Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover ❯ Help from the past ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay! Another chapter… I m sorry for the late update.

A bit of info on this chapter. Sayajiin cubs grow faster then humans so they have their first teeth at 4-6 days.


Chapter fourteen: Help from the past

Goku landed hard on the ground after a powerful hit by Freeza. He got on his hands and knees and jumped into the air to avoid Zarbon's kick. `Man! Three against one! That's so unfair!' he thought desperately as Raddiz tried to make a fly kick at him. He grunted when he felt Freeza's fist connect with his chin, sending him flying. `No way is he going to beat me!' Goku thought and changed position in the air so he landed on his feet, only to have Zarbon tackle him from behind.

Freeza really enjoyed the fight. The thrill of beating a worthy opponent pleased him to his very core. He grinned as he heard ribs cracking under his fists. This bastard had tried to oppose him before, now he was going to pay for it.

Zarbon really hated violence if he could avoid it, but right now he had to help his master. He was glad that Raddiz helped him so that he didn't have to do all the work self.

Freeza grinned as he saw the ex captain bend over. `Yes! Bow for me you little bug! I m so gonna crush you!' he angrily thought to himself. He looked up and nodded to Zarbon.

Zarbon saw his master's nod. Backing away from the fight for a minute he shouted at the guards. "NOW! LET THEM OUT!!"

`Let who out? What do they mean? Whatever it is, it's not good for me!' Goku thought and punched Zarbon to the ground. He felt Freeza whip him in the back seconds later. He twisted and swung at Freeza, catching him in the chin.

As the fight played out, the guards that had stood around Freeza spread out, creating a ring around the fighters. Three guards held their eyes on Vegeta and the cubs. They quickly moved to obey Zarbon's order. One guard stayed beside Vegeta as the others ran back to the ship.

Shindou coughed and mewled feverish. Vegeta had no strength to pull ether him or the cubs near him. He reached out for them but he couldn't reach. A guard that saw that Vegeta had started moving kicked the hand away from the cubs.

"Cut that out you damn animal! You aren't getting them!"

Vegeta choose to ignore them and reached again. The guard growled and lifted hi foot again to kick Vegeta in the head this time. Vegeta looked up and got a bit scared. He knew this kick would hurt him even more, so he curled up the best he could. Just as the foot came down against his head, he closed his eyes. He expected a powerful and painful hit, but it never came. He looked up to see why.

Goku blocked the punches the best he could, but it wasn't easy to block three punches from three different directions at the same time. Goku could feel the amazing power that had overcame him the last time rise within him. He just had to wait for the right moment. He wasn't going to waste all of his powers in the beginning of the fight. `I must tire them out first. If I can get them tired they will be so easy to beat when I bring my true powers out! Ha, Freeza! You are going down big times!!' he thought and swept Zarbon's feet from under him. Goku let the sweep follow up into a roundhouse kick at Freeza but the white lord ducked and rammed his fist into the soft parts of Goku's belly. `Uff! If not they tire me out first! I must do this… for Vegeta and the cubs!'

Goku rammed an elbow into Raddiz middle as the big Sayajiin tried to jump him from behind. Raddiz fell, face first onto the ground. He growled and jumped up to attack again, when he felt another person beside him. He quickly turned to see who it was, only to meet a handful of knuckles.

Freeza stopped all of his motions and stared. Zarbon looked at Freeza and then at the intruders and also stopped fighting. Zarbon's chin hit the ground at what he saw. "It can't be! How?!"

Goku rose from his fighting stand and crooked an eyebrow. "What can't be?" he asked the stunned warriors before him. When he saw that Vegeta was staring behind him as well. He turned to have a look. What he saw shocked him. "How…?"

"You betrayers! It's him you are going to kill! Don't defend him!" Zarbon shouted at the group behind Goku.

Goku could only stare at the new intruders. He had never thought that this was possible, but now he was proven wrong. He raised his right hand and touched the black mane of the one before him. "King Vegeta?"

King Vegeta grunted and looked Goku deep in the eyes. During his years away from Goku's care had taken its toll on him. The softness his eyes once carried was replaced by a hard emotionless one. His creamy skin was covered in many battle scars, and what Goku could see many scars that Freeza had inflicted. But under this time he had gained more power and was still as proud as he had been whit Goku. King Vegeta raised his head and turned to the other Sayajiins behind him. He roared and the Sayajiins all spread out and charged at the trio.

Freeza's eyes got larger as he saw the group of Sayajiins attack. "Don't stand there fools! Attack!" he ordered the guards as they gathered around their leader. He watched as their eyes shone with fare and he could literary hear their heartbeats. They hesitated. "NOW! DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!" he roared and whipped the ground whit his tail, sending a loud cracking sound into the air.

