Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Wakings, Caught redhanded and Quest ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Basking in the warm light of the morning sun, the last female saiyajin stirs in her sleep, finally coming out of her stupor. The first sensation that she feels is the soft plush of her own pillow and the warming rays of light falling upon parts of her bare skin from the open window. She sighs and smiles too comfy to even think about moving out of bed.

Suddenly her stomach roars.

Goku gasps, "Ah Kami!" quickly sitting up and clutching at her pained abdomen. She takes in her surroundings, suddenly wondering how in the world she got into her own room. And how long her stomach's been neglected. Her stomach cries out again and she winces in pain.

That's when she whiffs the scent of home cooking coming from the hallway. Entranced by the smell, Goku licks her lips hungrily and drops from the bed onto her feet, following the smell to its source, completely uncaring of any of her other surroundings. Without really realizing it, she suddenly finds herself in the kitchen, sitting down in front of a humungous plate of breakfast foods. Looking up, she sees the ouji smirking at her. "Hungry?"

Goku grins, "Ravenous!" And without much further ado, she digs into the food, nearly inhaling it.

Watching, while the female saiyajin gorges herself, Vegeta frowns at her, wondering again why she passed out in the first place. Goku quickly shows him her empty plate and asks, "Can I have some more please?"

Blinking, the ouji says, "Uh... Sure." He puts more food onto her plate and she finishes it almost as quickly as he hands it to her.

Grinning sheepishly, Goku says, "More please?"

Vegeta stares at her incredulously. "What the hell?! You've already eaten three times more than you usually do! And if you haven't noticed, THAT'S A BIG THING!!!"

Goku shifts uneasily, "Well I guess I'm just really hungry."

Slamming his hand down on the table, the ouji yells, "That's not good enough!" startling the younger saiyajin. "Now I want to know why you passed out because I think that your appetite has something to do with it!"

Flinching from the verbal attack, Goku quickly gives in, "Alright! Alright!... I think I passed out because... Uh..." She flushes with embarrassment, "I was kind of... not eating..."

".......You were WHAT?!"

Goku turns as red as a beet and squeaks, "I'm sorry! It was stupid! But hey! You know I do stupid things, right? I mean you call me baka so often that-"

Vegeta cuts her off with a death glare, and puts another full plate of food onto the table. "Eat. Now."

The younger saiyajin bows her head, "Yes sir," looking down at her plate and eating just as enthusiastically although a bit more politely for the ouji's sake.

Glaring at her angrily, Vegeta demands, "So why did you decide to kill yourself?"

Goku choked on a sausage and looks up at the ouji and says, "Look, Vegeta, I wasn't trying to do anything like that. I just got sick of eating the same types of foods all the time. So sick that it actually made me ill to even look at it." She looks down at her empty plate and asks, "Do you have more?"

The older saiyajin sighs, "No more hash browns and sausage." He opens the fridge and says, "I can make some eggs." At the word eggs, Goku's face turns a greenish tint, failing to go unnoticed by the ouji. He narrows his eyes and pulls out a blue cardboard box from the freezer, "Eggos it is then." He warms them up with his ki and tosses them onto Goku's plate, then asks, "Kakarotto, if you were so damn hungry then why didn't you just go out into the woods and hunt for yourself?"

Goku pauses ravaging her waffles just long enough to stare at the ouji blankly. She says quietly, "I didn't think of that. Then again I don't think well on an empty stomach!" She grins and goes back to devouring her food.

Vegeta nearly smacks himself across the forehead for her stupidity. He glares at Goku, "I swear, you have to be a natural blond or something." The younger saiyajin quickly finishes up her eggos and looks up at the ouji pleadingly. Vegeta scowls, "You ate everything in the kitchen. And we didn't put any of the reserves in the fridge yet."

Pursing her lips, Goku thinks out loud, "Well we could always go fishing."

Vegeta blinks, "What?"

Goku grins and says excitedly, "Yeah! I like that idea!" She jumps up and grabs Vegeta's hand, "Let's grab some poles and we can go right now! I know a great place in the woods near my house!"


"Oh never mind, we can just catch them with our hands."



