Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Trials, Old Foagies and Booboos ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for being so supportive of my story! I really hadn't imagined I'd be getting this many reviews. Anyway, I would just like to announce that my sister, screen named Crepian (which she stole from me), has now joined the FF.net community! Yeah, so I'm advertising for her now. Anyway, if you like depressing/angsty, shounen-ai with Vegeta and Goku then read her first fic! It's called Return of the Forgotten. And by the way, she definitely doesn't write humor. But she's so nervous about it, you should see her! It's very entertaining. Since that's over with, enjoy the fic!


The Angel Counsel watched the defendant being walked in with narrow scrutinizing eyes. Yes, they figured that he was bound to show up sooner or later. It was only a matter of time before the dark angel committed a sin.

Bardock was escorted into the golden room by two very nervous looking guards. Good, they should be. He could wipe them out in a second and they know it. At least he could get respect in that sense. Usually the prisoners were treated like vermin.

The audience in the room seemed very nervous as well. Either that or they gave him very annoying glares. And some even looks of satisfaction at seeing him about to be punished. The saiyajin spotted Qu'pac in the crowd, who had a very smug little look on his face and gave Bardock a thumbs up. Bardock just stared at him incredulously and would've smacked himself in the forehead if his hands weren't tied up behind his back.

Bardock was here to be judged before the Angel Counsel for the crime of using unauthorized spells to curse a person of the living. This was a preliminary hearing to see if there was sufficient enough evidence to actually hold a trial.

To the saiyajin, it seemed like they jumped on the chance to point something at him. The evidence in his house, if you could really call it proper evidence, was very vague and didn't incriminate anything specific. That didn't matter that much, but the worst part of the whole thing was that Willith was the first investigator there. Bardock didn't even know he was an investigator! The stupid angel had titles and positions coming out of his ears!

Speaking of Willith, there he was, standing in front of the Angel Counsel. Obviously the one to prosecute him. Bardock sighed, {This is going to suck.} Then he noticed that Willith was on the wrong side of the room. He was on the defendant's side. Wait a sec! What does that mean?! Said blond angel smirked, when he sensed Bardock's confusion.

Bardock glared at him hatefully as he was forced/encouraged to stand next to him.

The eldest angel stood up and said, "Sequeta Willith, you may start your statement."

The blond angel bowed slightly and said, "Thank you, your honors." He walked out to the platform in front of the counsel and keeping his chin up high and started out very formally, "Ladies, gentlemen and everything in between, of the Head Counsel. I come here today to testify for Chuui Barudokko's innocence in the face of the charges of using unauthorized spells on a person from the mortal realm." Willith brought out a hand towards Bardock and grated out, "This angel here is one of the most prized specimens that the Angel Headquarters had ever chosen. However, he is also the most atrocious angel that we've ever seen." Several angels nodded in agreement. Bardock had half a mind to bite off Willith's hand.

However, Willith continued, strolling off the platform and turning towards the audience in a dramatic display of acting, "But I fear that we have been too quick to judge our fellow angel. His reputation, although indisputable at times, can also be other angels' scapegoat." There are collective cries out protest coming from the group.

The eldest angel demanded, "Are you suggesting that one of our good standing angels is framing Bardock?!"

The blond angel replied coolly, "Well if you can accuse Bardock of a crime, I can very well accuse someone else."

A different counsel angel spoke up, "Willith, we are here to see if Bardock can stand trial not create a new one!"

"Quite right, Madame, quite right." Willith turned to the file of the case and opened it up, "But I was just pointing out that the only evidence, incriminating him of such a crime was the interior of his home. Cannot an angel decorate his own home without being subjected to the judgment and accusations of the Angel Counsel? In fact, there is wonder whether Bardock actually did that to his own home, because apparently, the neighbors discovered it while he was out, with the door ajar. If he really was the one who cursed the mortal, then why would he be so careless as to leave the door open to the only evidence that can prosecute him? And why would he even do that to his own home in the first place? Angels of the counsel, this shows that Bardock cannot be tried on such meager evidence, and that he was even a victim in a crime."

