Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Depths ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Several heads turned in their direction after the door opened. Most bowed low to the ground, but a few stood stunned at the young girl that stood by Vegeta's side.
"What are you idiots looking at!" Vegeta growled. "Show some damn respect to your Sayian-jin no Ouji!" The rest fell to ground quivering at the wrath of the prince that walked past them. Bulma watched in shock at his tone, that changed from the man she heard only minutes before. Vegeta walked past one man and kicked him in the head, sending the offending Sayian into a wall where he collapsed in a pile of dead weight. As they exited the room Bulma turned to look over her shoulder. Vegeta grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room as the other Sayians looked up at their retreating forms. When they were out of sight Bulma turned to Vegeta.
"Why did you do that?" Vegeta grunted as he dragged her farther down the hall toward a darked part of the Palace. "Vegeta?" He didn't look at her as the next words left his mouth.
"I will tell you when we get to my room." Bulma hurried her pace to keep up with him so that he didn't drag her anymore. Soon they came to a rather large wooden door. He pulled it open and released her hand. She followed behind him and waited in the middle of the room as he closed the door behind them. Bulma looked around the large sparsely decorated room. It had two couches, one on the left wall and one opposite of it on the right wall, both a dark red color. The rest of the room was a dark blue with gold flowered patterns scattered all over the walls. There was one large window, like a picture window that had a great view over the entire kingdom. There were a couple of picture over the couches of foreign landscapes and nothing else to decorate the room.
"What is this room?" she inquired as she turned to him.
"This is the main room. That door," he said as he pointed to the door on the right side of the room, "leads to one apartment and that one," he pointed to the left one. "Is my apartment. Both rooms look identical with the exception to color design. They both had a small kitchen complete with stove, refrigerator, etc. You have your own private bathroom and a walk in closet." Bulma looked at him in awe of what he was saying. "If you want, you can go and relax. I must go to my father and consult with him on some business." Bulma nodded as she headed toward her new room as Vegeta exited out into the hallway. When she entered the room her jaw nearly hit the floor. The room was humongous and this was just the bedroom. The bed was on the far right wall, it's headboard up against the wall. The comforter on the king sized bed was a deep crimson, like blood with gold edges. The walls were a lighter red, cherry wood around the top and bottom of the walls. There was the walk in closet next to the bed facing toward her, the doors also cherry wood. She approached the door that was next to the closet only to find herself in the "small" kitchen. It was twice the size of the walk in closet and contained everything that she could need, but where was the bathroom? She walked back into the bedroom to find a young black haired girl with her arms full of dresses.
"Who are you?" Bulma inquired as she studied the girl warily. The girl bowed.
"My name is Chi-Chi, Miss Bulma. I am your chamber maid, here to serve your every need. I also take care of his highness, Sayian-jin no Ouji." Bulma looked perplexed before her she smiled.
"You are human?" Chi-Chi nodded.
"Yes, is that a problem?" she inquired with a frown. Bulma shook her head.
"No, I just have never seen one." At this Chi-Chi looked confused.
"They said that you lived on Planet Earth. How could you have not seen a human?" Bulma looked shocked for a moment before relaxing.
"I was not allowed outside and my family lived near the ocean in the far woods." Chi-Chi still looked at her suspiciously, but gave up on questioning the girl in front of her.
"I guess that makes sense. Any way, these are some more dresses for you. The prince had them ordered for you before you were to arrive." Bulma frowned in confusion.
"How did he know that I would come?" The other girl shook her head as she moved toward the walk in closet. "Chi-Chi, where is the bathroom?" Chi-Chi smiled.
"It is in here," she said as she opened the closet door with one hand. Bulma looked into the other room.
"Where? All I see is dresses." Chi-Chi pointed to a large door at the back of the closet. Drawn on it in gold were human-like creatures, but they had tails. "What is that on the door?" she asked.
"Oh, those are Mermaids. Sayians heard of them long ago when the Truffles lived on the planet before them. This was the palace that the King and Queen Truffle lived in and they believed in the Mermaids. The Sayians kept in on these doors because the tales they heard were so," she paused thinking of the word.
