Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ The Contest of Dots ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.



B&B: *flatly* Whoo-hoo.

Miyanon: *pouts* You guys are mean.

Bardock: Well to be perfectly frank I don't like the way you left us off in the last chapter.

Bejita: Especially me!

Miyanon: Aw come on! It wasn't THAT bad!

Bejita: *sighs* True, true. You could've shown Dockers and me kissing.

Miyanon: *eyes widen as a revelation comes on*

Bardock: *looks on in fear and panic* I know that look. EVIL COMES FROM THAT LOOK!

Miyanon: *gives Bejita a hug* Oh thank you Bee-chan! You're such a genius! Well, I have a chapter to write! *runs off*

Bejita: *looks back to see Dockers giving him the evil eye* Eh-hehehe. Oh boy.

Bardock: That's it! Out of principle I refuse to introduce this story!

Bejita: .......

Bardock: .........

Bejita: Really?

Bardock: Really.

Bejita: Well...then what? You want to entertain these people the whole time? I don't think you'd be much of a show since it's been...wait how long has it been since an update?

Bardock: *scratches head* It's been so long I can't remember.

Miyanon: *yells from offscreen* YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN!

Bardock: *determined* Well it doesn't matter! I still refuse to start this story!

Bejita: Well I can't! My evilness doesn't really allow it.

Bardock: .................

Bejita: ..................................

Bardock: ...................................................

Eddy: *comes out of nowhere* And welcome to the next chapter of Onnafied! *goes back to nowhere*

Bardock: *sputters* What in the- Who the heck was that?!

Bejita: *thinks* I think it was the demon child from Split Ends.

Bardock: Oh.


Vegeta stormed out of the living room, looking absolutely livid. His anger was so great, plants wilted from the aura he projected as he passed by them. Mirai, who was passing by, wisely decided to make himself part of the wall until his father had gone by.

The teenager gave a sigh of relief that his father hadn't paid any attention to him. Even after he declared the day before that he didn't love Kayka the way his father did, Vegeta was still giving him some very suspicious glances. {It's completely unjustified!} he thought indignantly. {...Well, okay. Maybe some of my actions were questionable... And maybe even a little flirtatious... But damn! I've never seen him so passionate about anything besides fighting! Besides, I really don't want to get on his bad side today.}

Apparently Vegeta and Kayka were having a lover's tiff. Well, it wasn't really his business... But he desperately wanted to know what the heck was going on between the two.

Suddenly, Bulma turned the corner, happily humming to herself as she jotted down ideas on a small notepad. When she passed by Mirai she gave a cheerful, "Morning Trunks! Nice day, isn't it?"

Mirai blinked, "Err...yeah..." ...Bulma never hums. And she sure as hell wasn't a morning person either. "Weird," he muttered when she went on her way.

Then he turned his attention to the angry woman in the living room.

Oh hell, he knew this wasn't right. It seemed right that they be together. He took a deep breath and stepped in through the open archway.


In the shadow of Enma's palace, Bejita sat by his trusty crystal ball, stroking his goatee while watching the events on Chikyuu-sei carefully. "How ironic," he mumbled to himself, "that the very person who threatened to tear them apart was trying to get them back together. Don't you think so, Dockers?" He looked back to see that the angel wasn't there, "Dockers?"

Then he spotted the dark angel sitting on the huge cloud's edge, shivering as he held his legs up against his chest in a defensive position. Bejita's eyes slightly widened, "Uh...Bardock? Are you alright?"

The angel twitched, and turned his head to glare at the ou with glowing red eyes. Bejita sweatdropped, "Those are the most evil eyes I have ever seen in my life...'sides my own. Now what did I do to deserve them?"

"What do you THINK Bejita-Ou-sama?" Bardock sneered, though the glowing crimson faded. Yet Bejita winced at the extremely formal title, which was used only when his friend was extremely pissed off.

"...You're not still mad about the-"

"The kiss? Yes." Another evil eye. "Yes, I'm still mad about it. But that's not what I'm really upset about."

Bejita frowned in confusion, "What then?"

"YOU MADE ME DO IT!!!" he suddenly screamed; loud enough that it made heads turn over in the deep interior of the palace.

