Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Repellants and mushy named spells ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Early the next morning, Vegeta walks through the living room, intent on heading to the gravity room, even though his whole entire body is still aching with his near death by electrocution last night. Tremors of pain, rivet through his body as he walks across the carpet, so he's too distracted to really notice what's going on around him.

"Good morning, Vedge."

The ouji turns his head in the direction of the couch and sees Goku reading a book, not really looking towards him. He frowns, walking towards the female saiyajin, "I didn't know you could read."

Goku smiles at him good-naturedly, and Vegeta can really see that they're back on good terms, or at least normal terms. "Well, I guess I don't do it as much as I should. But now I can," she adds darkly, "since I'm banned from sparring... Oh! By the way! Thanks for the boots!" She wiggles her toes inside the saiyajin boots that Vegeta had given her the night before and grins, "They're surprising more comfy than I thought they would be!"

Vegeta sweatdrops, "Uh... sure..." He decides to postpone the training for now. He'd probably pass out under 100 g's in his present condition anyway. Slowly, and very gently, the ouji seats himself onto the couch. Wincing as he puts his tender bottom on the cushions, he curses, {Out of all the parts that got zapped the most it just had to be my ass!}

The ouji looks at Goku once again, only to his surprise sees that she's turned back to her book. Frowning, he was kind of hoping for some more attention from her. However, not being the talkative kind, he just sits there humming to himself, while Goku concentrates on her book. Just sitting, and waiting, and sitting, and waiting.

Finally, Vegeta just can't take it anymore. "So what are you reading anyway?"

Without looking up from the book, Goku answers, "The Prince and the Pauper."

Vegeta smirks, "I didn't know you were interested in such subjects."

Goku puts the book down and says, "Well, it's not exactly what you might think. Actually it's about how a prince and a peasant switch places and see what each others' lives are like. I haven't really gotten through the whole thing, but I bet that it ends with both of them going back to their old lives and appreciating what they have."

Vegeta's eyes widen as she tells him all this through such an intelligent manner. {Kami, she's seriously freaking me out!} "Um... We're you always like this?"

The younger saiyajin asks innocently, "Was I always like what?"

"You're being smart. Is it because you're an onna now or what?"

Goku shrugs, "I was always like this."

The ouji frowns, "Then why didn't you act like it before?"

At this, the female saiyajin gives him a mysterious smile, "Maybe I was just pretending to be dumb. You know, so people don't freak out."

Vegeta stares at her in shock. He never really expected something like this from her. He really didn't! He studies her carefully, to see if there's anything else that she's hiding about herself.

Goku sighs wistfully and says, "It'd be nice to know what it's like to be a prince."

Shaken out of his trance, Vegeta blinks at her statement, but then smirks and says playfully, "Don't you mean a princess?"

Goku pouts, "No! Prince!"

The ouji leans back into his seat and shrugs, "Too bad. I could've made you a princess." But he regrets making the statement.

The female saiyajin's eyes widen, and she says excitedly, "Really? Oh, Veggie! Make me a princess!"

Vegeta yelps, "What?! Why?!"

Goku says eagerly, unable to wipe the huge grin off her face, "Well, I'll be a princess when I'm an onna. But when I turn back then I'll be a prince! Besides you said you could!"

Not really wanting to be rid of one of the only factors that makes him superior to the third-class saiyajin, Vegeta replies angrily, "No way! Just because I can doesn't mean I will!"

Goku narrows her eyes at him suspiciously, "Is it because you don't want to lose your only subject?"

The ouji says dejectedly, "Well, kinda..."


"But that's not it! Because if I were to uh... 'perform the ritual,' which I can't imagine you agreeing to in the first place, you wouldn't be just a princess, you'd be MY princess!"

Goku blinks, "Huh?"

Vegeta yells, "We'd be mated, you baka! And I'm not just going to do something like that with you just at your whim!"

Smiling slyly, the younger saiyajin asks, "So, does that make Bul-chan your princess?"

Immediately, the ouji starts to feel uncomfortable, "Well, no..."

Goku frowns in confusion, "Why not?"

Vegeta nervously taps his fingers together, "I didn't exactly go through the WHOLE process with her. The 'other' part would've killed her."

His companion says in a consoling manner, "Well, that's okay, Vedge. I didn't do 'everything' that I was suppose to with ChiChi either." Her eyebrows quirk up in thought, "At least I think so. Unless my instincts are lying to me."

At this profound statement, Vegeta's eyes widen, and he says quietly, "You haven't mated her completely either?"

Goku shakes her head, "Nope."

Meanwhile, up in the heavens, Bardock opens up his laptop, just in time to see Vegeta on the couch with his "daughter," alone in the Capsule Corps living room. His eyes widen when he sees the scene and he says quietly, "What the-"

The ouji scooches closer to Goku and leans into her, "So, in the saiyajin sense, we're both free."

Feeling uncomfortable, Goku scooches away from the dazy-eyed saiyajin no ouji, "In the ningen sense we're not."

