Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ From love, to hate, to love again, I think ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will

Miyanon: Well, sorry this took so long. Again my bad excuse is exams. And I want to comment on the last reviews that I got.

Nene2: Well you'll find out what Kayka is, I guarantee it!..... But maybe not this chapter, sorry. And yeah, he helped try to get Vegeta and Goku together, but it's like being set up with some guy by your father, only your father finds out that this guy has some ulterior motives. Believe me, it's happened. It's not the funnest thing in the world.

xing@fanfiction.net: Wow, how did you manage to review this same chapter 3... no 5 times?! If it really is all you, I'm impressed and flattered! Vegeta's going to have to "prove" himself to Bardock? Well, I haven't thought about it that way before! Another thing, even with Vegeta "noticing" Goku's a girl, doesn't mean he's just going to leap at her right away. Ya gotta give the ouji a little credit for self control. But anyway thanks for all the reviews!

Chuquita: He he, yeah poor Veggie. I keep seeing that a lot in the reviews. I'm so glad that you like this story, since I did loosely base it off your style. And I read your whole comic off of mediaminer. It was so funny; I saved it all on my comp! Sorry, I couldn't really review it. Thanks for the review! You're the best!

MiraisGirl87: Yep, definitely a daddy's girl! Too bad that she doesn't know it. I wondered what it would be like if I experimented with Bardock being an overprotective father, and it seems like a lot of people like it, ne?

Yami Shinigami: Thanks for the review. Like I said to nene2 and to all the other people wondering, you will find out what it means.

Rissa of the Saiya-Jin: Actually I realize that a lot of this stuff is borrowed from Chu. Maybe I should have mentioned it before, but I kind of based it off of her Kayka from her story, "Just Like ME!" I even asked permission to borrow her, but if Chu doesn't remember that then uh... *sweatdrop* nevermind. I absolutely adore her work, and apparently you do too, since you've noticed the similarities. But I didn't realize that Bardock was acting onna-ish at all! Wow, maybe Chu has more influence on my mind than I realize. CHU! YOU'RE GOOD AT BRAINWASHING PEOPLE! Sorry, I had to do that. I hope that this cleared things up a bit. Thanks for the review!

Miyanon: Well now that that's over with, on with the story!


A Saiyajin Hall. One of the few luxuries of the HFIL specially reserved for any saiyajin, who resides in the hellish abyss. Any saiyajin can find relief in those buildings from the ever present suffering of their daily residence, only on the condition that if their space was needed for an injured saiyajin..which is pretty much everyday. So the only chance that any saiyajin really gets to go inside was if they're injured or whatnot. Otherwise they would probably get kicked out by the head of the hall, a saiyajin queen, ranging from ancient times to the recent past, including Bejita's own Queen Ruby.

On this particular day, the ogres in charge of HFIL are having a field day, resulting in many more injured saiyajins as usual. And so, as the Saiyajin no Ou, Bejita feels it's his duty to check upon his injured subjects. In other words, visit Ruby and hide from the ogres.

After spilling the news about their son to Ruby, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe our little Veggie-Chan is finally going to have his own princess!" the former king starts wondering whether it was really a good idea or not. Ruby crosses her arms and huffs, "Well, the only thing I have to say about it, is that it's about time!"

Bejita frowns, "Um, aren't you the least bit concerned that it's a third- level onna?" earning several turned heads from the bedded saiyajins around them.

Ruby says crossly, "Honestly, it's not like we can be picky now can we? Besides with Kakarotto's power level he- I mean she should be a first class elite AND part of the royal family! I think our son isn't that stupid, considering the options! Anyway..." her foul mood gets wiped away by a cheery smile, "So when should Celipa and I be expecting the baby?"

The king sweatdrops, "Um, honey, they didn't exactly mate yet. In fact they don't even like each other that way yet. AND they both still have their imitation mates."

Ruby frowns, contemplating the situation, "Damn, they might not even start until their supposed mates are dead. That's going to take forever!"