"Oh come on!" Bejita protested with a hint whining. "We were both out of our tiny little minds! Me from the holy water and you from the Ran-" A rough hand suddenly slapped against his mouth before he could say it. Bardock's eyes were also starting to look dangerously red again.

"Don't say it. Don't you dare say it." His voice hissed in clear anger, but the desperate tone in it freaked the ou out to no end.

"Okay! Calm down!" The ou said a bit too quickly. When the angel didn't move, Bejita yelled out, "PLEASE!" Bardock took a shuddering breath and stepped back. Bejita shook his head as he felt the tension move away. "Damn, Dockers. You need some serious therapy."

A glare was his only reply. Bejita sighed and decided to switch the view of the crystal ball to his son. He gave a derisive snort when he realized what his son was doing. "Oh that little- He doesn't have a clue how to treat a soulmate!"

Slowly he could feel a sinister aura coming from the angel behind him. He was almost afraid to turn around and see the wicked smile on Bardock's face. "You know, I could teach him a lesson for ya."

But before Bejita could say 'Hell no!' the angel was already gone.


"There's a fine line between determination and stubbornness you know." Mirai sighed. He'd been trying absolutely everything to at least get her to TALK! She barely even acknowledged him.

Goku still stayed silent, arms folded over her chest.

The teenager felt like banging his head against the table several times. His hands twitched, but he took a calming breath and asked, "Are you always this cold?"

The girl merely twitched.

Mirai frowned, {Geez, she's just like Dad like this.} Finally getting really serious, he scooted over next to her and said in a quiet tone, "He cares a lot about you, you know..."

At that, Goku's eyes couldn't help but soften just slightly. Mirai mentally cheered. While it wasn't much it was better than he did for the past hour. He decided to push a bit more, "And...and I'm sure... he would never mean to hurt you." At last, the scowl left Goku's face and her body became less uptight. "You know what I mean right?" the teenager ventured.

"Yeah," she said softly, "he's the best friend anyone could ask for."

Mirai sweatdropped, {Friend? Only? Man, I feel sorry for Dad.}

"But things are just very complicated right now, y'know. I'm angry at a lot of things. I guess maybe, I might have been using Geta as a scapegoat."

"Well it helps to talk about it," Mirai said supportively, giving her a friendly smile.

However, Goku flushed considerably, "Er...I don't think you'd understand."

The teenager gave a small chuckle, "Oh PLEASE. After my timeline there's nothing I can't handle."

Goku's fingers fumbled together at her uneasiness and she said, "Well alright. But you asked for it."

A couple minutes later...


Goku tried in vain to quiet down the hysterical teenager. "Come on, Mirai! It's not that big a deal!"

"Not big a deal?! NOT BIG A DEAL?!" Mirai looked like he was about to have a panic attack. "YOU'RE GOKU! YOU'RE A GIRL! IT MAKES NO SENSE!" Then he said, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS ATTRACTED TO YOU!!"

Goku's eyes widened and her face went beet red. "Err..."

Mirai also blushed. "...I didn't say that out loud did I?"

"Yes, you did."

"Oh. Sorry."

Goku sighed, "Just please don't tell anyone about this. I don't want them to start hyperventilating and faint like you did."

Mirai frowned in confusion, "I fainted? When?"

"Right before you became conscious and started having another panic attack."

Again. "Oh." But then the teenager shook his head clear from the shock, only to nod it vigorously in assent. "Don't worry, Goku! Believe me, I won't tell anyone! I swe-" Suddenly he stopped and thought back to his father. {Wait a sec! What about Dad?! What would he do if he found out he's fallen in love with his worst enemy?!}

The saiyajin girl frowned with concern when Mirai just froze in place. "Uh...Mirai? You okay?"

Mirai came out of it with a start and said, "Huh? What? I'm perfectly fine!"

"...You're still not going to tell anyone right?" The teenager stiffened and hesitated to say anything. "Mirai?" Goku said again, this time bringing out her Puppy Pout of Doom. Mirai immediately wavered under the look of it. He had no other choice.

The Puppy Pout of Doom was unknowingly to her, Goku's ultimate secret weapon. If Goku had used it against their old enemies, Frieza and Cell would have both just caved in just so Goku would 'just stop looking at them like that.' It didn't help Mirai much that Goku was a girl now.

