Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Rebellion ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.
Miyanon: -sigh- This is taking far, far, far too long to update.
Bardock: Who's fault would that be?
Miyanon: -huffs- It's not my fault that I swore an oath not to do any writing until my college applications are done!
Bardock: ...Wait a sec! Yes it is!
Miyanon: Well, it was a good reason!
Bejita: And your applications are done, right?
Miyanon: -meekly- No?
B&B: -eyes her and then shoves her away- Get to work!
Two weeks later...
Miyanon: Yes! I'm done! It's done! I'm done! No more applications! Yay!
Bardock: -dryly- Good for you. NOW are you going to get busy?
Miyanon: Yes, but just a sec. To the readers, reviewers, etc. Thank you for waiting for so long while I've been so busy! So thank you! And now-
Bejita: I'm introducing! -coughs- And now, on with-!
Miyanon: Oh! By the way, some of you may recognize the workings of Vegeta's inner mind from my other story, Incidences of Madness. I apologize for dragging characters from a different story into this, but I had to do it. For some reason I just like those guys. Plus I wanted to give Vegeta more to do.
Bejita: AHEM! I was introducing the story here!
Miyanon: Sorry.
Bardock: And now, on with the story!
Bejita: Hey!
Vegeta angrily paced his own mind, shaking in fury at the thought that his father would- that he- He screamed out in frustration, metaphysically kicking at the non-existent floor. “WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!” How could he have been so dumb as to not have gotten rid of that vial of bonding potion!
Oh wait, if he dumped it then it would contaminate the water systems.
But couldn't he have destroyed it?!
No, because it was magical potion and was impossible to evaporate or disintegrate.
But- but then why did I have to hide it in such an easily accessible place?!”
Accessible?! It was in my super secret drawer that I didn't even tell Bulma about!”
Vegeta freezes completely and looks around him. “Ookay...those last two arguments did not come from my mouth.”
“Who said that?!” the prince demands, trying to peer through the darkness.
Is there somebody else here besides me?!” Came a voice out of the dark.
Vegeta sat still, looking around himself wildly. “This is really freaking me out.”
A voice suddenly popped up behind him. “R-really? It's freaking me out t-too.”
Slowly, the prince turned around, only to come face to face with himself. “AACK!!” he shrieked right at the same time that his double did. “WHO ARE YOU?!”
His double smiled nervously, looking very twitchy in fact. “H-Hi, I'm you. W-well, kind of. I'm Fear. I-it's nice to meet you and please don't hurt me.”
Vegeta stared at him in horror. “What the hell?!”
He whipped around again, he and Fear demanding simultaneously, “Who said that?!”
As if coming out from a black fog, yet another double appeared. However there is a much, much different aura over this one, completely dressed in black garb. “Who's asking?” this new, smug and sneering double asked.
Fear smiled, “Oh! T-that's Disgust!” He leaned down and whispered into Vegeta's ear, “He's not really nice. P-puts down everything he sees.”
Disgust snorted and glared down at the cowering Fear. “What are you still doing here, you filthy coward?”
W-well, Vegeta's phobias are still very l-large.” Fear answered quickly, obviously afraid of some sort of attack by Disgust. “I mean, worms and claustrophobia, th-those are still pretty big. And you know I really think that this new phobia's d-developing because of this K-Kayka and-”
“Will you shut up?!” Vegeta and Disgust yell at the same time.
Disgust glared down at the newcomer, “And who the hell are you?”
He's Vegeta! The Prince of all Saiyajin!” answered someone else.
Vegeta's head whipped around once more. “I am really, really getting sick of this.”
Disgust's eyes widened in surprise. “Pride?! You traitor! What are you doing defending somebody against me!”
Vegeta peered in his direction, suddenly awed by yet another double. He was tall, and had a sense of infinite cockiness rolling off it in waves, fully decked in traditional ceremonial armor, pulling up a smirk exactly like the one that Vegeta always favored. Pride looked down at him, smirking and nodded. “It's good to see you for the first time, your highness.”
