Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ The perfect date and imminent disaster ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


A/N: *pouts* Man, now I feel crappy about the whole present/past tense thing. Being waved off by one of my idols in a review does not go over well for me. If you guys really don't mind then I'm gonna do this in past tense. However, Incidences of Madness is staying in present tense for the principle's sake. *mutters* I still don't know who was bitching at one of my reviewers about his correction in grammar for my story, but please don't. Reviews are for the story not to review other reviewers. Hope you can get used to reading this in past tense. Anyway, thank you!


Outside an old fashioned movie theatre, the dimly lit pavement was crowded full of sci-fi geeks all aiming to cram in to see the premier show of the latest cult sci-fi movie. A group of movie goers were chatting excitedly to one another, when suddenly two people just appear out of nowhere, causing the group to give surprised shrieks.

The spiky haired one snapped irritably, "Kakarotto! Couldn't you be a bit more discrete?!"

"Hey, I do that here all the time. The Trekkies love it!" said his companion in defense.

The group stared at the two as they went right up to the cash register. One bopped his friend over the head, "I told you the Federation is real!"

Goku and Vegeta moved up to the attendant, a brown haired girl with simple oval glasses. Goku waved in a friendly manner and said, "Hey Nora!"

The attendant's eyes widened at the younger saiyajin, "Holy cripes! Son Goku! What happened to you?!" Vegeta looked between the two in alarm, wondering who the hell this girl is.

Goku also looked visibly shocked. "Uh, how in the world did you know it was me?"

"Tch, easy. You're the only one who knows my real name," said Nora dismissively. "Besides freaky stuff always happens in this part of town. You wouldn't believe it but I saw a half-man half-alligator yesterday! Anyway," she gave Goku a very critical look, "how in the world did you get onnafied?" Vegeta looked back and noticed that certain people were listening in on the conversation. They quickly turned away with a look of his infamous death glare.

Oblivious, Goku just smiled to her friend, "Oh, I just got turned into a girl by unknown forces from a different dimension."

"Wow..." Nora said in awe, "That's just like episode three of Galaxz Trekkers!"

"Really? I only saw episode 31 on. Who was it?" Vegeta stared at them incredulously. He and Goku were supposed to be on a date for cripe's sake! Not going around chit chatting with random people! How the heck did the younger saiyajin know this girl in the first place?!

"It was Kirsten."

"So she got turned into a boy?"

"Nope, she was a boy."

At this the Goku visibly paled, "B-but I thought she was originally a girl."

Nora grinned widely. "Nope! She decided to stay a girl 'cuz she fell in love with Captain Mitchell. Speaking of which," she eyed the slowly going insane ouji, "who is this fine piece of ass?"

Vegeta stared at the girl for a moment, before his expression turned into one of fury. "What the hell does THAT mean?!"

Finally, someone from behind in the line called out, "Hey! Will you hurry it up already?!"

Clearly perturbed and sensing the danger from keeping the ouji out here any longer, Goku put down some money on the counter and said, "I'll talk to you later. Two for Millennium Hilt."

Nora nodded, "Right-o! You'll like this one!" She gave them two stubs and said into the speaker, "Next please."

Vegeta yelled, "Hell no! I'm not done with you yet!" Goku sighed and started pulling him towards the theatre. Vegeta called over his shoulder, "YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THE LAST OF ME!!!" Everyone in the vicinity of the ouji turned to stare. Nora just sweatdropped. The younger saiyajin mentally moaned, feeling all eyes trained on them. She wondered whether dates were supposed to be this embarrassing.


The suave blond haired captain turned to the supermodel first mate and said, "Baby, I don't know if we'll make it through this one."

The first mate threw back her mane of golden locks, and the camera took in her tattered clothes, artistically torn at all the right places. She wrapped her slim arms around her lover and said in a passionate voice, "But at least we'll always have each other. Even after death."

The captain responded by taking off his cap and reeled her into his chest by her amazingly thin waist. "Oh Kirsten, what would I ever do without you?"

"Nothing, baby, absolutely nothing." And they both drowned themselves in a deep, loving kiss.

