Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Spouse Torture and Vegeta's Plan ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will

A/N: Well before I put up another chapter of Onnafied I have something to say. As you may notice this chapter will be different from the other ones. It's in past tense. Personally I despise writing in past tense with every fiber of my being. But since I got a couple little complaints about it *cough*chibi_vegeta*couch* I decided that I would give it a try. I merely ask that you would comment if you really care. But if I don't get any good reviews about it I'm switching back to present tense. Anyway, for those of you who really don't give a damn, (no offense to the ones who commented, I understand it was constructive criticism,) go on and enjoy this next chapter of Onnafied.


It took Vegeta only 10 seconds to find the kitchen from the second floor. {Damn, these people live in a small house,} he thought to himself, while he stepped through the open archway. Once he got inside he realized he got there none too soon.

Goku was busy fidgeting in her seat, while fingering the handle of the cup of tea that ChiChi had made for her. Meanwhile her spouse was busy yapping away about all sorts of things. However, most of the one-sided conversation seemed to be about all the mundane marital problems in her and her "husband's" relationship.

"And have I ever told you that he never even went to school? I honestly don't see how he could possibly set a good example for the children. I mean, I know he means well-" The raven haired housewife was on an absolute roll. Deciding this wouldn't end soon unless he put a stop to it, Vegeta coughed, making his presence known. ChiChi stopped her yapping and looked up at the saiyajin with an angry glare, "Vegeta. Do you mind? I'm trying to have a decent conversation with your cousin-in-law." If looks could kill... That would've wiped out the neighborhood.

The ouji made a rude sound to that and went over to the fridge to help himself to some food. ChiChi glowered at him and took to sipping her hot drink, unaware of the grateful look that her tea buddy is giving the prince. She put down her cup and looked at Goku and said, "Well it seems our girl talk is temporarily suspended. But you haven't told me anything about yourself! You simply must tell me something!"

Goku glanced over at the ouji nervously, who just shrugged with indifference. Fumbling even more with her cup, Goku started out, "W-well, um... There's really not much to me... I like to fight. I-I mean I do it as a profession."

ChiChi raised an eyebrow, "You fight? Really, I don't see why us girls should even be involved in the sport."

The female saiyajin stared, "What?! But I thought that you loved fighting when you were a kid!" At once Goku realized she said too much and slapped her hand over her mouth.

The housewife stared at her in numb shock and asked, "How do you know I used to fight?" Vegeta watched with interest, as he made himself a sandwich. He never suspected the harpy was a fighter.

Goku laughed nervously, "Ah he hehe, um... I kinda overheard it from Bulma when she was talking about when she first met you." She smiled good naturedly, "I heard you were really rambunctious as a kid!"

"I'm over it, believe me," ChiChi said flatly. Then she asked, "So if you know about me, you must know my husband for sure."

"You sure like to talk about him a lot," the saiyajin says sarcastically.

ChiChi demanded eagerly, "Well, tell me what you think of him!"

Smiling, Goku answered, "Well I think that he's awesome! He's such a great fighter! One of the best that I've ever seen! Although Vegeta's really good, too," being sure to add a compliment for the said ouji. Then she added with a slightly mischievous smile, "I also think that Goku's really handsome, don't you think?" Vegeta nearly gagged into his drink.

The result is far different than Goku ever expected it would be. Very agitated, ChiChi slammed her mug onto the table and demanded, "Well if you like him so much aren't you married to him?!" Goku's face fell. This was getting too awkward for her. And she was getting to know a whole lot more intimate details than she ever wanted to find out.

Goku looked up at the clock and put a hand behind her head, smiling, "Oh look at the time!" The clock read 4:30. "We really got to go." She grabbed the ouji and started walking out the back door, "Thank you very much for the tea, ChiChi!"

Vegeta protested, "HEY! My food!" The sandwich lying unattended on the kitchen counter. However, Goku managed to fully drag him outside.

