Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Drunk angels and soaked ouji ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.

A/N: Sake is an alcoholic drink made from rice.


Up in Ruby's office on the highest floor of her saiyajin hall, she, Bejita and Celipa watch the ou's crystal ball with worry as they see the ouji frantically trying to wake up the younger saiyajin that had passed out in his arms. Celipa moans, "Oh Kami, my baby..." Ruby pats her friend's back comfortingly.

The devil scowls darkly, "She obviously hasn't been feeding herself right. It's not healthy to eat only eggs and pancakes for a week. Maybe a ningen could get away with it but definitely not a saiyajin!"

Ruby mutters, "If only your son had at least cooked for her once in a while."

Bejita raises his eyebrows and demands, "Why is he always MY son when he does something bad?!"

His mate yells in reply, "Because he gets all his bad traits from you!"

"He does not!"

Interrupting the two bickering royals, Celipa stands up and yells, "That's IT! I can't take this anymore! I'm going there to help her!"

The queen grabs the back of her armor just as she is about to stomp out of the office and says, "Celli! Don't be ridiculous! There's nothing we can do! The only dead people that can go to the mortal world are the angels!" At this all three pause and look at each other gleefully with the same idea in their minds. Ruby asks, "Bejjie, can we go and get Bardock-san from heaven?"

Bejita purses his lips and sighs, "There's no way we can get up to the angel's sector. The only time I can ever see him is at our meeting place by the palace."

Celipa says determinedly, "Well then let's go up there and hope for his sake that he's up there too!"


Peering up into the empty bottle, a certain angel is making due with the last drop of his sake and tosses away the bottle over his head. Bardock hiccups and reaches for another bottle by his side, but accidentally knocks it over. He mutters, "Oh drat," and saves it before all the sake goes to waste. Downing the intoxicating drink once again, his face gets even more flushed from his drunken state.

Then a familiar voice says, "Bardock! What the hell are you doing?!" The angel lazily looks for the source of the voice and sees three figures standing over to the right of him.

Bardock smiles lopsidedly when he recognizes them and says, "Oh I'm just having a lil' drink. Turns out that I can't... can't get good n'- what was it? Drunk! I can't get drunk n' heaven so I came here to just myself that way n' then I can forget EVERYTHING!" He holds out his bottle to Bejita and hiccups, "Want some?" Frowning, the ou tries to grab it away from him, but the angel is too quick to snatch it back. Bardock says, "Too bad! Only us angels can have it! And I'm going to be one forever! Forever! FOREVER!" He suddenly flops onto his back and starts laughing maniacally, caught somewhere in between sobbing and laughing at his whole situation.

Bejita sweatdrops, "Um... are you okay?"

The angel stops laughing immediately and throws the bottle of sake at the ou, screeching, "OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU- YOU OLD COOT!" Bejita easily catches the porcelain bottle and casts a worried glance to his mate, who reflects it back right at him.

Ruby says calmly, "Look, Bardock-san, we just came here to tell you that there's some trouble in the mortal world."

Ignoring her completely, Bardock pours some sake onto the fluffy ground from yet another bottle that he has, watching the milky white liquid flow from the top. He mutters almost incomprehensibly, "Izn't it so weird how everything from heaven is white? EVERYTHING is white. I bet Willith even pisses white."

Celipa, already burning red with embarrassment, turns onto the angel in a fury. "BARUDOKKO! CAN'T YOU EVEN LISTEN TO YOUR QUEEN?! SHE'S TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT OUR CHILD'S IN TROUBLE!"

Bardock rolls his head up to face his mate and frowns, "What? What are ya talking about?"

Celipa seethes, "Our baby's in trouble! And all you can do is just sit there getting yourself more drunk!"

The angel smiles, "That's not a bad idea," reaching for a different bottle. His mate snatches it away from his grasp and Bardock protests, "Oh come on, I'm sure Raditz is fine in hell."

Narrowing her eyes, Celipa hisses, "I meant our other baby! The one that's down on Earth! Kakarot!"

Bardock's eyes widen and he unsteadily stands up, leaning himself against the wall of the palace. He growls, "You mean, that bakayaro no ouji is harassing her again?!" He stumbles towards the edge of the cloud and yells, "I'll- I'll show him! I'll electrokewit him a thouzand times if I have to!"

