Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ New Alias and Starving Kings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Vegeta cautiously opens the door to the bathroom door and peers in, seeing Goku sitting on her knees on the ground looking at the ceiling with a helpless, lost look in her eyes. She hears the door creak and without turning her head, she says, "What happened to me?"

"I don't know Kakarot."

Goku gets up shakily and says, "I was fine yesterday. But now it's just.." She leans on the sink and takes a better look at herself, "When did this happen? HOW did this happen?"

The ouji avoids eye-contact with any part of her body and says, "Maybe it's a joke."

Goku yells, "A JOKE?" She pulls her shirt up and forces Vegeta to look at it, "DO YOU CALL THIS A JOKE?!"

Vegeta shrieks and squeezes his eyes closed as tight as he can. Then he yells, "KAKAROT! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!"

She puts her shirt back down and blushes furiously, "Sorry. I'm just a little frustrated."



Vegeta's eyes widen, "You just yelled at me. You NEVER yell at me!"

Goku trembles, putting a hand to her head, "You're right. What's wrong with me?! Vegeta! I don't like this! I don't like it at all!"

The ouji grabs her wrists and says, "Just calm down Kakarot. Calm down, and maybe we can sort this out. Did you notice anything during the night?"

The onnafied saiyajin nods, "Yeah, I couldn't sleep that well for some reason. That's why I came here early. I thought it was just because I was sleeping on the couch."

Vegeta frowns, "And did anyone see you this morning?"

"No, everybody was still asleep. They said good-bye the night before because I was leaving early to go on the trip with you."

The saiyajin narrows his eyes, "So no one saw you. That's convenient. TOO convenient."

Goku says, "I thought it was just a coincidence."

"In situations like these, you can never account anything to be a coincident." Vegeta leads Goku over to the living room and seats her down on the couch, while he takes the opposing loveseat. Tapping his fingers together he says, "Well, we know it can't be the dragonballs. They aren't active until next month. It's more likely you have a disease or a spell was put onto you."

The girl frowns, "I don't think it's a disease, Veggie. There's absolutely nothing that suggested I was sick. And I've never heard of anything that changes your body's anatomy."

"Spell it is then. Who do we know is capable of such a thing?"

Goku shrugs, "Well everybody I know is dead." She pauses, "Dead? Vegeta, do you think this may have anything to do with the Otherworld?"

Vegeta mutters, "Yeah, the gods are mocking me."

"What was that?"

The ouji lies, "Nothing!"

Goku isn't too convinced so she asks, "Veggie, you never told me why you kissed me."

Blushing slightly, Vegeta says, "Well, I thought you weren't real and.Why do you want to know anyway?!"

"You KISSED me."

He attempts to change the subject, "So why don't you talk to your King Kai and ask him if he knows anything about it?"

Goku eyes Vegeta suspiciously, but says, "Well it seems that we're going to be going off planet anyway. Grab hold of me." Vegeta takes her hand and she puts two fingers to her forehead. In a millisecond, they blink out of sight.


At once the two saiyajins find themselves on Grand Kai's planet surrounded by the greatest fighters the universe has ever seen. And as soon as Goku sets foot on the planet, all of them give her more than obvious looks. After all, it wasn't everyday that a cute girl came to the great fighting master's planet.

One of them bravely saunters up to the two saiyajins, and ignoring the ouji, he smiles at Goku, "Hey cutie. So what are you doing in this part of the Otherworld? Been doing some good deeds lately?"

The saiyajin smiles, "Yeah, I think so," completely oblivious to the fighter's motive. He links his muscled arm to her slender one and smirks, "I know another good deed that you can do just for me." Goku's eyes widen in disbelief once she finally sees what he's getting at.

By now the ouji beside her had seen enough. Besides, he doesn't enjoy being ignored. The ouji pulls him off of Goku and growls, "Hands off. She's with me. Come on, Kakarot."

Goku allows herself to be pulled away from him and they slowly walk away from the group. However, she frowns, "Vegeta, I can handle myself!"

Vegeta replies, "But you doing it yourself isn't going to stop them from hitting on you."

She frowns, but decides that he's probably right, seeing how none of the other fighters were approaching her now, with the ouji right beside her. "Whatever, Veggie. You can let go of me now."

Vegeta didn't seem to realize that he was still holding her hand. He blushes and lets go, "Right, sorry."

Goku blinks, "Sorry?"

