Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ On The Outside Looking In ❯ Rescued From Loneliness ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On The Outside Looking In

Part 2 "Rescued From Loneliness"

It was a normal day at Capsule Corp., and Vegeta was tired of training by himself, so he thought he would go over to Goku's and see if he wanted to spar.
When he arrived at Goku's house something seemed strange, he was standing at the door, ringing the doorbell and no one was answering. Vegeta knew someone was home, he could sense it, but he wasn't sure who.

He tried the doorknob and found it unlocked. He cautiously stepped into the quiet house and started looking around. He wandered upstairs and peeked in the rooms, then he noticed a light coming from under the bathroom door. Slowly, he approached the door and knocked, but there was only silence.

So, he decided to open the door. When he stepped in he got the shock of his life. ChiChi lay in the tub, with her right arm hanging over the outside of the tub. Her arm was covered in blood, as he walked closer, he nearly slipped and looked down only to find a huge pool of blood on the floor. When he got closer he noticed that the tub was full of bloody water, he quickly checked for a pulse and found that she was still alive, but her pulse was very weak.

It looked like she had lost a lot of blood. He looked at the floor again when he heard crunching beneath his feet to find broken glass. Cursing he quickly grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her and picked her up to carry her down the stairs.

He tried to wake her, but she was completely unconscious. He quickly flew her to the nearest hospital, cursing that stupid Kakkarott for not taking proper care of his mate.

When he reached the hospital, he slammed through the door and went to the desk. He then demanded that they take care of the woman in his arms immediately, the nurse called for help and they took ChiChi into a room, and told Vegeta to stay in the waiting room.

Vegeta went over to a phone and called Bulma, only to find that she wasn't home. He didn't know what to do; he didn't think he should leave. So he sat down and thought *she's not my mate, Kakkarott should be the one here, but I don't know where that fool is* *that idiot Kakkarott, how could he not know what the hell he was doing to his mate* *what a fool*

Soon, a doctor came out and informed Vegeta that ChiChi was going to be okay.
"She has lost a lot of blood, but your wife will be fine" the doctor said
"She's not my wife" Vegeta stated
"Oh, well...um...do you know why she would do something like this?"
"Probably because of the idiot she is married to" Vegeta said shaking his head.
"Oh, I see" the doctor said..."You might want to try to convince her to talk to someone, I can recommend a good Psychiatrist."
"She doesn't need a shrink!" Vegeta spat..."She needs to dump the jerk she married." "If anyone needs to see a shrink it's that piece of shit husband of hers." Vegeta glared at the doctor and the doctor started to leave but turned to say..."You can see her, if you would like." "She can go home in a few hours, after we make sure she is okay"..."And one more thing, will you be taking responsibility for her? She cannot be released to leave alone, not in her condition."
"That's fine, I'll see that this doesn't happen again." Vegeta said annoyed.
"I swear I'm gonna kill you Kakkarott" Vegeta mumbled as he walked slowly to the room where ChiChi was.

ChiChi was lying in bed, she knew she was in the hospital but she didn't know who brought her here. She smiled for a moment thinking that maybe Goku found her and maybe he was here to hold her and tell her everything would be okay.

A knock at the door jerked her from her thoughts.

"Come in" she said quietly.
Vegeta walked in and ChiChi's eyes grew wide in shock.
"Vegeta?" "Are you the one who brought me here?"
"Yes, mind telling me why the hell you had the need to kill yourself? You are a bigger fool than Bulma. I will never understand humans. Why do you humans put such a low value on your lives?"

"Oh Vegeta, I'm so sorry that you had to get involved in this." "Please don't tell anyone." ChiChi said as she started to cry.

"Hump, and I thought you were stronger than this." "I won't tell anyone, if you promise you won't do anything this stupid again." "And stop that crying, I'm getting a headache."
ChiChi continued to cry softly and Vegeta mumbled something about weak women and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Well, I'm still waiting for an answer, woman?" Vegeta said starting to get impatient.
"What?" ChiChi asked.
Vegeta rolled his eyes and sighed..."Why did you do this?"
"Oh Vegeta I can't tell you that."
"What do you mean you can't tell me? I'm the one that saved your ass I deserve an explanation. Now answer me woman, I am starting to lose my patience." Vegeta said as he glared at her.
"Fine, I don't know where to start. This is so embarrassing." ChiChi said hanging her head.
"Woman, I'm getting tired of this."
"Well, Goku hasn't been very affectionate to me. Actually, it has been a very long time since he has paid me any attention." "He acts disgusted with me, he even called me a....a....nympho...." ChiChi said crying..."Just because I long for him to love me, I don't understand what has happened. I feel so unattractive." ChiChi was crying uncontrollably now and feeling very embarrassed for telling Vegeta of all people about her private sex life.