"Magical," Bulma said finishing her sentence. 'So Sayians believed in Mermaids? This might be a good thing,' she thought as she touched the golden creature. Chi-Chi said her good-byes as she left the girl to bathe. When Bulma opened the door a smile crept onto her face. The room was as large as the apartment combined and the bath looked much like a large pool. There were no windows, but the room was aglow with lights that hung from the walls. 'This is perfect.'

Vegeta had just gotten done talking to his father, who openly agreed about Bulma. They would take care of her in the palace, as she was a special case. As Vegeta entered the main room to his apartments he heard singing.
"Ever since you arrived,my heart has been crazy. Oh,I wonder why?When you smile, my heart turns into a small flame of burning passion, this is the first time I've had these feelings!I just can't stop singing my song! (HEY!)I just can't stop dancing along! (HEY)"
He walked closer to Bulma's room and noticed that the voice got louder as he moved closer.
"Can't turn around!(HEY!)Can't stop it now!(HEY!)I just can't help falling in love! The suns golden glow is swimming in the sea that is filled full of love that I want to show you!And I'll keep on singing this song until you understand my heart and say the words...I LOVE YOU!"
He moved toward the open closet and realized that Bulma was in the bath singing. She had such a nice voice for a quiet little girl.

On the other side of the door, her tail flipping behind her, Bulma relaxed against the side of the tub. Her voice echoed off the tiled walls as she sang her song of love.
"Ever since you arrived,my mind has been crazy. Oh,I wonder why?Can't you see that you have made every part of my body overflowing with love?Oh,I'm sure that you know what this feeling is!Don't want to hear him say that I'm pushy! (HEY!)But if I wait, he'll take someone else! (HEY!)Please understand! My love is grand!And I want you by my side forever! Let us dream about a pearl in the blue sea that can make(HEY!)all your dreams(HEY!)become reality!And I'll keep on loving you until you let me open up your heart and then I can say...I LOVE YOU!"
As she looked at the white walls of the enclosed room she smiled.
'I wonder what new things await me on this planet?' Her mother had been against her leaving to live up on land, but when she had found out her heritage at ten from Vegeta she had been intent on leaving the underwater world and finding out more about herself. She had not expected Vegeta to take her to her father's mother world, but it had been a nice surprise.
"Onna!" a voice called. Bulma dove most of her body under water as she searched the room for the voice.
"Who said that?" she yelled into the empty room. A chuckle echoed in the room.
"Onna, it is Vegeta. I am on the other side of the door. I wish to speak to you. Finish your bath and get out here." Bulma frowned at the tone of voice he used, but agreed to be out in a minute. After exiting the bathroom and dressing in a black terry robe that was hanging from the wall by the door she exited the warm of the bathroom. Vegeta stood at the entrance of the closet with a smirk on his face.
"What is it that you needed to speak to me about?" she questioned as she looked around in the closet for a dress to wear.
"We will be having a ball in your honor. My father wishes it so. You will need to be ready in less than two hours." Bulma turned to glare at the man in front of her, her temper flared dully in her cerulean eyes as she tried to calm down.
"I did not have to leave the tub for this. You could have told me this through the door." Vegeta smirked. This seemed to anger Bulma more. 'Why was he baiting her into a fight? He had been so nice before and now he was being a jerk!' Bulma turned from him. "Well go. I will be ready in less than two hours."
"I will be at the door waiting to escort you," Vegeta said as he turned to leave.
"Nani? Why must you escort me?" Vegeta frowned.
"Do you not remember what I said about mating?" This made Bulma calm as she remembered that he told her in the ship that she should stay by him at all times, lest someone tried to mate with her, but that was before he turned into such a jerk.
"Fine," she huffed, once again turning from him to inspect the dresses. Vegeta smirked at her backside before leaving the girl alone. A few minutes later Chi-Chi entered the room, brush in hand.
"Time to get ready."