Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Out Cold ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Savior

Chapter3- Out Cold

By: DestructiveMajinBulma


~*~ Goten's P.o.v ~*~

Journal - March 11 afternoon.

Well, it's me yet again. This is what I've found out so far while I was away with Trunks.

It didn't take me much time to get packed. Seeing as I didn't have that much anyways. Just some clothes, and a few other items. I have mostly hand- me-downs from my Brother Gohan. For some odd reason he stayed the night here last night. My father left somewhere too. As did Vegeta.

Well, lets start with Gohan. Seems him and Videl got into a stupid fight again. This happens sometimes. Gohan usually goes back to apologize and then they make up yatta yatta. Pretty stupid if you ask me. Sometimes I can't stand Gohan. He's just so perfect, mother wonders I'm not like my smart perfect older brother Gohan.

Ya, that's another reason I started doing all this. People's expectations. They expect me to be a little clone of Gohan and stuff. It makes me mad.

Ok, well Yeah, I don't know what happened to my father, and in a way I don't really care. He's left before, many times in fact. So, who cares? Vegeta probably went on a training mission or something like that. Oh well. Nothing I have to worry about.

And with Trunks. I mean, where his face was resting on me there was a wet print. I don't think it was drool. But who knows? Trunks does drool sometimes, so it might have been. Why would he cry? It was probably drool. Why was he holding me as well? Did. I make him do that? Ah. I'm so confused.

Fuck, its almost 1:30, I need to go pick up a couple 'items' from town, if you know what I mean.

Ja Ne. ~


When Goten finally arrived in town, he strode to the darkened alley where he usually met his. ' Friends'.

Ah. They are already here I see.' He thought to himself.

Two taller men were standing in the far parts of the darkened alley, waiting for Goten to hurry and get to them.

" We aint got all day kid. Do you have the money?" The tallest of them all asked.

" Yes, yes now give me it!" Goten said eagerly.

They smirked to each other. " Sure we'll give it to you, Show us the money first."

Goten grabbed the envelope from the pocket inside of his jacket, he flashed them the envelope and both traded.

" Gods, it feels like I've gone months without any of this stuff." Goten said mesmerized by the baggie of drugs. He opened it, took out the little utensil and snorted some of it.

Both men smirked again, waving to him before walking off.

Goten put the rest back into the inside pocket of his jacket and made his way out of the alley.


Trunks paced from left to right wondering where Goten had gone too.

" Chichi said he wasn't home. Where is he? Hopefully. not doing what I think he's doing." Trunks said nervously and a bit saddened. " I'm going to go look for him." He stated to himself.

Grabbing his coat and heading out the door, he fell with an 'oof.'

Rubbing his now sore bum, he stared at what he ran in. " Goten! Where have you been!" He yelled jumping to his feet.

" Uh. I was packing." He said holding up his bag. " And I went into town for some stuff."

" What kind of stuff?"

" Uh, what's with the noisy shit Trunks?"

" Nothing, just curious." Trunks said looking at his best friend with a kind of an odd look.

" Well, I bought a new tooth brush and some new clothes, since pretty much all my clothes are hand-me-downs from Gohan. Is that so bad?"

" No. Look I'm sorry ok?"

" That's alright Trunks."

Trunks nodded to Goten and flashed a small smile. ' Now what.' They both stood there in awkward silence for minutes.

" So, um Goten. What do you want to do today?"

" I don't know. What do you want to do?"

" Hmmmmm. Lets go see a movie? And lets go out and eat lunch! I'm starving! And I know you can use a couple more pounds." Trunks said patting Goten's stomach.

" Uh, Ya ok. Sounds good. When?" ' Omg, this is going to drive me insane. My stomach got all funny after he patted me. It tingles from his touch.' He thought with a small shiver that went unnoticed by Trunks.

" Well, we can go now?"

" Alright let me just set my stuff down ok?" Goten said making his way up to the guest room.

" Yeah, ill get my wallet." Trunks said jogging up to his room.


' This is going to be a bit more difficult. with Trunks around I wont be able to take any of my new drugs. Shit. I don't feel to good.'

I bent over holding the side of my head, dropping my bags to the floor.

' Why does it hurt. so much!'

Foot steps were heard coming from the stairs, getting closer and closer by the minute.


I rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door somewhat, then I heard his voice.

" Hey Goten are you alright?" He called to me as he entered his room.

I locked the door quickly and sat on the toilet seat. Being as still as I could.

" Uh. Y- Yeah Trunks! Just uh. Need to use the bathroom."

" ok. Hurry up."

" K! Go pick some restaurant! And a movie! Ok!?"

" Hai."

And then he left after a minute.

I sighed heavily. 'That was a close one.'

I stood up fast- to my mistake. I fumbled around as I went lightheaded- the slippery floor made me fall over. I caught a hold of the bathroom curtains-, which I pulled off. My head fell against the side of the tub and then. everything went out.


Really Lame XD I know. BUT. I'm just trying to hurry up so I can continue with next chapters.