Bejita grabs the angel's robe and yelps, "NO! That's not what we mean!" He pauses, "... What do you mean electrocute him?! You've done it before?!"

Bardock yells, "AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! NOW LET GO!" The angel tries to escape from the Bejita's hold, but the ou doesn't give way and tightens his grip around the white satin cloth. Bardock whines, "Oh come on! It doesn't hurt him THAT much!"

Bejita narrows his eyes and yells, "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR BEHAVIOR!"

He throws the angel onto the ground and Bardock winces, rubbing his bottom, "Aiee! That hurt!"

The ou neatly slaps him across the face and yells, "SHUT UP! YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR KING! NOW STAND UP AND PAY ATTENTION LIKE ANY OTHER SOLDIER!" Wide eyed, the saiyajin does as he says, saluting him and the ou continues, much more calmly this time, "Barudokko! Your daughter has passed out from food exhaustion and is in danger of dieing! Now I am ORDERING you to go down to Earth and use all your power to save her!"

Bardock says nervously, "Y-yes sir!"

Ruby frowns, then looks down into her bag, brightening when she finds a small vial filled with some transparent amber liquid. She quickly goes over to the two male saiyajin and says, "Here, this should help Bardock back to his senses. Just a drop should do." She carefully holds the vial above the angels head until a droplet escapes the vial and lands upon the saiyajin's head. Both Celipa and Bejita watch him questioningly.

At once Bardock's flushed appearance almost disappears, yet there is still a faint line of red across his cheeks. Then he suddenly moans and clutches at his head, in pain, "Oh Kami! My head!"

Ruby smirks, "That was why I didn't think of it before. You may be relieved of your drunken state, but you get the hangover of a lifetime... or afterlife time."

The angel winces, "Well you could have warned me. Does anybody have an Alka- Seltzer?" Celipa just smacks him upside the head. Bardock yelps, "Hey! Ow! What was that for?!"


Vegeta gently places the unconscious saiyajin down onto his bed and sits on the edge of the mattress, feelings of nausea threatening to make him join the female saiyajin in her state of unconsciousness. He didn't know what the hell to do! In times of crisis, he was always cool and collected, prepared for any situation with a steadfast plan. But never in times of peace had he even thought of what to do in case the younger saiyajin just passes out for absolutely no reason! Frustration and anger at his predicament are wearing down his already strained nerves. He mentally slaps himself and thinks, {Come on! Quit feeling sorry for yourself! Just think! There has to be some way to help her!}

The ouji feels for the younger saiyajin's ki and starts to panic when he feels it lowering even more. "Kami! No!" He rushes over to her side and takes her shoulders, trying once again to shake her awake. "Come on! This is no way to go!" However, she just hangs limply in his grasp.

Panic rises in his chest and he yells, "TEMEE!!! I REFUSE TO LET YOU GO LIKE THIS!!!" He tries to figure out some way to feed energy into her so that she can last longer until he can figure out what to do. He remembers the CPR classes that Bulma forced him to take and how Goku can use energy donated from other beings. Applying the two together, he channels his ki into his palm and a small glowing orb forms. Vegeta mutters, "Here goes nothing." He puts the hot little orb into his mouth and leans over Goku, ready to spit it into her own open mouth.

Vegeta looks at her hesitantly, wondering whether this is such a good idea or not. Then the little ki really starts to burn and without another hesitation he presses his lips to hers and breathes the orb into her mouth. He instantly checks her ki and to his relief he feels her ki rise just a little bit. However, he can already feel it start to dwindle away. No longer reluctant, he channels more ki into his palm, making sure that it's small enough for the younger saiyajin to swallow and repeats the process. But the progress is so slow, and he has to go quickly so that all his effort won't whither away with the rest of her energy.

Soon he realizes what a wasted effort it is, but the ouji absolutely refuses to give up. He decides a different approach and channels his energy into his mouth rather than his palm so that he can donate to the other saiyajin more efficiently. Once again he presses his lips against her warm ones, his ki flowing into her like the golden breath of life... which is pretty much what it is.

That's when Bardock makes his appearance.

Still recovering from his major hangover, the angel comes upon the two saiyajins right when Vegeta has his lips pressed against Goku's. Bardock's eyes widen in shock then immediately narrow into little slits and he goes ssj. Vegeta's eyes bulge out when he feels the enormous energy and slowly turns around to see the super saiyajin angel towering above him, glowering with an unimaginable rage. Bardock says slowly, "Kisama... How dare you... HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER IN THIS STATE?!!!" And with this he blasts into ssj2 for the first time, filling the entire room with a blinding light.

