently, though Kakarot could almost smell the scorn, and was just about ready to yell at Kyuuri. But he was stopped short by Kyuuri's voice continuing its mocking and fake mercy.

"Lucky you. If Vegeta weren't as nice as he were to you now, he would have surely cut off your tongue already, just as they did to Gomen. But of course she'll come back. Your insults bring him down, you know. He cares that you think he's a whore worth nothing." Kyuuri smirked and shook his head, his dark blue locks shaking as well. "You're lucky he has feelings for you."

"And you think I give a damn.. Why?" Kakarot replied simply, rolling his eyes, watching blindly as the feet moved in an almost rhythmically way with the older man's. He ignored the comment about Gomen. He knew that whoever she was, she wouldn't impact him.. Hopefully. He grumbled mentally and waited patiently for an answer from Kyuuri. When not given one, he added quickly,"It's not like he loves me or something."

A brief laugh came from the other. "Think that, you will. But what do you know? You're an idiot." He laughed almost insanely and kept walking. Kakarot couldn't help but stare at him, wishing that his eyes could magically burn holes into Kyuuri's soul.

"What are you talking about? You don't make sense!" Kakarot sighed, annoyed. He gave an insolent smile. "I bet the only reason that you're nice and protective to Vegeta is because he lets you suck his dick at night, now am I right?" he said, almost belittling Kyuuri. He almost burst into laughter when he saw Kyuuri's expression.

His face was one of pure shock, and he could only managed to shake his fist around furiously before a yell came from ahead. He stopped, looking straight forward, and listened intently.

"Kyuuri! Goddamnit! I hear fighting! You'd better not be doing something that will disappoint me!"

"Holy shit," he muttered, and snatched Kakarot's muscular arm in his hand, and dragged him ahead, almost running.

"Worried about upsetting your lover?" the servant nearly hooted in his own amusement, teeth bared in a smile that seemed almost unreal. God, he was having so much fun now. Kyuuri wouldn't snitch on him and Kakarot knew it. So why not take advantage of it? Kakarot saw no reason not to.

But in an instant, his body slammed against the wall, and pain flooded into his senses. What he could remember was Kyuuri's hissing and the pain, but nothing more. He couldn't remember his thoughts, nor how he reacted. Yes, he could remember squirming aorund desperately and trying not to scream, but that was basically it.

"Look here, Kakarot," Kyuuri hissed, his eyes gleaming in anger and infuriation. "If you utter one word more that either offends me or someone of the royal family, I will drag you to Silver River and drown you in your sleep. Got that? Or shall I go on and show you how I'll do it?"

Held down by fear, Kakarot only said,"No. I won't insult anyone. Now let me go before I scream." He wasn't joking about screaming, either. He was dead serious.

Kyuuri frowned, not too sure if he should really let Kakarot go, but did so anyway, and smiled in satisfaction when the younger snarled and grabbed his arm, rubbing it, and watching as Vegeta came, running from wherever, and glaring at the two.

"I heard yelling! What the hell were you two doing?" he hollered at both of them, obviously very angry and wanting to get the dilema over with as soon as possible. His patience had been wasted earlier and he didn't have anymore to spare.

"We're fine. Why are you worrying, Ouji-sama? We're the best of friends now," Kyuuri lied, punching Kakarot in a way that would seem to be playful, but was actually menacing. The pain of the punch stung and Kakarot had to grit his teeth to keep from yellling out in anger.

"Yep. Very good friends," the servant smiled phonily, grabbing Kyuuri's hand suddenly and digging his nails down his hands, raking into the skin and drawing crimsom blood from deep within the older man. Kyuuri held in a yelp and nodded, grinning and hiding his hand from Vegeta.

"Enough girls. No need to rape each other," the prince sighed, then glared at Kakarot. "Now, I want you to come with me. You and I are going to have some training time together. And no whining about it."

"Whatcha going to do with me?" the youngest of the three asked, though mentally answered to himself 'Discuss how he's going to rape Kyuuri'. He keep in a snicker, but couldn't control the smile that crept up his face.

"What are you smiling about?" Kyuuri asked, his eyes half lidded, looking almost as though he were bored. His arms crossed against his chest and he listened for an aswer.

"About your face," Kakarot shot back, giving him a leer that tempted Kyuuri to strike, to assault him in any way possible in front of Vegeta. But it only remained a dare unfulfulled.

"Enough, both of you," Vegeta warned. Direct eye contact was giving to the guard, and he flinched at the sight of Vegeta's onyx eyes flashing and going back to dull. Vegeta turned over to Kakarot, and sighed. "Alright, you follow me. Hurry up."

