Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ The Deal ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.
Miyanon: Well, B&B are back from strike finally. -sigh- Good thing too, cuz Trunks and Goten got bored and ran off a while ago.
Bardock: Well they DO have Bejita's attention span.
Bejita: Hey! You can't talk about your king that way!
Bardock: …Hey! Want to play Mahjong?
Bejita: Huh, sure.
Bardock: -smirks-
Miyanon: -frown- Mahjong? Why are you playing Mahjong?
Bardock: -starts breaking out the tiles- We're bored of poker.
Miyanon: But it's still poker...
Bardock: …
Bejita: …
Miyanon: …You guys are the heroine addicts of gambling, sheese!
The dark night sky still poured heavily, dropping down enormous gobs of rain, while the thunder and lightning battled to dominate each other. Everyone in West City was safely tucked inside, asleep and unaware of the power blackout that had gone throughout the whole city, casting them in complete darkness. All except for two lonely figures, standing soaked in mud and rain on the large yard of Capsule Corps.
For one long moment, all the prince could do was stand stock still and gape, an impressive feat when his face was being assaulted by two full hungry lips. He had the fortune or misfortune of having an open mouth, which allowed the enchanted saiyajin to delve her nimble tongue into his slack mouth.
This… Vegeta felt himself lulled into a red haze, his lust rearing its ugly head as a low coiling molten snake nestling in his gut and he could not stop his arms from slithering around her waist, entreating her closer to his suddenly too warm body. Slowly he began to respond to the woman's attentions, an animalistic groan pulling from his throat. This…wasn't real… He knew it. This wasn't Kakarot.
And Vegeta did not give a shit.
Black magic was afoot as the prince wolfed the younger saiyajin's lips, pushing her up right against a tree in the rain, trapping her there. Like black venom, lust took over him and his senses, quenching whatever little meager part of him would even think of objecting to this…unrealism. His lips took hers and bit down on them, lapping up the tinny nectar that suddenly spilled onto his tongue.
At the taste, it was a blow to his mind, striking a haze of bloodlust over the prince and the beginnings of something else. He let out a small gasp in the seconds that he separated from her lips from air, before delving straight back into her blood dripping lips.
It was far too tempting for the impulsive prince not to taste the forbidden fruit, especially when it was being shoved right into his mouth.
Who gave a damn about the girl's soul?
The beast in him had to be satisfied. A hand snaked up under the younger saiyajin's drenched pajamas and the prince thought Kakarotto. Bed. Now, not giving a second thought when a mental reply came in return.
Yes, master.
Vegeta could only purr.
Ruby's eyes snapped open and with a small gasp, the queen looked about her wildly, taking in her bizarre surroundings. Where was she? She was surrounded by white mist, engulfing everything around her, even graying her hand if she held it out too far away from her. A dull dread stirred in her as she pulled herself to her feet. Wasn't she supposed to be in the Hall? How did she get here?
She did not have long to behold it as she felt a warm rush of wind behind her and materializing out of the mist right in front of her, her dear soul mate came in focus, looking as confused as she.
Bejita blinked, suddenly himself again and not the cruel being he was only moments before. “Ruby?” he whispered in the moment of his disorientation, peering as her in confusion. Then suddenly he remembered… Turning as white as the mist that surrounded them, the royal let out a loud curse before he was able to slap his hands about his mouth.
The queen glared at him suspiciously, knowing that something was amiss. “Bejita…what did you do?” she demanded coldly, turning a glare on him that would have made zero degrees Kelvin seem tropical.
“Nothing!” Bejita yelped, trying and failing to put on an innocent look. The glare was unrelenting. When that didn't work, the saiyajin no ou merely changed the subject. “Ruby, where are we?”
“I don't know…” Ruby muttered, looking about at the white mists again. It didn't seem like there was anything there…that they were only surrounded by cotton candy clouds so white that it hurt your eyes to look at it.
