Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Father of the bride ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will

A/N: My writing does not represent my view of heaven, so I don't want anybody yelling at me for putting down angels.


Vegeta dumps Goku's bag in Bulma's second closet and comes out to see that the door to her primary one is still closed. No doubt that Goku is changing inside. He humphs and is about to leave the room, but he suddenly feels drawn back to it. He goes back and stands in front of the flimsy, wooden door. Then he starts to wonder exactly what a saiyajin girl looks like, whether they really were the same as human onnas. He's never met many female saiyajins before, even meeting his mother only briefly. And he sure as heck has never been confronted with a situation like this before... Maybe he should take a peek and see.

The ouji blinks and his eyes widen as he reviews his thoughts. He screams, "ACK! What am I THINKING?! This is Kakarot we're talking about! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" and he resorts to pounding his head against the wall, causing the dry wall to start to crack. He pauses and subconsciously his hand starts to drift towards the glass, door handle. Vegeta suddenly realizes what he's doing and goes back to banging his head against the wall, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOO!!!"


Vegeta yelps and falls over in surprise. He looks up and sees the saiyajin at the hallway door instead of the closet door. So she really wasn't in there. He mentally breathes a sigh of relief. Good, what if he had actually opened the door and she was in there? He shudders just thinking about it.

"Veggie, are you alright?"

He looks up again and blushes furiously, seeing Goku's whole appearance has completely changed. Instead of looking like a rambunctious little tomboy, with a skirt, a tight tank top, and high heels, Goku now looks just like any regular onna, except much prettier than the average one that you would see in the streets. In other words, Vegeta just feels the more nervous around her. He stutters slightly, "K-Kayka? A skirt?"

Goku blushes, "Well Bulma doesn't wear anything else!" She pauses just remembering that he called her Kayka, but then notices that he's gone back to hitting his head against the wall. "Exactly what are you doing?"

The ouji grits his teeth and answers, "Controlling urges."

"What urges?"

"SAIYAJIN URGES!!" (Thank you Chu.)

Goku frowns, "Oookay... Say, do you know how bras work?"

Feeling slightly uneasy about the discussion of such a topic, Vegeta says cautiously, "Well I help Bulma hook up the back of hers sometimes... Why?"

The female saiyajin answers, "Well, I've been looking for Bulma everywhere, but I can't find her so," she turns her back to him and flips up only the back, "can you help me with this?"

Vegeta takes one look at her bare, smooth back before his eyes roll up into his head and he falls to the floor in a dead faint. Goku brings the back of her shirt down and bends down to the ouji, a confused look on her face, "Jeez, he didn't even see my front side this time." She waves her hand in front of his face and snaps her fingers a couple times, only to get no response. Goku sighs, "Maybe he banged his head too many times."

She picks the ouji off of the ground and gently puts him on the bed. Seeing the somewhat peaceful expression on his face, Goku smiles and softly strokes his cheek. She suddenly realizes that this is exactly what she would do with ChiChi at night. Stopping quickly, she can feel her hand trembling, so she goes off in search of the blue haired scientist.


Up in heaven, Bardock smiles when he sees Goku leave the room, partially glad that she's better at controlling her instincts than a certain ouji is. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees some movement and slaps closed his laptop. A familiar trio of angels was making their way to his favorite cherry blossom tree, looking as arrogant as ever.

The head of the group, (but also the most pretty-boy), Willith, smirks at the sight of the saiyajin angel, who is constantly joked upon as a paradox in himself, or the black sheep of the saiyajin race. "Well it's the friendly neighborhood saiyajin. How are you doing this fine day?"

Bardock scowls and snaps his fingers, making his laptop disappear. "I was doing well until you bunch came along. And as to the subject of this being a fine day, it's not any different from any other days, which doesn't make it any better of course. So you can't really call it a fine day now can you?"

The two henchmen blink in surprise, and Willith scowls, "Are you trying to be smart?"

The saiyajin replies, "I'm not trying to be smart, I am smart, which is why, along with being strong and good-looking, the head angels decided to put me into your snobbish league of pompous old fools!" He angrily gets up and turns tail on them, marching proudly over towards headquarters.

His constant rival yells, "Oh yeah! Well the only thing that's keeping you here is your solitary good deed that you did in the LAST hour of your LIFE!"

Bardock mutters as he goes his way, "And I'm starting to regret it too." He walks up the white marble steps of Angel Headquarters, the infamous home of the Head Angels. The massive building is such a pure shade of white; it hurts Bardock's eyes just to look at it. He swore to himself the first day he went there, he would graffiti the entire building for all the angels to see! ..He still needs to do it.

He goes into the reception hall and comes up to the desk, relieved to find one of his few friends on duty there. A fuzz ball alien from the southern quadrant of the galaxy. Bardock waves, "Hey Qu'pac."

The alien angel replies, "Hey Bardock, how's it hangin'?"