Not much more is said between them after that. Even though Goku has mild protection with Vegeta's presence, the other dead souls all smile and comment Goku as she passes by, and she smiles shyly back. Soon she stops smiling all together, not enjoying the amount of attention she's getting, and even begins to slowly shrink behind Vegeta's form. By the time they reach Grand Kai's palace, Goku seems to be in a state of withdrawal, skulking behind Vegeta, who seems to be the only man who isn't making catcalls at her. The ouji notices her behavior, but chooses not to acknowledge it. Instead he looks for King Kai in front of the palace, and finds him next to a shiny, blue convertible, admiring it.

Vegeta says gruffly, "Are you the one they call North Kai?"

King Kai freezes up and says in shock, "I know that voice." He slowly turns around and shrieks, "ACK! It's you! Vegeta! What are you doing here?! How did you get here?!"

Vegeta smirks, "I came with Kakarot."

The blue master looks around and asks, "Goku brought you? Well, where is he? I don't see him."

Goku peeks out from behind the other saiyajin and says meekly, "I'm right here, King Kai."

King Kai yelps, "Goku?! Son Goku, is that really you?! What in the world happened to you?!"

She replies, "I was hoping that you could tell me."

Vegeta adds, "We suspect foul play in the land of the dead here."

Her former teacher frowns, rubbing his almost non-existent chin, "Foul play huh? So who do you suspect a duck or a chicken?" He suddenly bursts into laughter at his own statement, "Ha HA! Fowl play, get it?! Oh Kami! I crack myself up sometimes!"

The two saiyajins sweatdrop and Vegeta mutters, "I think he's already cracked." Goku nods her head slowly.

King Kai controls his laughter and says, "Well, I suppose it isn't funny for you in your situation. So, on a more serious note, I haven't seen anything myself, but I have overheard that there's a little inside turmoil in heaven, or more specifically the angels' sector. Seems some of their holy sutras went missing for a while, but they just got them back this morning."

Goku says excitedly, "But I found out I was turned into a girl this morning!"

King Kai raises his eyebrows in surprise, "Well, I'd say that's too coincidental to be a coincident. But I don't get it. What would the angels have against you?"

The female saiyajin frowns, "I have no idea. Even in all my time up here I only managed to meet a couple of them. But I did think that they were a bit snooty to me, considering I saved the Earth several times."

Vegeta frowns, not liking to be out of the loop of things, "What's the difference between the angels and fighters anyway?"

King Kai shrugs, "Not much. They both did good deeds in their lives, but angels are carefully selected so that they can represent the gods and perform very important heavenly duties such as playing messenger for the gods or being guardian angels."

The ouji looks at Goku and says, "So you weren't selected because..."

Goku says flatly, "They didn't think I was smart enough." At this Vegeta bursts into laughter, and his companion glares at him, looking very cross indeed.

King Kai shrugs, "Don't worry about it, Goku. The head angels aren't very renowned for making good selections. Half of the angels there are forced to be in their special league. Anyway, I think you have a legitimate case here. The Otherworld, especially heaven isn't supposed to interfere in the lives of the living. I'll go talk to the other gods and see what they make of this. Then they'll see if they can get you back to normal."

Vegeta looks at King Kai in disappointment, not finding him to be the instant cure to his companion's problem. However, Goku smiles brightly and pulls King Kai into a hug, "Oh thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

Her victim slowly starts to turn purple from lack of oxygen, "Goku...let go...can't breathe..."

Goku quickly drops him and says apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry King Kai. I didn't mean to."

King Kai flattens down his clothes and mutters, "Some gratitude. I offer to help you with your problem and you end up almost choking me to death!"

Goku blinks, "But King Kai, you're already dead."

He yells, "That's not the point!"

Vegeta just watches everything with an air of amusement. Then Goku grabs his arm and says, "Thanks again, King Kai! Bye!" and she teleports the two out of there.

King Kai shakes his head, "Still the same old Goku," and he goes off in search of his superiors.


Vegeta shrugs Goku off of him once they reach Capsule Corps' living room. He says crossly, "Well that was productive."


"I was being sarcastic you baka."


The ouji begins to pace the room and mutters to himself, "What the hell are we going to do about you?"

Goku frowns, "King Kai said they'd change me back."

Vegeta yells, "Well you're not back to normal now are you?! How do we explain this to your baka friends?! Do you even want them to know?! And who knows how long you're going to stay like this!"