Suddenly a saiyajin female, a nurse, comes up to the queen and says, "Your majesty, another one's arrived," indicating an incapacitated, second class saiyajin being brought by two other attendants behind her. Ruby sighs, "And he was my favorite guard, too. Kick that fool Nappa out of his bed, he's only milking it up."

A cry behind her calls, "No! Your majesty! I really do have a brain tumor!"

Ruby yells back at the elite, "Will you shut up about that already?! Get up and go outside!" The attendants follow her orders, dragging a pleading Nappa out of bed and boot him out of the inn, into the open. Watching the nurse put the unconscious soldier to bed, Ruby goes back to thinking on the whole Kakarot/Kayka situation. A sly smile slowly lights up her face, and she casts imploring eyes on Bejita, asking, "Oh Beejie, you wouldn't mind if I "encouraged" them a little, do you? And keep their fake mates away from them for a little while, you know, just to give them a chance."

The king says in surprise, "You can do that?"

Ruby scowls in response, her face resembling that of her son's very accurately, "Of course I can! You're not the only one who knows Incanti around here mister! And don't go blabbing about how much more complex it is for an onna! Get it?!" Without a word, Bejita wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately, getting many of cries of approval from the on looking saiyajins. After they part, Ruby blinks in confusion, "Um, you're welcome."

A loud slam interrupts their little episode, and they turn to see that two bulbous ogres have entered the main hallway. Ruby lets go of the king and advances on the two unwelcome presences angrily, "What are you two doing here?!"

The smaller red one answers, "We're looking for some monkeys to beat up." Every saiyajins' face in the room darkens, and Ruby hisses venomously, "Well you can leave. You've already gotten your grubby hands on everyone here."

Red's companion, a tall beady-eyed ogre, points behind Ruby towards the king, "What about him?" Bejita's eyes widen in fright and he turns around whistling innocently, trying as subtly as possible to escape.

Red nods, "He's still standing. Sure, go get him."

Beady-eyes brushes past the queen and promptly tucks Bejita under his arm. The ogre makes his way to the entrance with Bejita undertow bellowing and protesting and trying to escape the monster's grip. Red turns back to Ruby and says, "I need one, too."

The queen replies, "Well, go find one... outside!" The ogre just stands there awkwardly, so Ruby shoves him towards the door and yells, "Go beat up Frieza, why don't you?!"

Red protests, "But the queue is too long!"

Ruby finally boots him out and slams the door on him. Fuming, she crosses over her threshold, and reaches her private office on the second floor. Once she's sure she's quite alone, Ruby relaxes and steps towards her small library, consisting of only a couple dirty old books. She picks out a particularly moldy one and opens it up onto her desk. Flipping through it, she finally finds what she's looking for.

Ruby's eyes light up, "Ah... Repelling Spells. That should work." She bookmarks it and continues searching until she finds a section called 'Moonbeam Charms.' This time an evil grin crosses her face and she begins stretching her fingers, warming them up, "He he he, maybe I should do this one first."

A sudden knock at the door snaps Ruby out of her evil trance, and she yells irritably, "What is it?!"

A voice answers, "Your highness, the king has returned. And he's seriously hurt."

Bejita's voice yells, "It's just a mere flesh wound! OW!"

Ruby smiles and says, "I'll be right there!" She bookmarks that section as well and heads out the door to tend to her mate, deciding that she'll perform those spells later.


Deciding that the best time that getting clothes for Goku would be when Mirai and Trunks are out on a day-training trip, Bulma manages to drag both Vegeta and Goku to the Satan City Mall, much to their displeasure.

Vegeta sighs, leaning on the wall outside the latest shop that Bulma corralled Goku into. Lingerie. He feels some pity for the other saiyajin, but not enough to go inside... Then again Goku probably IS changing in those stalls right now, most likely trying out sexy teddies and other lacey women's apparel that Bulma is forcing her to at least put on. He mentally drools, oh what he wouldn't give to be a fly in her stall right now...

