Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only One ❯ Return To Me ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~~~~~~~~~~```` Chapter 11

Bulma slowly wash the blood that soaked her only child's body, circling motions on his feet, rising to his legs, up to his stomach and then finally his face. She closed her eyes, looking away, tears falling from his cheeks, dipping the clothe back in the bowl of red water.

Vegeta stared upon his mate, memorizing each of her actions and movements in this body that didn't suit her. Her blue hair that she was always so proud of was now a dirty blond, her skin tanned where it use to always be so pale. The angelic pale. Her form though pleasing, was awkward for her.

Upon seeing her tears, he moved his gaze to his child, shocked though outwardly emotionless. Cuts of whips were covering his body, his cheeks appeared to have nails running down his face, bruises on every speak of his body.

Vegeta looked away in his shame, knowing had to handled Bulma's death not like the Sayian he was, his son just not be in so much pain, physical and mental.

Bulma covered him with a blanket, standing with what strength she had and exited the bedroom, Vegeta following after. They stood before the closed door, catching each other's eyes. She smiled. "I know you're confused." She grabbed his hand, bringing him into the living room and sitting down on the couch. "Goku Transported to Namek before you destroyed earth and wished for it's restoration. Also, Wished for me back to life. But there was a problem. I didn't want to brought back. So my body and my soul were separated. Besides that only a few people get there bodies in the afterlife as you should know. So the dragon had to give me another one. And then there was the problem with that. I couldn't be born again, that would take too much time. So I had to take over someone else's life. And by doing so, I couldn't have my memories unless they were given by you. The dragon put me in a body that was foretold to meet you. And here I am." She leaned in, kissing his lips gently holding his tight cheek in her palm while he moved to take her form in his strong arms. Separating, she rested her forehead upon his. "Had I known, it would effect you so much--"

Vegeta ripped away, snapping up and walking to the far corner of the room with his back to her.

She smiled softly going to him, resting her hands on his shoulders. "It is nothing to be ashamed of, Vegeta. I should have thought of it. You are too stubborn to just let me die. This was revenge and I understand it. You were angry at me, I know. I would have been just as angry had you left me alone." She moved around the front his eyes now with hers. "I love you so much. I would have died ten times over had you left me."

"No you won't." He departed from her form going to the window that looked upon the great capital. "A bond between Sayians are prohibited. Why is that? Because when one dies, the other follows. The reason I am not dead is because the boy. Once he is healed, woman, I will die."

"What?" She nearly ran to him, getting in his face with her question, "You…You're lying."

"It is the way the Sayian blood works. Had the boy handled your death, I would have died the same day you did. I am connected to him, and when I am no longer needed that connection breaks just as it does between us."

Tears were running down her cheeks, "So does that mean I will die too?"

"No. A Sayian can only form one bond between a mate. You are no longer the first. My bond is still connected to the first."

Her head shaking quickly, "No, Vegeta. You can't." She rushed to his arms, savagely kissing his lips, holding him tight. "You can't die." She whispered into his lips. "You can't. I need you."

"Do not be weak, woman." He pushed her from his form. "Stop these pathetic actions."

The door vibrated hard with the fist the knocked on it, "Princess Vitality! Open the door!"

Bulma stared at Vegeta. "It's the guards, we have to get to the ship." Vegeta nodded running to the bedroom to pick up his son. Bulma grabbed her capsules on her counter, quickly putting them in her jeans pocket. She opened the door meeting the soldier.

"We have commands to bring you to the Safe House. A slave is loose."

"I know." Bulma pulled a gun behind her back firing in his face before running down the corridor with Vegeta at her heals. She stalled next to a statue, shifting it to open a secret passage way. They ran down the dark hallway for what seemed like hours, Bulma's breath came in heaves before finally they met the end. Peaking out she saw five guards. Bring out her capsule she expanded it to reveal a grenade throwing it right before them. Once it exploded they ran for a ship shutting the door behind them. Bulma worked the computer modes, the ship started up and rose above ground just as more soldiers fired their guns. Bulma smiled upon making it out in the atmosphere.

