Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ The Dark Chapter ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.
Miyanon: I thought this day would never come! You guys have no idea what a funk I've been in ever since I've been in Thailand. Lots and lots of personal crap going on. But it's mostly over! So I've been able to concentrate on writing for once! I tried stuffing this chapter with a lot of stuff to help compensate. Some of the stuff is slightly dark though, just to warn you. ...Okay, this is a really dark chapter for this type of story. It makes it interesting though! ....Um... Without further ado! Ado? Chapter 24!
Miyanon: W-what? What are you two doing here?
Bejita: Honestly, you didn't think you were going to start this story without us having a word are you?
Bardock: Yeah, why exactly hire Goku and Vegeta to stall us? Is there something you don't want us to know?
Miyanon: -nervous chuckle- What? Really? You think so? Th-that's nonsense! -whispers- Those doofus'! They were supposed to keep them away for the whole chapter!
Bardock: -eyes narrow suspiciously- What was that?
Miyanon: Nothing!
Bejita: On with the story!
"So it was chibi Trunks and not mirai Trunks that told you guys, right?" Goku asked for clarification for the sixth time in a row.
The former monk sighed for the sixth time in a row and said, "Yes, Goku. I don't think that Mirai would break his promise to you that easily."
The woman warrior nodded resignedly, slipping back into the plush couch in between Piccolo on her right and Krillen on her left. "I suppose you're right. Maybe Trunks just overheard Mirai and me talking."
Piccolo made a small 'phf' as he thought of the prince's heir. "That boy is nothing but trouble. I still don't forgive you gor saddling me up with them to train while you went off and died again."
Huffing indignantly, Goku copied the nameck's angry posture. "Well, it's not Trunks' fault he's got bad genes! It's probably all Vegeta's fault, the- the stupidhead!!"
The last word sent a shock nothing short of an electric jolt through both of her companions and a look of confusion came to her face when they both physically flinched. "What's the matter with you guys?"
Kirllen's eyes trailed up to hers nervously. "Uh..Goku, you just him a...Stupidhead," he said with some hesitance. "The last time you called ANYONE a stupidhead was when you graduated driving school and your teacher ditched you at a really expensive restaurant with a huge dinner bill he was supposed to treat you with. You ended up going to jail and doing community service for five months! And that was with Bulma's attorney!"
Goku let out a weak chuckle as she recalled the incident, twisting her fingers nervously in front of her. 'Ah, yes- well...At least I don't have to do community service this time." The others' eyes went wide and they drew away from her as if she was a walking proximity mine.
"G-Goku?" Krillen's voice couldn't help but falter. "What happened this time?"
"Well, I ended up going to jail for assaulting a guy that I asked to show me how to flaunt myself," she said rather quickly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "But that's what Vegeta said I had to do," Goku added defensively at the incredulous looks on her friends' faces. "Only I didn't know what the heck flaunting was!
"Anyway, I ended up spending the day in jail until Tien of all people ended up bailing me out. Poor guy couldn't figure out who the heck I was when I called for a favor, but he was really nice about it and helped me out anyway. But now I owe him a cup of coffee together, but I don't even like coffee and-"
Her fast speech was halted when Krillen interrupted with a disbelieving, "Wait a sec! VEGETA told you to flaunt yourself?!"
Goku nodded, ruffling both her friends' feather more that a little.
"That doesn't sound like any Vegeta I know," Piccolo muttered in a perturbed tone.
Krillen chuckled half-heartedly. "Boy, Goku, I can see why Vegeta deserves the Stupidhead label now."
A look of confusion crossed the female saiyajin's face. She sat up from the plush seat to look the former monk square in the face. "Krillen, I don't blame Vegeta for the jail thing. It's my fault that I lost my temper with that guy. I'm mad because Vegeta said he would meet me in half an hour, but I haven't seen hide or hair of him all day!"
At once, Krillen sweatdropped, leaning closer to Goku's face to see if she was serious or not.
She was.