Suddenly Vegeta snaps out of his perverted daydream back into a reality check. {Holy frick! I'm thinking just like that hentai Roshi!} He shudders with horror, {Not only that but with Kakarot!}

He realizes that now is definitely not a good time to do some good head banging since in the crowded mall it would attract too much attention. So he decides to divert his attention to his surroundings. He sees another male leaning on the same wall in the vicinity that he didn't notice before or simply didn't acknowledge. The tall, blonde guy sees Vegeta watching and tries to strike up a conversation, "So, you waiting for your girl too?" Huffing slightly, the ouji doesn't reply, and looks forward again. Not one to be easily beaten the guy, who Vegeta mentally dubs, Blondie, continues, "Yeah, I'm waiting for my wife. We just got married last month." Again Vegeta says nothing. "You know, girls can take forever in these kinds of shops."

Already annoyed with this guy, Vegeta mutters, "Whatever," hoping that will get this guy off his back.

Suddenly he recognizes a familiar ki in the area... And if it is who he thinks it is... Vegeta's head whips about as he searches for the source of the ki. Then he spots a bald, shiny head and sunglasses peeking from behind one of the mall benches. Great. Roshi.

Vegeta looks into the shop and asks, "Is that your wife?" looking at a pretty brunette.

Blondie nods, "Yeah, that's her, why?"

"There's a perverted old man behind the bench over there ogling her."

Blondie suddenly becomes angry, "WHAT?! I'm going to get that hentai!" He marches over to the bench where Roshi is starting to panic.

The old turtle hermit goes racing off with Blondie speeding right after him, "Wait! You have the wrong guy! I swear!" However he gets chased off out of sight.

Vegeta smirks and waits the remainder of the time alone, until about half an hour later, Bulma and a very confused Goku come out of the store. Goku walks up to the ouji and asks, "Um, Veggie? I gotta question."

Rolling his eyes, Vegeta says sarcastically, "That's nice."

Oblivious to Vegeta's tone, the poor saiyajin continues, "What's a D-cup?"

The ouji yelps, and nearly falls over. Quickly gaining his balance, he hisses loudly at the younger saiyajin, "You fool! You don't go spouting information like that! This isn't the place!"

Suddenly Bulma demands, "What's wrong with talking about it? I don't see what's so embarrassing about saying her breasts are D-cup. Actually it's a bit annoying. They're bigger than mine are."

Vegeta can just feel the eyes of near onlookers goring into him, and he puts a hand to his face, burning with humiliation and embarrassment. He quickly pulls the two girls out of the area and nearly screams, "This is why I hate shopping with you!"


A little later the trio is in the Satan Department Store, just getting some regular clothes for Goku. Instead of staying out of the store, Vegeta just stays out of the women's section where the two onnas are situated, instead browsing the martial arts supplies section. (Man I want to go there!)

Meanwhile Goku is in the changing room, picking out clothes from the huge pile that Bulma chose for her. With a wearied sigh, she takes the item from the top and looks at it. A pink frilly blouse. She wrinkles her nose in disgust, "Yuck," and tosses out of the stall, onto the head of an unexpected passerby. She proceeds in the same manner through the rest of the pile, tossing out most of the clothes there. "Yuck... Yuck... Eww... Yuck... She expects me to wear this?!..... Ugh, gross... Yu-"

Goku pauses, looking at the item of clothing in her hands. A long, strapless, black dress. Simple flowy material falling down to just above the floor. It would look good on ChiChi... And maybe on... Goku shyly brings the dress up against herself and looks at her reflection in the mirror. She smiles, "Not bad."

*KNOCK KNOCK* Goku yelps and holds the dress away, with the look of someone caught doing something embarrassing. Bulma's voice rings out, "Go- Kayka! What are you doing in there?!"

Goku's eyes dart nervously to the door, "Um... I'm not looking at myself in a dress!"

Bulma sweatdrops, "Rrright. Why don't you come out and show the very few things you picked out," noting the huge pile of stray clothes outside of the stall. The saiyajin sighs and picks up about ten items from the ground, tucking the dress under the other clothes. She unlocks the door and shoves aside the pile of clothes outside the door, only to find Bulma conversing with... CHICHI AND GOTEN?!

