Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Crystal ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own it, never will.
Miyanon: Hey guys, I'm finally back! Well, not really, but I do have another chapter for you guys to enjoy! B&B are kind of indisposed at the moment…because they're on strike at the current situation…even though I keep telling them that the dang story's not going to end like this! So I have another famous pair to join us! Trunks and Goten!
Trunks: …………
Goten: ………Why did you turn my dad into a lady?
Trunks: Because she's stupid that's why.
Miyanon: ……Uh……Rrright. Let's get on with the story shall we?
Alright, this is how it's going to work…” Sense said, pushing out a map in front of the congregation of Vegeta's emotions and the prince himself. “Here's our base as it is,” he pointed to the large barrier surrounding Vegeta's innermost secrets. “Now over in the Center,” he pointed to the large temple-like structure, the furthest away from the barrier, “is where Suspicion suspects that Action is being held.
What we need you to do, your highness, is to clear away the enforcers,” Pride added with a smirk. “All you really have to do is just blast them and that will get rid of them for sure.”
“Are you really so sure about that?” Vegeta demanded, looking over the vast numbers of enforcers that were drawn over the map.
The congregation was silent.
“That is just so VERY reassuring,” the prince growled standing up, and dusting off the light blue sands from his spandex. “But seeing as there really isn't any other plan, let's just do it.”
The congregation cheered, while Vegeta could only shake his head and groan.
Soon, in fact too soon actually, the prince found himself outside the barrier at the head of his small reserves of emotions; Rage, Anger, Pride, Dignity, Fear, Suspicion, Judgment, Charisma, Passion, Courage and of course Sense.
And this was up against the thousands of Enforcers that had congregated to the very area that they had seen the renegades creep in.
“……Are you sure that this is going to work?” Vegeta asked once more, his eyes wide as he stared at the thousands.
Your highness, you only need to just shoot them to find out!” Sense hissed from his right, starting to get very annoyed by all the questions.
The prince sighed and held up his hand, focusing his ki for his favorite attack. Feeling the blue ki, hone in on his palms, he let loose, screaming out “Bigu Ban Attaku!” The massive rush of energy flew from his hands, heading straight through the crowd of Enforcers. The silent orbs of darkness didn't even make a sound as the ki incinerated them into oblivion. When the ki dissipated more than half of the Enforcers were gone.
HA! I told you you could do it!” Pride clipped, feeling all his gusto returning.
Suddenly, there was a loud POP and an Enforcer suddenly appeared, followed by another POP and another and another, until after a sound-fest of POPs the army of Enforcers had returned to full force with reinforcements it looked like.
The congregation of Vegeta's emotions could only stare on in shock. Sense coughed into his fist and said rather weakly, “Well…this was very…unexpected.”
Well…they found themselves at the Center just fine after that…in shackles and chains. It took about twelve Enforcers to keep Vegeta completely pinned and he struggled with all his might to free himself as they carried him over to the temple structure where their leader dwelled. Rage, Anger, and Dignity were all struggling violently, while Pride seethed, and Sense and Judgment were reserved and watchful, and Suspicion filled poor Fear's head up with a bunch of hoo-hah about sacrifice.
Nearly taking forever to clamber up the temple steps, the group finally reached the top and surprisingly was let out of their chains before the empty throne. The room they were in was massive, the stone walls grandiose and decorated with vast amounts of saiyajin lettering. But something was wrong; the walls were not as bright, not as beautiful. There was a deep darkness overhanging the structure, like some perversion that didn't belong. Even Vegeta, who hadn't even seen what the temple was like before, could tell that this was not what it was supposed to be like.
So…you're the pathetic little group that actually took out some of my Enforcers?” came the booming voice, echoing from the empty throne. Like some denizen of hell summoned, Bejita's doppelganger suddenly appeared in a burst of flame, smirking as he sat languidly in the throne.
What did you do with Action!” Pride screamed out, advancing on the throne.
Oh? You don't recognize me?” the Bejita double smiled sweetly. “You and Sense were always fighting to get control of me…”
Pride frowned for a moment, discerning the double, but then suddenly reared back in horror, putting on a face very much like the horrified one that Sense and Judgment were wearing. “Oh Gods…” he whispered, no louder than a mouse.
“Wait- What?” Vegeta looked about the group confused. What exactly was going on here!