"Uh...Goku?" he said as he pulled back. "Is that really all?" He looked past Goku to see if the nameck was just as surprised as he was. However, Piccolo was still meditating on Vegeta's strange behavior and linking it up to some odd incidences that Dende had mentioned to him earlier.
"Yes, that's all," Goku muttered, looking annoyed. "In all my years of knowing Vegeta, he never blew me off on an appointment he set himself! And judging from his perfectly normal, happy chi, he had no good reason to either!"
Her angry words came to a halt when Krillen suddenly laughed. "Goku! Buddy! I still don't see why you're so worked up over that! I mean girls get all huffy about things like that if they actually like the person who blew them off."
Goku's eyebrows knit in confusion. "But I do like Vegeta."
Krillen merely waved the notion away. "No, no. I'm talking about love-like."
Instantly, the saiyajin turned beet red. "I do NOT!"
"I'm not sayin'-"
Suddenly Piccolo snapped out of his trance and he took Krillen's wrist and started to pull him towards the stairs, disregarding the fact that he was in mid-sentence. "Krillen, we need to go find Vegeta. Now."
All the former monk could do was shrug helplessly at his friend and let himself be dragged along.
Goku glared at his back as he left. "Jeez, how can he think that I like that stupidhead like that anyway?" Yet, somehow, she knew that wasn't...entirely true.
Raditz looked on the most recent late queen with worry. She was incredibly pale, her skin moist and clammy, and try as they might, he and that nurse-girl couldn't rouse her from her stupor.
All they could get out her were the words that she muttered in her sickly condition.
"Philadelphia..." she moaned out again through parched lips. Raditz couldn't make head or tails of it.
"Aleria," he said as the woman came over with a washcloth and warm water. "What in nine hells is the matter with the queen?"
Aleria sighed and dampened the cloth, placing it on Ruby's forehead. "Well, after examining her thouroughly..." Raditz leaned nearer with interest. "I have determined that I have no idea."
"WAH!" the soldier fell over, but got back up almost instantly. "How does that help?!" he almost screeched.
Aleria snapped angrily, "Well, maybe it's a mental problem! And if it is, then King Bejita should have it, too! They are supposed to be soulmates after all!"
Raditz sighed at the old myth. "I know, I know. If one's sick, the other one is. If one forgets the other, they both pay. But King Bejita ain't here so we can't tell!"
Aleria gave Raditz a look that suddenly made him extremely uneasy. If fact, it was the same look that she gave him before she duped him into becoming a volunteer nurse.
In no time at all, he found himself in front of the entire injured population of the hall.
"Um..." he gulped nervously, trying his best not to show his anxiety. Jeez, HFIL was really making him mellow. Then again he didn't usually have to confront a mass of hundreds of saiyajin, all of them injured, and thusly making them all more manic and aggressive with the pervading smell of blood invading all their senses.
Raditz would have taken going to a nine star planet and declaring he was going to kill them all, which was a seriously stupid mistake on his part, than go before this hellish assembly any day.
"Look, I need a group of relatively healthy men to form a search party to look for King Bejita...and for my father, Chuui Barudokko," Raditz added as an afterthought. He'd been looking for his father for years, but no one had ever seen him. Not even the older denizions of the lower planes.
For the most part, the assembly ignored him, including Nappa, who was back because of his 'brain tumor' again.
The few that listened glanced at Radtiz and then at each other. "How come?" one saiyajin asked, his arm bandaged up and casted.
"Uh...There's a little royal crisis..." Raditz answered cautiously. Not cautiously enough, actually.
The whole room became a buzz of chatter and slight panic. "Crisis?!" one patient bellowed. "What kind of crisis?!" "Queen Ruby ain't reincarnated is she?!" another demanded.
"NO! NO!!" Raditz yelped, his panicked cires doing nothing to help the situation. "She's just in a COMA!!"
Only when the words left his mouth, did Raditz find out how much he missed that nine star planet.
All hell broke loose (figuratively) when someone suddenly cried, "Alright! We can get into the alcohol stash!" All the 'injured' saiyajin rushed for the ration and the ethanol, reserved only for cleaning wounds. They were piling on top of each other, brawls suddenly breaking out as the saiyajin started whacking each other with their canes and casted limbs. Even the truly bed ridden were trying to get in on it by hopping their beds over to the smell of alcohol and blood.