Goku yelps, "Holy-!" and locks herself back in the stall again.

The blue haired scientist calls, "Kayka! Are you ready?!"

Goku groans and thinks, {God, Bulma, are you insane?} She comes out and forces a smiles onto her face at the onnas and her son, "Yeah, I'm done. I picked out a couple things that weren't too weird."

ChiChi frowns at the stranger, wondering if she's seen her before. She simply shrugs it off, and smiles good-naturedly, sticking her hand out towards Goku, "Hi, I'm Son ChiChi and this is my son, Goten," nudging the little carbon-copy of Goku by her side. "We're Bulma's friends. You're Bulma's cousin, right?"

Goku stares at ChiChi, stunned for a second, but recognizing her error, she takes ChiChi's hand and shakes it, "I'm Kayka. It's nice to meet you ChiChi." {Why doesn't she recognize me?}

ChiChi feels her hand go numb with pain and quickly takes it out of the hand shake. Massaging her aching hand, she forces a smile onto her face, "Wow, you're strong. You must be a fighter. Well, I never expected to find a fighter on Bulma's side of the family." Bulma glares at her, a bit miffed. "You know, my husband's a fighter, too."

{Come on, ChiChi! Why don't you see me?!} Goku says in fake curiosity, "Oh really? He doesn't happen to be the legendary Son Goku, does he?"

ChiChi scoffs, "Oh he's not really THAT legendary."

Goku blinks, {What?} "Really? Wh-what do you mean?"

Sensing the danger here, Bulma puts a hand on ChiChi's shoulder, "Uh, I don't think that you should-"

But the dark haired onna just says, "Oh it's alright. It's just straight, simple girl-talk. No harm in it." She looks back at Goku and says, "Well, he's not the perfect angel. Of course there's always the way he eats. He never seems to have enough, and I always worry about how he'll eat us out of house and home." ChiChi gives a light chuckle, showing that she's just joking, but then she continues, "He also may be the nicest man on the planet, but I would trade that immediately for at least a couple conversations when he understands at least half of what I'm saying."

Goku stares at her wife, completely dumb-struck, {She can't really mean that. But she's saying it right in front of me!}

Oblivious to the pain that she's causing, ChiChi adds, "And he tries to be a good father too, but unfortunately he's just never there for our children. It's so hard on Goten. Isn't that right?"

The young demi-saiyajin says in defense of his father, "I like my daddy."

ChiChi sighs, "Of course you do, honey. But it's just really hard on us. Would you believe that he left us this morning, without at least three-days notice?! That man, I simply don't know what to do with him." She adds dramatically, "But I manage. It's hard, but I carry on. Well, you know how men can be."

Bulma watches Goku tentatively, as she hangs onto every word that comes out of ChiChi's mouth. Shaking just slightly, Goku sniffles, "I'm sorry. I need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me," and she dumps her clothes onto Bulma and hurries to the restroom area.

Goten says in awe, "Wow, she runs pretty fast for a girl."

ChiChi huffs just slightly, "That's rude. Why did she just run off like that?" Bulma sends her a glare, then sighs, shaking her head.


Vegeta wanders into the men's bathroom to wash his face off after some old onna came up to him and pinched his cheeks, thinking he was a child. He shivers, {Damn that was so disgusting. She had to be at least 500!....Wait, how much is that in ningen years?}

He walks into the fluorescent lit bathroom, and goes over to one of the cheap porcelain sinks, quickly turning on the hot water and splashing it over his face. Suddenly Vegeta hears muffled sobbing coming from one of the two stalls. He rolls his eyes, {Who in their right mind, would cry like a girl in the men's bathroom?....} Vegeta's eyes widen, {Oh Kami, no.} He goes over to the furthest stall and knocks gently on the door, "Kakarot! Kakarot, is that you?"

The crying immediately stops. "Yeah. Vedge, that you?"

The ouji hisses, "Of course it's me! What the hell are you doing in here?!"

Goku says defensively, "Can't I go to the bathroom if I want?!"