The men looked at Freeza. "We can't attack them! They'll rip us apart! We have no power against them!" one of them said and other mumbles and whispers of agreement were heard. "You trained them yourself, sir! You are the only one who can stand against them!"

"Are you deaf? He gave you an order, obey!" Zarbon growled. Raddiz growled loudly at the scarred men.

Goku whistled and King Vegeta and the Sayajiins stopped in their track. He looked at the guards of Freeza. "You don't have to be strong to handle a Sayajiin" he spoke calmly and stepped forward.

Freeza turned and lashed out "What do you mean, weakling?"

Goku only glazed at him and then swept his hand to the Sayajiins. "A Sayajiin doesn't need to be handled hard. All you have to do is make them trust you. You have never seen a real Sayajiin that isn't violent as the ones behind the bars in Freeza's breeding centre. Look at them…" he said and looked at the big group of Sayajiins. They were listening at him as he spoke. "When you have seen them, they have been filled with anger and pain. That is the things you feel when you are under Freeza's rule. What you see here is Sayajiins as they should be. Filled with their natural fighting instincts rather then the one Freeza has forced them to show…" he let his hand drop. "They trust me… not Freeza so now you can choose: leave Freeza's side and get out of here or stay and have the Sayajiins take their anger out on you!"

"SHUT UP!" Freeza screamed and dashed forwards Goku. His eyes glowed red and his muscles rippled under his skin as he charged forward. He drew back his fist and brought it down hard at Goku's face.

King Vegeta snapped into attention and charged as well, bringing the other Sayajiins with him. His focus was at Zarbon. His instinct was telling him that Goku and Freeza should handle this on their own. He bared his fangs at the green beauty and pushed Zarbon backwards to the ground with a shove on Zarbon's shoulders. He really wanted to rip the pulse out of the alien and feed him to the other Sayajiins.

"Attack you bakas! Attack!!" Zarbon screamed and fended king Vegeta's fists away from his face.

The other Sayajiins looked at their new prays. They charged forwards as the guards made up their minds. When the first blood of and guard was spilled, the Sayajiins all got mad. They ripped and fought at the guards, tearing flesh from bone.

Vegeta was fascinated by the Sayajiins before him. He had never seen Sayajiins attack and kill their masters before. He could feel his lip curve upwards, showing his fangs. How he really wanted to help out. His attention was brought back to the guard that had sacred him before. He almost felt a purr tear through his throat at the sight.

Shindou and Bibou had ganged up at the poor guard, working as a unit. Shindou coughed badly but that didn't stop him. He had gotten a good grip at the guard's finger with his two small teeth and held on for dear life as he was shaken around like and maracas.

"Ite-te-te-te-te-te!" the guard shouted and got a good grip at Shindou's throat and threw him back at Vegeta.

Bibou helped his brother and sank his very small claw into the rear of the guard.

"OW OW OW OW !!!!!" the guard shouted and fell back to the ground, still shouting in pain.

However when the guard fell on his butt, Bibou got trapped below. The little Sayajiin bit down hard at the butt of the guard and made him jump of him. Bibou looked really green in the face as he crawled back to his `mother'. NEVER did he want to see what he just saw ever again!

Vegeta cuddled the small cubs to his chest and watched in horror as the guard stood, rubbing his butt in pain. He growled as loud as he could in a warning to leave him alone. When the guard didn't back of, Vegeta let out a loud shriek. The guard jumped forward and warped a hand around Vegeta's neck, strangling him.

"Shut the hell up!" the guard snarled and lifted his other fist to smash Vegeta's head into the ground. "Say goodbye!"

Vegeta only smiled and relaxed. The guard got really confused until he saw the pair of legs that were in his sight. Looking up he saw a really angry looking Sayajiin. His last shout was brutally cut of by the Sayajiin's fist.

Goku could feel all of his limbs shaking. He was running out of power and he needed to end this battle now or Freeza would have his head. He leaped backwards as Freeza's tail slashed at him. gathering his last powers, Goku brought the level up a bit.


The humongous blast that the energy Goku had saved sent Freeza backwards. No one saw behind the light that floated around Goku. All of the Sayajiins roared at the sky as the glow settled.

Freeza looked at the new Goku in the middle. He had found a hatred for this form of the ex captain after their first battle. But he smirked as the man walked forwards him.

"Let's finish this!" Freeza snapped and jumped at Goku.


Another chapter done! Thanks for all the tips I have gotten!

Next chapter: The final battle between Goku and Freeza raging on and Goku finds out about his past.

Ja ne!