"Alright! Alright!" Mirai said a bit too quickly for his own liking. "I swear I won't tell anyone! Just don't look at me like that! And it doesn't mean I'm happy about it either."

Goku took away the pout and broke into all smiles, "Thanks Mirai."

Sighing, the teenager said, "Well, at least I know why you act so strange." After a glare, Mirai amended quickly, "For a girl! I mean for a girl!" He laughed nervously, until the two of them slipped into an awkward silence.

"So..." Mirai began, "are those breasts actually real?" He instantly got a punch to the eye. He winced as he sat up and rubbed his already swelling eye. "Jeez! You're really touchy in this body aren't you?!"

A small snicker came from behind the ajar kitchen door, as Trunks watched and heard the goings-on. When he saw his future counterpart in a faint on the floor in the living room, he decided to stick around and hide until he found out what was so shocking. Turns out it was a pretty good idea. "I gotta tell everybody!" he whispered to himself before whisking himself away to find his mother and tell her he's going over to Goten's house.


Meanwhile, in the GR...

The walls of the steel chamber were tinted crimson as the gravity began to exceed the room's safe capacity. Its sole occupant didn't really give a damn though, as his fists tore through the heated tension in the air.

Vegeta burned as he thought of the utterly stupid situation he was put in and yet for the life of him he didn't know what to do about it. It only fueled his anger more and made him push himself to the extreme.

{BAKAYARO!!} he screamed out mentally following through with an uppercut and a low kick. {I didn't do a THING to her and she expects me to go down on my knees and beg her forgiveness?! How- how self-centered can a person get?!}

These were strange thoughts coming from him, but his frustration and the ever-increasing gravity was distorting his sense. It hurt to think that all his efforts and...love were wasted over what had to be such a trivial matter. It was ridiculous! Immature! He should have expected this from such a childish saiyajin!

It was too late when that he realized that the gravity was getting to be much higher than he'd ever felt before. He glanced back at the control panel and it was starting to go up to the 900s. He nearly choked when he saw it. But the- the maximum on this thing was 600 tops before it would blow itself up!

Curses! The gravity was getting to be so that it felt like his skin and flesh was being pulled off of his very bones. His body wasn't ever used to gravity this high before. His heart was throbbing in his chest as it worked double-time to pump blood throughout his body and to his brain.

It hurt like hell, no worse than hell. But at the same time his mind was going completely screwy from the lack of blood. This was what he needed, he thought as the only thing that was keeping him going was the venom in his veins. He needed this void, this inability to think, to forget this pointless stubbornness and this ever-present ache.

Even as he was thinking that, his thoughts bled from his mind before he could get a full grasp on them. He was feeling...lightheaded and this pull... He was already on his knees, fists curled on the red floor. It was- too much- He was down on his side, the force threatening to turn him into a messy smear on the steel floor.

Oh beautiful. What a way to end, went the unacknowledged thought. Though the pain was intense, like fire ants crawling just under his skin and biting him all over his body, this sweet oblivion he was in... It was just enough to...

Suddenly, the gravity returned back to normal, the shock terrible as his guts, flesh and blood literally threw themselves upwards in reaction. It was instantaneous, it hurt almost as bad as being crushed on the ground. He was extremely dizzy and disoriented, stars spinning around his head. The relief on his body was agonizing.

"SHIT!" he screamed aloud, balling his hands into fists though he didn't- couldn't move from the floor. "If you were going to rescue me, you could have done it gradually!"

He attempted to sit up and look at who opened the door behind him, but straining his muscles at all made something like liquid fire course through him and he fell back with a pained yowl.

It was then that he heard that low, familiar, terrifying chuckle. "Oh no..." he whispered as someone of a holy glow came nearer, the heavenly heat healing and freezing him simultaneously. By the time the avenging angel strode over to his prey, Vegeta was feeling perfectly fine; except for the pit of terror in his stomach that was keeping him completely immobilized.

Bardock leaned over his face, and a sadistic smirk came to his face. "Hello ouji."

"I didn't do anything this time," Vegeta choked out, "why are you here?"

"Exactly. It's something you didn't do," the dark angel said enigmatically. The smirk on his face grew. "Now," he ordered, "imagine kissing me."

The ouji's eyes bulged out of their sockets. "WHAT?!"