Bardock shrugs, "Same old-same old, I guess. I'm just coming for my assignment."

Qu'pac flips through a leather bound registry and says, "Well, you're late. As usual. Oh, and lucky you. You're supposed to meet the Head Angels."

The saiyajin moans, "Aw crap," and hurries to the senate room.

Qu'pac laughs, "You better hurry! They've been waiting for nearly half an hour!"

Bardock soon leaves sight of the main hall and comes up to two huge golden doors. He knocks and they mystically open up by themselves. Trying to catch his breath, Bardock stiffens up and in a poised manner, goes to the center of the room. And a strange room it is too. Even with the holy glow to it, and the golden mist that would always make his tail go nuts after leaving, it also had a feeling of utter hopelessness of doom. Especially with all the Head Angels towering above him on silver pedestals. If everything didn't look so holy to him, Bardock would mistake it for a saiyajin interrogation room.

The eldest angel booms from his tall tower, "Barudokko... (Japanese pronunciation of Bardock's name.) You're late."

Bardock mutters almost grudgingly, "I apologize for my tardiness." Part of the ritual that they always perform for an angel's misdeed.

A grey haired female angel announces, "You are forgiven, Bardock." And the ritual is over. She adds, "That is one more demerit point for you." A paradox of course. Although forgiven, the misdeeds are never forgotten. "Be careful, angel. Any more and you'll be set up as guardian angel for some lowlife dreg."

The saiyajin angel scowls, {Jeezus, my son's more angelic than all these people put together.}

An ancient purple alien says, "Of course, that can be changed. We have a special assignment for you today. If you manage to carry it out, we will consider all past demerits invalid."

Bardock glares at them grudgingly, {Whoopee, I'll be part of the_elite_squad again. That was such fun.}

"But if you fail, not only would you lose your_near impeccable_standing, but your head too."

Bardock pales, "R-really?" He never doubted any threats from them ever since he'd seen a beheading himself about 20 years back. Poor guy's head won't reattach until 100 years from now. Needless to say he didn't really want to be mocked by Willith and his gang for a near century. They'd probably try taking his decapitated head and play football with it. Bardock shivers. That's a mental image he can go without.

He asks, "Well what is this special task?"

A different angel, a young female alien this time, answers, "We need you to deliver a message to the saiyajins on Earth that we will find out who has turned that fighter...uh what was his name again?"

Bardock answers, "Kakarot."

"Right. Tell those two fighters that came up here that we'll find the culprit who turned Kakarot into a girl, and more importantly, you have to convince them that heaven has nothing to do with this sudden change!"

Another angel nods in agreement, "As the elite sector of heaven, we cannot afford to have any smears on our reputation. We would lose our standing, allowing the gods to inquire into our methods of functioning."

Bardock frowns, {If the gods really could change this place maybe it's worth losing a head... Then again, maybe not.} He suddenly realizes the full extent of the task set before him, "Wait a sec. You want me to go down to Earth, retain a physical form, and tell them we have nothing to do with this?!"

The eldest angel answers, "Well, yes. But you only have enough power to make yourself known to one person."

The saiyajin groans. Keeping a physical form in the mortal world is one of the most painful experiences imaginable. Not to mention he would be so close to blowing the thin cover that would be keeping his so-... dau-... his child from finding out it was he who cursed her with that form. He doesn't care if the Angels find out, but Kakarot is a different story entirely. She'd never forgive him!..... Even if she did know who he was.

The highest residing angel asks suspiciously, "Is there a problem with your assignment?" seeing Bardock's expression.

Bardock laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head, "Nope, no problem. None at all! Consider the job done!" He quickly scurries out of the room into the corridor, before the Head Angels get even more suspicious. He moans, "Dammit! I can't show myself in front of Kakarot at all! So I'll have to show myself to Vegeta... But he knows what I look like! He'll recognize me instantly!"

His tail starts to sneak up his white robe, and Bardock slaps it in annoyance, seeing it going on the fritz from the gold mist again. In retaliation it wraps around his neck and begins to choke him. Bardock yells, "Kuso! You baka tail! I don't have time for this!" He yanks it off and wraps it around his waist tying it into a knot so that it can't do anything. Watching it struggle, the saiyajin angel sighs, "Damned tails and heaven just don't mix." He pauses and suddenly smiles as a revelation dawning onto him. "Well, Vegeta may be able to recognize me as a normal saiyajin, but I bet he won't recognize me as a super saiyajin!"

Bardock looks around the hall to make sure that no one is around, and then he begins chanting to himself, "Think of Frieza destroying Bejita-sei. Remember Kakarot's deaths. Remember how that Nameck killed both of your sons at once." Images begin flowing into his mind, images of his children getting killed off like vermin, and of the lizard tyrant blowing up his home planet, and it fuels his rapidly building rage. Right at his peak, his ki nearly explodes and he screams, "DAMN YOU STUPID NAMECK! LEAVE MY SONS ALONE!!!!!" and he blasts into his super saiyajin form.