Who is this?” the double demanded.
No one,” Sense answered, standing protectively in front of the confused prince.
I sincerely doubt that,” the throned one sneered and pushed Sense away from him to stand in front of Vegeta. He studied him for a moment, but then suddenly cursed out loud, his eyes wide in shock. “You brought HIM here! How the hell did you manage to do that!”
None of your business you traitor!” Pride replied, seething. “Your business is with us and only us!”
Anything that concerns him, concerns me,” the doppelganger growled. He turned on the prince and said, “I'll just store you for safekeeping while I work out some…issues with these old pals of mine.” Then with a flick of his wrist, Vegeta disappeared.
…Only to reappear in complete darkness, exactly like the prison he was trapped in before, with one very critical difference… He could not see anything…
His heart hammering in his throat, Vegeta tried and failed to discern his surroundings, finding himself just as lost as before. He had the terrible sinking feeling that he was far, far worse off than before and he cursed his own accursed mind for getting him into such an awful mess.
It was hopeless. There was no way that he could ever regain control of his body now. Or even save Kakarot. He could do NOTHING! Frustrated by his own helplessness, he roared into the darkness and pounded the black ground with his invisible hands, shuddering as he fought to regain control of himself. It was all in the hands of the gods now… He only had to rely on fate…
…But it didn't hurt to…let the gods know of the situation. Sheesh, he hadn't prayed in so long, he nearly forgot all the words to the prayer already. Sighing in resignation, Vegeta sat up, cross-legged and centered his ki to his karmic point, chanting the prayer, hoping, just hoping that the gods will hear it.
“What's wrong with Ruby!” came the screech from the doorway. Raditsu and Aleria looked up from the queen's sickbed, only to see a rather familiar figure in the doorway.
“Mom!” Raditsu yelped in surprise, “you know the queen!”
Celipa waved the thought away dismissively. “Of course I know the queen! We're great friends! So tell me what the hell is wrong with her!”
“But, Mom, have you seen Dad anywhere? I haven't seen him since-”
“Pssh,” the low class saiyajin snorted. “That lousy bum? He's up in Heaven getting drunk all the time!”
Raditsu blinked in shock, while Aleria pulled his mother over by the bed. “She's not doing well. She's been…she's been blinking…”
“Blinking?” Celipa echoed, staring at the queen in confusion. Oh Gods, she looked absolutely awful, her face drawn and clammy, an immeasurable amount of tiredness sketched into her features. Suddenly, the queen blinked. Not that she blinked her eyes, oh no… She blinked in and out of the plane of existence.
Shrieking in horror, Celipa reeled back from the bed, nearly crashing into the wall of bookcases behind her. “WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER!”
Aleria bit her lip, looking on Ruby anxiously. “Do you know how a soulmate dies if she's been forgotten by her other half?” Celipa nodded, staring at the queen with the widest set of eyes she had. “Well…” the nurse continued, “she's already dead…so where else is there for her soul to go?”
“Oblivion…” Celipa whispered, barely breathing out the word. No one could say a word for a very long time, letting the doom of the news settle in on all of them. Then the third class woman began to get angry, fisting her hands until her knuckles were a deathly white. “That bastard forgot her! He forgot her completely! And now look at where she is! And what for! So that he can die too! I don't understand it!”
“What can we do?” Aleria whispered. “We've already searched all of HFIL for Bejita, but it's to no avail, we haven't seen him anywhere.”
“We'll get everyone to look for him then!” Celipa declared. “We're bound to find him if all of us go out and search for him!”
Raditsu snorted, gaining a look of disapproval from his mother. “Fat chance. I already tried.”
His mother only smirked and headed to the door, waving to the two of them. “Keep me posted will you?” Then she left.
Aleria and Raditsu looked at each other and could only shrug. Ruby blinked again.
The room seemed to spin as Bardock watched the unholy events of a soulmate forgotten. “Oh Gods…” he whispered, staring at the crystal ball that Ryushifa had provided for him. The black angel only smiled as he watched the saiyajin's expression with the terrifyingly smug look of someone who has all the pieces falling into his hands.
“See, little angel? Your queen is going to disappear with your king right after her if you don't do something about this…”
His tail lashing angrily, Bardock glared hatefully at the black being. “You- you did something to start this didn't you!”