Glaring at the door, ChiChi brought her cup to her mouth once again, mumbling to herself, "That is by far the rudest girl I have ever seen in my life."

Gohan passed into the kitchen on his way out the door and glanced at the sandwich on the counter. He picked it up and smiled, "Oh thanks Mom!"

"Gohan." The teenager turned his undivided attention to her. "You know that girl that was with the ouji?"

Nodding, "Yeah, what about her?" Gohan asked in interest.

"Don't talk to her."


Qu'pac hummed happily to himself while carrying a towering pile of papers down around the bend of the Metalium Corridor of Angel Headquarters. He was being considered for an award for discovering a new hacking technique to the core of complex spells. His friend's going to get sent to down to hell. It was been raining two days straight no thanks to said friend. Yeah, he smiled; the afterlife couldn't get any better than this.

Suddenly he slammed into an obstacle in the hallway, sending papers flying all over the place. The little fuzzball yelped almost automatically, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He looked up at his offender/victim and was staring right at an ssj2 angel. Qu'pac blinked, "What are you doing here?"

"Exactly what was the idea of that little sticky note on my back?" demanded Bardock.

Qu'pac said in smug innocence, "What sticky note?"

A glare. "It had your handwriting on it."

Nervous beads of sweat started to pop out of the angel's face, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Sighing, Bardock asked, "Why did you do something like that?"

Qu'pac frowned and said, "Look, I just wanted to be the one to banish you. So I figured I'd frame you."

A large sweatdrop formed at the back of the saiyajin's head, "Uh... rright. Qu'pac if you wanted to do that, why didn't you talk to me first?"

The little angel blinked and shrugged, "I dunno." An even larger sweatdrop formed.

Bardock thought, {Well I know he means well. But I don't think I can trust him to do this for me.} "Look Qu'pac, just forget about it. Don't worry. I'll be fine." He patted the fuzz ball on the head and headed down the hall away from him.

Qu'pac huffed, {This won't do. I know he's lying. Maybe he just doesn't want me to get into trouble.} He smiled, {He's too nice for his own good! But, not to worry, Bardock my friend! I'll just try harder!} Then he proceeded to pick up the fallen papers on the floor.


Vegeta glared at Goku's ass. No wait, not her ass, her back. He shook his head violently and scowled, {What the hell is wrong with me?!} He called to the saiyajin flying in front of him and yelled, "Will you hurry it up already?! I want to get back to Capsule Corps as quickly as possible!"

Goku turned over and asked with disdain, "Oh come on. Can't you enjoy the scenery?" Doubtless the lush, green valley below them was very beautiful, reminding the ouji of the rainforests of his home planet. But he just couldn't get rid of this restless feeling that told him he needed to do something. He glanced at the beautiful saiyajin in front of him and huffed, {Gee, I wonder what it is.} He was fully aware his mind was going limbo; his long buried mating instincts fighting against the rational part of his brain that told him the female in front of him was in fact a male!

He sighed and thought, {If she was always an onna there wouldn't be any contest at all.} The thought slipped through to his conscious mind before the rational part of his brain could stop it. He trembled in the shock of it. Did he actually like the younger saiyajin in that way? He truly had hated Goku in the beginning, when he first suffered defeat at the third class saiyajin's hands. But over the years, the hate had waned and then it finally got to the point when Vegeta realized that they were actually friends, only six months before.

However, with this revolutionary new change, part of the ouji couldn't help but feel that maybe they could go beyond just being friends. He smiled, thinking of all the positive aspects that the younger saiyajin reflected as a desirable mate. While Vegeta admitted grudgingly that Goku was pretty handsome as a man, she was absolutely stunning as a woman. He knew he wasn't exactly the deepest person there was when it came to onnas. Lust alone led him over to Bulma. But Goku was also extremely strong, and had a fierce determination and a fiery spirit. And whereas Vegeta had enough pride it came spouting out of his ears, Goku that much in honor.