"That's not what I mean! Open this door, right now!"

The younger saiyajin says dejectedly, "Oh fine," and unlatches the door, coming out of the stall.

Suddenly Vegeta shoves himself and Kakarot back into the stall. Goku yelps, "Vegeta what are you-!" Vegeta slaps his hand over her mouth to shut her up. Nervous anticipation crawls up Goku's skin and it feels like her heart's going to beat out of her chest. {Kami! What- Why is he doing this?! He couldn't possibly be-} Without a word, Vegeta puts down the top of the toilette and makes Goku stand on top of it, along with him. Goku just becomes all the more confused.

Then the heavy door of the restroom creaks open.

The two saiyajins hear the padding of feet on the tile floor and it goes to the stall next to theirs. Vegeta exhales the breath he didn't know he was holding, but then he hears a young voice pout, "Darn, no paper." Vegeta freezes up again, and Goku gives him a very puzzled expression.

The footsteps come over to the saiyajins' stall, and the ouji makes a sharp intake of breath as the person opens up the door.

Goten. Vegeta relaxes immediately, while the young boy stares at them in shock. It isn't everyday that you see two people, especially one of them being Vegeta, hiding out of top of a toilette in a bathroom stall! Vegeta sighs, "Thank Kami, it's only you."

Goten says innocently, "Uncle Veggie? What are you and Kayka-san doing in here?"

The ouji jumps off the seat and says, "That's not important." He reaches for his back pocket and brings out his wallet, taking out a crisp, new bill, "But what is important, is that you tell nobody about this. Got it?" giving the bill to the little demi-saiyajin.

Goten looks at the bill and yelps, "Holy mother of jellyfish! This is twenty dollars! I've never had this much money in my life!"

Vegeta adds, "And no telling Trunks either," shaking his finger in front of Goten's nose.

Goten smiles and salutes him, "You got it Uncle Veggie! You can count on me!"

Smirking, the ouji pushes out of the bathroom and says, "Now you can leave."

Goten yelps, "But I still gotta go to the-!" And the door slams in his face.

Vegeta starts to barricade the door with trash cans the two doors that he pries off of the bathroom stalls. Goku says nervously, "Vegeta, what's this about?" But to her surprise, when he's done stopping up the door, instead of coming onto her like she had thought he was, the ouji is nearly seething with anger as he turns on her, "What are you doing in here?!"

Goku breathes a sigh, but something inside her said it wasn't only relief. But now she's sure that he's not going to go anywhere near her. {Kami, what was I thinking? This is Vegeta, we're talking about! He's never going to BE interested in me... Not that I want him to be of course.}

"Dammit, Kakarot! Answer me! I demand to know what you're doing in the men's bathroom!"

The younger saiyajin frowns, "Men's bathroom?!"

Vegeta replies angrily, "Obviously! Didn't you see the sign with the little non-skirted, stick person on it?!"

Goku sweatdrops and says numbly, "Vedge? This is a unisex bathroom!"

The ouji's mind goes numb, {Uni-SEX?! What does that mean?!} "C-care to explain, K-Kakarot?" He curses himself for not keeping his nervousness out of his voice.

Goku sighs with exasperation, "Unisex, it's for both boys AND girls! There was a picture of an onna right next to the "non-skirted, stick person." Or didn't you see it?"

Vegeta burns with embarrassment at his ignorance of this bit of ningen culture, so he tries to defend himself, "I thought it was for the other restroom!"

Goku scowls, "Oh, you mean the non-existent one?!" And he fails miserably.

"Just shut up!"

"Why don't you?!"

Vegeta shuts up and so does Goku, trying to keep themselves from breaking into an all out brawl. Goku controls her breathing and wonders why exactly she feels so irritated. Vegeta himself wonders why he hasn't tried to bash her head in yet.

Intent on changing the subject, the ouji crosses his arms and asks, "Why were you crying?"

Goku mutters crossly, "I wasn't crying."

