Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Scents, weather, and trouble ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.



[Vegeta] clenches his fist and growls, "Kuso... That baka angel! I don't care what he says about not getting close to Kakarot anymore! I WON'T STAND FOR THIS TREATMENT!" He screams in fury up at the clear blue sky, "DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU WRETCHED GOOD-FOR-NOTHING ANGEL?! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR PROTECTIVENESS! I'LL DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH KAKAROT! DO YOU HEAR ME?! WHATEVER I WANT!!!"

~End Flashback~

The words of his vow still ringing in his ears, Vegeta lands in the front yard of Capsule Corps already tinted red with the setting sun. He sighs and sorely walks back into his mansion, relaying the words in his mind. The whole thing doesn't settle too well with his stomach and a nervous feeling arises from his gut.

Do WHAT exactly?

Walking up the stairs, he starts peeling off his brine encrusted shirt and drops it into the wooden hamper on the way over to the shower. With all the dried salt and the seagull crap, his germ phobia is going to need a nice long, hot shower to be satisfied with his cleanliness. Not that he minded. On the way he stops over by his room and sees, to his annoyance, that the younger saiyajin is still sleeping in his bed. He shrugs it off. Oh well, no doubt Bardock took care of her, even though she would have been fine with just the ouji's help. He spots a long slick feather in her hand, confirming his deduction. For reasons unknown to him he shivers, despite the temperature being very warm in the house.

He heads into the bathroom connected over to his bedroom intent on taking his shower in there, Goku or not. But if she decides to wake up while he's in there and without even knocking, walks inside, he is going to be one severely pissed off ouji.


...Well that didn't happen.

After staying a good two hours in the shower and successfully turning himself into an ouji prune, Vegeta comes out and finds Goku still sleeping quietly in his bed. The sun had already set, and a bluish white beams flow into the room coming from the mere sliver of a moon. The light beams land upon her peaceful visage and highlight all her delicate curves, making her look like a saiyajin goddess. The ouji's eyes glaze over and he whispers, "Kami... So beautiful..." He subconsciously starts to tread slowly towards her, his hand reaching out in longing.

Suddenly a humungous explosion interrupts the ouji's trance, and he rushes to the window to see two cars had collided together right on the street and are the verge of erupting into flame. Then the shock hits him full force, leaving him dizzy and light headed. What the hell was he doing?! He had to be in some sort of spell or something! Attracted to Goku like a moth would be to a light. Only, he has to remember, Goku's a bug lamp. If it hadn't been for that explosion...

Suddenly Vegeta feels a tremendous respect for drunk drivers.

Nerve shot, Vegeta decides he better put Goku into her own bedroom for the night. Gently picking her up from his satin sheets, so as not to wake her, Vegeta quietly carries her to her room. He places the younger saiyajin in her own bed and pulls the light comforter over her. He steals a shy glance at her and to his relief, no longer sees the beautiful goddess that was so exquisitely displayed in the moonlight. Instead he notices a little trail of drool coming from her mouth.

Rolling his eyes, he uses the blanket to wipe it off and pulls the feather from her fingers and puts it on her bed stand. Goku rolls over in her sleep onto her side and curls into a comfortable fetal position. A ghost of a smile graces the ouji's lips and he finds the key to Goku's bedroom door. He exits into the dim hallway and locks the door, then jutting the key under the wooden board into Goku's room. Sure he could break down the door, but hey, he felt a little... "safer."

Tired and worn, Vegeta flops onto his used queen sized and plants his face onto his pillow. He curses himself for even thinking about taking advantage of Goku when she's unconscious. His eyes pop open and thinks, {What the hell?! I should be disgusted for being attracted to her at all! She's my rival! My most hated enemy!... Okay, maybe Yamcha's worse. But still! How could I be attracted to such a beautiful, kind...} He just stops trying to think once he realizes where his train of thought is going. Sitting up onto his knees, he smacks his head against the wall a good fifty times.