Then unexpectedly, the haze began to clear. The both of them anxious, Bejita and Ruby tightly held their tails together, putting up a brave face to the transformation…
It started with marble floors sweeping to emerald grass and sapphire and ruby flowers. Then up smooth trunks to jade leaves and then beyond. To white steps, so white that it seemed as though it were formed from the very mist that drew back from it. Marble pillars, arching arcades, grandiose decoration of stars and moons.
Again, Bejita blinked. “This is the ugliest thing I've ever-” However, the mist kept sweeping back, revealing the walls crawled up with scaffolding and men in white, working away at the mess that lay underneath. Saiyajin graffiti. The king gave a horrible shriek when he saw it and he turned to his mate, his face as pale as the walls that surrounded him. “Ruby, I believe I know where we-”
“Welcome to Heaven!”
Bejita gave yet another shriek, looking about and finding no one. His soul mate gave an exasperated sighed and pulled the king's chin to look down at the small, winged ball of brown fluff at their feet. “I'm Qu'Pac and I'll be your orientation guide!”
“…To what?” the queen asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion while Bejita stood insensible behind her.
“Why being angels of course!” Both saiyajin cringed, one in remembrance of the horror stories he's heard from a friend and the other from the giddiness in the angel's voice.
“B-but why are we here!” Bejita demanded incredulously, getting a hold of himself.
Qu'Pac made a small `hmm' and looked through the small clipboard of notes that he was armed with. “Well, it's a bit hazy,” the brown powder puff confessed. “But there is one thing for sure! You were praying when you died!” he said, pointing to the king.
Who frowned, “No, I-” only to get cut off when Ruby gave him a hard jab to the ribs. “OwWw,” he said more than felt, giving his mate a look of disbelief, who rolled her eyes at the king's seldom bouts of obliviousness.
Looking between them for a moment in confusion, the little angel cast aside the odd behavior and pulled up a big smile. “Okay, now if you'll accompany into Angel Headquarters, which we like to call-”
“HQ,” Bejita quipped in.
“Wow, you're good!” Qu'Pac grinned, as he skipped up the stairs into the white building. “I'm sure that our other saiyajin resident will be thrilled to have two here!” He gave a good look over Ruby and then levitated up to her ear level and whispered, “Hey, you're not with this guy, are you? Because I've been talking to Bardock and he really needs to get-”
“HEY!” Bejita cried, his possessiveness flaring, while Ruby held back her laughter when Qu'Pac took a couple feet back from shock. “That's my mate! And Bardock is not laying his paws on her, whether he's super saiyajin or not!”
“I'm…sorry?” the angel blinked, getting over his initial shock quickly. “You know Bardock?”
“Of course I do! I'm his king!” the royal huffed angrily, puffing out his chest threateningly.
The angel was unfazed. “Well, I don't believe it,” he said quietly to himself. “Small world. B-but you won't be able to see him…yet,” Qu'Pac added quickly, looking earnestly up at the two saiyajin. “I mean, the reason why I'M the one escorting you today is because we're really understaffed. Almost all the angels are out looking for him. He was kidnapped when he was in the Special Center!”
“KIDNAPPED!” Bejita roared, sending the angel back yet another few feet. “But he's too powerful for that!”
“W-well, this wasn't any old kidnapping!” Qu'Pac said quickly. “He was taken by Ryushifa's forces…”
“Ryushifa?” Ruby and Bejita echoed.
“Yeah, Ryushifa…or Lucifer. You know, the Devil?”
“Oh my…Look at that,” the black angel whispered, putting a clawed hand on the dark angel's shoulder. “Looks like you were too late to save your king…But it's not too late to save your daughter…”
Bardock tore his eyes away from the crystal ball, rounding on Ryushifa. “What's wrong with her!” he demanded harshly, showing off his saiyajin canines.