"I suppose you think me a fool to believe a lie like that." The younger saiyajin just huffs and turns away from Vegeta. Scowling, Vegeta spins her around and yells, "Dammit! Stop acting like a man because you sure as hell aren't one now! Tell me why!"

Taken complete aback by surprise, Goku gets won over. In a whisper as quiet as a baby's sigh, she demands, "Promise you won't tell?"

The ouji answers, "It depends." Goku gives him a dark look so he says, "Alright! I won't!"

Goku smiles, but it fades as she tries to think of a way to explain herself. "Well... you know how... um... I saw ChiChi with Bulma."

Vegeta's eyes widen, "You mean they're lesbian?!"

Goku's eyes widen, "What?! No! That's not what I mean!" Frowning, Vegeta wonders how he jumped to that so quickly. "I mean, that ChiChi was talking with Bulma. And Bulma introduced us and then ChiChi started talking to me and... and..."

"What?" Vegeta looks at her curiously, wanting her to finish.

Goku sniffles, "She said... to me... She said- Oh Kami!" She suddenly breaks into tears and buries her face into Vegeta's jacket.

Vegeta stares at Goku while she uses his jacket as her own personal tissue. Cringing with disgust, he slowly brings his hand up and awkwardly pats her back. Now, Goku has to tell him something, "Chi-Chi said I'm stupid."

At this the ouji rolls his eyes, "Well you aren't the brightest of the bunch!"

Goku draws away from him and looks at him in disbelief, "She said I'm not a good father!"

Vegeta raises an eyebrow, "And where's the surprise there? You always go running everywhere! I know for a fact that the last time you stayed with your family was only two months between training trips. Besides, you're not even the right gender-"

Goku yells, "Well why did she have to say that to me?! A supposedly complete stranger?!"

"You're not just a stranger! You're Bulma's cousin! And that was probably all onna-talk! Listen, you just can't trust onnas when they talk. They're nothing but devious wenches! They'll say anything just for attention! And I mean ANYTHING! Bulma caught me singing in the shower one time, and I threatened her to never tell anyone! Do you know what she does? She goes and tells her entire company! I've been Mr. Karaoke ever since! Granted the employees don't say that right in front of me, but I can hear them behind my back! You can't trust onnas!"

Goku narrows her eyes, "You can't trust me?"

Vegeta says in alarm, "That's not what I meant."

The younger saiyajin growls, "Well you said I'm not a man! What does that make me?!"

Vegeta yells, "Dammit! That's not what I meant!"

Tears well up in Goku's eyes and she yells, "A wench! Well, I suppose that's better than third-class scum, now isn't it?!"

The ouji blinks in confusion, {What? I haven't called Kakarot that for three years now. Dammit! She's being just like an onna! They always go and bring up the past!} Vegeta growls, "Now look here, Kakarot-!"

Goku glares at him and teleports away.

At her sudden departure, Vegeta kicks the wall in frustration, yelling several obscenities in his native tongue. After nearly destroying the whole wall, he calms down, measuring his breaths and mutters, "Who cares about her? Not I! Why should I care?! Nothing but skin filled to brim with baka ningen emotions! She's nothing!....."

He pauses his tirade, remembering the look of hurt and grief on her face, and he moans, "Then why do I feel so damn horrible about it?"

Vegeta crosses his arms and yells determinately, "NO! I refuse to think about it! I won't let Kakarot affect me!"

He seats himself on the floor, trying to force the thoughts away from his mind. But inevitably he fails and the guilt returns. He sighs in resignation, "Aw crap."

He shoves the several obstacles he placed by the door away, muttering to himself, "No wonder Bardock was so worried about me. No self control whatsoever." (Okay, so he figured Bardock out. But he'd be an idiot not to!)

Vegeta knocks away the last trash bin and goes out into the store, back to the section he was in before he was assaulted by the cheek-pinching old onna.

Meanwhile, Bulma and ChiChi are still browsing the women's section. Bulma sighs, finally giving up, "I can't find a thing here that Kayka would like!"

ChiChi says in disbelief, "You must be joking! They have all sorts of wonderful clothes here!" In fact her eyes are enviously watching someone purchase a red blouse that she wanted.