Then the prince began walking back to where he first came from. Kakarot found time to give Kyuuri and snarl and walk off with Vegeta, rushing to catch up with the prince's short, but very fast, steps.

And from that moment on, Kakarot knew that he and Kyuuri were now mortal enemys.. Or at least for the time being. If something unexpected were to happen and they had to become allies, so be it. But for now, they were planning each other's deaths.

"You sure you and Kyuuri weren't fighting? I was getting worried about you," the Ouji asked, using that same, fake, sympathetic tone in his voice. The irritation had now been covered with forged worry.

"Nope. I mean, we were fighting, but it was more like a friendly disagreement," Kakarot smiled, trying to mimick the same sham worry from Vegeta.

"That's good. I'm very glad you two became friends," Vegeta smiled broadly, but thinking, Goddamnit Kakarot, why worry about becoming friends with Kyuuri? I'm the damn prince! You've need to worry about becoming friends with me! Gah! Fucking baka!

It was true. Vegeta did have a strange obsession with Kakarot. But it wasn't as creepy as it seemed. Vegeta wanted to kill slaughter as well. But why? For a simple reason. The reason was because Kakarot started the obsession, it started the prince's bisexuality, something his father would never accept.

Yes, he was bisexual at this point, and ironically, he leaned more towards men now. All because of Kakarot. It was his cursed fault, and Vegeta would get back at him. The servant caused an itch that the prince couldn't scratch enough to have it disappear.

For now, though, he would have to get along with Kakarot as best as he could, and he had to make sure that he got the teen's guard as low as possible before he would get his desired vengeance..

"Mhm," Kakarot said, interrupting the prince's thoughts. They stayed quiet for a while, and Kakarot almost blurted out,"Who's Gomen? She was mentioned in our arguement.."

It was highly disrespectful, in Kakarot's perspective, to ask, out of the blue, who someone was. But he didn't know that it was more than that. It wasn't just disrespectful. It was forbiddened to talk about Gomen until she was to come back, if Kyuuri really had been right about her.. Who ever she was. Vegeta's eyes had widened, and he nearly stopped walking, only for Kakarot to bump into him, because he had only slowed down.

They both fell, Kakarot on top of Vegeta, and if the prince weren't already disturbed by the younger's question, he would have enjoyed the moment more than he did at the moment. But the prince's disturbance chilled him to the bone and he nearly yelled,"Don't even dare mention her again for the next few days. I will tell you once, and you are not to mention her again until I tell you it is fine. Okay?"

Kakarot nodded, and was ever so tempted to ask if Gomen was to come back, as the guard had said, but stayed quiet. He bit his tongue at the cold look in the prince's eyes, and didn't even notice that he was on the prince's small body.

Vegeta scowled. "I'll make it as short as possible. Gomen used to work here. She was one of the best, if not, the best workers here. She was so kind, so respectful, so sweet and beautiful. But one day she revolted. She heard about you. She lost her sanity and went around, yelling at everyone and causing almost catastrophic events around here. She held Tarble up from the highest window here and threatened to drop him if they didn't let her join you. We had to get rid of her. So they sent her off with Cooler and the damned bastard cut off her tongue. Ever read--" he began, but stopped.

"No. You're an idiot. You don't read books, now do you?" he retorted, talking quickly, though his words remained intelligable. He glared at Kakarot and waited for an answer, though he pretty much knew what it was. Of course Kakarot didn't read much. Not only was he a dumbass, but he was also a low-life, and peasants never got the advantages that higher class Saiyans got. Which included books.

"I've read some. Which are you talking about?" Kakarot asked, ignoring the demeaning comment from the prince. He couldn't afford to get angry now.

"The Hunger Games. It's an Earthling book that I received as a gift from Lord Cooler a few years back."

"Never heard of it. Sorry."

Vegeta scoffed, and said,"In the book, there's a girl who's tongue got cut off when she escaped from her district. She's described as an Avox. Of course, you won't get it. But anyway, that's what we all call her. The Avox. She revolted and now she's paid the price. She can't speak anymore."

"Then how does she communicate?" Kakarot gasped, his mind flooding with images of a girl without a tongue, wanting to speak so badly but only choked by the excess air entering her mouth. He shivered and tried to hang on to the information.

"How am I supposed to know? I haven't seen her since Cooler took her. Now, enough questions. Do you seriously want everyone to get us into deep shit? What if Cooler walks in on us? Do you want that to happen again?" Vegeta asked, remembering their last encounter with the icejin, and frankly, he hoped it wouldn't be the last time they'd meet..

