Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Ransacked with a twist ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Vegeta paced his room like a tiger, rage and paranoia wearing him thin. He had no idea what he was supposed to do about this latest obstacle in his plan.

Mirai Torunksu Briefs was quickly becoming his most hated enemy.

The most annoying thing was that he couldn't tell if Mirai was actually 'interested' in Goku like the way he was. Vegeta chucked the idea. He wouldn't think such a thing about his mother's cousin... Unless he was thinking incest...

The ouji paled as he thought about this and checked Goku's ki again. It was still in the kitchen. He humphed. Typical. Suddenly his alarm grew when he realized that Mirai was still down there with her. He checked his clock. 3:03 a.m. They were down there for nearly half an hour since they arrived back at Capsule Corps!

He felt himself begin to slightly tremble and hysterical panic was threatening to take over his calm composure and send him down there screaming at his son in fits. Taking a deep breath, Vegeta calmed himself down, giving himself several logical reasons why they would still be down there. It was only natural that Mirai would want to get to know Goku better, after all she was a 'family member'.

Then he realized that the two ki's were heading to Mirai's bedroom.

Vegeta's panic multiplied hundredfold, and his pacing became frantic, each step sounding like thunder. He kept telling himself that they weren't BOTH going to Mirai's room. They COULDN'T. But his anxiety heightened when they came up close to Goku's guest room.

AND they pass it.

Now the real alarms started going off in Vegeta's head. He hopped onto his bed and started rocking himself back and forth. He had to stop this. He had to. But how the hell was he going to do that without screwing up his whole plan to catch Kayka?!

They were in Mirai's room now.

Vegeta would start biting his nails now if he didn't have his gloves on. What was he going to do?! All he knew was that something had to be done! But with such a situation so many things could go so wrong!

Mirai might love Goku and Goku might love him back and then they'd get married together! Or Mirai might love Goku and Goku wouldn't and then she'd be paranoid about any boy trying to woo her, including Vegeta himself! Or maybe Mirai might not love Goku, but Goku could get the wrong idea and fall for him- And thinking like this was giving Vegeta a really bad migraine.

Suddenly their ki's started flaring up erratically. Stopping his mindless babble, the ouji stared at the direction of the jagged flows of ki, several possible causes spilling into his mind.

Vegeta's anxiety was quickly set aside as an unfathomable rage slowly boiled to the surface. {How dare he...} He was in front of Mirai's door, not realizing how he got there, and for the most part not caring. Carefully he put his ear to the door so as to not signal his presence.

There were moans and groans coming from inside.

All the color left Vegeta's face, along with all rational thought. He stood up and calmly surveyed the door, however his aura is saturated with his potent jealousy and sickly rage, boiling in contempt at the individual beyond the door.

Without any forethought, he kicked down the door, his arrival accented by two equal shrieks of surprise.


Bardock covered his ears as several angels started shrieking in his ear about his damned house. He hushed them with a glare and then said, "Okay, one at a time. What the HELL are you talking about?!"

All at once the flitty angels started babbling incessantly again.

The saiyajin angel yelled, "SHUT UP!" and they quieted down... again and he subjected to glowering at the variety of angels in front of his home.

Apparently this certain group angels were a result of some passersby who had seen that the door to his two story had been open for some odd reason and they were a bit too curious for their own good, peeking inside. And now they were congregated in front of his house, looking at him in a most accusing manner.

Bardock's eyes narrowed and he pushed through the congregation to his jarred door. The angels watched him warily as he entered. The sole saiyajin angel rolled his eyes and went into his home.

Everyone in the Otherworld knew of Bardock's getaway in heaven. Mostly because he was so secret about it. No one really knew what happened inside there, seeing as he never entertained at his home nor even once invited anyone in. He was the only one aware of what it actually looked like and he was too protective about it to let anyone go in.

The truth was over the years, he had managed to collect all sorts of artifacts that came from all sorts of different cultures spanning the entire galaxy. He may be a saiyajin, but he was a cultured one. His home was also the only place in all of Otherworld that actually reminded him of Bejito-sei, with a red ceiling reminiscent of the atmosphere of his home planet, and all over his home were many lush plants native to the planet. He also had his favorite room, the black room. A small little room about the closet that was completely black. No lights, no sound. It was perfect for meditation and he went into it nearly every time that he had to go to the pristine, stark white monument known as Angel Headquarters.