"No. NO. NO!!" Raditz shrieked again upon witnessing the mayhem that he had inadvertently caused.
It was then that Nappa stood up, a giant among saiyajin (literally), and bellowed for the saiyajin to come to a halt.
To the poor, exasperated third class' amazement, they did.
"Look at you all!" Nappa growled, glaring at them all fiercely. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, running amuck like this!"
Tears of gratitude filled Raditz' eyes at this unlikely savior. Oh Nappa, how could I have misjudged you so greatly when we were working together? Raditz wasn't exactly in his right mind, almost sick with relief that he was getting some support.
Meanwhile, the majority of the mob stare at the elite as if he had grown an extra head. Or in Nappa's case, a whole head of hair.
"Now line up into a queue! All of you!" the elite yelled. "We are saiyajin! And we will conduct this raid of the booze in a nice orderly fashion!"
Raditz fell over yet again in that same hour and got up, screaming at his old comrade in arms. "TEMEE!! KONO YARO!! If Vegeta were here he'd send you into the next dimension A HUNDRED BILLION TIMES!!"
Nappa merely gave him an unimpressed look. "Well, he isn't. So don't threaten me so stupidly. Unless YOU want to challenge me."
"Ch." Raditz twitched and kept his rage under check. "Just give me a team of six and you can go ahead and raid the poisonous alcohol." He really didn't want to leave them all to take advantage of the queen in her state, but he had no choice!
Nappa sighed resignedly, rubbing the back of his smooth head. "Fine, you can have your stinkin' team." He pointed to the six saiyajin that were in line first. "You six! You go and follow Raditz and take his orders! I'll make sure some booze is left over for you."
The six elites grumbled and sneered, not liking the idea of following a mere third class' orders. But they didn't have much of a choice as the saiyajin behind them already pushed them out of the line. Grudgingly, they trudged over to a very unhappy looking soldier and followed him outside.
Meanwhile, Aleria ignored the racket that was going on downstairs and tended to Ruby, who was not getting any better.
"Bejita...Bejita..." Ruby whispered out of her hellish nightmares. "How could... you..."
Vejita thoughtfully rubbed his chin in front of the mirror. He was feeling the tiniest scruff of fuzz growing on his chin. Oddly enough, this happened to him before. But the hair was almost white, so it couldn't have... Suddenly he got another migraine. Wincing, he tried to massage the pain away. He was really getting a lot of these. Especially...especially when things didn't make sense...
Then he realized that namecks must be frickin' vampires. How else could he not notice the cucumber sneak up behind him in front of the bathroom mirror?
"Untie me at once you blithering pompous weaklings!!" Vejita shrieked from the chair that he was literally chained, roped, and crazy-glued to in the middle of an empty Capsule Corps supply warehouse.
Krillen, leaning on some boxes a few feet away, looked at the prince-king skeptically. "Well, he kind of insults people like Vegeta. Only it's a bit more flowery."
"...Are you sure he's not Vegeta?" Krillen asked.
Piccolo frowned and circled the struggling saiyajin. "It's odd. His spirit feels like it's two different people."
A look of confusion passed across the former monk's face. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean he's possessed?"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Vejita screeched. Piccolo took a piece of duck tape and slapped it across the prince-king's mouth.
"Not necessarily," he said, completely ignoring Vejita's outburst. "Usually the invading spirit is very distinct from its possessee. This feels very intergrated into him. We shall have to test this out."
With that, the nameck ripped the duck tape off of Vejita's mouth, pulling out all the hair that had been growing on his chin. Vejita swore outloud and yelled, "Dammit, NAMECK! Why did you put that THING on my mouth if you were just going to rip it off?!"
Piccolo said curtly, "To annoy you."
A nasty sneer came to the captive's face, especially since Vejita couldn't tell if the nameck was joking or not.
"Now tell me exactly who you are," Piccolo demanded.