His high...You must be joking!” Disgust yelled. “This little shrimp?!”
Before Vegeta could retaliate, Pride rushed at Disgust and gave him a crushing blow to the face. “How dare you say that?!”
Get out of my sight!” Disgust yelled back, covering his wound. However, he slowly slinked off into the darkness.
Fear shivered, “It's never p-pretty when two dominants fight with each other. U-usually those two work hand in hand th-though.”
Pride sighed and from behind him another double appeared looking almost exactly like Pride's double, if a little smaller. He nudged Fear away. “Leave. You're making a bad impression.”
The meager, stuttering double merely shivered and faded away.
Pride dusted himself off and nodded towards the new one. “This is Dignity. He's a very good friend of mine.”
Dignity smiled and bowed to Vegeta, “It is an honor to meet you, your highness.”
Vegeta stared at them, confused beyond words. Almost instantly yet another double arrived, voicing out, “What the hell is going on?!”
Dignity pushed him away, while Pride said quickly. “Calm down! You definitely don't want Panic and Confusion showing up!”
“You're going to have to answer me quickly then!” Vegeta snapped angrily. “Who are you?!”
Pride and Dignity's eyes widened. “Crap!” Instantly, they grabbed Vegeta by the arms and stole him away into the darkness. Almost immediately, Vegeta felt a cold rush come over him and the darkness suddenly became clear, full of multiple doubles, interacting with each other, arguing, laughing, more arguing. Even some drinking. It was like a city full of him.
“Holy crap, where is all this?” Vegeta wondered out loud.
Pride put a gloved hand over his mouth and whispered. “Quiet. You don't want to attract the attention of the Enforcers.”
Enforcers?” came a voice from behind them shocking Vegeta once more, along with another familiar face.
H-hello again,” Fear stuttered, weakly waving at them.
Question! Fear! Get out of here! You're attracting attention!” Dignity snapped, pushing them away. “But to answer this guy, we have no idea who these Enforcers are. They're a foreign body that have been restricting the movements of all your emotions and interesting bits . They came around a while ago. But the most disturbing thing is that Action is missing! This is major! He's the one that controls everything you do! He went missing about a day ago, the same time these enforcers came.”
That's when I became possessed!” yelled yet another double.
Pride growled at Vegeta, shoving this new one away. “Stop thinking!”
I can't help it!” Dignity growled. Instantly a hand went to his mouth and he said sheepishly. “Sorry.”
Pride glared at him and then sighed. “Suspicion figured that something was up and that it was possible that you weren't in control of your body anymore. Normally we don't listen to him, but then Sense agreed with him. That meant one place in Mind where you could have been. Ingenuity made a temporary fissure to open the portal to your prison and Dignity and I came to rescue you.”
You need to keep a low profile until we get to your mental blocks,” Dignity whispered. “Thank the gods you put so many up. It's the only area that the Enforcers have no control over.”
Vegeta stared at them, blinked and then stared at them longer. “Okay,” he squeaked. “I have just determined that I am completely insane.” Of course, Fear showed up once more, giving them another nervous wave.
Pride and Dignity glanced at each other, shook their heads and dragged Vegeta over through the crowd.
Piccolo and Krillen glared at Vejita from over the top of the couch. “He's planning something,” the nameck growled suspiciously. “He's had that twisted smile on his face ever since yesterday.”
Krillen shudders, “I hope that it has nothing to do with that...” He didn't have the strength to even mention the terrifying display that he and Piccolo both witnessed. If it was up to him, he'd never even think about it ever again.
“I fear that it may have something to do with Son.”
“Goku?!” Krillen nearly yelped. “Are you sure?”
“The two of them have been very tense since this morning,” Piccolo replied, turning to his fellow conspirer. “Something may have happened last night after the prick disappeared.”
