Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Afraid ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~~~~~~~~``` Chapter 5

Nine months had past since Vegeta's mate had past away. This day would be their 13th 'anniversary' of when they finally bonded. Vegeta didn't step one foot out of his room, just laid in bed with one hand tucked behind his head as his other fiddled with the gold band in his fingers while he stared up at those mirrors. He smirked in remembrance.


"You know what I have always wanted to see?" The woman asked with her head rested on the man's chest, lightly stroking his bare and slightly wet abdomen. The man's fingers caressed the newly made scar on her sweaty neck.

He chuckled lightly, "You have already seen it."

The woman lifted her head and turned to him, giving him a wicked smile. She then winked at him, setting her chin down on his peck. "You would have thought." He growled at the comment, she chuckled at him. "It has always been my fantasy to watch a man pleasure me. That image alone would be unbelievably arousing." He pushed her on her back on the bed, lying on top of her, he nibbled her fresh bite mark.

"Put them up in the morning." She laughed lightly, bringing her arms around his neck. She brought him down for a kiss.

"I'm not putting them in the bedroom, if that's what your thinking." She kissed down his neck, licking his new scar.

"Why not?" He pulled away and looked at her questionably.

"That would be so embarrassing! What would people think!?"

He smirked and bent his head, licking up her throat, "That I know how to pleasure my mate."

"Well, I don't want Trunks asking me why I have mirrors on the ceiling." She stated.

"Then what do you suppose we do to make that fantasy of yours come true?" His hands stroked her sides affectionately.

"We'll put them in the ship."

"The ship?" His ministrations stalled.

"Yes, the ship. Since we are going to explore space for our 'honeymoon' then I think that would be a great idea." She rolled on her side. The man wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her naked body into his.

"What is 'honeymoon'?"

"It is after a wedding, the two people go off alone somewhere for a certain amount of time and just drown each other in themselves and have rough, no-hold-back, sex."

"We do that now. What is the point of leaving?"

"Listen, buddy, since you are too stubborn to marry me--"

"I thought we went through this." The man disentangled himself from her and laid now, on his back.

The woman turned and tucked her hand under her head, holding it up with her elbow. "We did. Come on, Vegeta, don't be mad. I have all ready let you go with not marrying me. Now, all I ask for is you to wear that ring I gave you every once and in while, and to go on this honeymoon thing with me. But if you don't want to spend a week alone, without anyone to bother us, where you would be able to do whatever the hell you wanted with me, make me scream out your name millions of times over in absolute pleasure, then fine, lets not go." She rolled over her back facing him.

Then man was on her in a instant. He pressed his body down on hers so soon as she laid flat. He gave her a passion-filled kiss, then broke away and stared into her eyes and her smiling face. "I knew you'd see it my way." She said seductively while wrapping her arms and legs around him.


Vegeta closed his eyes painfully. That whole week they spent together in this very same bed was too meaningful for words. Her moans and screams of pleasure ripped down on him at full force. The words they spoke to each other while making love. All had embedded itself in his mind. He needed her.

There was a knock on the door. "Father?"

[The boy? So he is finally talking to me again?] "What?"

His son's face peaked in the doorway, "May I come in?"

"Do what you will."

Trunks shut the door after he went in. Vegeta watched his son as he walked lightly over to the chair in the corner. He said nothing but appeared to be in deep thought.

After minutes of silence, "Well?" Vegeta asked impatiently.

"Do you miss mom?" His blue eyes finally met his father's.

Vegeta looked away gruffly, "Do not ask such a thing, boy."

Trunks' eyes went down to the floor, he whispered, "I miss her." Vegeta was silent. He slowly let his eye wonder over to the body of his son. "I was so mad at her for leaving us. For leaving me. I just wanted to cause her as much pain as she has caused me. That's why…I hurt…all those females. I was just so angry." His voice letting on his anger. Trunks eyes found their focus on Vegeta's. The rough exterior of his features were not present at the moment "I am sorry for disgracing you father….I am lost without mom."

[As am I, boy. As am I.] Vegeta nodded once.

Trunks' eyes dropped again. "Now, I feel alone. My friends are gone. Grandpa, Grandma. Gohan, Goten." He sighed, "I never thought of them. It still hasn't clicked that they're dead. I guess mom's death went with their death. Everyone died when mom did." "At times, father. I don't feel like myself. I feel like someone else. Someone I don't know. And all that person wants to do is fight and hurt and kill. But then there's the person I have always been saying, 'you shouldn't do this. This is wrong'." His eyes went up to his father's. A tear rolled out of his eye and slowly slid down his cheek. "I am afraid, Dad. I am afraid I am losing my battle within and I have no one to turn to for help."

Vegeta needed to say something. If he was going to save his son from losing control, now was a better time then ever to help. "Son--"

"Vegeta. Vegeta, are you there?" Vegeta and Trunks heads snapped over to the door. Hearing the voice again, they ran into the control room. Kakarot was on the screen.

"Kakarot. What are you doing…alive?"

"Vegeta this has to stop. You have destroyed too many lives, I can't allow you to kill anymore! Just stop now, Vegeta. Trunks I know you're there, listen to me. Everyone is here. Goten's here. He wants you to come back. We all want you to come back. We know you guys are in pain about Bulma. We know. But come--"

"You know nothing, Kakarot." Vegeta growled. His tail swooshed agitated behind him.

"Vegeta if you don't stop, I am going to take down your ship. And If I have too, I will do it by force. Don't make me, Vegeta." His pleading fighting voice rang loudly through the intercom. "Let us help. Bulma would have wanted that."

"You have no clue what she wanted!" Vegeta snapped back. "You know nothing, fool. I will not stop. I am going to rule this universe.--"

"Then what? After that Vegeta, what's next?"

"It does not matter. Maybe I will be dead. I do not care. But I refuse to live the rest of my life with a bunch of emotional weaklings who can not defend themselves if their life depended on it. I refuse to be a part of that."

"This isn't just about you, Vegeta. Think of your son! What about him?"

"I am thinking of my son. This is for the best. I wish not for him to be like you or your brats. Now, fuck off, Kakarot." Vegeta snapped off the transmission. Him and his son made eye contact.


A light as bright as the sun shined through each and every window of the ship. Vegeta's eyes snapped away from his son's. He rushed over to the window. "He actually went through with it." Vegeta breathed surprisingly. Vegeta closed his eyes, waiting for the light to engulf him and take away all his pain. [Bulma…I will finally be rid of you…]

"Father? What is it?" Trunks walked up to him slowly. Vegeta's eyes snapped open. His son! Vegeta flew over to his son, he hit him in the back of the neck, letting him fall unconscious into his arms. Vegeta let his body knee to the floor, with his son protectively in his arms, he flared his ki to the max, powering up to super Sayian 3 as the light hit violently shaking ship.