Watching his crystal ball in the shadow of the massive Otherworld Palace, Bejita waits for Bardock, irritated at his tardiness. Then he feels that familiar warm breeze signaling the angel's arrival and turns to see Bardock walking towards him, looking very sullen. Bejita asks, "You weren't late because of that band you're in again, are you?" disproval very apparent in his tone.

The angel mutters, "I quit the band a while ago." He sits down next to the ou and asks, "What's up?"

Frowning at his friend, Bejita answers, "Well not much. Your kid's awake and... And why is there a yellow sticky on your back?"

Bardock yelps, "WHAT?!" He tugs at his white robe and sees that there is indeed a yellow sticky stuck to his back. He pulls it off and reads, 'I did the spell on the cursed saiyajin.' The angel's eyes bulge out and he yells, "Holy frick! This is Qu'pac's handwriting!"

Bejita blinks, "Qu'pac?"

Bardock nods, "Yeah, the only friend-ly acquaintance I have up there," making sure not to use the word 'friend' in front of the ou. "He looks like a big brown cotton puff, about this high," holding his hand about three feet off the floor. "He's cool, but he's definitely not the brightest... Which is obvious from this prank he decided to pull!"

The ou looks at it with little interest and asks, "But don't you want the angels to figure out that it's really you?"

The angel mutters, "Everyone of them except Willith!"

Eyeing his friend strangely, Bejita asks, "Who the heck is Willith?!"

Bardock answers with a shrug, "An archrival I managed to pick up..."


Gazing around the humungous white entrance hall of what later became known to him as the infamous Angel Headquarters; Bardock looks around with bewilderment and confusion clearly written upon his face. One minute he was standing in this humungous line chatting away with Bejita along with all the other deceased saiyajins, the next minute he suddenly ends up here.

He walks around the center of the building, staring up at the fresco painted ceiling and suddenly slams into something, hard. He falls down onto his butt and looks up to see that the thing he slammed into is also on its butt. A beautiful white-blond girl with the most magnificent feather wings that Bardock's ever seen. Bardock gets up hastily and offers the girl a hand, "Um, sorry about that."

The girl takes it and pulls herself up, smiling gratefully. She says in a tenor voice that seems too low for her, "Thanks."

Bardock frowns, "Do you have a cold or something? You sound like a boy."

The angel widens her eyes, ".....I am a boy....."

Bardock looks at her blankly and suddenly breaks into laughter, "You?! A BOY?! That's the funniest thing I ever heard!"

The blonde girl stomps her foot angrily and yells, "I AM A BOY DAMMIT!" By now Bardock is rolling in fits, pounding the ground with his fist, laughing so hard tears come to his eyes. The angel seethes angrily, glowering at him hatefully.

The saiyajin stifles his laughter into little chortles and reaches his hand up to right below the angel's waist. He smirks, "Well, I suppose I'll have to check huh?"


Without much modesty, Bardock just ignores the angel's quibbling and does the official Pat Pat test. He immediately blinks and says, "Oh. You are a boy. Sorry."

Willith clenches his fists until his knuckles turn white and he punches Bardock square in the face. "You little braggart! I'll make you pay for that! I swear I will!" He storms off in a raging fury.

Bardock yells after him, "Oh come on! It was only a little misunderstanding!"


The saiyajin angel chuckles, "He's never really forgiven me for that."

Bejita blinks, "What?"

Bardock smiles, "It's nothing." He sighs crumpling up the sticky note and tossing it over the side of the cloud, "Well what's done is done. I just gotta ask Qu'pac why the hell he did that later."

Looking back into the crystal ball, the ou asks, "Want me to hex him for ya?"

"NO! I mean, no. I think that's quite alright. I'll handle him myself."

They both watch the crystal ball in silence as they watch Goku leading Vegeta over a forest. Suddenly Bejita demands, "What do you mean you electrocuted my son before?!"

Bardock stiffens up and yelps, "What?!"

The ou glares, "You said that when you were drunk because my son was molesting your daughter, which he has not done once!"

"Yes he-! Uh, I mean, you can't really trust anything a drunk person says right?"

Bejita watches him suspiciously and asks, "Bardock, did you or did you not electrocute Vegeta?"

Bardock laughs nervously, "Well you know, it's the funniest thing... Um..."


The angel moans, burying his face into his hands, "Oh crap."