Ryushifa let out a short harsh laugh, looking amused by the retort. “Oh please, none of this would have started if you hadn't peeked into the forbidden files in the first place. All the consequences of that action are entirely your fault. Now it's up to you to fix it…one way or another…” he hissed, almost threateningly.
Shaking his head, the saiyajin backed away from Ryushifa, his lip curling in disgust. “By committing mass homicide of the entire population of Heaven!”
“What?” the black angel said in genuine surprise. “It's not like you haven't done it before.”
Bardock felt a stab of guilt wrench at him, the vision of the little girl suddenly flashing before his eyes. “I…have renounced that act… Besides, Ruby and Bejita would never want me to join with you, even if it costs them their own lives.”
“Even if it costs them their own existence?” Ryushifa purred, inspecting his claws.
The saiyajin said nothing.
“But you haven't even seen what's been happening to your daughter.” Bardock stiffened at her mention. “Don't you want to see what sort of mortal peril she's in before you make such a…hasty decision?”
Again, nothing.
Ryushifa could only grin, as he pulled Bardock over to the bed, over in front of the crystal ball again. The saiyajin could only watch in rapt fascination as the scene turned from the fiery depths of hell to a cold, dark and rainy day.
The day was dark and moldy yellow as rain poured from the heavens and lightning and thunder battled overhead. In the unnatural darkness, the city was blacker than the night for the lights didn't come on for another six hours. Goku could only stare at the rain droplets that ran down the windows, streaking the purple clouded and yellow skied city.
Roaring its fury, the thunder shook the very foundations of the earth, while the lightning had in its vengeance had already taken care of the electricity. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, watching the darkness, Goku could only feel a sense of helpless despair well up in her.
Normally she was comforted by the rain, but in this day as dark as night, only ill could come of it.
“Hello Kayka.”
The lightning flashed.
Goku shot up and turned to look at the intruder. “Vegeta?” Even as the word came from her mouth, Goku knew that it wasn't right. Peering into his narrow slits for eyes, half hidden in the darkness, Goku knew that this was not her Vegeta.
“Lady Kayka, you are entirely mistaken,” the intruder's voice came out smooth, instead of the prince's usual gravel. He stepped up to the bed, into the mellow moldy light, a dangerous, hideous smirk upon his lips, the exact one, Goku realized as she grew colder, that Vegeta wore the very first day he came to Earth.
“The name is Bejita. Saiyajin no ou.”
The thunder roared.
Silently, the younger saiyajin assessed him, becoming more anxious as she noticed the disturbing changes. He was taller, much, much more arrogant, cruel, and he sported a small but very well defined goatee. This was not her Vegeta at all. “What have you done with Vegeta?” she demanded, raising up her fists threateningly. “Tell me or I'll-”
“I don't think that you want to do that, Kayka,” Bejita cut in, his voice almost drawling.
Somehow the name just sounded wrong from him! Like it didn't belong there. “Stop calling me that!” Goku yelled, pulling herself straight into an offense stance, balancing herself on top of the bed.
The king smirked, still staying in his cocky stance. “What's the matter? It's such a sweet name for a girl like you. Crystal…It could mean a number of things, a pure heart, beauty, etcetera, etcetera…” His smirk grew sour as he stepped towards his prey. “Though I'm sure that your precious Vegeta gave it to you to belittle your frailty. Such a delicate little thing aren't you? Haven't you noticed? I could snap you like a twig,” he said, imitating Vegeta's voice.
His eyes roamed her body lustfully, undressing her with his leer. No, she wasn't his soulmate, but she'd do just fine as a consort.
Goku didn't allow herself to shift uncomfortably under his gaze, never relenting her stance. “You're completely making that up,” she hissed.
“Am I?” Bejita chuckled cruelly, making the younger saiyajin uneasy. “So tell me, because I'm sure you've had to make this choice at least once before; will you join me? Or will I have to force you to bend to my will?”
“I don't even know what you're talking about, but let's just assume it's no, shall we?”
“As you wish,” the king replied with another smirk. Without another word he charged her, slamming her up against and through the wall out into the dark yard below where they both fell into the mud. The two tumbled in the Indian red mess, trying to gain a slippery upper hand on the other.
But Goku's weakened female body would be her undoing.