Bardock didn't like this one bit. Their curiosity got the better of them and now everyone was going to know about his little getaway. Most angels were some of the biggest gossipers that he'd ever seen, which was probably how he got such a reputation for being an evil angel so quickly. He sighed. Well they just peeked. He was confidant nothing else happened to his little abode. No one would DARE touch his hideout. Not even the infamous Angel Health Inspection Control would come near his place.

Only until Bardock stepped into his home did he find out how wrong he was.

His entire living room was ransacked. All of his prized artifacts were missing and the words 'I did it' were painted all over every walls in white paint. The fiend was even dastardly enough to burn all the plants in what looked like the remains of a bonfire in the middle of his living room floor. And the sky like ceiling he had worked so hard on was also victimized to the painted trio of words.

Bardock barely let out even a small utterance of shock before he rushed off to find his precious little black room. Kicking open the door, he realized to his horror that his sacred enclosure had been desecrated as well. Apparently all his artifacts had been collected up into this room and were all spray painted a crimson red. They were arranged around a small make shift shrine containing satanic symbols, red candles, and other "dirty" objects. Even a red fluorescent light was set up in the room to shine upon the little memorial.

Shock and hatred overwhelmed his body, until he started to shake in denial that this was actually his home that was devastated. His mind quickly went through all the possible culprits for such a heinous act. Then he suddenly figured it out... He screamed up at the ceiling in absolute hatred.



They were playing twister...

Vegeta stared at Mirai and Goku in shock, who just reflected the look right back at him. Mirai asked weakly, "Father? Did you really have to kick down the door?"

The ouji said in partial shock, "B-but weren't you... I thought that you were..."

Goku gave up on her current mutilated position and sat right down on the plastic sheet covering most of Mirai's bedroom floor. "Geta? Are you alright? You look really pale."

Ideas quickly spinning through the ouji's mind, he decided to take charge of the opportunity. He put a hand to his head and moaned, "No. No, I don't feel well at all. Why don't you help me over to bed?"

The younger saiyajin was up on her feet at once and went over by the ouji's side. "Oh Vegeta, you poor thing. You'll be okay."

Mirai protested at once, "But Dad! You kicked down the door!"

Vegeta just shrugged, "I guess it just zapped away the last of my strength." He suddenly gave a small shriek as Goku picked him up off the ground and into her arms. "Kak- Kayka! What the heck are you doing?!"

Goku smiled, "I'm going to carry you to bed." She was oblivious to the stunned expression Mirai was giving her right then.

The ouji yelled in complaint, "You can't do that!"

"But Mirai carried me in his arms," the younger saiyajin replied.


Suddenly Mirai interjected, "Wow, Kayka. You're really strong."

Goku grinned, "Oh yeah. I train a lot."

The young teenager looked at her in surprise. "Oh! You're a fighter. Wow, I never thought anybody on my mom's side were anything but brainiacs."

"Yeah... Well I'm not really blood related. I'm sort of adopted," she weakly admitted.

That latest fact piqued Mirai's interest and Vegeta gave the saiyajin an alarmed look. He did not like the way that Mirai was looking at his prize now. It was a little too scrutinizing. Now Vegeta had even more cause to think that Mirai would be even bigger of a menace. The ouji said quickly, "Well, Kak- Kayka, why don't you bring me to my bedroom?"

Goku said quickly, "Oh right!" She turned away from Mirai and said, "G'night Mirai. This was fun, we should do it later." Without a word the teenager just nodded and turned away. Goku just went ahead and left carrying Vegeta from where he just came from.

Vegeta couldn't help but blush. Goku was treating him like a damned onna! Which is what she was right then. His mind drifted back to the missed kiss and he said quietly, "Kakarotto... About before..."

The younger saiyajin said in interest, "What are you talking about?"

It just even more awkward for the ouji. She couldn't possibly be denying it! He pressed her further, "I'm talking about the *ahem* kiss. Or what was almost one."

Completely unfazed, Goku responded, "Oh that," as if it were nothing. Vegeta gawked at her. She suddenly smiled and said, "I understand. You aren't feeling well. You didn't know what you were doing." She sighed, "I'm sorry I was taking advantage. I wasn't really in my right mind either. But I told you before that sardines make me feel funky. Not that I'm trying to pin the blame on you or anything."

The ouji just dropped his jaw in shock and he protested, "B-but I wasn't-"

Goku put a finger to his lips and shushed him, "Shhh. Don't worry about it. Let's just forget about it, okay? No harm done."

Vegeta just stared at her, before his shoulders slumped in defeat and he let himself be carried through the dark corridors towards his bedroom.