Bulma nods, "That's true, but Kayka's really more of a tomboy."

ChiChi says intelligently, "Oh..."

Just then Bulma spots Goku coming back towards them, carrying a whole load of clothes. The blue haired scientist says in surprise, "Wow. You actually picked out some stuff from here!"

Goku frowns, looking at the two onnas she's known for nearly her whole life, {They couldn't really be wenches... Could they? No! Of course not!} But part of her seems unconvinced by the conversation she had with ChiChi earlier. She sighs, "No, I just got these from the boys' section."

Bulma wonders out loud, "Hn, why didn't I think of that?"

ChiChi laughs, "Maybe because you don't know where the boys' section is."

The two begin sorting through the clothes, noting their approvals and dislikes of the items chosen. ChiChi pulls out a red shirt with 'BOY' printed clearly in white bold lettering. She looks at Goku with a questioning glance.

The saiyajin's only explanation is, "I'm thinking about a sex change," partially hoping her wife would get the hint and recognize her.

However, ChiChi sees nothing but a pretty screwed up girl. She narrows her eyes disapprovingly, but decides to say nothing. But if Kayka wasn't Bulma's cousin, then she would definitely give her a good lesson in good, safe, traditional values!

Goku sighs with defeat and starts pulling Bulma towards the cashier, carrying all the clothes with her, "Bulma, I don't want you to pick through these clothes. I already tried them all out." She yells over her shoulder, "It was nice to meet you, ChiChi!"

ChiChi frowns, putting her hands on her hips, "Such a strange girl. Rude too."

Suddenly Goten comes running up to his mother, "Mommy! Mommy! Look what Uncle Veggie gave me!"


Dinner is held at Capsule Corps with an unusually awkward silence. Even Vegeta and Goku are eating much slower and more politely. The only ones who seem to be attempting any sort of conversation are Mirai and Trunks.

Mirai fumbles with his food and asks, "So... Kayka... Which side of the family do you come from? You don't look like any of mom's aunts and uncles."

Trunks nods in agreement, "Yeah, you look like you'd be more related to Dad."

Vegeta sends him a glare, and Goku answers somewhat hesitantly, "Well, I'm your mom's cousin twice removed from her, uh... father's side."

The younger Briefs boy narrows his eyes and watches Kayka even harder, "Why are you wearing my mom's clothes?"

Goku says intelligently, "Uh.." cursing herself for not changing into some of her new clothes yet.

Vegeta scowls, "The baka airline lost her luggage. Why are you interrogating her?"

Trunks says quickly, "I-it's nothing. Sorry."

Turning to glare at the ouji, Goku sends him a mental message, {What are you doing?}

Vegeta answers, {Trying to make up, baka!}

{Try harder!}

Mirai frowns, watching the two of them. He could have sworn they're having a mental conversation, but that's impossible! Only saiyajins are capable of that sort of mental capacity! He just shrugs it off, dismissing it as his imagination.

Goku finishes her spaghetti and pushes her plate towards Bulma, "Can I have some more please?"

Bulma frowns, "You've already had five servings."

Her "cousin" pouts, "But I'm still hungry."

The blue haired scientist glares, "Kayka, normal girls shouldn't eat so much. It's not healthy."

The saiyajin picks up the hint and sighs, "All right. Fine," then sits back in her chair to enviously watch Vegeta eat his food.

Nearing the end of the meal, Mirai asks hopefully, "Hey, Dad? You wanna spar after dinner?"

Vegeta shrugs, "Sure, why not?"

Trunks whines, "But Mirai, you said you'd spar with me!"

His future counterpart hisses, "Well that was when I thought that Dad was leaving on a trip."

"That's not fair!"

Suddenly Goku speaks up, breaking the little sibling spat, "I'll spar with Trunks."

An awkward silence ensues.

Mirai says nervously, "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

The female saiyajin frowns, "Well, why not? I know martial arts."