The sneer grew worse. "Tch, Vegeta, king of all saiyajin."
Krillen blanched, "B-but I thought you were the prince."
"That's what I said," Vejita retorted without missing a beat. "Bejita, the prince of all saiyajin."
His two captors exchanged glances. "When's your birthday?" Krillen asked almost hesitantly.
"November 11, 704..." Then he frowned, a slight ache in his brain. "No, wait. It's June 14, 594."
"How can you be born two different times?" Piccolo demanded, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Vejita spat out, "How am I supposed to know?!"
"The dates you said were over 100 years apart."
Beads of cold sweat began to form on the prince-king's brow, as the headache grew worse. "S-So?!"
"A person can only be born once, right?"
Vejita gasped as the pounding in his head nearly sent him reeling. "Sh-SHUT UP!! SHUT UP YOU STUPID NAMECK!!" Another stab of pain, as agonizing as a knife to the head. "You're just trying to confuse me! Do you want my head to explode or something?!"
Piccolo nodded as if assenting to his own theory. Then he slapped yet another piece of duck tape onto Vejita's mouth. "What we have here," he said, turning back to his comrade in arms, "is an invading body with an identity crisis."
Krillen frowned at the struggling saiyajin, whose cursing was turned into angry buzzes. "What the heck does THAT mean?"
"The possessor think that he's both Bejita and Vegeta at the same time," the nameck explained.
"Wow," Krillen muttered. "So his head probably could explode if he thought about it for that long."
"I'm sure he conveniently forgot some things so that it wouldn't happen."
"So now what do we do with him?" the former monk asked in exasperation. "We can't just leave him super-glued to that chair."
Piccolo sighed and fished around in his clothes, producing a vial of slightly glowing clear liquid. "The best thing to do would be to douse him with holy water."
Vejita's eyes widened instantly, looking up at the nameck in alarm. The two words rang a bell in the back of his mind and he knew that this was NOT a good thing. Dammit!! I have to get out of here! He didn't know what that stuff was, but he didn't want to stick around long enough to find out.
But how?! There was no way he could chant his way out of there, the stupid tape was stuck on his mouth, and the combination of rope, tape, and super-glue was surprisingly effective against saiyajin strength.
He had to do the old fashioned, 'Will-me-away'.
GET ME OUT OF HERE! GET ME OUT OF HERE! GET ME OUT OF HERE! he cried desperately in his aching mind, encouraged when the air began to fizzle around him.
Krillen and Piccolo were too busy talking between themselves to notice the change, until a loud 'POP' brought the prisoner back to their attention...or...what was left of him...
Everything was dark. A mere void of pitch black about him, darker than the empty pits of space. No light, nothing at all, save for one small light as big as a pea, hanging like a delicate ornament right in front of his face.
Bardock didn't know when he got here, or even how he got here, but all that mattered right now was how was he going to find a way out.
He was cold, and hungry, just sitting there and he couldn't sense any life around him at all in this infinite void, but that could just be a trick of a chi dampener.
Maybe the Center had caught on to his plan to escape. Or maybe Willith got out of whatever punishment the Council put him in and then sent the dark angel over to this hell hole.
He figured he must have been knocked unconscious at one point, but he couldn't remember so it must have been drugs.
Bardock sighed discontentedly and poked the bead of light in front of him. It stayed static and felt freezing to the touch. He pulled his hand back and rubbed it where he touched the cold heat. It felt exactly like his halo.
"Odd," he mumbled to himself and ventured his finger out to touch it again. Still nothing. Cautiously, he made a fist about it, plunging himself into complete darkness and pulling it away from it's intangible suspension. He opened it at his chest where it twinkled at him as brightly as before. His halo and his ssj state did nothing to cast away the darkness. It was very odd.
A wave of cold passed over Bardock's body as he panicked, thinking that this could just be one of Furiza's 'solitary confinement' sessions. His hand shot to the back of his head and he desperately felt around to see if there was any difference.