Vegeta yelps, "But I wasn't-!" Not listening to him at all the ssj2 angel lashes out at him and knocks him unconscious. Then he boots the poor ouji out of the window out into the open sky. His hangover completely forgotten, Bardock breathes heavily, the transformation taking a toll on him. He slips out of his ssj form, his hair and eyes, fading into black. The angel turns his attention to his daughter, still unconscious and unharmed from his change.

Bardock makes a small smile and slowly chants a holy hymn. Goku's pale appearance is replaced by her usual complexion, and her haphazard breathing is down to calm slow breaths. Convinced that she'll be fine from here, Bardock decides not to take any more time in case anyone *cough*Willith*cough* is keeping tabs on him and finds this activity to be somewhat suspicious. He plucks a feather from his wing and places it in her open hand. Then he gives his peacefully resting daughter a kiss on the forehead, before he fades away into a golden haze. The smoke blows away, out of the window the angel just threw Vegeta out of.

All that remains in the room is Goku, sleeping soundly, clutching a long soft white feather in her grasp.


By the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, the gulls are swooping over the water and the beach, constantly searching for scraps of food left over by the tourists who come to the Sicilian shores everyday in the hot roman summer, to view the beautiful cerulean waters from the high standing cliffs. A big gray gull perches itself on the high plateau, overlooking the sea, and ruffles its feathers, making itself look bigger to the other gulls.

Suddenly a white gloved hand comes up the cliff and grasps the rock right next to the bird, making it fly away screeching with fright. Another hand comes up and pulls the rest of the body up, revealing a completely soaked to the bone saiyajin no ouji. Even his usually gravity defiant hair is down around his head and face from the weight of the water. Wheezing for breath, Vegeta pulls himself onto the cliff edge, and lies down on his back, trying to gulp down some much needed air.

Oblivious to the bystanders watching around him, the ouji brings himself up to a sitting position and shakes the water off of him like a dog, and his hair poofs up to it's usual flame like appearance, if not a bit more messy. He looks around at the tourists watching him in wonder and snaps, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!"

Even if they didn't know English, they could understand his threatening tone and they hurriedly scamper away. Except for a Japanese couple who decide to take a picture of the ouji before running away as well. Vegeta growls in annoyance and stands up, looking around at his surroundings. He isn't quite sure what happened so he tries to collect his thoughts together.

{I remember trying to rescue Kakarot... Then there was that huge light... Wait a sec! That was her father! Bardock!} The ouji burns red with embarrassment as he recalls how he was so easily attacked and then he figures that Bardock must've had something to do with his waking up in the middle of the Italian sea. He clenches his fist and growls, "Kuso... That baka angel! I don't care what he says about not getting close to Kakarot anymore! I WON'T STAND FOR THIS TREATMENT!" He screams in fury up at the clear blue sky, "DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU WRETCHED GOOD-FOR-NOTHING ANGEL?! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR PROTECTIVENESS! I'LL DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH KAKAROT! DO YOU HEAR ME?! WHATEVER I WANT!!!"

Then a whitish-gray blob falls from the sky, right onto his face, and Vegeta yelps, bringing a hand to the targeted area. He touches the white substance and looks up at the sky. A whole flock of seagulls is flying right above him. The ouji says with disbelief, "They... crapped... on me..." He suddenly bellows with rage and starts to blast the birds, "HOW DARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SCUMBAGS!!!" The seagulls scatter from the cliff side to escape the temporarily insane ouji, but he just follows them up into the sky, blasting away, "I'LL SHOW YOU!!! I'LL TEACH YOU NEVER TO CRAP ON A PRINCE EVER AGAIN!!!"

All the meanwhile the same Japanese couple that saw him before is snapping away pictures of the elevating ouji on their expensive digital camera. The thin husband turns to his wife and says in Japanese, 'I can't wait until we show these to tousan. He'll never believe it.'


Miyanon: *big grin* I think that was one of my best chapters yet! I'm so proud! And please review! You too, anonymous reviewer who derives such pleasure from haunting me! To everyone else, it's an inside joke. Sorry.