"No," Kakarot replied simply, the question still lingering in his mind.. "Is she coming back?" he then bursted out, now pressing his luck with the Ouji.

"Yes. Now shut your fucking trap you retard!" the prince yelled, and once he realized that Kakarot was on top of him, he blushed, but the angered expression didn't dwindle. He pushed the younger to prove that he was serious about getting the hell off of him.

"Hmph!" Kakarot huffed, getting up and brushing himself off, almost as though Vegeta had some disease and if it wasn't brushed off quickly, it would be caught.

"Stop acting like a teenage girl. All you need is a few dabs of the artificial colouring for your face and you'd totally look like one," Vegeta grumbled, hands on hips.

"Same to you! Look at your hands on your hips! Speaking of hips, take a look of yours! They're bigger than what my mother's were!" Kakarot hollered.

"Your mother is dead!" Vegeta snapped, his hands balling into tight fists.

"Like if your mother wasn't either!"

The prince was just about ready to yell out another insult, when he realized that Kakarot was right. His eas mother dead. His tender, loving mother, the one that would soothe them from all worries and fears, was forever gone. She had been taken into a gas chamber after they found out that she saving children from suicide missions. She was Saiyan.. But unusuaslly warm-hearted. Nonetheless, she was taken out, and Vegeta could still hear her scream in the chamber as she was suffocated by the deadly fumes. And the way her body made a thump on the ground once she fell, dead.. Unforgettably horrifying.

For the first time ever, tears, real tears, filled the eyes of the proud Saiyan prince. "You have no right to talk about my mother! How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!" He couldn't say it enough. How dare him. How dare him!

As the tears ran down his face, Kakarot was just about ready to scream. Was Vegeta playing another game with him? Was he still trying to get Kakarot to like him?

But by the way the prince cried and cried, Kakarot knew he wasn't kidding. "I'm sorry," Kakarot whispered, and was forgiven (not really, he then found out) with a sharp slap to the face, which would surely leave a purple spot on his face later.

"Go away! Go away I say! I don't want to see your ugly ass here! Get out of my face!" Vegeta bawled, hands gripping into his hair.

"No! Vegeta, please, I'm sorry, please--" Kakarot began, but was cut short when Vegeta pointed his fingers at the servant, without delay. He was even more surprised when a bright ball of electricity- not energy, but electricity- formed on his index and middle fingers.

"Now! NOW!"

The slave then took off, wondering if this was all real, or just a dream, a horrible dream. But by the way his eyes stung, he knew this was all too real, so surreal. He could still hear the cries, the begs for comfort from the prince. They stayed in his mind and promised to haunt him through the night.

What time was it? Surely some time close to night, now. The sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. It was almost time for dinner, and Kakarot could imagine how much of a disaster that would be for the prince. Seeing his family at the table, but not his mother..

He kept running, running, running.. Not minding the way he choked on his emotions as he darted into his room, and went limp on the ground, sobbing his eyes out.

He didn't know why he was so upset.. But then he realized why. He insulted the prince. He INSULTED the prince. Kyuuri, he knew, would not leave his promise of death empty. He didn't want to die yet. He didn't want to join his father.. if the rumors about him being dead were really true.

But why else did it hurt? Because now, the images of the Avox girl came back. Her tongueless mouth would soon be his own mouth as well, he dared to think.

And now, he could only wish that Vegeta would find it in him to show mercy to poor Kakarot, the one he had feelings for..


Alice: ... Oh, God, I wrote a lot, huh? I mean, everyday that I would work on this chapter (which was five days and a total of ten hours, complete bull, like Judgement Day, huh?) I would type at least five hundred words. o.o It's a little but I was talking to some friends as well so that kinda.. Yeah. XD

Vegeta: Are you finally learning how to write in paragraphs?

Alice: OH STFU MAN. D:<

Vegeta: You made this chapter boring.

Alice: It was not boring.. For muah. xD Next chapter will have.. something interestingly interesting. xD

Vegeta: Why did you mention 'The Hunger Games'? Not like if I read human books.

Alice: Because I was writing this, then I started reading THG, and you know how much Gomen reminded me of the Avox girl.

Vegeta: Nice. -_-'

Alice: Anyway~
Thanks a lot for the reviews of last chapter, you guys are so awesome, taking your time to tell me what you liked or if you didn't like.. though most of you seem pleased. :3
Anddddd, thanks so much to xGhostShadowx on dA for beta-reading my now horrible English~.
Don't ask man.. Don't ask..