Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Excuse me, a date? ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


A/N: Well guys, it looks like I'm sticking with present tense. No offense but I hate writing with past tense. Anyway thanks for commenting! And on with the story!

        (Okay, if you've read this chapter already, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I did not manage to update this story in one night. This is just a repost.)



Vegeta's eyes snap open and he nearly jumps out of bed, quickly turning off the alarm. He opens the window and takes a deep breath of the brisk air, invigorating him as if the cold air flowed into his veins. He smiles and leans on the window sill. Today is the day that he starts courting his Kayka. He feels on top of the world, as if nothing could go wrong.

Suddenly he smells the faint scent of frying sausages. His smile grows into a mischievous grin. Goku won't know what hit her. Hurrying down to the dining room, he spots Goku still in her pajamas, several plates of food surrounding her. She looks up at the ouji and smiles, "Hey Geta!"

He raises an eyebrow. {So she's actually sticking with the damn nickname. Oh well, I guess it makes things easier.} With a smirk, Vegeta nonchalantly sits down next to Goku and asks, "So how are you this morning?"

The younger saiyajin answers gaily, "I'm great! It looks like it'll be such an awesome day today for sparring."

Vegeta shrugs, "Well we could spar. Or we could, I don't know," he reaches over for piece of French toast, softly grazing the back of Goku's hand, "spend the day to get to know each other a little better?" He bites the toast and smirks at Goku's reaction.

A small flutter in her ki. A skipped heartbeat. She definitely feels something from that. He almost breathes a sigh of relief. He was afraid she wouldn't respond at all. Now he just needs to figure out whether she's uncomfortable about it or not.

Taking an empty mug from the table, he fills it with coffee from a pitcher on the table. All of a sudden something seems odd about the situation. He frowns, "Wait a sec. I thought that you can't eat anything that you can cook since you're so sick of it." He looks into his mug and adds, "And I thought that you didn't like coffee!"

Goku shrugs, "Well it's not really that big a deal."

Vegeta mutters, "Oh yeah?" taking a sip from his coffee.

"Mirai cooked." Vegeta jerks and sprays coffee all over the table. Goku yelps, "Hey! Hey! Careful!"

The ouji demands, "Why the hell didn't you tell me he's back?!"

A voice asks, "Why does she have to?" Vegeta looks up and sees his future son carrying another plate of food from the kitchen. Mirai smiles at the younger saiyajin, "Here you go, another round of hash browns and sausage." He sits down and frowns at his father, "You have my coffee cup."

Vegeta numbly hands the mug over. Goku cheers and vigorously sets to eating this plate of breakfast foods and Mirai laughs, "Geez, you have a big appetite."

Watching the duo through narrow eyes, Vegeta demands, "Mirai, what are you doing here?"

Mirai takes a sip of his coffee and answers, "Well Mom figured that she didn't really need me for the Conference so she let me come back by myself. But Chibi's staying over there with her because of the home schooling. She still plans on coming back in three weeks."

Vegeta makes a small, "Hn," inspecting Goku and Mirai with even more scrutiny.

He watches the fond way that Mirai glances at the other saiyajin, and the grateful looks that Goku's giving back to him.

His left eye twitches.


Bardock glares at the papers on the desk in front of him, despising them with every fiber of his being... at the moment.

Every year, each angel is required to take an intelligence test, standardized for everyone in heaven. If they fail, then they have to go back to boot camp for two months. If they pass, they get reassigned to different types of jobs, depending on what they get for the test. And seeing as Bardock was more cunning than book smart, he never did manage to get any high positions. Not that he minded. It was less work. The only problem is the test is about three hours long.

The saiyajin angel groans and stares at the first question. 'What is the maximum velocity difference between an Earth African sparrow and an Earth European sparrow?'

Bardock mutters, "Why in the world would anyone know that? What the hell is European anyway? And the damn thing isn't even multiple choice!" He hears a snickering behind him and pales when he sees Willith already done with half the test. The white-blond angel sticks out his tongue in mockery. Bardock shakes his head, unimpressed and flicks him off.

A voice snaps, "Barudokko! Eyes on your paper!" The angel reluctantly complies. Tapping his pencil eraser on the desk, he decides to go onto a different question.

2. What is the average size of a coconut?

3. What is the migration path of the African sparrow?

4. What is Counselor Malverick's favorite color?

5. What is the French word for cheese omelet?

And the list goes on and on. Bardock stares at the paper, and then neatly snaps his pencil in half.


After breakfast, nearing late morning, Vegeta's agitation is shining through, loud and clear.


Mirai rolls his eyes and mutters, "Jeezus, why does he think I'm mom?" He heads towards the front entrance and sees Vegeta standing in his casual attire by the door. He frowns, "Uh father? I thought you were training in the GR..."

The ouji growls, "Does it matter how the damn thing was broken? Just fix it!"