"Shut up and imagine it, ouji," Bardock growled threateningly. "Because if you DON'T make up with my daughter, then she WILL go back to being a man. And since you're both soulmates you'll be stuck with my clone instead of that heaven-blessed girl." This time Vegeta really did think about it. It terrified him.

The angel continued, "Believe me, I don't want you to 'hook up' with my daughter, but I'd much less have you with my son, who looks exactly like me. Not to mention your father who would be...severely disappointed if you don't get him those full-blooded grandkids."

Bardock's gaze grew more menacing by each word. "So unless you want two very ticked off Otherworldly beings after you for the rest of eternity; do what you should have done in the first place... Chuck that stupid pride aside and go apologize!!!"

Vegeta made a small, "But-"

As if on cue, the angel got really irritated. Demonic, yet heavenly powers went to work as his feathers puffed out as well as his tail and he was getting far, far taller than the ouji was. Not to mention his eyes were starting to go red. "BUT NOTHING!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING OR NOT!! DO YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN?! DO YOU?! LIKE I CARE ABOUT YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE PRIDE!! JUST GO DO IT!!"

The sudden mood swing after was almost as freaky as the Jekyll-Hyde change. Bardock just smiled cheerfully, back to his old self, "Have a nice day, oujisama." He disappeared right after with a hissing crack.

Vegeta was busy staring at the empty space, trembling like a leaf, when the angel popped back and planted a big wet one on the ouji's forehead before disappearing again.



When Bardock came back to Otherworld a second time, the demon ou gave him a disapproving glare. "You didn't have to traumatize him you know."

The avenging angel just smirked, "It was fun though."

Bejita just rolled his eyes, "I think you're still bitter about the Ran-"

Bardock slapped his hand over the ou's mouth again and twitched a little eccentrically. "I TOLD not to say it."

Bejita stayed silent for a while, watching his apparently very scarred friend. After an awkward ten minutes of silence, the ou put a stiff smile on his face and just as rigidly turned his attention back to the crystal, "How about we see how our kids are doing, huh?"

The angel continued to glare at him. Bejita just tried to ignore it.


Walking back into Capsule Corps, Vegeta tried in vain to stop following the angel's instruction: imagine kissing him. But he just couldn't get the image of kissing the male Goku out of his head! And it always ended in a horrific explosion of wings, halos, and massive amounts of pure electricity. The ouji shuddered involuntarily as the vision passed through his mind again. Gods, how he HATED that angel.

He made his way to the living room to see Mirai and Kakarot arguing over something or other. This didn't seem like a good ti- NO! He couldn't postpone this! Taking a deep breath, Vegeta ruthlessly shoved his pride away. When he came into the room, he made his presence clear with a loud cough. The two of them stopped their squabble instantly and watched in a stony silence as Vegeta sat down in the chair opposite the one they were in.

Strange, Mirai was looking very stressed for some reason. "Boy, I want to talk to Kayka," the ouji declared, expecting the teenager's immediate departure. But he didn't move. Mirai instead fidgeted a little, looking like he wanted to say something. But after a quick glance at Kakarot he merely excused himself and left. Very suspicious...

However, now wasn't the time to ask about it. "Kakarot," the ouji started, his face and expression solemn, almost grim. "I need to say something to you."

Kakarot, his rival, his love, looked over to him, giving him a small knowing smile.

And he choked.

{Oh damn!} Vegeta thought to himself. {This is going to be more difficult than I thought!} He gulped and stuttered nervously, "Kakarot, I-I..."


{It is too a confession! A confession of weakness! The ONLY reason why you're apologizing in the first place is because Bardock has you whipped!}

Goku frowned with concern, "Uh...Vegeta? Are you alright?"

The ouji snapped, "I'm fine! Perfectly fine." His nerves were wearing thin with frustration. The Gods knew they were in bad shape already from the heavenly visit earlier.

"Are you sure? You look constipated," the younger saiyajin pressed.


Goku's eyes just widened slightly, "You don't get this agitated often."

"Just let me speak, Kakarot!" The ouji felt ready to pull his hair out or restart the habit of banging his head against the wall. Hell yeah, a good ol' head banging sounded pretty good right now.

Then he realized that Goku had spoken. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to." She was quiet, almost...sad...

"No," Vegeta sighed in response, though he didn't specify if he agreed or if he didn't agree, which just made Goku a tad confused.