Goku puts up her hands and says, "Calm down, Veggie. Just take it easy. I can lay low for a while. My family thinks that I'm going with you off planet. In a month the dragonballs will be ready, and if I'm not changed back by then, we'll use those."

The other saiyajin narrows his eyes, "I don't know if that's going to-"

"Vegeta! Why haven't you left yet?!" Vegeta stiffens as Bulma enters the room still dressed in her pajamas and a night robe. She looks at the beautiful girl in her room suspiciously, "Who is this?"

The referred saiyajin looks at the ouji nervously, but he just sighs, "For Kami's sake, just tell her who you are or she'll think I'm cheating on her."

Goku scratches the back of her head and says uneasily, "Well, you have to promise not to tell ChiChi."

Bulma frowns, "ChiChi? How do you know ChiChi? And what does she have to-" Her eyes widen as she takes a better look at the girl in front of her. The same clothes, the same eyes, even the same nervous expression. "Oh my god. I don't believe it, Goku?!" The saiyajin nods and Bulma says in disbelief, "I think I'm still asleep."

Goku yelps, "No! No, you're not!"

The blue haired scientist sits down on the couch in a state of shock, "B- but HOW did this happen?!"

The other girl answers, "Well apparently some angels have a grudge against me." Vegeta purses his lips, not totally convinced, but he decides not to comment. "Anyway, I don't want anybody else to know about me, not even ChiChi... Make that especially not ChiChi. I don't think she'll be able to look at me the same way again."

Vegeta smirks, "That shows how much faith you have in her."

Bulma sends him a glare and turns back to Goku, "Are you-"

"I'm dead sure."

Bulma sighs, "Well I guess we'll have to create an alias for you. Let me think." She places her head in her hands, trying to come up with a good cover, "You're a visiting cousin from overseas-"

Goku asks, "Which country?"

"The country doesn't matter; anyway you'll be staying with me for... Do you know how long this is going to last?"

The female saiyajin answers, "If the gods of the Otherworld don't change me back by the next month, I'm going to use the dragonballs to change me back."

Bulma continues, "So you'll be staying for a month. And your name is-"

"Kayka." The two onnas' heads turn to see Vegeta had just spoken. The ouji frowns, "What? I think it's a suitable name for Kakarot."

Goku says suspiciously, "It isn't saiyago for baka is it?"

Vegeta smirks, "And what if Kakarot is?"

Bulma says, "Kayka it is then. And meanwhile Goku is off on his space training, which Vegeta doesn't participate in because."

The ouji says, "Because I decided I could never stay with Kakarot that long in solitude without going crazy."

Goku sends him a warning glare, and the scientist says, "We'll have to hide your bags and the space ship for the time being. Then we'll have to get you a new wardrobe." Seeing Goku's helpless expression she argues, "You can't go on wearing your own clothes! They're too big, and people would recognize you instantly! You'll have to borrow stuff from my closet until we go shopping for you." Goku groans and sits down on the couch.

Bulma orders, "Vegeta, go get Goku's bags and put them in my spare closet before the kids see them. Goku, you go with him and pick out something to wear. And don't forget to wear a bra!"

Both saiyajins cringe slightly at the word, but then go on to do the jobs assigned to them. Bulma then goes outside to put the space ship into its capsule form and hide it.


In hell, the former saiyajin king is currently residing under one of the many bare, thorned trees that usually grow exclusively in the Underworld. His stomach growls from the lack of food for at least two months now. Of course that's a normal thing for him in this place. Then he feels a familiar warm breeze and looks up to see a white envelope floating down to him and landing onto his lap. Curious, he opens it and reads,

'Beets, the gods are starting to investigate the missing holy sutra incident. It seems that Kakarot and Vegeta came up here to find out how my son got turned into a girl. I didn't think they'd be that quick to catch onto us. But the stupid ogres don't even suspect me! Jeez, they're talking to all the wrong people. I'm really starting to get ticked off at this. Maybe I should mess up my job today so they'll at least put an inquiry on me, put me in the loop. Did you know Vegeta decided to call Kakarot Kayka?! Kayka, of all things! Anyway, don't forget to meet me at the usual place. I put a bean in the package that will turn into three days worth of food if you put water on it. Enjoy. Sincerely, Bardock.'

Bejita smirks and incinerates the letter in his hand, "Kayka, huh?" He searches in the envelope and his face lights up when he finds a golden bean inside. "All right! Food!" He looks around in search of water, and suddenly realizes he's in the middle of a desert environment, out in the middle of nowhere. Bejita yells into the sky, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