The former monk glared at the back of Vejita's neck. “If he did anything to Goku that was similar to that-”
“Cool it. You're forgetting who you're talking about.” Piccolo pulled Krillen back into their hiding spot in the living room. “Goku can take care of himself, but we should probably make sure that he knows about Vegeta's condition.”
“Right,” Krillen muttered and they slinked off to find their companion.
Vejita watched them go from the mirror above the dresser, taking a swig of brandy from the bottle. Did they really think that he didn't know they were there. Ignorant fools. He didn't survive nearly 35 assassination attempts by Furiza and his own just to be duped by a couple of espionage wannabes. Plus they had to pay for trying to pull over one on him last night.
Slamming down the bottle, and leaning over the dresser he debated exactly what he was going to do about them. He couldn't just let this go. No one could get away with screwing over Bejita, the king of the saiyajin. Especially not a nauseatingly peace-loving green turd and a weak nose-less freak.
As far as he could tell though, he was completely alone in this...place. It was as if he were slowly waking, becoming more aware, more himself, more like the ruthless bastard he knew he was. Smirking, he grabbed the bottle of brandy again and then started back to his designated room.
After quickly assessing the situation, he figured that he could probably have the entire planet under his control in a matter of weeks. The only one that would be in his way is the one that he's soon going to have under his complete control. But now?
He had some busybody pests to take care of.
Wearily, two midnight black eyes opened to a luscious red sky. Their owner groaned and shook his head to clear its thoughts. “Where am I?” he wondered out loud.
“You're in my haven,” came an unexpected answer. “You're safe now.”
Immediately Bardock's head whipped up and took an instant ground on his bearings. Okay, he was in a room, a very nicely decorated bedroom that frankly looked like belonged in the Royal Palace on Bejito-sei, laying on top of a plush canopy bed. And he had a visitor, staring at him from the small lover's seat by the foot of the bed.
The dark angel's eyes widened as he took in the `visitor'. What struck him first was the inhumanly good looks, long silky ebony hair and cold onyx eyes. But then he saw the person was sporting three pairs of pure black wings.
“Wow,” he muttered weakly. Yet the dark angel could feel that there was something not quite right about this...black decked being.
The black angel smirked and rose, coming to the side of the bed. “It's good to see that your mental health is still well even after your long torture session in the Special Center.”
“And you might be...” Bardock asked, rising to a sitting position.
“Oh, excuse me,” the black angel said quickly. “The name is Ryushifa, but you may call me Ryu. I'm the one that organized your rescue.”
“Oh?” Bardock said quickly. “Well, I'm grateful, Ryu, but it seems like you would want something in return.”
Suddenly, Ryushifa broke into a hearty laugh. “I like that,” he said after reducing his laughs to chuckles. “You're straight to the point.”
“Very well,” he said, sitting down on the satin sheets next to his `guest'. “I came to give you an offer, saiyajin. You see,” his black eyes grew darker, almost malicious, and he began to inspect his rather sharp nails, “I know all about you and I know about all the problems that are going on in your...afterlife right now.”
“I understand that you have a daughter now.” Ryushifa said with a wicked grin, sending chills down Bardock's spine. “You don't want anything to happen to her, do you?”
“Is that a threat?” Bardock demanded.
The black angel scoffed at the notion, “Oh please! She has enough trouble of her own to get her in some serious hell hole. I am merely offering to take away that simple threat.”
“My daughter can take care of herself,” Bardock replied darkly.
That nasty grin again. “You think so? Maybe I should mention that her trouble seems to be coming from a friend of yours. And I mean your actual friend, not an acquaintance.”
The dark angel's eyes widened considerably. “Bejita? What has he done?!”
“He's been revived in his son's body it seems,” Ryushifa continued in an antagonizingly slow manner. “He's going back to his pre-mortal dark ways, planning to take over your daughter's planet with her as his unwilling concubine. Meanwhile, his soul mate is slowly withering away into non-existence from complete neglect.”