All rational thought leaves Bardock's mind as he watches Goku's sense of comfort being violated by the little ouji, and he blasts into ssj mode. He screams at his laptop, "WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF- DIDN'T YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON?!" He warms up his hands getting ready to fire down on the little saiyajin no ouji once again.

Vegeta replies, "But we're both saiyajin." As he leans closer to her face, until they're nose to nose, Goku sees the ouji's eyes shine with something that Goku can't identity, and she's not sure if she wants to.

"But we're on Earth!" Goku pleads desperately, "What are you trying to get at?!"

The ouji smirks, "Kay-"

Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and electrifies Vegeta, taking out half the couch with it. Goku shrieks, and jumps away from the danger. Vegeta survives it, however, even though he's nearly fried to a crisp! Burn marks scorch his body, his hair sticking out in more directions than usual, and all his clothes are incinerated, except for the top of his pants, making convenient shorts covering all the 'necessary areas.' Leave it to Bardock to make sure of THAT little detail.

Looking up in alarm, Goku yelps, "Holy frick! What was that?!" her eyes darting all over the peach ceiling.

Vegeta coughs up a puff of black smoke and croaks, "Just a healthy reminder. Excuse me." He gets up form the couch and goes to wall to pound his head against, his body twitching from extra static every so once in a while. And Goku continues to search the ceiling, too preoccupied to continue reading her book.

Vegeta stays away from Goku for the rest of the day.


Early the next day, while waiting for the time his devil companion would show up at their usual hide-out, Bardock smirks in his sleep, having a very good dream about blowing the ouji to bits. His internal alarm clock goes off and he slowly opens his eyes, yawning and stretching, including a couple exercises with his feathery wings. He didn't use them often, so he has to work them every morning.

During his little morning stretch, the angel smiles to himself, still in a good mood from his dream, or prophecy as he liked to call it, "That had to be one of my best ones yet! Who knew the little ouji can be such good target practice?"

Suddenly he hears, "Oi! Anyone here?!"

Bardock glances at his watch and mutters, "He's here early." He looks over at the corner of King Enma's palace and sees the shadow of the former saiyajin no ou, coming his way. Bardock smiles, "Hey, Beets, what's up?"

Bejita's head peeks around the corner and it has a look of nervousness on it, "Um, hey Barudokko-San."

At once Bardock can tell something's up. He mouths, 'Okay, what did you do now?'

His devil friend grins sheepishly, and mouths back, 'I kind of brought a visitor.'

Then that when Ruby comes around the corner, "Bejita, is this where you always come?" She turns and sees the third-class saiyajin angel and smiles warmly, "Oh hello, there! You must be Bardock! Celipa's told me all about you!"

Bardock smiles and bows before Ruby respectfully, "It is a pleasure meeting you, your majesty."

The queen smiles, "Well, aren't you sweet? It's so rare meeting courteous saiyajin," giving a small glare to her mate. But she turns back to Bardock smiling, "But then again you ARE an angel. You don't mind if I stay here do you?"

The angel shakes his head, "Of course not, your highness! Feel free to explore the area."

Ruby looks at the empty space under the shadow of the palace and frowns, "Rrright. I'll just go and set up my stuff over near the other corner of the palace, if it's alright with you. I don't want to intrude on your little club." She grins and brings her bag of things that Bardock failed to notice before and heads over about 200 feet away at the opposite end of the palace.

Once her back is turned, Bardock grabs Bejita by the collar and demands, "What the heck is she doing here?!"

Bejita yells, "Hey! Let me go, right now!" The angel grudgingly lets go of the ou and sits down on the fluffy ground, obviously very irritated. Bejita huffs, "Come on, your acting like a ningen child who's just lost his clubhouse to a girl..." Bardock glares up at him, and Bejita stutters, "W- well, obviously, you'd feel that way, huh?"

The angel demands, "Do you have any idea how long it took me to find this hiding spot?"

Bejita frowns, "Uh..."

"15 years! 15 years of searching the Otherworld from up to bottom for at least a little bit of privacy and I lose it in a day!"

The devil ou rolls his eyes, "It's not that BIG a deal! It's only one person!"

The angel sighs in defeat and lets his wings and tail sag. He says dismally, "Why?"

Bejita scratches the back of his head and says, "Well, uh, you see... She said that she'd help bring our kids together. But she needs a place to perform the spells that are necessary, and well, I decided to bring her here!"

Bardock stares at the former ou and says weakly, "You mean she's here to bring Vegeta (the perverted ouji) and Kakarot (my innocent, naïve daughter) together?!"

His companion replies, shrugging, "Well she's just 'encouraging' them."

The angel mutters, "As if that hentai needs encouragement."

Bejita asks, "What was that?"


Ruby waves to them from across the shadow, "Okay boys! I'm ready!" The two saiyajins give up their little 'discussion' so that they can watch the saiyajin queen perform the spells. Bejita to try and learn something from it. Bardock to make sure she doesn't so anything too drastic.


About half an hour later, Goku moans and wakes up at an ungodly hour in her large queen sized bed. The sound of several voices yelling in the hallway. Curious, she puts off her usual morning stretch to see what the heck's going on.

