Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover: Never Ending ❯ Chap 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Beta reader: Dragonheart287

Here is chapter 2!


Chapter two: Trouble is always around the corner

Goku smiled as he watched the heard of Gurrus as they roamed the open area.

Gurrus were big dark brown animals that lived on Saya (A/N couldn't come up with a good name for the planet! Gomen!). They were the main food source for all the Sayajiins considering the large amount of flesh and the soft fur could be used for the borrows.

The leader's eyes travelled to the high grass around the Gurrus. His eyes picked up the movement of the grass as his students crept closer and closer to their prey. He could make out all the seven shapes as they stalked the prey. Goku had picked out a wounded Gurru for the beginners as he didn't want to risk the chance that the youngsters would be killed if something went wrong.

A noise made the Gurrus alert. They started to run as seven small shapes darted out from the grass and jumped the wounded member of the pack. It wailed as its throat was grasped firmly, cutting of the air flow. It struggled but the air loss made it fall over.

Goku smiled. Success! He was so proud over his new hunters. He noted that it was Shindou that had made the deadly strike. He got up from his lying position on the tree branch and jumped down. He walked over to the happy group to congratulate them.


Vegeta had dozed off when he was awoken by a noise from below the borrow. Yawing, he stretched but a small kick in his belly made him stop for a second. He had been so happy when he had learned that he was with cubs again, but now it was getting a bit tiring. It was hard moving around with his now big belly and the cubs were keeping him awake most of the night. He was glad that he would soon give birth. He couldn't wait for the cubs to be born so that he could hold them. He had missed it…

"Hey, Vegeta! Are you awake?"

Vegeta snapped back to reality and poked his head out from the borrow to see who was shouting. His eyes landed on the Sayajiin Turles. He snorted. "What do you want?"

Turles bowed before he jumped up and landed on the branch just outside of the borrow. "The leader asked me to accompany you to your father. If you don't want to go, I understand…" he said.

Vegeta looked at the Sayajiin and shook his head. "No, I want to go. Sorry if I sounded angry but I haven't sleep well this night."

Turles nodded and looked at the Suru. "Is it the cubs? If they are making a fuss you shouldn't move around much. You are close to birth you know."

Vegeta smiled at the concern the Sayajiin showed. "It's ok. I want to go and see father and Bardock," he said and moved to the exit of the borrow to climb down. Before he could protest, Turles had grabbed him and jumped down to the ground. After he had been set back on his own feet, he shot Turles an angry glace. "Don't do that again!"

Turles smiled at the angry Suru before he bowed. "I'm sorry if I startled you, but I didn't want to risk you getting hurt"

Vegeta snorted and started to walk forwards his father's borrow.

Turles looked after the Suru and followed. It was too bad that the Suru were already taken. He liked them like this. Angry and proud.


A dark shadow moved through the trees, eyes searching the area below. A smile came to it's lips as it spotted the small Suru of the leader. Eyes glued on the Suru, it took a small communicator fom it's pocked. Lifting it to it's lips, it clicked it on.

"Are the troops ready on standby?"

The machine sparked and came to life. A voice was heard on the other end.

"Yes, sir. They are ready, awaiting for your orders."

"Good. Move in."

"Understood, Sir Cooler."

Cooler smiled. The plan was going smoothly.


King Vegeta lifted his head to look at the approaching duo. He smiled at his cub and gave him a welcoming nuzzle. "You shouldn't be moving to much, cub. Think of your cubs."

Vegeta smiled at his sire. "I'm giving birth in a couple of weeks, father. No need to worry. I wanted to see Bardock and the new ones"

King Vegeta smiled but frowned at Turles. "Who's this?"

Turles bowed to the ex-leader. "I'm Turles, one of the hunters," he waved to Vegeta. "The leader has sent me to watch over Vegeta."

King Vegeta nodded. "I understand. Bardock is in the borrow."

Vegeta nodded and walked over to the entrance. He poked his head in and spotted the Suru. "Hi, Bardock. Mind if I come in?"

Bardock looked up, a bit shocked by the sudden question but calmed down when he saw Vegeta. "I do not mind at all! It's nice to meet someone besides my mate. I guess that you came to see the young ones?" the Suru smiled and turned his attention to the mewling bundles in his arms.

Vegeta crawled over and gazed at the three wiggling cubs. Two of them looked like him and his father, only that they had longer forelocks that weren't going to vanish in time like theirs. The third one looked like Bardock on the dot and was the noisiest one of the three. Vegeta lifted one of them and looked it over. "They are my little brothers you know. Where are Gand and Nedon?"

The same year as Goku had became a leader, Bardock had his first litter. It had been hard on the older Suru but he had gotten a lot of help of the other Surus.

"Those two are probably playing with the other cubs outside. It's hard to keep an eye on those two and at the same time take care of these"

"I'm glad that my cubs have grown enough to take care of themselves. I want to take care of this litter better then last time."

Bardock smiled. "At that time we weren't free."

Vegeta suddenly put the cub down and groaned. Bending over, he placed a hand over his stomach. "It can't be…"

"Can't be what, Vegeta?"

Vegeta looked at Bardock with wide eyes. "The cubs are coming!" he managed before he collapsed on his side in pain. He was aware of Bardock as he came to the smaller Suru's side.


Turles was speaking with the ex-leader when they both sensed someone approaching. Two pair of black eyes turned to the new comer. Turles took a fighting stand and raised his tail, the fur puffing out and lashing angrily behind him. "Who are you?" he growled.

King Vegeta moved closer to the borrow to protect it. "EVERYONE, THERE IS AN INTRUDER IN THE CLAN!" he roared out.

All the Sayajiins in the clan gathered around the intruder, growling and hissing they circled around him.

Cooler smiled at the many angry faces. "You shouldn't growl at your master" he warned them.

"We have no master!" Turles yelled at the white warrior before him.

Cooler looked at the hissing Sayajiin. "I don't understand what you are saying, my pet, but you should not stand up against me! Attack!"

Many warriors stormed the Sayajiin clan, shouting and screaming. The Sayajiins were surprised but they started to attack the invaders. They had no chance against the armed warriors and soon most of the Sayajiins were trapped by nets and sedated.

King Vegeta looked at the battle with fear in his eyes. He was barley aware of Cooler moving closer before he was grabbed by the mane and slammed into the ground. He growled at the white warrior and fought as two of the white alien's men came to him and restrained him.

Cooler brushed the dust of him and approached the borrow. "Capture them all. Take them to the ships and lock them up. I'll get the Suru my brother wants"

Turles couldn't do anything as Cooler moved to the borrow. He spotted a lone Sayajiin at the tree line. "Go and get Kakarott here, quick!" he shouted at the Sayajiin. He was satisfied when the Sayajiin bounded of to do as he was told. Then the world around him grew dark.


Sorry for the chapter my friends, but I have been busy.

Next chapter: Goku gets the news of the attack, but will he be in time to save his people? How will it go for Vegetaá'"s cubs?