Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover: Never Ending ❯ Chap 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I just want to hug you all that have commented this fic! Thanks a bunch!! I'm sorry for the late update, but the tests are too many so I don't find the time to write….

Beta reader: Dragonheart287


Chapter three: Strong forces

"It's a really nice kill, I must say."

The seven youngsters smiled at their leader. They were dirty and their manes were tangled. Blood stained their hands and chests, but otherwise, they were looking so proud over themselves. They all grinned wide and puffed out their chests to look bigger then they actually were.

"Is this one about the size that the others hunt, Kakarott? Did we bring down a big kill that would impress the rest of clan, hu, hu?" asked one of the small Sayajiins.

Goku smiled and ruffled the cub's mane. Looking at the kill he said. "Yes, if not bigger! You have made a great job, but you should want to start eating before it goes bad. Don't worry about the others, they'll hunt for themselves when they find the time or the need." Many of the Sayajiins were busy these days, he knew.

The young cubs cheered and got over to the kill. Sayajiins did eat cooked meat, but they found that the flesh tasted better raw. The best part of the kill was the heart because of the sweet blood it contained. A Sayajiin would instantly take the heart out, even if it was still beating, after the pray had been brought down.


`I've got to find the leader! It depends on me!'

The Sayajiin ran through the forest, trying to find the clan leader. He was exhausted, but he forced himself to continue. His instincts told him that he wasn't followed, but that didn't mean that he could slow down.

Stumbling he took a quick breath pause and then he was off again.

`If I don't find him soon, we'll lose our freedom! We have fought for it and we don't want it to be taken away!'


Bardock was amazed. His Suru companion lay beside him, panting tiredly. The bigger Suru watched the bundles that lay in a wet tangle in the smaller Suru's arms. He couldn't believe how fast the birthing had been. For him it had taken about an hour before his cubes had came into the world. For Vegeta it had only taken about twenty minutes.

Vegeta was still sweating hard, though the birthing had gone smoothly, it had taken a lot of energy out of the Suru. He was trying to regain some strength before he could attend to the new members of the clan. He gazed at the three mewling bundles as they wiggled around in the new open space they had come into. Vegeta lifted the head of one of them and noticed that it looked like a combination between him and his mate. The other one was also a combination of the parents, a bit different then its sibling though (A/N I thought of the Vegetto and Gogeta combinations here). The third one was REALLY different. It missed some parts that the others had and was a bit thinner then its litter siblings. It's mane was framing the cubby face. Vegeta had seen Sayajiins like this before. His mate had said that they were called `women'. He smiled at it and nuzzled the small cub. It didn't matter to him what the cub looked like, it was still his and Goku's cub.

Bardock moved closer to the new family. He smiled at Vegeta and touched the wet cubs. "They are beautiful, Vegeta. Kakarott will be so proud over them!"

Vegeta smiled back but suddenly something happened. Loud yells and shouting were heard from outside of the borrow. Vegeta and Bardock moved to the back of the borrow, hiding their cubs behind them. Their eyes stayed at the entrance of the borrow as they made themselves ready for battle.

"I won't let anyone near the cubs! I have been through that once!" Vegeta growled.

Bardock nodded. "I'll fight with you, Vegeta!"


King Vegeta growled as he watched Cooler move closer to the borrow. His worry for his and the leader's mates, gave him the little strength he needed to throw the two goons off his back. He charged at Cooler with his fangs barred, aiming for the neck of the white leader. Just as he was going to strike, Cooler turned and grabbed him by the throat. The air was brutally cut of as Cooler squeezed his air pipe.

"You stupid monkey! I should kill you if I didn't like your looks, like I do. Don't interrupt me again, my pet, or I'll kill you" he hissed and let the Sayajiin slip form his grasp.

King Vegeta gasped for air as he once again was held back by the soldiers. He could only watch in horror as the enemy went into his borrow.


Goku laughed low to himself. His black eyes studied his sleeping students as they snored softly.