Bejita pinned her down into the mud, his left hand wrapped tightly around her throat and with what else he could, he effectively disabled the use of her limbs. The rain fell heavily about them, dragging the king's hair into a limp mess while rivers of rainwater rolled down past his hideous smirk. Thunder crashed again. Goku could barely keep her vision straight as she struggled to get out of the hold and to gasp for air.
Giddy with anticipation, Bejita's smirk only grew wider as he pulled out a vial, whose crimson contents glowed deep in the dark, stormy night. The younger saiyajin felt her heart clench in fear at the sight of it, because for some inexplicable reason she knew that the small vial would be her doom. “Now be a good little girl, Kayka,” Bejita said as he popped open the cap, “and drink this down will you?”
Goku couldn't say a thing as the vial was shoved into her lips and half the contents emptied into her mouth. She gagged as the sour stuff hit her throat and struggled to get herself out of the king's hold. “There you go…” Bejita smiled, brushing a limp, wet strand from her face. “That wasn't so hard, was it?”
Then she spat the vile juices into his face. The saiyajin no ou cried out, letting go of the younger saiyajin and giving her the opportunity to escape. Goku kicked the king up in the groin, wincing as she did so, for even if she still didn't have the anatomy, the memory of getting hit in such a sensitive spot was hard to forget. Bejita cried out even harder, falling away from her onto his knees, tears springing from his eyes from the agonizing pain. Goku stood up quickly, trying to get a sure foothold in the slippery mud.
She didn't noticed that Bejita took a swig of the rest of the potion, before she aimed a muddy turning kick at his side. The hit caught him off guard, skidding him across the muddy yard and coming to a full slushy stop, groaning on the ground. Goku thread over to him, her arms crossed about her chest. “Well, are you going to give up?” Bejita stood up shakily, breathing hard as he stumbled to close the distance between them. The younger saiyajin frowned, “Aren't you going to-”
Suddenly, the king caught her head between his hands and pressed their lips together…using her open mouth as an opportunity to spit the potion from his mouth to hers. Caught by surprise, when Goku felt the warm liquid hit her tongue she couldn't stop it before it slid down her throat. With a painful screech, she reared back, holding her hands to her mouth in horror.
Bejita only smirked as another clap of thunder boomed overhead, signaling the end to Goku's freedom. The rest of the potion was still in his mouth, all he had to do was swallow it and then the girl would be his.
In that instant, everything happened all at once.
Vegeta prayed on his knees in the darkness of his own mind to the pantheon of Nasarith and Lema.
Ryushifa put a clawed hand on Bardock's shoulder, tightening his grip as he hissed into the frightened saiyajin's ear, “Well, what do you say?” The angel swallowed, his anxiety tearing up his words as he moved to speak.
And Ruby, dear queen Ruby, blinked once too many times, and she faded from existence. “Majesty?” Aleria whispered, clutching the sheets that held her. The queen did not return. “Majesty!” the nurse screamed. Raditsu could only look at the empty bed in horror, even as he heard the rallying cries of the saiyajin in the hall below.
On Earth…
Bejita began to choke, feeling as though he were being suffocated. But by what- WHAT! Suddenly he felt an agonizing wrench of pain at his heart, followed by another and another. He was down on the ground, hissing in agony as he felt his very soul being torn apart. He felt his body curl about him tightly and his chin and upper lips itching as though they were being pierced by bullet ants. He was getting detached from himself once more! Pulled into the mysterious beyonds of death. The king couldn't even scream as his soul was wrenched from Vegeta's body, pulled into oblivion.
The lightning flashed, revealing only Vegeta left behind, drenched, cold, and confused, down on all fours in the mud with a mouthful of warm liquid. He looked up and saw his beloved standing over him, her mouth agape in shock as she watched the transformation from the cruel saiyajin no ou to her own saiyajin no ouji.
Vegeta shakily stood up, feeling as though he were about to retch and he swallowed the liquid in his mouth. “Kakarot,” he said in dazed confusion. “What's going-”
He didn't get to say another word on the matter, as the younger saiyajin just went up to him and closed the distance between their lips, sharing their first kiss since the day of Goku's transformation.
Goten-sobs- WHY DID YOU DO THAT!
Miyanon-sweatdrops- Uh……Well, anyway! We still may not be seeing B&B for a while! -peers out the window to see the pair glaring at her- Uh…a very long while… But I hope that you enjoyed the chapter anyway!