Watching the screen, very unimpressed, Goku started rating this to be the worst movie that she had ever seen in her life. Not only was the whole entire thing so full of cheese, her nickname for all cheesy drama, it was mildly disconcerting that Kirsten had almost exactly the same position that she did. She could have easily been the one kissing Captain Mitchell instead of the supermodel actress. Man, she couldn't bear the thought of it. Her eyes trailed to the ouji beside her... {Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it was Vegeta instead.} In fact the thought did seem kind of appealing.

Suddenly she blushed at her thoughts. Kissing a guy?! Somewhere in there, there was some ningen upbringing that told her that such an action was supposed to be so undeniably wrong. It didn't really seem all that... wrong though.

Then Goku noticed that the captain and the first mate were still going at it onscreen. She muttered irritably, "Good Kami, don't they ever-"

"Kakarotto, shut up," the ouji hissed, "this is actually getting better." His gaze never reverted away from the screen, completely captivated by the movie. Goku raised an eyebrow but smiled in response and leans her head on his shoulder to stay for the remainder of the movie.


Bardock and Bejita stared at the crystal ball, completely silent. The shadow of the Otherworld Palace had grown in length right over their unmoving bodies, before they even brought their eyes away from the ou's ball.

Finally, Bardock turned to Bejita and stated in a flat tone, "Beets, your son... has the worst taste in movies that I've ever seen."


Much later that night...

Mirthful laughter filled the empty fluorescent lit pizza parlor. Goku put a hand over her mouth in an attempt to keep her pizza in her mouth. She quickly swallowed and said, "I can't believe that's how you got so scared of squiggly things!"

"I don't see how it's so funny," the ouji muttered indignantly.

The younger saiyajin held in her giggles and said, "I'm sorry. You must've been so traumatized." Vegeta looked at her through lidded, unimpressed eyes. Suddenly Goku burst into laughter and nearly fell out of the booth seat.

Crossing his arms, the ouji demanded, "Well then why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

Goku asked disbelievingly, "You just want me to tell you my entire life's story?"

"Well can't you?"

The younger saiyajin shook her head, smiling, "Nope. I'm no good at that. I, uh... tend to lose my place... We could just ask each other question. That's what you did with Bulma, right?"

The sudden reference back to his 'wife' set the ouji into a perturbed mode and he said quietly, "We didn't exactly get to that part. You could say we skipped it."

Sensing Vegeta's unease, Goku tried to steer the conversation away from the subject of his spouse and said cheerfully, "Well that's one new thing I learned already! So what's your most embarrassing moment?"

Vegeta smirked, "You tell me first."

"No way! I asked you first!"

"I'm not telling until you do," said the ouji playfully.

Goku laughed, "Okay, you win." She looked up in thought and said, "My most embarrassing moment... It had to be when I was a little kid..."

And so the conversation continued just like it had, and nothing more was said about either of their wives. Vegeta leaned his head on his hand, soaking in every word, finding the conversation to be much more entertaining than the movie. Not that he was actually listening to everything. After all stories about flying clouds and man eating dinosaurs and taking baths with Bulma wasn't the most interesting thing in the world...

Okay, so he wasn't paying attention to the words. He just admired the way she said the words with such animation and her youthful exuberance excited him, enthralled him even. He had never been so open with many people before. And he couldn't remember the last time his talks with Bulma were this enjoyable to watch... Except for that one time that she nearly broke her hip when she fell down some stairs while yelling at him.

Anyone who decided to look in that lonely pizza parlor and saw the two saiyajin chatting away would never guess that they were rivals.

Goku finished up the last of the pizza and asked, "So, Geta, ready to go?" The ouji nodded and waved over the night shift waiter to give them the bill, then he turned to his date and asked, "You'll be teleporting us right?"

Looking outside, the younger saiyajin shook her head, "Nah, I want to walk. It's a nice night."

"But it's all the way across town..." Vegeta voiced in complaint, more in fear of other males being able to catch sight of HIS girl, rather than being too tired to walk.

Goku grabbed his arm and grinned, "So we better get going!" Surprised at her rush, Vegeta just slapped down a random bunch of bills that might or might not cover the pizza and allowed the younger saiyajin to drag him out into the crisp, cold night.