No, no, it still had that scar and the slightly hollow dent of his skull. If there was anything new there he would feel it. He quickly ran his hand over the rest of his body.
No new scars, no strange bumps under his skin. So he resigned himself to the fact that this really was the work of the Center.
Bardock tossed the bead of light from one hand to the other, trying to get some feeling back into the numb hand that had been holding the freezing light.
He didn't know that the Center was capable of this sort of thing though.
While he was thinking, the bead hit the base of his hand and fell to the floor, rolling away before the dark angel could catch it. Bardock scrambled to his feet and tried to get a hold of it again before it went out of his line of sight, but it seemed to dart away from him every time he got close to it.
What the heck's going on? he wondered, when the bead of light zipped away from him at a 90 degree angle.
Suddenly he tripped on the hem of his robe and he fell flat on his face. "......Ow..."
Bardock hissed as he quickly got up again, looking ahead for the light. Luckily it seemed to caught on something. Wincing, he walked over to it and kneeled by it to pick it up.
Everything froze when the back of his hand brushed against something fleshy...and as cold as ice.
Chills ran down his spine and he involuntarily jerked his hand back and he plucked up the light to hold it above whatever it was that he felt.
A horrible, sick feeling crawled through him, his body beginning to shake, yet all he knew was that something was extremely wrong.
It was when the light passes over a tiny hand caked in dried blood that the shaking became worse.
Bardock quickly shined the light over a measly thin arm to a bare bone body. A fatal chi blast had taken most of the child's body, a large burned crater carved out of its flesh. The dark angel passed the light over the child's face.
Oh my god... Bardock gasped harshly as a flash of recognition flew through his eyes. This child...he killed this child...
I was on my first purge mission and made the incredibly stupid mistake of getting to know the sentient species before I killed them... This child, this girl was only three years younger than me. She thought I was her friend. She just laughed when I said I was going to kill her.
Bardock ran his hand over her face forever fixed in that expression of shock when he did let loose the fatal attack. The dark angel shook like a leaf, barely able to hold onto that small bead of light, waves of nausea coursing through him.
She only laughed!! I tried to show her I was serious! I threatened her, I blew up her house!! I wanted her to hate me before I killed her! I wanted to show her the monster that I was.
Slowly Bardock stood and began to walk away, a hollow pit of guilt forming in his gut.
HAhahahahaHA!! Bardock-kun! You're so silly! Heeheehahaha!!
He could suddenly recall her laughter, ringing in his mind, its resolution hitting that hollow pit inside of him, making it grow with every wondrous peal.
Bardock ran. He tried to run from the guilt but it only hit him harder with every step he took. It hit him so hard that he felt breathless, his heart pounding with the heavy injuries.
He ran straight into a large cold matter, knocking him back to the floor. Gasping for breath, Bardock nearly threw the light up to see whatever he hit, but he only managed to see a torso half-hidden in the perpetual darkness so that it seemed suspended in midair.
It was dead, that much he could see, no life pumping through its veins. Its scaly flesh was covered with a strange pink silk like material and to his horror, it also rang a bell in his mind.
Suddenly it lunged for him and managed to grab a handful of white linen. Bardock instinctively tore away from it, kicking at its knee.
A menacing crack echoed through the void and the corpse toppled over on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The stench of death permeated in waves from the ghastly thing and Bardock scrambled to get out from under it.
As he struggled, panic forcing his heart to work as fast as the wings of a hummingbird, the corpse stirred once again and turned its waxy face to the saiyajin's, only mere inches away.
Bardock's heart froze in his chest. The Konossan!
"Bardock..." it hissed throatily, its voice as quiet as the breeze.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Bardock screamed and desperately blasted the body away from him. It flew from him and landed with a sickening thud a few feet away.
Gasping for breath, Bardock stood to his feet, his legs unsteady as he waited in the darkness, hardly daring to even breathe, and he waited. Slowly his body began to shake again, and a low chuckle escaped from his lips which were drawn into a wry smile.
The void around him was as silent as death and he could still smell the reek of death on him.