After giving himself a very bad migraine Vegeta figures he better think about something else while trying to get to sleep. He quickly decides that as soon as he's awake the next day, he'll find some way to eradicate all the seagulls on his planet... Oh yeah, and figure out how he's going to exact revenge against a certain saiyajin angel. And figure out what the hell was wrong with Goku in the first place.

Sighing, the ouji takes a long breath and leans more into his pillow to sleep. He smells the deep musky scent of the shampoo and smiles at its familiarity and takes an even longer breath to take in the raw scent. Suddenly he bolts up from the bed. Wait a sec! His shampoo doesn't smell like musk plant! He pulls down a strand of his gravity defiant hair and smells it. It's the damned lavender and watermelon kind! The kind Bulma always gets for him because he hates it! Then what about...

All the color drains from the ouji's face as he recognizes what it is... Goku's scent... It's still lingering on the bed even though he moved her already. He shudders when he realizes that he actually enjoyed the smell and reveled it. He mutters, "Oh Kami, when did I get so perverted?" He grabs the sheets and pulls the pillow cases off of his pillows and brings them all downstairs to wash them... Problem is he doesn't know how the hell to use a washer. And he doesn't have any other sheets to use either. So it's either sleep with Goku scented sheets or attempt to wash them. Down in the basement, Vegeta, the great and powerful saiyajin no ouji, stares at the small washer completely and utterly stumped at how to use it. He groans in defeat, "I am not going to get any sleep tonight," and tries to decipher the foreign ningen symbols.


Bardock glares out the window of the Angel Headquarters hatefully. The sun is bright..... again. This just tips the angel's annoyance into anger. A cool breeze is blowing... again! Bardock can just feel his anger starting to accumulate. The sky is cloudless.. again!! He turns redder and redder by the second. Willith is out harassing people with his goons... again!!!

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!" Turning ssj2, Bardock stomps towards the door, cursing the most obscene profanities known on this side of the galaxy.

Staring in shock, the instructor and fellow students watch the angel storm out of the room, only for Bardock to come right back in to sit back in his seat and write something down on the golden paper that was given to him before, and he gets up, slaps the paper into the instructor's hands, then storms out just as angry as he was before.

The instructor blinks in surprise and turns back to his students and snaps, "What are you looking at?! Get back to your tests!" The students quickly turn their attention from the door back to their papers. Shaking his head, the teacher looks down at the saiyajin's paper, only to sweatdrop. Bardock just got 110% on his Anger Management final test. Groaning, the teacher thinks, {I don't know whether I should expel that saiyajin or make him valedictorian.} A couple of the telepathic students snicker.


Qu'pac sighs, playing around with his model of the spell on the cursed saiyajin on Earth, his eyes drooping off once again. The other scientists working on the project look over his direction and begin to chuckle. Obviously dozing off on the job is common place for Qu'pac. The fuzzy alien rests his huge round head in the palm of his hand, his head slowly nodding. Suddenly his head slips from his hand and smacks his keyboard, hard.

He immediately wakes up and yelps, "I'm up! I'm up!" The whole room bursts into uproarious laughter. Qu'pac blushes furiously and turns back to his screen, intent on not falling asleep any time soon. He moves around his mouse, only to find that the whole entire screen is frozen. He tries pressing the buttons to see if there is a reaction. Nothing. Then he tries to turn off his console, but again it comes to no avail. The angel curses and says shyly, "Um... Can somebody help me out? I think I have a problem."

Sighing, the team supervisor, the blue-skinned alien that is right under Willith, comes over to Qu'pac's station, looking quite annoyed. "What did you do this time?"

Qu'pac meekly points to his screen, and the supervisor glances down at it, only to do a double take. He moves in front of the screen and uses the computer with ease, as if it wasn't broken at all. Qu'pac glares at it furiously, waiting for the supervisor to reprimand him for wasting time. Only the head angel doesn't do that. Instead he turns onto the fuzz ball alien with big teary eyes and says happily, "Qu'pac! You little rascal! I can't believe it! You've found the link!"