Bardock stared at his words in horror, his mind rebelling against the news. “You're lying.”
“I don't lie,” Ryushifa said flatly. “I'm incapable of it. So when I say that I can fix it all to the specifications you want, it's true.”
“What is it that you want in return?” Bardock growled. Yes, he could definitely tell this guy was bad news.
“Nothing much,” the black angel replied slyly, going back to inspecting his claws. “I just want to fulfill a fantasy that you've been dreaming about for a very long time. And I want you at my side to help me while I do it.”
“I reiterate. What do you want?”
Ryushifa slowly turned to him, giving him his undivided attention as a cocky smirk came to his lips. “I'm planning the complete overthrow of the Angel's Council and all the workings of Heaven.”
Pride and Dignity quickly dragged their safeguard past the senses of the Enforcers, following quickly behind Fear as he led them towards the mental barriers. To his credit, Fear happened to be very good at sneaking around.
Dignity snorted almost irritably at the situation though. “I don't believe this,” he sneered. “Who knew we'd see the day when Pride and Dignity slink around with a little titch like Fear?”
How's the prince?” Pride asked, not looking back at Dignity's cargo.
Passed out a while ago. Honestly, he should have a bit more-”
Dignity?” Pride grinned. “It's too much for anyone to take in all at once, you know. If he, the prince of all saiyajin, passes out at something, it's likely that everyone else would do the same in this situation. Or worse.”
You know, it's a very rare thing when we disagree on something,” Dignity muttered.
Pride shushed him as they came right up next to the metallic crystal blockade that Vegeta had set up long, long ago and had repeatedly reinforced it for years afterwards. “His mental capacity is amazing isn't it?” he said proudly.
Fear put a finger to his lips. “Q-quiet! Do you want the Enforcers to hear?!”
The three of them peered over their small blockade, hiding them from a troop of Enforcers. Completely black ethereal beings that floated around in incorporate masses. They looked harmless enough, but all three of them knew their danger. Especially after seeing what they did to Foolishness. Slowly, the Enforcers drifted away.
Okay!” Fear tittered nervously. “Now let's get going!”
They swiftly crossed the open area and then came to the wall. Dignity frowned, looking up at the monstrously large wall, “Isn't there an easier way to get through this?”
Actually,” Pride answered, “there is.” He grabbed his unconscious ward and pressed his hand against the barrier, only to have Vegeta's hand slip through as if the barrier were made of air. “Hang on and let's go.” Fear and Dignity took hold and with one large bound, all three of them slipped through, entering a large crystal-like cavern.
Dignity gave an immediate sigh of relief and said, “Thank the gods. I was worried there for a moment.” He glanced over at Fear's smug expression. “Stop that!”
Sorry!” Fear yelped.
It's good to see you back,” came a voice from further down the cavern. Sense and Suspicion strode up to the three and eyed the package on Pride's shoulders. Sense stared at him in awe, “Hey, is that really...”
That it is,” Pride answered smugly. “The prince himself, in the flesh.”
Suspicion frowned, “Why's he unconscious?”
Never mind that,” Dignity answered quickly. “We need to get him to Judge and the others.”
Then Suspicion's eyes turned on Fear, “And what's he doing here?”
Fear was shaking as he stared at his surroundings with wavering eyes. “We're in an enclosed space. I d-don't like enclosed spaces...”
Pride sighed and dropped Vegeta into Fear's arms. “Don't worry about him, Suspy. He's just our personal lackey.”
N-no! Don't leave the prince with me!” Fear cried out. “What if I drop him?!”
Don't,” Pride answered.
You're just making this more demeaning for his highness!” Dignity huffed indignantly.
Sense glared at them all. “We don't have time for this! We need to hurry and meet with the others!” Then he took off, hurriedly walking to their more secure base.
Pride quickly matched his stride. “Do we have any more dominants?”