The two saiyajin land on a small pebbled shore right next to a large, fast flowing creek that Goku always fished in when she was still a he. Vegeta casually takes in the surroundings and says irritably, "Alright, let's get the fish and get out of here."

The younger saiyajin takes in a deep breath of the woodland air and says, "Oh come on. Fishing is supposed to be relaxing." Vegeta just humphs and folds his arms crossly. Goku eyes him curiously and says, "Well you're being really irritable. Well, okay you're acting more like yourself out of this weird streak of niceness, but there has to be a reason."

The ouji pales, {Streak of niceness?! She actually noticed?!} He says nervously, "W-well, I- I just want to get this over with! I have training to do!"

Goku sighs and holds out her hand towards the stream, "Well then be my guest." Vegeta stares at the stream and looks back at Goku, who grins mischievously, and looks back at the stream. The younger saiyajin smiles even wider at his hesitance, "I see... You don't know how to fish do you?"

Vegeta yells, "Yes, I do!" Goku narrows her eyes. "No, I don't..."

Goku smiles, "Good boy." The older saiyajin just sulks. Goku rolls up her pants up to her knees and wades out into the stream. She beckons the ouji over and says, "Come on! I'll show you how to do it! It's really fun!"

Vegeta huffs, "No thanks! I'd rather go to a ningen distribution center!"

It takes Goku a second to figure out he's talking about a supermarket. She just shakes her head and looks around in the water. "Alright, but you won't be getting any fish from me." The ouji just turns away from the stream, still looking cross. After about a minute he realizes that Goku isn't pressing him any further. He looks back and sees Goku warily watching the water for any signs of movement. He notices a couple fish already stranded on the pebbly beach and turns his attention back to the younger saiyajin.

Holding her hand above the water, she stays as motionless as a statue, her eyes taking a predatory gleam as she watches for her prey. Vegeta smiles. Saiyajins always did take animalistic pleasure in the hunt. For some odd reason, he's suddenly glad that her being raised on Earth had not impacted her saiyajin instincts in the slightest. Swiftly, Goku's hand slices the water's surface like a knife and she pulls out another flapping trout and she adds it to her pile already collected on the beach.

{Well that doesn't look hard.} The ouji looks down at the water and then pulls off his boots and rolls up his pants as well, joining the other saiyajin in the brisk water. Goku looks up from her area and smiles when she sees that the older saiyajin has come in as well, but goes back to her own fishing so as to not make the ouji feel awkward.

Vegeta watches Goku's stance and copies it, gazing intently at the water for any signs of fish. Suddenly something slimy brushes against his thigh and he jumps out of the water, howling in fright. Levitating above the water, Vegeta demands, "What the hell was THAT?!"

Goku looks up and laughs at the expression on the ouji's face. "Veggie! That was only a fish! That's what it feels like when they brush up against you!"

"Fish my ass! That felt like- like an EEL! Or a giant humungous WORM!!"

The younger saiyajin giggles, "Oh yeah, you don't like squiggly things, do you?"

Vegeta growls angrily, "Don't mock me! After all the crap I've been through, you'd despise them with every fiber of your being, too!" But Goku just continues to laugh. The ouji fumes angrily and suddenly points behind Goku, "Look! It's a giant needle!"

Goku shrieks, "NEEDLE!!!" Flailing madly, she manages to fly behind Vegeta for protection, "NO, GET IT AWAY! DON'T LET IT TOUCH ME!!"

The ouji laughs, "You BAKA! There are no giant needles! Especially not in the middle of a forest!"

Goku glares at him, "That wasn't nice!"

"HA! You deserved it! Trying to lure me into a stream full of icky, slimy, squiggly monstrosities!"

The younger saiyajin just throws her hands up in the air in exasperation and says, "Fine! We can borrow some poles from my house!"

"Again with the poles thing! What are you talking about?!"

Goku says, "It's a long pole that has a line and a reel-"

"-And you're losing me again."

Goku scratches her head and frowns, "Okay, how do I explain this so that you'll get it? It's a stick with a string attached to it and a sharp, metal hook is attached to that. That's what you stick through the live bait so that the fish will bite down on it and get the hook snared through the top of their mouths. Then you basically have to drag them through the water onto shore by pulling in the string while they futilely fight for their meager little lives."

Vegeta blinks, "That sounds gruesome."