The only sound in the whole area was the gasps of breath he took and the heavy pulse of his heart thrumming in his ears. The intensity of his breath was so loud in that overwhelming silence that he fought to hold it. He could do nothing with his heart that was hammering so hard he was sure anyone, even the dead, could hear it.
He let out another chuckle, his nerves rubbed raw. For the first time in a long time he was scared. In fact he was terrified!
A hollow wind passed by him, caressing his face and hands with the moans of a thousand voices, cursing his guilty name. And that stupid laughter!
The void began to scho with the deafening sound of shuffling feet. Bardock felt his breath go heavy as he sensed thousands of the dead around him, surrounding him, moaning out his name with rotting breaths.
'loOk At uS, Baardock...'
'sEE whaT yOu haVe Done...'
Bardock stood where he was, twisting around to see if he could find some path to escape. But he was surrounded for as far as he could sense.
The dead, the people he murdered were everywhere, all around him.
"So many..." he whispered under his breath, inaudible under the moans of his victims. The number was overwhelming.
He felt bile collect at the back of his throat as they called out for him and he could feel them closing in.
Then suddenly Bardock spotted tiny feet coming within range of the light. They...were skipping. "No, not you, too."
She was all smiles and dimples, the crater that was in her flesh was gone, as she looked alive. As bright and as cheery as the day he killed her.
Hands behind her back, playfully rocking to and fro on the balls of her heels, she smiled as if Bardock was her best friend in the world.
"Bardock-kun, you wanna play war again?" Her voice echoed distantly, as if it weren't coming from her body.
"I'm not..." Bardock whispered, yet the child cut in, not really seeing the angel, or hearing him.
"Heeheehaha!! You're so confident that you'll kill me, huh?"
"Stop this." The angel's voice was cut into a desperate plea, his weak knees buckling and sending him to the floor.
"What do you mean? For real? You're taking this game so seriously!"
"It's not a game!!"
The girl's face contorted into one of shock. "My house... Bardock! How could you do that! My mom's going to get so mad!"
Bardock slowly shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes and looked down at this little child. "I wanted you to hate me..."
Suddenly, the child's eyes turned upwards, straight into the angel's. "But I loved you instead. I wanted to marry you."
"I know." Bardock's voice came out no louder than a whisper.
Unexpectedly, her cheeks began to sink, her eyes growing dead and hollow. "And look at what you did in return!" she shrieked. The familiar crater began to form in her torso, eating away at her body.
She threw back her arms to the invisible army of the dead, her voice growing more menacing and vile by the second. "Look at us, Bardock. And be judged by your own guilt!"
Bardock pinched his eyes shut and yelled at the terrifying numbers. "I don't want to look!"
In his last act of desperation, he threw the bead of light as far as he could, plunging him into darkness. Then the dead descended upon him.
Nothing remained except for the rope, tape, and Vejita's clothes.
Piccolo cursed under his breath, annoyed with this new turn of events. "Damn! I completely forgot about the demonic powers part!"
Krillen wrinkled his nose as he delicately picked up Vegeta's briefs by the hem with his thumb and forefinger. "Does that mean he's somewhere completely buck naked?"
"Probably," the nameck muttered, feeling a tad disgusted and sifted through the clothes. When he picked up Vegeta's pants, something heavy slid out of the pocket and clunked onto the seat of the chair.
It was a video tape.
Krillen picked it up, examining it. "Now what the heck is this?"
Meanwhile, Vejita, curiously enough, found himself in someone's bed. Luckily, no one was in it, seeing as Vejita managed to transport himself without clothes.
He blushed violently and gathered the blanket about himself. How the heck did that happen?! and wow these sheets smell really nice.
His confusion turned to panic when he realized that his special tape wasn't with him anymore. Oh NO! I have to find it before someone other than Kayka does!
His panicked thoughts were redirected when he sensed someone just outside the door. CRAP! As quickly as he could he slipped under the bed, sheets and all, and lay waiting to see who the someone was. When the door opened, the prince-king gave a mental sigh of relief, his panic flowing from him.
It was only Kakarotto.
So that's why the sheets smell so nice. "Salutations, Kayka."