Bulma went to the back bunger where Vegeta was just settling Trunks, throwing his sheets up over him. She walked up beside him, hooking her arm with his, resting her head on his shoulder. It was the way her body shook that Vegeta turned his attention to her. She detached herself but before she made it out the door Vegeta gripped her arms from behind. "Vegeta." She struggled against him, "Vegeta, not now." She snapped angrily wanting to be released but his hold never did it loosen even as his lips touched his neck. Her struggling seized though her will to hide herself never faltered. He only slackened his strength to turn her away, keeping her tight against him. Her eyes were fierce with her anger and red with her tears. She then continued to struggle against him, "Let go." Her anger fading with every yank and every word till tears started to fall from her eyes, "Please, let go."

"The boy does not hate you, Onna."

Her head dropped and her forehead rested on his powerful chest. "Yes, he does. I saw everything he had done since I was gone. He hates me for leaving."

"The boy is just confused."

"Yeah, I know. But Kami, Vegeta I'm sorry." She rested her head against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I didn't know my dying would cause you guys so much pain. When Goku told me he was wishing me back, I couldn't figure out why. I remember stating in my will I didn't want to be brought back. But then he told me about you guys. I couldn't believe. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry."

"No need to be, woman. It is over and done with. Do not think of it." He kissed her neck lightly.

"They couldn't give me back my body though. Do…Do you mind my coloring?"

She heard him chuckle a little from deep in his chest which made a smile grace her lips. "I never cared of what you looked like, woman. But your color was erotic."

Her head lifted slowly, her eyes finding his, and her smile deepened. "Was that a compliment, Vegeta?" He growled pushing her away, caring nil for her smile.

"Momma…" All humor left and she ran to his side, grasping his hand, and touching his forehead just lightly.

"Baby. Wake up, little love." His lids fluttered, the bruising around his eyes shifting and winkling together. He groaned, the pain vibrating through his body but as he opened his eyes and saw the blue that was before him, he flung from her arms, pushing his boxer clad body against the wall, scared out of his mind. Bulma was quite to pacify, "It's okay. Shhh…" She stood up holding her hands up in defense. "You're safe. You're okay." Vegeta walked up behind her and the boy's eyes switched to him in confusion then back to the woman with fear. "It's okay, I know you're confused. Animosity is dead. Your daddy killed her."

Trunks's body shook, he slowly released the hold around his legs to inch away to the other side of the bed till he's feet touched the ground. Never moving away from the wall he sunk farther over to a corner. His broken lip trembled, his cheeks soaked with her tears. "You're them." He whispered.

"No, baby, I'm not."

"I saw you…Next to her."

"She's dead." Bulma carefully without a threatening stance, held her hands up and stepped over to him slowly. His body tightened with his fear. "Trunks. Baby. I know it's going to be confusing but Goku wished me back baby. Just in another body. It's me, honey, Mommy. I know it's confusing but you must trust me."

His head shook, his wet lavender hair brushed his forehead. "No..No.. Always lies."

"Trunks, honey it's not a lie."

His blue eyes flashed up, anger suddenly altered on his soft features, "No lies." He growled barring his fang teeth, flinging to his feet, "Always lies!" Vegeta was quick to grab his mate and threw her on the bed the moment Trunks transformed to Super Sayian. Vegeta held his arms before him protectively as the power almost threw him back.

"Trunks, that is enough!" Vegeta growled, switching to Super also, now able to withstand his strength.

He stalled, his power stilling, the wind calming. His teal eyes glared. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill her?"


"Momma!" He barked.

"I didn't kill your mother, boy."

"LIES!" His power exploded. "Another lie. Just like what Animosity said." He barred his teeth.

Vegeta tightened and transformed to level two. He slammed the boy against the wall, spider cracks broke out behind him. "Listen to me, boy."

"No." Trunks bit back, "I no longer have to listen to you. You are not my father.."

"Never say that, son."

"I am not your son." Trunks powered up shoving his father away from him.

But Vegeta was quick to straighten himself. "You are my son. There is nothing that you can change to alter that fact, even if you do hate me."

"I do not hate you. I loathe you. You killed my mother, you selfish fuck. Tell me what else you did to her." His power fell suddenly, his hands grabbing his head in pain. "Animosity told me things." He whispered. "Lies. Secrets. Truths. No difference."

"You have done far worse then I have boy." Vegeta powered down, crossing his arms over his chest. His mate moved behind him in protection. "At least I did not forget your mother."

His fingers entwined in his hair. "Never forget." His head shook almost crazily.

"Yes, you did. I can feel that. You forgotten who you are, and in effect forgotten her…and me."

"No NO NO. Mom left. Mom left me. She forgot me."