The teenager sighs, "Hoo boy," stepping outside. Once he does, his eyes nearly pop out of his socket. What remained of the GR is only a small pile of metal and scrap. Most of the GR seems to have been vaporized. Mirai's jaw drops and he turns to his father and demands, "Father! What the hell did you do to the gravity room?!"

Vegeta smirks and shrugs, "Broke it."


The ouji pats his son on the shoulder and says, "Well then, have fun making a new one." He goes back inside the complex and slams the door. Smiling with content, he searches out his only subject's ki. He finds her in the living room, once again reading 'The Prince and the Pauper'.

Before Vegeta can even say anything, Goku says, "I can't train cuz Mirai's here. I just remembered that."

"Well, we don't have to train then," the ouji replies. "My offer from breakfast is still up." Goku fiddles with her book a little more than necessary. Vegeta sighs, {Maybe I'll just have to be blunt.} "Have you ever been on one of those ningen dates?"

Goku immediately turns her undivided attention to the ouji, "Um, w-what?"

Vegeta says calmly, "I've just never had a real date." He adds, almost shyly, "So, uh, um, would you want to... go on one with me? You know, for a learning experience?"

The younger saiyajin stares at the ouji in mute shock. Vegeta curses inwardly. He shouldn't have tried this so early. But it was the only way it would work in the three week time span. Suddenly, Goku's face breaks into a smile, "Vegeta, I would love to."

The ouji says in genuine surprise, "You would?"

As if to answer Vegeta's unspoken question, Goku says, "I haven't been on a real date either."

An uncharacteristic smile comes upon the ouji's face and he says excitedly, "Alright, we can leave right away! Go ahead and change if you want!" Then he rushes to his room, nearly bounding up the stairs.

Goku sweatdrops, "Wow. He looks... happy."

Vegeta rushes into his room and opens up his sock drawer, pulling out a big notebook. He hastily flips through the pages and stops at part A, 'Date.' He looks under the label and pales. It merely read, 'Get Kayka on a date.' He yelps, "What?! Didn't I plan anything about it?!" He starts to panic, "Holy crap! What am I supposed to do?!"

He doesn't know exactly why he's going into hysterics. He didn't even get this bad when Frieza was going to kill him. Maybe because this pales in comparison in value. Or that so many things could possibly go wrong!

Taking in a great deep breath, Vegeta calms down his nerves, {Alright, stop it! Just think. First, think of what to do... What's that odd expression the onna always uses? Oh right, dinner and a movie... Well Kayka can figure that out. Next is... clothes!}

He turns to his wardrobe, only to be dismayed by the lack of a wardrobe he actually owns. Basically only a suit for company parties, two pairs of jeans, a few solid colored shirts, and his standard training gear. He curses, "Dammit! Now is not a time to need to go shopping!" Someone knocks on the door and Vegeta yells, "Come in!"

"Hey Geta! Aren't you done yet?"

Vegeta faces the door and sees Goku still wearing the same attire. He frowns, "Aren't you going to change?"

The younger saiyajin shrugs, "I don't know. I guess only if we were going to some nice restaurant or something. What were you thinking?"

"I honestly don't know."

A mirthful laugh. "Jeez, Vegeta! You invited me!" Goku puts a hand around her chin and thinks out loud, "Well we could go to that new sci-fi movie, then pizza. What do you think?"

Vegeta frowns, "I was under the impression you had to have the dinner first, then the movie."

Goku blinks, "What? Where'd you hear that?"

"Dinner and a movie."


"The onna always said that was the typical date."

The younger saiyajin smiles, putting a hand behind her head, "Well I wouldn't know. I'm not that familiar with what dares are like either."

"...You do know the purpose of them, right?"

Goku answers, "Of course!" The ouji relaxes. "It's to have fun with a really good friend!"

"WAK!" Vegeta falls over in shock. He quickly gets up and yells, "You baka! It's more intimate than that!"

"Ano... You don't have to be so mean about it," Goku says, frowning. Then she asks, "So what are they for then?"

A thread of panic goes through the ouji. {Ah SHIT! Why did I tell her something like THAT?!} He rummages for a stray jacket and says, "W-well, um... it's the kind of thing that you would do with someone you had a relationship with."

"Well we have a relationship?"

Vegeta says dryly, "Do we?"

"Yeah! We're sparring partners!"

{Typical...} "Kakarotto, I mean a 'romantic' relationship."

Goku says intelligently, "Ohhh... So when you were asking me out on a date..." Vegeta's eyes widen in slight anticipation. "You did it because you miss Bulma!"

For the second time that night, Vegeta slips and falls due to Goku's complete obliviousness. {Good GOD, can't she get a hint?!} he thinks while getting back up. Sighing with defeat, Vegeta mutters, "No, it's not for that." He grabs his jacket and his wallet and heads towards the stairs.

The younger saiyajin frowns, "Well that doesn't make any sense! Vegeta! Hey! Talk to me!"