Were she placed like this on planet Bejito-sei before it blew up, Vegeta was confident that thousands would have vied for the right to mate her. He smiled bemusedly. Yes, she definitely was worthy enough to be his life long mate. Except for the fact that she was absolutely ignorant of her heritage, but he had long since gotten used to that. Then his little fantasy came crashing to a ruin when he suddenly remembered... She was a freakin' man!

Vegeta muttered to himself, "Well that really puts a damper on things, doesn't it?"

Goku eyed the ouji strangely and asked, "What are you talking about back there?"

"It's nothing!" the ouji nearly yelled, a hot blush on his cheeks. The younger saiyajin just shrugged and turned her attention back to the landscape below. Vegeta reluctantly turned back to his thoughts. He thoroughly examined his thoughts, turning the idea over and over in his mind.

Goku was able to look at Vegeta several times while he was so deep in his thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder exactly what he was thinking about. He had been like that for nearly an hour. Usually he'd be arguing with her in a one-sided fight over some sort of petty thing. She grinned at the thought. He was such a strange, funny little man. Of course if she ever said that to him... She didn't even have to guess at the consequences of such an action. Then she noticed that they were flying right over the domed complex and she suddenly stopped and yelled at her companion, "Hey! Veggie! We're here!"

Vegeta snapped automatically, "Don't call me Veggie!" The younger saiyajin just smiled and they landed on the front lawn of the complex.

"Oh lighten up, Geta!" Goku laughed, "You're always so uptight! It's like you're always constipated!"

The ouji's mouth wagged in speechless protest. But Goku just grinned at him teasingly. He couldn't help but smirk and retorted, "I ought to kick your ass for that, Kayka!" Suddenly he jerked up and covered his head with his hands, waiting for some thundercloud to come out of nowhere and zap him silly.

Goku frowned in confusion, "Vegeta... What the hell are you doing?"

Vegeta blinked and looked up to see a clear, open sky. No sign of any danger. He stuttered, "I-I was just-" Then he sighed in defeat, "Oh nevermind."

With a shrug, Goku said casually, "Well, whatever." She started heading towards the building and grinned, "Boy, I'm hungry already! I'll just go and raid the fridge! The supplies should be ready now, right?"

The ouji looked up at her after a distracted pause and answered, "Huh? Oh right. The bots had plenty of time to refill the fridge."

The younger saiyajin struck a fist up into the air and cheered, "Yes! Food!" And she ran over to the front door.

Vegeta watched her retreating form with a small smile. Yes. After much conflicting it over in his mind, he could admit to it now. He wanted her. Very badly. But he could not have her. It was as simple as that. The smile fell. And now he felt like crap. There was no way that he could have her. She would go back to being a man in no more than three weeks. His little sliver of a chance at happiness slipping right through his fingers. Unless... he somehow managed to convince her that staying a girl would be good for the both of them.

His eyes widened. Yes, it was possible that he could do it. It was against all the possible odds that he could think of though. How could he convince a former man to stay a woman, to take a risk and stay at his side? Despite all the other factors like Bulma, ChiChi, his kids, her kids. He had to convince her he loved her first. And just saying it outright would just scare her off. Somehow he had to bring out the feelings in her too. The courting had to be secretive, well planned and lengthy. But time was something that was not on his side. So it really had to be secretive, well planned and be able to work in less than three weeks. He muttered a small curse. This was going to be hard. Suddenly, a small pit of despair welled up in him. What if she didn't feel the same way?

Then he realized his name was being called. He looked up to see Goku at the door, the setting sun illuminating her like a great figure in a fantasy. His fantasy. She smiled, "Oy, Vegeta? Are you going to come in or not?"

He sucked it up and thought to himself, {Well, whether she feels the same way or not, I sure as hell am not going to let this chance just slip by me!} He started towards the door and added, "And if she doesn't I'm screwed."
