Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only What You Can Give ❯ Admissions ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Bulma heard the door open and turned to watch Vegeta enter. She felt her mouth suddenly go dry and her heart leap into her throat. Dressed all in black he was the very image of the dark prince she'd once seen in Yamcha. He caught her appraising look and couldn't help a smile of smug satisfaction. So she liked the bad boys, huh? She had no idea what she was getting into with him. He came to himself suddenly and gave himself a mental shake. He didn't want her to get into anything with him. He was not interested in her or any human.

Bulma watched him leave then turned back to the news. The top story was about some bar brawl. The police were looking for a short black-haired man in dark clothes who'd managed to rough up the entire block. Bulma frowned at the sketch. That looked like Vegeta. She rose and followed him into the kitchen where he sat eating a large bowl filled with cereal and milk. He looked up at her when she entered.

"You were on the news. You'd better not go out again for a few days."

He shrugged. "A human prison cannot hold me."

"Be that as it may, if they catch you and you hurt someone escaping, you won't be able to stay here again. My family and I could get in trouble."

He gave a nod and she turned, believing the conversation over. "It was fun, though."

Bulma couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips as she left. Yes, Vegeta really was a dark prince. She knew it was childish, but she really couldn't help but be attracted to the bad boy. It was what had drawn her to Yamcha and it was what was making her look so differently at Vegeta. She gave a soft sigh. It was impossible to really think about Vegeta that way. He'd tried to kill Goku and he would have destroyed the Earth and everyone on it. For some reason, this gave her a little thrill. She bit her lip, consumed with guilt and at the same time inexplicably excited.

She heard him finish his meal and head out for the gravity chamber again. He was training tirelessly. She wondered if he really would ever gain his wish to become a Super Saijin. She walked over to the gravity chamber and looked in through the window, watching as he began his warm-up. Muscles rippled in his chest and arms and she felt her heart flutter. He really was the most magnificent example of masculinity she'd ever seen.

He saw her watching him, then turn to leave. Something inside him deflated when she left and he growled. She should not affect him. She was human, weak and pathetic. He turned to the machine and increased the gravity. Bulma had said no higher than 250, but she was always setting silly rules to keep him safe. He did not need some woman to coddle him. He was a Prince of Saijin, and not to be trifled with. He punched the machine up to 300 g's and began his exercises.

The air itself pressed down on him, trying to crush his lungs. He labored simply to draw breath and his muscles screamed in effort, but he noticed none of it. His every thought was consumed with Bulma. The woman was infuriating. He wanted to grip her neck and throttle her one moment, and crush her to him, feel her body against his the next. He hated Yamcha because that…that animal had touched her in ways that Vegeta could only dream about.

It had not been as hard as he thought to admit he was attracted to her. Those pert breasts and curving hips were certainly pleasing to the eye. But what really got his attention were her mind and her mouth. She was as contentious and vivacious as any female he had ever met. He had only ever met one other female of his species. Fresia had been afraid of what might happen if he had been allowed to father children and so had kept him distanced from all females until he was old enough to have some control. Now when the urge to mate grasped him, he simply found something to kill.

Here though, that was exactly what he was not permitted to do. Now he could feel it, that tell-tale tightening in his stomach and pleasant gathering of warmth in his groin, despite the fact that the moon was not full. He had been able to feel it for several days now, but tonight it was stronger than ever. Tonight if he met Bulma in the library or the hall, he might not be able to control himself, and so he was exiled to the gravity chamber, where he was attempting to sweat the feeling out of himself. He never saw the walls begin to tremble or the thin curl of smoke rise from the panel. He did not hear the electronic hissing noise.

Bulma more felt than heard a dull thump. Then there was a crash that she was sure would wake the entire house. She pushed herself out of the chair in the library and began a slow walk to the gravity chamber. No doubt Vegeta had demolished another robot and would appear any second now to demand she fix it…any second now…any second. Her walk broke into a trot, then a run. She burst from the house and bit down on a scream. The gravity chamber was no more. All that remained was a pile of smoking rubble. She felt her stomach twist. Somewhere in there, Vegeta was laying injured.

She tried to shift a piece of the debris and jumped back as the metal burned her hands. She looked down at them and watched as they turned red. Biting the inside of her cheek she renewed her grip and heaved. She took a step forward and pushed again. It slid sideways off the pile and she could see it, a hand. There was more wreckage between her and him, but she could see him and she knew where to dig. It was the work of almost an hour, with the help of the robots, to dig him out and get him to the small infirmary. Once she was sure he was relatively unharmed she had him moved back to his bedroom. Utterly exhausted she collapsed into the chair by his bed and was soon asleep.