They lay in a big heap sharing warmth, digesting the nice dinner they just had. For the youngsters it had been a tiring day.


Goku snapped around, getting into a fighting stand before he saw that it was one of his own clan members. "Jakin! What are you doing here?" he asked as he relaxed.

Jakin stopped in front of the leader and panted hard. He looked into Goku's eyes and tried to speak. "The clan…*pant* attack… *pant*help…"

Goku looked at the panting Sayajiin before him and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down and start over. I don't understand you…"'

The Sayajiin took a deep breath. "The clan is under attack! Turles ordered me to get you! You must save them!" he managed and fell to his knees. He didn't have any energy left in his body.

Goku reacted instantly. He dashed over the field in the direction of the village. He turned his head as he ran. "Jakin! Watch over the youngsters will ya! I'll be back!" he shouted as loud as he could. He didn't wait for a responce as he reached the tree line. Weaving his way thought the trees, he started to gather up ki. If the enemy could take over the clan, they were strong.

"No one attacks my people and gets away with it! NO ONE!!"


Vegeta and Bardock were getting nervous. The shouting had stopped and it was hard to hear if it was safe to go out. They pressed their backs against the wall, the shadows hiding them from sight.

Bardock were the first one to notice someone coming into the borrow. "Vegeta, get ready!" he whispered to the Suru at his side.

Vegeta was a bit surprised at the sudden whisper, but nodded. "I have been ready for some time now."

They both watched as someone crawled into the borrow. At first they only saw a dark shadow but it slowly turned white as their eyes managed to focus enough. Vegeta choked as he saw the white challenging enter. `Freeza? It can't be!' he thought and he could feel a shiver run down his spine and through his tail.

Coolers cold eyes scanned the borrow. He was a bit annoyed that he had to crawl on all fours, but he would do it if he could satisfy his brother. His poor, poor brother had been through so much with the Sayajiins and he just wanted to cheer him up. A movement in the darkness caught his attention. Grinning he moved closer to the back of the small borrow. "Here, monkey, monkey. Come out, I know you're there." he cooed.

Vegeta stared horrified at the mysterious alien. He was a bit relived that it wasn't Freeza that was in the borrow, but he remembered this one from somewhere before. If only he could put his finger on it…

Bardock wasn't afraid of the man and with a loud growl, he attacked, managing to get a solid punch straight between the eyes of the intruder. He followed this up with his other fist, but this time he was stopped. He gasped as the alien used the force of his punch to make him sail over the white man and out the exit of the borrow. He felt that his fist was released and he twisted in midair to land on all four. He was charging the borrow when he was pushed down roughly, the rough ground scraping his face.

King Vegeta noticed his mate. He growled loudly at the soldiers that were sitting on top of his mate. "Bardock!"

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me, its Vegeta who's in trouble! He and the cubs are still in there with that thing!"

Vegeta was startled when Bardock was flung out from the borrow. He didn't move, however, he knew that now Bardock was gone he had to take care of the cubs. He focused on the enemy and silently hoped that he would think that Bardock were the only one in here.

Cooler snorted at the baka's move. He had been impressed that he actually managed to hit him. Looking around, he couldn't see anyone else in the borrow. `So, the little pet of my brother isn't here. Pity. I'll just have to search the village then'

Just as Cooler moved, soft, but loud enough for him to hear, mewling erupted from the far end of the borrow. He stopped moving and just listened. Jepp. He had been right. It was mewling he had heard.

Vegeta quickly turned to the six upset cubs. He couldn't stop their mewling so he prepared to battle. Without a second thought, he dashed at Cooler.


Goku ran as fast as he could. He was panting hard, but the thought of his clan under attack made him continue. He could see the tall trees of the village. His legs pumped faster as he heard shouts and screams that came from the Sayajiins and Surus.

His heart almost stopped when he heard the familiar scream of his mate.


Gomen I haven't updated! Gomen!

Next chapter: Goku meets Cooler and the white challenging tells him why he's attacking the Sayajiins