Goku choked on the Gatorade she was drinking, blue raspberry rushing up her sinuses. She spluttered and looked around the room wildly. "Vegeta?! Where are you!"
Vejita muttered, "Just a sec," and snaked out of the bed, just barely getting the blanket and the sheets out with him.
Goku stared at him in confusion. "Uh... Vegeta, why were you under my bed?" That's when the blanket snagged onto a screw on the frame and the blanket slipped from Vejita's waist. Goku stared harder, looking even more lost than before. "Scratch that. Why were you under my bed naked?"
Desperately, Vejita raked his mind for an answer that actually sounded sane, but came up with a pitiful, "I have no idea."
Goku stared at him and stared some more. Suddenly she just smiled and said as cheerful as ever. "Well okay!" She turned her back on him and went over to her closet. "You can borrow my old clothes, but they might be a bit big."
Vejita stared longingly at her as she bent over to rummage through her things. "So why aren't you freaking about my nudity?" he mumbled out absently.
Goku threw a pair of old jeans at him. "I've seen you naked before. And even if I haven't, you don't have anything I haven't seen."
The prince-king's eyes lit up hopefully, "So...can I see you naked?"
All movement ceased, making Vejita extremely wary. Slowly, Goku stood back up, completely silent.
"Kayka?" Vejita said questioningly.
There was a long awkward pause.
Finally... "Who are you?" The younger saiyajin's voice came out as a hiss that sent cold chills up the prince-king's spine.
"W-what do you mean? You know who I am."
Goku looked back at him with shockingly cold eyes. "I'm starting to wonder. This morning you told me to go flaunt myself. I spent half the day in jail for "assaulting" a man who wanted to show me how to do just that and Tien had to bail me out. But that's besides the point."
Vejita frowned. "Huh?"
"You completely forgot about me!" Vejita sweatdropped. "You said you would see me in half an hour, but instead I spy you in some strip club, strip teasing yourself and taping it!!"
At that instant, Vegeta, who was watching everything with a horror gaped jaw, died- instantly, in a horrible burning death of embarrassment.
"What the hell is WRONG with you!! The Vegeta I know would never do anything like what you did!"
Vejita bristled, getting angry for reasons he couldn't comprehend. "The Vegeta you know?! He's such a wimp! Bending down before you like a meek little kitten! Too weak and afraid to get what he wants! Which is why he would never do something like this!"
He grabbed her by the arms and suddenly smashed his lips against hers, throwing her back against the closet. Vejita instantly reared back with a sharp cry when her skin burned him at the very touch, the air sizzling and crackling around her.
Goku's eyes narrowed menacingly and the sickly aura seemed to grow worse. "Get out of my room NOW!!"
Vejita stared at her from the vantage point of the ground. His eyes, too, narrowed menacingly and he silently stood to his feet, slipped the too-large jeans on, needing to hold them up by the hem of his waist. Looking back at her again, his lips drew into a disgusted sneer. "Mark my words, Kakarotto. I always get what I want."
Then with an instinctive swirl of his nonexistent cape, he stormed out her room, slamming the door behind him.
Goku stared at the door, her eyes no longer narrow and she wearily slumped onto her bed. "Kami, Vegeta, I want the regular you back."
Bulma and Bunni paused the flower arranging stage of their war long enough to watch Vejita warily as he stalked by them in the hallway. The fury around him was hot enough to wilt the very flowers in their hands and they silently scrunched up against the wall to let him pass.
Thye didn't know why he was so angry and they didn't want to know. They merely let him pass.
Vejita stalked by them, not even noticing the two as he went by. His thoughts went around in circles and hissed violent curses under his breath. His thoughts were completely insane, driven by his son's pent up frustration and passion for the younger saiyajin. He was on the verge of a breakdown and it did not look pretty.
"That- little ho! How dare she do that to me!" he hissed venomously. "Forget the damned mating rituals, I'll force her to be mine! She'll be my property and I can do whatever I want with her! I'll show her! I'll show that Kakarotto!"