She hung her head, wiping her eyes, trying to avoid looking at him.
Then she felt herself get angry when she heard him chuckle. She looked up to glare at him. "Its not funny. How can you laugh at me?" she said.
"I'm not laughing at you woman. I'm laughing at Kakkarott, he is such an idiot. Most men would love to have a nympho for a wife."
"I'm NOT a nympho." ChiChi cut him off.

He smirked at her.."Silly woman, I didn't say you were. Its just Kakkarott is supposed to be a Saiyjin, and everyone knows Saiyjin's are nympho's. And for him to be that stupid and say that to his mate, HAHAHA! What an IDIOT!" Vegeta said while laughing uncontrollably.

ChiChi chuckled a little...*this is so strange I don't think I have ever seen Vegeta laugh like this before* ChiChi thought.
Vegeta finally composed himself and spoke. "So, are you telling me that you would take your own life just because that idiot of a husband of yours won't screw you?" "You are a bigger fool than I originally thought." "You don't need him. Find someone else to fill your needs." Vegeta said with a smirk.

"He is my husband and I would never....could never.....um....." ChiChi trailed off losing herself in her own thought.
"If you needed it that bad, why didn't you just tell me."
"WHAT?" ChiChi screamed, looking in shock.
"Well, if you ask me you need to experience a real Saiyjin." "Obviously, Kakkarott isn't fulfilling your needs and I on the other hand am having my own problems with my stupid mate not fulfilling mine. So, I thought we might be able to help each other." "What do you say, think you can handle me, because Bulma sure can't?"

ChiChi just looked at him with her mouth hanging open.
Vegeta smirked and said "I'll tell you what, you get your strength back over the next few days and next weekend come over to Capsule Corp., Bulma has to leave on a business trip and I'll have the whole place to myself. I'll be waiting for you." He said as he smirked at her and raised his eyebrows.

Over the next few days ChiChi acted different, she almost seemed happy. She wasn't paying much attention to anyone. It seemed like she was always in another world, lost in her thoughts, and smiling to herself. She was thinking about what the weekend would bring and she couldn't wait. Soon, there was a knock at the door and Goku went to answer it.
"Oh hi, Vegeta. Come on in." Goku motioned and Vegeta walked into the room. The two men walked into the kitchen and sat down. ChiChi glanced out of the corner of her eye, only to see Vegeta smirking at her.
"So Vegeta what brings you over?" Goku asked.
"Well, I was wondering what the both of you had planned for this weekend."
ChiChi looked over at him puzzled.
"Well, I'm going to go training, actually I haven't even told ChiChi this yet...but I am going to be gone the weekend...training with Piccolo. There is a new technique I am working on." ChiChi glanced over at him as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Well, then Kakkarott I guess you won't mind if I borrow your mate." Vegeta said.
ChiChi immediately choked and spit out her coffee. Vegeta looked over at her and grinned. She quickly composed herself.
"What do you want with ChiChi?" Goku asked, clueless.
"Well, Bulma is going to be gone all weekend and I was wondering if your mate would cook for me?" Vegeta asked while still looking at ChiChi.
"I would be glad to, Vegeta." ChiChi said. "When will she be leaving?"
"She leaves tomorrow night." Vegeta said.
"Well, I guess I could come over and cook you dinner, if you would like." ChiChi said, then she turned to Goku and asked, "When are you leaving Goku?"
"Tomorrow afternoon." He said. "So, go ahead and make dinner for Vegeta."
"Will Gohan be going with you Goku?" ChiChi asked.
"No, he's not ready for intense training like this." Goku said.
"Well, great then, I'll see you tomorrow." Vegeta said looking at ChiChi.
Then he left. She couldn't believe what had just transpired he actually asked her husband for permission, well in a round about way. ChiChi smiled to herself. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but she liked it.