Qu'pac blinks, "I did? Oh right! I did!..... What did I find exactly?"

Other angels flock over to the little angel's station to come and look at the screen. The blue-skinned supervisor says excitedly, "Qu'pac, you've just found the root of the foundation of the spell!" He points to the core, a fifth dimensional composed of nothing but what seems like thread thin spikes, constantly shifting in a million different directions at once. Qu'pac is hardly able to contain his awe. But at once the supervisor's eyes narrow scrutinizingly at the screen.

Then he stands up and faces the other angels who have gathered around. In a solemn tone he asks, "Has anyone here ever heard of GI'larma?" The group looks among themselves curiously. Seeing no one being able to answer, the blue-skinned angel continues, "GI'larma is a spell foundation that was strictly forbidden for any angel's use. It has been that way for millions of years."

One angel says jokingly, "Gee, we didn't think you were THAT old!" With that the other angels laugh collectively.

The supervisor glares at them, silencing them immediately. He growls, "The only reason that I know about it is because I actually studied about the ancient spells, unlike anyone else here it seems!" He points to the spiky mass on Qu'pac's screen and demands, "Do you know why this was banned?!" Silenced reigns, so the supervisor continues, "Because it's the most dangerous, unpredictable, spontaneous and sinful spell that is known on the face of this heaven! Only a true genius could even hope to handle it correctly! It's a miracle that the saiyajin the spell was put on is still even alive!"

Qu'pac stares at the screen and asks quietly, "Sir? If it was one of the angels that used it, then what would their punishment be?"

The blue-skinned angel answers, "Banishment to hell for sure. No questions asked." He begins a new round of orders, giving each team member a new assignment.

Qu'pac doesn't pay attention to it as he wanders into his own thoughts, {Banishment to hell? Well, I know a certain angel that would love to hear this. Hopefully it'll make up for my half betrayal before.} Suddenly a hand lands on his shoulder and he jerks up, shaken by the sudden contact. He looks up to see the supervisor hovering over him.

The head angel says warmly, "Alright, little guy. How about you take a break? You deserve it, I think. I'll make sure that you get rewarded for it later."

The little fuzz ball angel nods and hops out of his chair going off in search of his saiyajin friend. Just as he's making his way into the Metallium Corridor, he suddenly stops, an idea hitting him. He bites his bottom lip in glee as he goes over his "master plan." Then a familiar ki heads over his way and Qu'pac immediately recognizes it to be the angel he was just looking for.

Still blazing ssj2, Bardock storms down the hall, almost not noticing his little friend, until Qu'pac has to grab his pant legs himself. The saiyajin looks down and blinks, "Qu'pac? What are you doing here? I thought you were working on that spell."

His friend grins, "Yeah, but they let me have a break."

Bardock smiles, "I don't know why they'd give you a break. All you ever do is sleep anyway." He points a thumb over his shoulder to the direction he was heading and asks, "Hey, since you're not doing anything, do you want to help corrupt the weather control center with me?"

Qu'pac pales under his brown fur, "B-but Bardock! You'll get in real big trouble for that!"

The taller angel frowns, "So?"

His friend just sighs and says, "Whatever. Sorry, but I have something to do."

Shrugging, Bardock says, "Suit yourself. See ya." He resumes his march, although considerably quieter this time.

Grinning with glee, Qu'pac heads for the main entrance of the Angel Headquarters, going over his perfect plan once more, {I can't believe it! I'm such a genius! All I have to do is frame Bardock for being the one who made the spell! And then Willith won't have any say in it at all! And then Bardock can go down to hell like he wants! Hahaha! I guess I was naturally smart, wasn't I?} Suddenly he runs smack dab into a wall.

The little angel shakes his head and punches the wall, "Hey! Watch where you're going!" He turns to the left still grinning like an idiot.