Murmurs echoed throughout the room, with some assenting to Willith's opinion and others disagreeing. The eldest angel stepped up once again and asked, "You have won the case, Willith. But we cannot just let this go free. What do you suggest?"

Bardock muttered to himself, "And this is when I get screwed over."

The blond angel smirked and answered, "Well we certainly can't just let a potential suspect go free. So I think it would be wise to keep an eye on Bardock. I suggest putting him under my constant supervision would be the best idea."

The saiyajin hissed, "I knew it."

Ignoring him, the Angel Counsel debated among themselves and then turned back to Willith, "We think that is a sound suggestion. Bardock will be placed in your home tomorrow morning and you will be responsible for him. No matter what he does. Understood?"

Willith bowed, "I understand completely. I won't let anything he does go without my knowing it."

The eldest angel nodded, "Good then. Expect him tomorrow. This case is adjourned." The gold cuffs on Bardock's wrists disappeared and the crowd started to disperse from the room, muttering about how annoying it was that there wasn't going to be a trial. Only Qu'pac remained, looking very pale under his brown fur. He gave an apologetic look to his saiyajin friend, who just strode right past him in a fury.

Qu'pac moaned, "Good Kami, what have I done?"

A young voice coming from the direction of Earth answered him, "Ya screwed him over, that's what."


Vegeta glared inside the glass café window. They were laughing now. It looked like Mirai just told a joke. Most likely a bad one from the experiences Vegeta had with them. The ouji scowled darkly, {Stupid Kakarot can't tell a bad joke from a good one.}

Pedestrians outside the café along the sidewalk were staring at him, while walking by. Why in the world would this short little person be staring into the restaurant like that?

The ouji really didn't give a damn about them though. He woke up late this morning and found out that his alarm clock "mysteriously" went missing. Goku and Mirai were also absent as well. After nearly an hour of searching, he found them at Bulma's favorite café. For some reason or another, although Vegeta suspected what it was, they were concealing their ki, despite none of the civilians could actually sense ki in the first place.

The air around Vegeta sizzled as he watched Mirai taking a hold of Goku's hand, looking at her with a fond expression. Several people around him decided it would be in their best interest to stay FAR away from him.

Suddenly, someone poked Vegeta on the shoulder and the ouji quickly turned to the offender, "What do you want?!" He paled once he realized who it was.

A plump, short old woman with squinty eyes and really thick glasses. She smiled good naturedly and said, "Oh, you're that little boy from the department store! You poor thing. You must be hungry right? Where are your parents?" She squinted around the street and said, "Oh well, I suppose they wouldn't mind if I got you a bite to eat, isn't that right? A little boy like you needs food to grow!" She pinched his cheeks affectionately, and Vegeta visibly cringed.

He pulled her hand away, nearly shrieking, "Don't touch me, you old crone! I don't want you to buy me anything!" Vegeta couldn't stand really old people. He had a phobia of them, afraid that if he went anywhere near them they would fall to pieces and die in front of him or spread disgusting old people diseases to him.

The old woman smiled and grabbed his arm, pulling him inside, "Oh nonsense. Just let Auntie Mae take care of you." Vegeta couldn't think of any way to pull her off without breaking any of her bones. The old crone was going to fall apart any minute now! He had no choice but to be dragged inside.

At once he found himself in front of the patisserie, being encouraged to choose from many of the pastries that the café specialized in. Vegeta nervously glanced behind him at Mirai and Goku only a couple tables away. If they just turned a little they could see him, but they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice him. He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. He quickly pointed at some random cake and said, "I'll take that."

Auntie Mae looked from the rum cakes back at him curiously, "Are you sure dearie? That may be a little too rich for your taste. Wouldn't you like some carrot cake instead?"

Vegeta muttered, "Whatever, I don't care. Just hurry it up."