Sense nodded, “Yes, fortunately. Charisma, thank the gods for him, was able to bring in Passion and Courage and worked them to our side.”
What about Rage?” Pride demanded. “You know that we need him!”
Yes, I know,” Sense said with a glare at Pride. “But it's already a miracle we've managed to gather most of the dominants without Action around. Besides,” he said in a low voice, “you know what Rage is like. He's likely to already be...” Sense let the idea hang gloomily over them.
Well, that won't matter!” Pride said, trying to lift the mood. “We have the prince on our side! The source of all the dominants!” At which point Vegeta groaned, slipping in and out of consciousness. “Speak of the devil,” Pride grinned. He stood Fear still and pulled Vegeta to his feet, lightly slapping him in the face. “Hey, time to wake up, your highness.”
Vegeta winced as he forced his eyes open, coming face to face with Pride. “AHH!” he and Fear shrieked at the same time, falling down to his butt. Taking a quick moment to get a hold of his bearing, the prince immediately let out a long moan. “Oh Gods, don't tell me I'm still stuck in this loony land.”
I resent that!” Dignity declared.
“Well if you could just tell me what the hell is going on!” Vegeta grated out angrily. “I'm sick of being kept in the dark here! And you pricks kidnapped me!”
Vegeta sweatdropped as yet more doubles of him appeared out of nowhere.
Hey! It's Anger and Rage! Thanks a lot, your highness!” Pride declared happily.
I still demand to know what you want me for!” Anger demanded for Vegeta's sake.
Sense rubbed his chin and waved Vegeta over, “Walk with me, your highness.”
I'm not walking with you anywhere!” Anger yelled, only to slightly deflate when Vegeta actually did start walking by Sense's side.
Prince Vegeta, we, the inner workings of your mind desperately need your help to restore this god-awful situation to the previous status quo.” Vegeta nodded for him to continue. “And we also believe that this will greatly benefit you as, of course, you want to get your body back, right?”
Of course!” Dignity answered for him quickly. He slapped his hand over his mouth again. “How does he do that?!”
Sense smirked, glad that he wasn't as affected by Vegeta's mental outbursts as Anger and Dignity were. “Your highness, we have gather all the dominants of Mind, thanks to your unwitting work. What we need is someone to lead us to rebel against the Enforcers and to rescue Action, who we believe has been kidnapped by the leader of this foreign invasion.”
Prince Vegeta,” Sense said solemnly, “you are the only one that can actually stand up to the Enforcers. They won't be able to touch you.”
So you want me to clear the way for you so that you can rescue Action,” Clarity said out of nowhere.
Sense nodded, “Exactly! Thank you so much for aiding your servants like this!”
But I didn't say anything!” Dignity huffed out. Instantly he yelled at Vegeta, “Will you please stop doing that, your highness!”
Vegeta merely shook his head. “I've gone completely insane. I just know it.”
Bejita: ...I wasn't that much of a bad-ass when I was alive!
Bardock: Of course you weren't Beets.
Bejita: -glare- You're being sarcastic, aren't you?
Bardock: Well, I'm more worried about this angel-devil thank you very much!
Bejita: Miya, this IS supposed to be a romantic comedy isn't it?! Where's the mushy stuff?!
Miyanon: Just be patient! I'm trying to build up the plot and the angst!
Bardock: Well just don't forget what kind of story this is!
Miyanon: Hey! You're just peeved because Ryushifa has a one up on you! And Bejita's mad because he's mean!
Bejita: It's unrealistic!
Miyanon: Oh PLEASE. Anyway, I'm so glad that I finally got this chapter up! It's the first time that I've had time to actually write for a long time. I can't talk for much longer because I have a bunch of homework to do. So I hope you enjoyed this latest installment of Onnafied! Next up: You finally find out what Kayka means!
Bardock: I think people forgot about that already.
Miyanon: Oh shoot.