The tired waiter came back with the bill and noticed the bank notes on the table. Slowly counting them up, he nearly had a cardiac arrest. The weird troll guy just left $1,750! And the 25 pizzas were only $250! The waiter said weakly, "Oh man, what a tip."

Suddenly a cook poked his head out of the greasy kitchen and asked, "Hey, Charlie. Did those guys have enough?"

Charlie stuffed the extra bills into his back pants pocket and answered, "They had just enough!"


The half moon that night casted a strange bluish glow over the park as the two saiyajin walked together along the white pebbled path, both keeping their hands well covered in their pockets. Goku looked at the ouji right beside her, watching how the moonlight played upon his face as they walked in and out of the trees' shadows, defining his features. His strong chin, supple cheeks, his moon tinted satin skin, and those beautiful endless orbs that are called his eyes. Kami, how she wishes she could just...

Vegeta suddenly looked at her and Goku quickly turned away, blushing at her own thoughts. Why in the world is she thinking about him... like that anyway. All she really thought about him before were whether he wanted to spar or not, whether he was alright or not. Pretty much the same thing she had thought about all her friends. But none of them looked as delicious as the ouji did to her now.

Visions of chocolate laced her mind again. More specifically the crème filled dark chocolate ones. She blinked, {Did I just compare him to chocolate again?! I guess the pizzas didn't do the trick. Maybe that's why I feel so weird... So I want to eat Vegeta?!} 'Yeah, and consume him. Maybe start with those luscious lips of his and work down his corded neck to his chest and...' Goku shivered, {What a mental image. I TOLD Geta anchovies was a bad idea.}

The ouji noticed her body tremble and asked, "Are you cold?"

Goku blinked, "Huh?"

Vegeta took off his jacket and draped it across his shoulders, "There you go."

The younger saiyajin smiled, "Thanks," even though her eyebrows slightly quirked up into a confused frown. Even more to her surprise, Vegeta awkwardly wrapped his arm around her, pulling her right up against his muscled chest. Goku mentally moaned, {Oh man, more chocolate thoughts,} as a whole barrage of disturbing ideas came to her mind. Trying to distract herself, Goku asked curiously, "So, is this what dates are like?"

Vegeta shrugged, "They're all different. But the feeling and what comes after is always the same."

Slowing to a near stop, Goku turned her whole attention to the ouji. "Feelings?" she said quietly. "You mean feeling like I want to..."

A spark of anticipation welled up in the ouji's heart. Her held her gaze closer and went nearly nose to nose to her. "Like you want to what?" Goku could feel his warm breath on her skin, sending pleasant chills all over her body. Vegeta slightly parted his lips, looking at her with such longing eyes. Eyes that she wanted to drown herself in. Her mind instantly went on autopilot and leaned in closer and their lips barely brush when suddenly...

"FATHER! KAYKA! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS?!" The two saiyajin nearly jumped out of their skins when a familiar voice came crying out of the park. They looked up and see Mirai floating above them. Goku quickly backed away from the ouji, while Vegeta inwardly cursed his future son over and over again in his mind with every single blaspheme known in the galaxy. The teenager landed on the pebbled path and walked up to the couple, "What happened to you two? You just left without any notice!"

Vegeta growled, "I am PERFECTLY capable of taking care of me and Kayka!" He couldn't believe this was happening to him! He almost kissed her! He could even feel her lips!

Mirai muttered, "Well, you still could have left a note or something. I was worried."

"Oh really? That's nice of you, Mirai," said Goku quietly. The whole episode that Mirai had interrupted had set her in a hushed mood. She felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Or else she just didn't know what to think. Was that an accident?

Smiling, Mirai laughed, "Well I can't let my mom's cousin go missing." He asked, "How about I fly you home? It's really cold out."

Sending an uncomfortable look towards the ouji, Goku answered, "Um... okay, Mirai." The teenager picked up the saiyajin into his arms and started flying towards Capsule Corps.

Vegeta yelled, "MIRAI! WHAT ABOUT ME?!"

Mirai turned and frowned, "Well you can fly, can't you?" The ouji clenched his fists until the knuckles were chalk white and blasted into the dark sky after them, a furious possessive rage threatening to make him strangle his own future son. Especially when seeing the protective hold that Mirai had on Kayka...