"You came to me once and told me you felt different from before. You let your anger control you, just as I had done when my planet was destroyed. You forgot all of your mother's teachings. Then when you raped those females, you forgot me. Your honor and pride were swallowed by your anger." "Do you really think I would harm your mother?" Trunks looked away, "Forget everything that bitch said to you. Think of your mother for once. Did she ever seem distant or harmed? Did she ever cower down from a male the whole time you knew her?"

"No…" He whispered.

"No. I never harmed your mother. I never could. If anything she has hurt me far then I could ever hurt her. And you."

Trunks let a tear fall from his face. "I want mom." All power fell as his knees gave up beneath him.

"I'm right here." A sweet female voice filled the air. Trunks eyes snapped up. His anger exploding, his blue eyes blinked teal. Her body stood next to his father, the dark blue eyes gazed at him with tears spilling on her tanned cheeks. He barred his fang, hands fisting in the carpet. He growled dangerously. Vegeta's hand grasped the woman's arm but she ripped away taking a step forward. "I'm your mother, baby. Goku wished me back."

"Don't you ever call yourself my mother." His hair flashed blond by returned to the original state as he stood, eyes glued to the imposter.

"But I am."

"Lies. Always fucking lies!" Vegeta caught the hand that Bulma never even realized just before her cheek. She looked back at him his teal's eyes staring in the eyes of his son's. "She is lying, dad." He pleaded, seemingly transformed back into the little child that he was for a moment.

"Never raise a hand to your mother boy."

Trunks blue eyes widened and his hand fell without strength when Vegeta released it and stepped back to be beside the woman. "Father, what are you doing?"

"Boy, this is your mother."

"What?" He whispered with knitted brows. Upon seeing the man's tail suddenly wrap around the woman the realization hit him. "You can't be serious! Mom's dead! She killed herself and left us, remember! She left us! That bitch put some kind of spell on you, father!"

"She is your mother, boy."

The anguish didn't outweigh the pain of betrayal. "Father, please, stop." Tears started to leak from his eyes, his legs no longer able to hold him up. He dropped to his knees, resting his head on his thighs, his hands digging in the ground trying to ease his pain, "I can't take this. She is not mom. Please stop saying that."

"You are a Sayian Prince. One should never beg."

His head snapped up, tears pouring from his eyes. "Stop! I am not a Prince! You are not a Prince! I am your son! And you are my father! Please, come back, father."


"I did not go anywhere, boy."

He dropped his head once again in his lap. "You all ready left. You died when mom did."

No argument, Vegeta knew the boy was right. "As did you."

His hands buried themselves in his hair, rocking with his unquestionable pain. "I don't want to feel this anymore, dad." Trunks whispered in a breaking voice.

"You don't have to." Bulma kneeled down before her fallen son. She held his head up in her palms, brushing away his tears that never seemed to stop coming, "Trunks, my baby boy, where is he? What happened to him that would make him cry like this? My baby never cried. He was strong-willed, like his father. Stubborn too. His eyes, they were so innocent. Like mine. But these eyes that look back at me now, these eyes are so sad and destroyed. Too many tears have been shed from them. They are no longer innocent but they long to be pure again. They long to be innocent again." She searched wildly in his eyes for any answer that would tell that he realized she really was his mother. "I remember holding you the day you were born and knew that whatever happened you would be my perfect little boy and everything would always be all right." Trunks brows knitted in uncertainty. Her words were remembered. But her face. Her eyes. Her voice they all changed. What explained this?. And as if Bulma sensed it, she smiled. "Goku wished me back. But I couldn't have my body. I'm mommy, honey. Just in a different body but I remember everything. I'm sorry I left you, I promise never again.

Her eyes seemed to lighten and her skin slowly paled, and the face of his mother overtook her own features. But when he blinked to get a clearer vision her attributes returned to the stranger. "Momma?"

"Yes, Baby." She smiled brilliantly, tears falling from her rims. His hand moved slowly, touching her cheek, getting rid of the water. He was hesiatant but when the words, "I love you" fell from her lips he threw his arms around her, burying his face into her chest as he cried brutally. Bulma wrapped her arms around him, tightly. She began to rock him stroking his wet hair, "Shh…my baby boy. It's ok. I'm here. Nothing can harm you. I'm sorry for leaving you, my son. Please don't hate me." He continued to sob uncontrollably into her. Bulma looked over to see Vegeta. He walked up beside her going to pick him up but she held tight to him. She smiled shaking her head, "Just let me hold him for a few minutes."