The old woman grinned, "My, my, hungry now, aren't we?" She pointed at the carrot cake and a baker took it, wrapped it up and brought it to the cash register.

"That'll be 14 dollars please."

Auntie Mae sighed, "My, so expensive. I hope you don't mind if I pay in pennies." She took out a humungous coin purse, filled to the brim with pennies.

The store clerk stared at her in horror, "N-not at all, Madame."

Vegeta reflected his expression, {Kami! I'm going to be here forever!} He whipped out his wallet and took out his favorite plastic payment, "I'll pay for it!"

"Oh no dear, you can't use your parents' credit card," Auntie Mae said in dismay. "You need to have your guardian with you!"

Taking the card, the store clerk said, "It's quite alright, Madame! We can make an exception once!" He was just as eager to look for an alternative from penny paying as Vegeta was.

The old woman smiled, "Well aren't you sweet! Thank you!" The clerk only nodded and gave her the cake along with the receipt and the card. Handing the carrot cake to Vegeta, Auntie Mae said, "Here you go dearie. It was so nice to see you again."

The ouji said quickly, "Yeah, you too. Bye." He hurried towards the exit as fast as he could... Only to trip on a random banana peel on the floor. The carrot cake slipped up from his hands and he fell onto the floor, only to have the cake land on his head.

Everyone's attention in the room was diverted to the source of the loud CRASH and looked on in concern. Goku was the first one to check out the scene. She surveyed the mess and yelped, "Holy cripes! Vegeta! What are you doing in here? Are you okay?" Mirai came over as well and just stared at the scene.

Auntie Mae rushed over apologizing profusively, "Oh I'm sorry! I shouldn't have brought him in here! I didn't know he was such a klutz! But the poor dear, he was watching from outside."

Mirai yelped, "You were watching us?!"

Before Vegeta could say anything, Auntie Mae nodded, "He looked ever so hungry. I just felt sorry for him." The ouji burned red with embarrassment. Auntie Mae pinched his cheeks once again and said, "Well I suppose I can leave you with your parents now. I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, but I do have an appointment for the doctor you know. Mustn't keep those important men waiting. Good bye honey dear. Keep out of trouble now." She turned to Mirai and Goku, "You have such a fine son. You should be very proud."

Goku stared, stunned, "Uh... Thank you..." Auntie Mae shook her hand and scurried out the door with a wave. The rest of the customers turned back to their own lives, not finding anything more interesting about the situation. Goku quickly brought a napkin and started cleaning Vegeta up, "Jeez, Geta, you sure made a big mess." She grinned and pinched Vegeta's cheeks, "But you look so kawaii! Even that old lady thinks so!"

Vegeta scowled and sat up, "I can't believe that she thought you two were my parents! You're both younger than I am!"

The teenager beside Goku, grinned, "Well I guess that she thought Kayka and I were a good couple, huh?"

The ouji snorted, "You wish."

The younger saiyajin looked up at Mirai and said, "How about we get Geta some carrot cake with us?"

"But this is- I thought it would be just the two of us!-" Mirai protested.

Goku pouted, "Oh Mirai, your father was just in an accident AND lost his food! Couldn't you be a little flexible?"

Mirai rolled his eyes, "Oh fine." Vegeta grinned with a very smug look on his face.

"Cool!" Goku pulled Vegeta to his feet and said, "I'll go with you and get some more cake for you!" She turned to Mirai and said, "Get another chair, will you?" The teenager merely grumbled, but obeyed. The younger saiyajin looked back at Vegeta and hugged his arm, "Are you sure, you're okay?"

Faking it, Vegeta winced, "Ah, I think that I hurt my nose in the fall."

Goku said in a baby voice, "Aww, you want to have the boo-boo kissed?"

The ouji grinned and said in a sing song voice, "Yes, I wo-ould..."

"Okay, maybe I can get that nice old lady to it for you." Vegeta promptly fell over anime style.