His teal blue eyes snap open and he suddenly realizes he just made a massive hole in the wall. Seeing he just made a huge peeping hole to the girls' lavatory, Bardock blushes and quickly gets out of there before anyone spots him. He mutters to himself, "I gotta find an easier way to transform." Sure that he is far away from the scene of the crime, Bardock stops and one hand goes up into the air, "Well, onto Earth." With a snap of his fingers a golden mist envelopes him and he is transported away to the green and blue planet, and to Capsule Corporation.

Once there Bardock finds himself in Vegeta's bedroom and sees the little ouji still on the floor unconscious even though Goku left long ago. Knowing what's next Bardock braces himself, just as searing pain starts up at his legs as his body takes on a true physical form. The pain, like being pierced by white hot knives, works its way up his body right up to his very halo. After the grueling procedure the angel feels himself already worn out and his body all numb. Not willing to wait any longer Bardock smacks Vegeta over the head, causing the ouji to abruptly awaken.

Vegeta sputters, "Huh? What?" He groans and sits up, rubbing his head, "Jeezus, was that all a dream?"

"Nope." The ouji looks up for the source and shrieks seeing a foreign super saiyajin hovering above him. The angel waves, "Hey Veggie."

Vegeta moans, "Oh Kami, I'm hallucinating."

Bardock yells, "How dare you call me a figment of your imagination!" feeling very offended.

Vegeta demands, "Oh yeah! How do you explain the purple elephant?!" pointing out towards the hallway.

Bardock sweatdrops when he sees nothing but an empty hallway, "Okay, maybe I smacked you a_tad_too hard over the head. Anyway," the angel's voice takes on a tone of authority, "I have come to deliver a message from the heavens." At this annoying golden bugles come out of nowhere, trumpeting a holy tune. Bardock snaps, "Oh shut up!" And the bugles vanish just as fast as they came, further convincing Vegeta that he's gone mad. Bardock clears his throat before continuing, "The Head Angels have sent me to tell you that they will find the culprit of Kakarot's_henious_transformation and that-"

The ouji suddenly asks, "Do I know you?"

The angel replies nervously, "Can't really say-"

Vegeta narrows his eyes as if Bardock was a specimen in a laboratory, carefully examining him, "Because I could have sworn I've seen your face before. And I NEVER forget a face."

"Couldn't you possibly be mistaking me for Kakarot?"

Vegeta shrugs, "Maybe... Except that Kayka has bigger eyes than you do and doesn't have a scar on her cheek!"

Bardock's hand automatically goes to his cheek and he says, "Okay, so maybe I'm not Kakarot!" But even on the verge of getting caught, Bardock notices in his nervousness a slight change in Vegeta's vocabulary. "Did you just call Kakarot, Kayka again?" Seeing Vegeta's hesitation, Bardock at once feels his anger and his protectiveness bubbling to the surface.

Vegeta pales and for some reason feels he would be safest if he was very, very far away from the angel, who right now looks ready to explode into super saiyajin 2. Bardock screams in a furious, rage, "DON'T YOU_EVER_CALL HER THAT AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME! NEVER!"

The ouji's only intelligible words are, "Uh...um...

Irrational ideas come to the angel's mind and he growls dangerously, "Now I see what's going on in that sick, twisted mind of yours, what you're calling Kakarot that name. Well you can just FORGET IT!" His aura blasts up even more, blowing away everything but the ouji, "I'LL SET ALL OF THE OTHERWORLD ON YOU, IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN!! And if you dare lay your hands on MY daughter, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE THAN THE DEVIL'S WRATH FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY!!!" Suddenly the furious angel vanishes into thin air, his physical form's energy all spent. But he leaves the room cold enough to freeze a polar bear down to its very bones.

Vegeta watches the spot where the angel vanished, too shocked and freaked out to notices the dark wet stain on the front of his pants. He whimpers, "What was that?!" Another icy wind passes and a letter suddenly lands onto the ouji's lap. The poor prince just stares at it, wondering whether it's really wise to open it or not. His question is answered when it attaches itself to his face and begins burning. Vegeta yelps and rips the letter off, carefully opening the white hot envelope, before Bardock decides to do something even worse to him.

He looks at the silver ink and reads, 'Bakayaro no ouji! Don't think I'm done with you yet! Before you decided to call my daughter by that horrible name, making me spend all of my energy, I was suppose to tell you that heaven has nothing to do with Kakarot's transformation. Sincerely, Anonymous. P.S. Don't you dare even look at my child funny, ouji-boy, or else this will happen to you.'

BAM!! The letter explodes in Vegeta's hands, blackening his face and his gloves. The remaining charred bits float to the floor, burning into cinders. The ouji stares at it, and looks as if he's about to cry.