"I want to!" he said suddenly. Goku nearly jumped back in surprise at the forcefulness that just came out of the blue. "Not because of fear or stormclouds or lightning or any stupid angels!"

The younger saiyajin gave him a look of pure confusion. "Wha..."

"I want to do this!" Vegeta went down on one knee, right in front of Goku, who went crimson to the face.

"Vegeta! What are you-"

"Kayka..." he said quietly, taking a hold of her hands. "Kayka, I..." The ouji stopped again, as if he was choosing his wording to extreme perfection. Goku couldn't help but stare in wonder at the uncertainty in his eyes, the doubt, the love... Love?! Wait, no! It can't be! She's just imagining it! Yet she absently held her breath as she awaited his next word.

"Kayka, I..." he repeated, then stopped again, looking away as a blush came to his cheeks.

Goku mentally screamed at him to say the next word. {Just say it already! Are you TRYING to torture me?!} She instantly recoiled from the thought. {Torture? How can he? I'm not expecting anything. I'm just being stupid...again.}

She came out of her thoughts when she realized that Vegeta was speaking again. "I..." He was looking very vexed at that point, cold sweat pouring down his brow and he was starting to hyperventilate. Goku began to worry that he was going to have a heart attack. "Calm down," the ouji muttered to himself. "Calm DOWN."

Vegeta let out a quick breath and looked up at Goku with a final conviction in his eyes. "Kayka," he said firmly, expecting a reply.

"Yes?" was whispered as Goku tried to get a hold of herself and keep from thinking about what the ouji was going to do.

"I..." Goku leaned in, waiting... "I..." Then she felt that strange mixed feeling of strangling him and hugging him again. "I'm SORRY!" Good God what was she going to say when he did talk? Hey wait a minute! Goku stared at the anxious ouji, wondering if that really was all that he was going to say. Well, after a silent minute it seemed like it.

The only logical thing to do at the time seemed to be punching Vegeta in the face.

Which she did.

HOW COULD HE?! Why did he have to get her so worked up over such a stupid little thing?! Vegeta recovered quickly as if he was expecting the blow...which he probably was...

"Please calm down!" he said in something of a panic. "I don't know what the hell I did but I apologize for it anyway! I really don't want you to be mad at me, because I like you too much. And please, please, please don't turn back into a guy!" Vegeta said that last part a bit too quickly to be coherent.

It was then that Goku realized what she did. She cried out in horror and helped the ouji up to his feet. "Oh my God! Vegeta! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

Vegeta stared at her incredulously. "I'm very confused."

"So am I," Goku nodded in agreement.



"Why are YOU confused?" the ouji asked in annoyance.

Goku just shrugged, "This body's wonky. It has different hormones and stuff like that. In fact..." She stopped to look up in reflection, "I thought I heard you say you wanted me to stay a woman."

{I said that out loud?!} the ouji said in slight panic. "W-well what's wrong with that?" he ventured cautiously.

The younger saiyajin broke in delighted little peals. "Oh Geta! Don't be silly! Goten would be so confused if his daddy's a woman!"

Vegeta visibly slumped. "But- but what about the-" he started, but gave up after a look at Goku's clueless expression. "You know what? Just...just nevermind."

He paused his sulking when he saw a delicate hand extended in front of his face. He looked up to see his rival's sweet smiling face. "Friends again, Geta?"

Slowly, a smile came to the ouji's face as well, and he grasped the hand firmly. "Friends again, Kakarot."

{And soon to be mated...Kayka...}


Miyanon: And what's done is done! Man, lovers' tiffs are always difficult. Especially to resolve them. Even if you have complete and total control over your characters! Well it should be easier now since I have the next few bits planned!

Bardock: *silent*

Miyanon: You're not mad about the kiss thing are you?

Bardock: *silent*

Miyanon: ...I guess you are...

Bardock: ..................................

Bejita: ..................................

Miyanon: ..................................

Bardock: *cheers* Ha! I win!

Miyanon: No! I did! My dots were longer than yours!

Bejita: .................

Miyanon: Oh stop that! The contest's over!

Bejita: I didn't even know there was a contest.

Bardock: ...................................................

Miyanon: ..................................

Bardock: *cheers* I win again!

Miyanon: Dang it!