Popping her head out into the hallway, the saiyajin sees Mirai carrying several bags out into the hallway, while Bulma is encapsuling them and yelling at Vegeta in a bitter spat at the same time.

Still in his pajamas, although much more alert than he would be at this hour, Vegeta demands, "What do you mean a conference?! How come we haven't heard of this before?!"

The blue haired scientist says irritably, "I told you, my dad got sick last night! I have to go and replace him as the speaker! I have no choice! But you don't seem to get the concept of that do you, you little-"

An obviously annoyed Mirai decides to make a little input in the discussion as well, "That's all well and good, Mom, but why do chibi and I have to go with you?"

Bulma sighs, massaging her temples with her hands, "I need someone to help me present and I tutor Trunks, remember?"

"But Mom-"

His mother says sharply, "No buts! Honestly! I thought you were more responsible than this!" She points down the hall and orders, "Now go get your brother. We're leaving right away." Mirai sighs, shaking his head, and goes to fetch Trunks.

Goku says in wonder, "Are Veggie and I going to be alone?"

The ouji stiffens at the sound of her voice, and that's when Bulma notices that her friend is awake. She says cheerfully, "Oh good morning, Son-kun. Yeah, you two are going to have the place all to yourselves. But don't worry about food. There's enough stores to keep a whole army full for two years. Besides," she adds with a roll of her eyes, "his almighty highness can cook for you two."

Goku just stares at Bulma blankly.

Vegeta turns red at the comment and yells vehemently, "Why the hell did you have to tell her THAT?!"

Bulma smirks, "It's going to be a very hard secret to keep since you're going to have to do it for nearly a month."

Vegeta nearly shrieks, "A month?!"

The scientist nods in amusement, "Yup, I have to stay at the conference the WHOLE time. But then that'll mean Goku'll be back to a guy by the time I come back!"

Goku's eyes widen, "Veggie can cook?!" Both Bulma and Vegeta sweatdrop.

Just then Mirai comes back with a sleepy Trunks in tow still wearing his rocket pajamas. Trunks mumbles groggily, "Where're we goin'?"

Bulma takes a hold of his hand and begins leading him to the garage, "I'll explain it to you on the way there." She calls back over her shoulder, "Have fun you two! And I better not find this place in shambles when I come back!" Mirai waves to them before following his mother.

The two saiyajins hear the garage door close and the sound of the Capsule Corps hover jet taking off, finally signaling that they're truly alone. They turn to look at each other and Goku says, "You can cook?!"


Ruby smiles with satisfaction as she watches the result of her spell workings through Bejita's crystal ball, "I knew that it would work!" Alongside her Bejita and Bardock are also watching the events of the mortal world.

Frowning, Bejita lowers his head to the ball, seemingly trying to search for something in it. He looks up at his mate and says, "I don't get it. They aren't all over each other yet! Why aren't the moonbeam charms working?"

The queen frowns in annoyance, "How can you claim to know Incanti if you don't even know moonbeam spells?!"

Bejita rolls his eyes, "Well ex-CUSE me if I don't know all the mushy named spells! I'm-!"

Suddenly Bardock says, trying to stop the argument before it starts, "It only works at night. Besides there's no moon yet. The spell will start to show more when the full moon is approaching and that's when it reaches its peak."

The devil ou yelps, "The full moon?! Bardock! That's only the night before their confounded dragonballs are ready!"

Inwardly smirking, Bardock replies, "Well, I suppose those two are going to have to get together on their own, aren't they? Like regular mates."

Ruby suddenly says, "If you haven't noticed, they aren't regular, Bardock," earning an unknown glare from the unruly haired angel. She gets up and wipes the bits of cloud that stuck to her skirt off and starts picking up her things, "Well, I better get back to the hall. I heard that the ogres are planning on having another picnic." She smiles at the two saiyajins and says, "I'll see you boys later."

Bardock gets up and bows, "Good day your majesty." Nodding with content, Ruby smiles and turns the corner of the palace and leaves the way that she came. After her leave, Bardock slowly turns to glare at his companion, "See you later?"

Bejita smiles nervously, "Uh, maybe she means when you get demoted and go down to hell?"

The angel regards him in silence for a long while, and then finally says, "You didn't tell her I wanted to go to hell, did you." It was more of a demand than a question.

The former ou sighs, and says quietly, "Uh... No."

Bardock blasts into ssj mode and screams, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Bejita shrieks and goes racing as far away from the angel as he possibly can, except that Bardock is in hot pursuit, "YOU WON'T GET AWAY THAT EASILY!"

Meanwhile, inside of King Enma's palace, the red giant sighs as he finishes judging his who-knows-numbered spirit and passes it down into hell. It's a record. For the last three days, every single one of the souls has been sent to hell. He sighs, "What's the world coming to? NEXT!"

Suddenly he feels a huge gush of air, knocking everything in the room to the side of the room, even King Enma himself. Enma picks himself off the floor quick enough to see two humungous clouds of dust going away into the distance. He says in disbelief, "What the heck was THAT?!"


Miyanon: Well it's not my best chapter, but it's necessary. Check out my other story if you have time! Ja ne!