Trunks brings up his hand and forms a ki-ball, "Because I can do this. Can you?" raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"Well, actually..." Bulma kicks Goku in the shin, "No! No, I don't know how to do that. Because I'm a normal girl. A normal ningen girl. Yup, perfectly- "

Vegeta mutters, "I think you made your point."

They three Briefs men quickly finish up their food, and Trunks says excitedly, "Last one out is a rotten egg!" and he runs out the back door with Mirai running right after him. Vegeta humphs and gets up as well, turning to the door, only to blink in surprise, seeing Goku try to sneak out the back.

Bulma says sharply, "Goku, stay here."

The saiyajin says innocently, "But I don't wanna be the rotten egg."

Vegeta looks back at Bulma, who says, "I'm not going to let you go out and spar."

Vegeta looks back at the female saiyajin. Goku whines, "Can't I just watch?"

Vegeta looks back at Bulma again. "NO! I know you too well! Once you watch fighting, you always want to get in on the action!"

At the finality of his wife's tone, Vegeta sighs, and heads out the back. No one has been able to win an argument against her yet.

Bulma says much more calmly, "Why don't you help me with the dishes instead?"

Goku looks at the plate covered, dining table and asks, "Aren't your bots supposed to do that?"

Rolling her eyes, Bulma starts picking up the dishes and answers, "Usually, but Trunks went and put sand in all of them, so now they're broken."

Goku sighs with resignation before picking up a whole stack of plates, giving the back door one last longing look. Bulma calls, "Goku! Hurry up!" The saiyajin mutters, "Yes,_ChiChi_," and brings the dishes over to the kitchen.


Later that night, Goku flops onto the queen sized bed of one of the many guest rooms in Capsule Corps, feeling the most depressed she's ever felt in her whole life. She balls up her fist around the quilt and brings it to her face, ready to cry her heart out.

Why did this have to happen to her? It just isn't fair. She's deprived of everything she loves. Food, fighting, and only two people know that she's still on the same planet. And she definitely can't talk to ChiChi NOW, after that conversation in the department store, leaving Goku lonelier than she's felt in a long time.

Just then she hears a small rapping at the door and says depressingly, "Come in." But no one does come in. Frowning, Goku gets up from the bed and opens up the guest room door. She finds no one in the hallway, but she looks down and sees a plate filled with about twenty capsules, a large, white cardboard box, and a small peach colored envelope.

Curiously, Goku picks up the envelope and opens it up to read its contents,

'Kakarotto, I can't really say this out loud, it's too hard. But I apologize for before. Even though it's not my fault you went nuts. But I've decided to make it up to you. As long as you're stuck like this I'll bring you leftovers to eat. A saiyajin shouldn't be starved to death. There's also another something for sparring. A saiyajin shouldn't be bored to death either. Take care of it; I don't want to go buy you a new one. But after this, we better be back on normal terms, got it?! Good. Signed, Vegeta, Saiyajin no Ouji'

A small smile forms onto Goku's lips and she quickly opens up the large white box and gasps with surprise and pure delight at its contents. Inside she finds a simple gi, similar to her regular one, only white with blue lining the cuffs of the pants, and a matching blue sash, undershirt, and wrist cuffs.

But then she notices two white, gold-tipped boots, just like the type that the ouji wears. Goku sweatdrops, "Well, I guess it's the thought that counts." She yells into the hallway, "Thank you, Vegeta!" Then she brings in the plate of capsules into her room and shuts the door, so that she can enjoy a good saiyajin sized meal.

Around the corner, Vegeta smirks, "I knew it! Success! Back to normal with Kayka!" Suddenly he hears a low rumble above him, and Vegeta fearfully looks up. A black thunder cloud is swirling right above his head. The ouji pales, "Oh Kami, I said it didn't I?" The cloud roars in response and zaps Vegeta in the butt with a small, yet powerful, lightning bolt.

Vegeta yelps in pain, clinging at his roasting buttocks, and runs away from the cloud as fast as he can. While the little storm cloud, bent on Bardock's will, follows him closely, zapping the ouji as much as it can, all around the house for the rest of the night.