The black angel merely shrugged. “It's Black Magic. Their two bodies are bound now and now Kaka-chan has no choice but to fulfill the prince's every dark desire…Until the day she dies…”
“No..” the saiyajin angel whispered, his pallor deathly white as he stared hard at the crystal ball. Every hair on his body rose with his anger and he went to his feet, pacing the room in frustration. “I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust him! I'm going down there to-”
“To what? Let him destroy you for good? Let me remind you that the prince is also under the influences of Black Magic,” Ryushifa reasoned, watching the saiyajin pace in amusement. “He will not feel any intimidation from you if you threaten his prize. The only thing to be done is to remove the binding spell altogether. Something that is perfectly within MY capabilities…”
For a few long moments, the angel was silent, staring at the crystal ball in desperation and utter helplessness. “What do you want from me?” Bardock whispered, looking up at his rescuer.
“Merely open up the gates of Heaven for me. That is all.”
No…that wasn't all. But what could he do about it? “…Fine…I'll do it.”
The black angel grinned and pulled out a black book and a pen, his eyes glittering with something dark and dangerous. “Just sign in here and we have a deal.”
Bardock's very insides froze as he saw the Book. The Book that every angel was drilled every single day of boot camp to ward against. The Book that every daemon and devil of Hell was created from…
“You're the Devil,” Bardock whispered, his narrow eyes widening at the epiphany.
“Does it matter?” Ryushifa grinned, showing off his vicious fangs.
…Not, it didn't change anything at all. With one last glance at the crystal ball, Bardock took up the pen and signed the Book, blood spilling into the pen through magic means, his hand draining and going numb as he felt himself carve his very blood onto the pages tanned with eternity.
It was done.
Ryushifa grinned widely and closed the book. “It will be a pleasure working with you my little pet,” he said, taking up Bardock's numb hand and clasping it in a death-binding grip. The saiyajin angel let out one short gasp as he felt his whole hand on fire and black vile puss from the Devil's sleeves began to snake its way up the angel's bare arm.
In that very second, the Black Magic slipped away from the two Earth-bound saiyajin completely, just as they were outside the door of Goku's room. They regained their senses in a rather awkward position; Goku's legs had somehow managed to wind around the prince's waist, while Vegeta had the utterly embarrassing position of having his face right in between her… The both of them shrieked and wrenched away from each other, falling to the floor in a tangle of limbs.
They managed to separate from each other in seconds, Goku flinging herself up against her door, while Vegeta lay sprawled on the floor. Breathing so hard, she was almost hyperventilating; Goku touched her fingers up to her lips and drew it back seeing blood there. Stunned, she looked up at Vegeta with a look that froze the prince to the bone, a look of absolute betrayal. In a flash she was gone and the door to her room slammed shut.
It took Vegeta a second to realize what happened. “Kakarot!” he screamed, jumping up to his feet and pounding his hand against the flat door, making it literally slam against its hinges. “Kakarot! I didn't mean it! I swear! KAKAROTTO!” There was no answer. The prince's jaw opened and closed futilely and he stared at the door helplessly. No, no, this couldn't be happening to him!
Letting out a roar, a sob, Vegeta sank down onto his knees and pressed his forehead against the warm wood, his position a pathetic hunch against the door. His eyes brimmed with tears and his shoulder shook as he tried to squelched the sudden desperation he felt. Oh Gods. Oh GODS! How was Kakarotto ever going to trust him again?
Bejita: …Well, I'M happy!
Miyanon: Figured you would be.
Bardock: -ignores the story completely-
Miyanon: Okay, what's the matter with you now?
Bardock: -nonchalantly- Oh nothing. I just thought that you'd think better of me.
Miyanon: Well, of course I do!
Bardock: Then WHY do you have me selling my soul to the Devil!
Miyanon: …To save your daughter?
Bejita: She does have a point.
Bardock: -grumbles- Doesn't mean I have to like it.
Miyanon: -shakes head- Oh well, that's too bad for you. Anyway, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter of Onnafied!
Bejita: -pokes the sulking saiyajinlaughs- I guess you're not in the mood for Mahjong anymore.
Bardock: Oh just shut up!