He went back to Vegeta's room and went straight to the dresser, where he began to rip the drawers out of their places and throwing them onto the floor. His eyes were very aware, scanning everything that passed through his hands. When that was done he stormed to the closet, throwing everything violently to the floor, breaking anything fragile that was in there.
Then he raided the rest of the room, throwing everything carelessly to the floor, until he suddenly paused while searching under the bed. Vegeta had a hidden drawer in his bedside table...
Vejita was at it immediately, this time carefully taking the drawer out and scanning the contents. His eyes widened in recognition at one small object and he delicately took it out to look at on the bed.
It was a vial of crimson liquid. Ruby's bonding potion...
A terrible, disgusting smile snaked its way onto Vejita's face, twisting it into mutated laughter. The sick and ugly peals rang throughout the room and Vejita held the vial tightly against his chest as if it were worth his own life. "Kakarotto...you are mine..."
The offending angel was tied down to one of the Center's metal tables, which was placed in General Mac's private office. The angel was completely out, mouth drawn open in its stupor and its eyes would probably be rolled up into its head.
The device that kept anyone from seeing its eyes was securely snug around his head, bits of wire snaking into the brain from the optical nerves.
It was a very neat job and the general congratulated himself for it. He grinned even wider when Bardock began to scream.
"The job should be done in about four days," he declared hautily to the only other two people in the room. His personal assistants, who were working the device, looked completely disgusted by what they saw from the small projector.
The smaller one glared up at the general, "You call this a job?! This is TORTURE!"
General Mac raised an eyebrow, "Torture? I think not. It's poetic justice."
The small one burst out hotly, "It's inhumane! He's not guilty of those murders! He was forced to do those things by Furiza! He renounced that icejin along with all the things he did for him! He's already repented!"
General Mac ground his cigar between his teeth, disgusting the assistants with the spittle mix of tobacco and saliva. "Did he specifically say he was sorry for what he did?"
The small alien stayed silent, though he felt hot enough to burst. The general sneered, "I didn't think so. Another word of objection out of you and I'll have you court-martialed."
The small one replied resignedly, "Yes sir."
General Mac nodding, putting his pudgy hands behind his back, "Good. Now just make sure that he doesn't escape the binding and try to rip his own wings off." Both assistants stared. "It's happened sometimes," the general explained with a shrug.
With that, he left the room, while the two saluted his exit. The small one's co-worker, a rather greasy looking reptilian, settled into his seat and muttered, "Well, that was smart- getting' on the general's bad side."
The smaller assistant merely glanced at the screen again and sighed. "I need to take a break."
The reptile shrugged, "Sure, go cool off. I can watch'm."
The brown puff of an alien went outside without another word and strolled down the Center's corridors. Every so often he could head the crazy laughter of some of the captives, making him shiver in disgust and pity.
He made his way out into the sun and leaned on one of the trees nearby the compound to get into the shade. After a few minutes of pondering, he looked about to see if anyone was around. Then he ducked a hand into a bush. A walky-talky emerged from the shrub and he hastily turned it on. "Eagle's Peak, Eagle's Peak, this is Crow- over."
A static reply came almost instantly. "Crow, we read you loud and clear- over."
"We have a situation code blue. Operation Tortoise is well underway- over."
"Roger, we will initiate Operation Fisher at 2400 hours. Meet Liners at Lakeside. Eagle's Peak out- over."
"Roger, Crow out- over."
Meanwhile... Krillen and Piccolo stared at the blue TV screen in horror. The tape had long since run out, yet the images that were shown in it will be forever branded into their minds.
"P-Piccolo?" the former monk said hesitantly, after a good long 20 minutes.
"Just don't talk to me."
Miyanon: Yay! I'm done! Finally! And it was mainly because somebody threatened me with a hex if I didn't finish it by September 13... Okay, maybe not a hex exactly, but it was threatenish-like.
Bardock: ......You made me look like a SISSY...
Bejita: ....You made ME look like a psycho!!
Miyanon: Uh....I'll chat later! Thanks for all the reviews! Bye! -zips away-