Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Trust ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.
Bejita: My god! It's not even a month!
Miyanon: I know…I'm amazed…
Bardock: Oh well, at least you can write up a solution to this mess.
Miyanon: ………
Bardock: …Miya……
Miyanon: -grins- Yes?
Bejita: …I have a bad feeling about this…
“WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!” rang a voice throughout the nearly empty Angel HQ. In the fitting rooms, a certain saiyajin no ou was being very uncooperative as two flustered tailors tried to measure his wing size for him. “We have to be out there looking for Bardock!”
“Calm down, Bejita! Please!” Qu'Pac cried in exasperation, holding up his hands to appease the mighty saiyajin. “Three-fourths of Heaven is out looking for him already! Even the entire Angel Council! So please, try to follow your wife's example…”
Bejita's eyes followed Qu'Pac's hand over to the window where he saw Ruby through the scaffolding, trying to wrench a crystal ball away from one of the search teams. The king sweatdropped, a welcome relief to the tailors who quickly took the opportunity to measure him while he wasn't pacing about the room. Instantly they set to customizing a pair of wings for him.
“Bardock is my friend,” Bejita sighed and then sat down. “Why are we both here anyway? I don't understand what happened.”
Qu'Pac merely scratched his head and refered to his trusty notepad again. “Well, like I said- all that I can really figure out is that when you passed from the mortal realm, you were praying…” The small angel then ho'd and hmm'd about the problem and then snapped his fingers as an idea hit him. “You two must be soul mates!” Qu'Pac exclaimed, looking earnestly at the saiyajin.
“I could have told you that,” Bejita said curtly, making the powder puff's enthusiasm deflate.
“Oh…” the angel pouted, letting out a sigh. “Well then I suppose you know that whenever physical bodies are no longer a restriction for souls, they stay together no matter where they are. Heaven, Hell or beyond.”
…Actually, the saiyajin didn't quite know that. But it was best to just let the weird puff think otherwise, so Bejita kept it to himself. “Of course I know that! Do you think I'm an idiot! There's no way I could be in charge of a whole planet, keeping it intact and be an idiot!”
“…Didn't one of your own allies destroy your planet?”
“…SHUT UP!” Bejita roared, his face reddening in embarrassment.
The little angel pouted and crossed his arms about his chest, sending a soft glare at the king. “Honestly, I tell you,” Qu'Pac said, sulking, “you're just as bad as Beets is!”
Bejita's head perked up as he heard this, forgetting about the tailors who had finished the wings and were now attaching them to his back. “What- Did you say Beets?”
His escort nodded, “Yeah, Bardock's friend. He's a nasty, short-tempered man, who does nothing just come up with horrible dastardly plans and lays around drinking all day.” Bejita twitched. “Bardock says the ONLY reason why he hangs around with him is because he feels sorry for the twit.”
Another twitch. “A twit, he says,” the king echoed, the knuckles of his fists turning white.
“Yup!” Qu'Pac chirped, oblivious. For a moment, Bejita was silent and the tailors took a step back from their finished work and took a sharp tug of a fistful of feathers to test the wings out. Of course, this extracted a sharp yelp from the king. The saiyajin spun around, screaming bloody murder and chased after the poor tailors, while all that Qu'Pac could do was sweatdrop. “This strikes me as very familiar…”
“Something went down last night,” Piccolo muttered as he sipped his breakfast. Gourmet water courtesy of the constantly battling Briefs women, who were both still in a smiling face off.
Meanwhile his companion was currently muching on waffles and bacon, also courtesy of Bulma and Bunni. “Yeah, I know,” Krillen muttered. “Vegeta's back to normal and Goku's nowhere to be found. I'm worried about him.”
A yawn drew their attention to the door and they saw Mirai entering the kitchen, wearing just a tank top and pajama bottoms. The demi-saiyajin froze when he saw the two fighters at the table, his arms at an awkward angle as they were in mid-stretch. He loosened himself up and then frowned, “What are you two doing here?” sitting himself down at the table and giving an absentmided thanks to his mother and grandmother as they piled his plate high with food.
“Mirai, have you been paying attention to ANYTHING that goes on around here?” Piccolo demanded.
“Well, I do know that Kayka and my dad nearly had sex together last night.” The nameck and the former monk both blanched and started to choke on their breakfast. Mirai pretended not to notice as he dug into his own food. “But something suddenly made them snap out of it.”
Soon Krillen was able to get a hold of himself and he stared at the prince's son in complete shock. “Since when were- But she's- KAMI! Mirai, those two can't possibly-”
“Is there a problem with my father liking her?” the demi-saiyajin demanded, ready to jump in the prince's defense.
“W-well, it's HER, really,” Krillen cried.
“…Wait a minute. You KNOW?” Mirai asked, his fork arrested halfway up to his mouth.
“Oh we know,” Piccolo growled, his arms crossed about his chest. “Goku told us himself.”
“And you're aware of the fact that my father is head over heels in love with `Kayka' then.” Instantly, the two fighters began to choke again. “Oh, oops. Guess you didn't,” the teenager muttered, blinking in surprise.
“Vegeta's in love with GOKU!”
Panic rising in him, Mirai attempted to shush the former monk by slapping a hand over Krillen's mouth. “Shut UP! Do you want my dad to hear!” However, his captive was in no mood to cooperate.
Then came the cold voice that sliced through their very actions cutting them into frozen statues. “Too late.”
Oh god, I am so DEAD! Mirai screamed mentally as he looked over at the door straight into his father's cold glare. It was a mistake.
Bulma came up to Vegeta and pecked him on the cheek. “Morning, honey,” she said, handing him a plate of pancakes and bacon. Apprehensively, the three watch Vegeta calmly sit and begin eating.
“Krillen. Piccolo.” Both winced. It was a very bad thing when the prince used their actual names. “I want you out of my house in the next five seconds before I smash your skulls in with my bare fists and wash my hands in that mass of goo you call your brains.”
“B-but, Vegeta,” the former monk protested.
“Vegeta, this is ridic-”
“-ulous. Vegeta!” Piccolo yelled, his anger and slight fear flaring.
“Krillen. Run.”
“Two.” The two fighters dashed out of the backdoor, just in time before the prince got to the last second, their chairs still spinning even after they were long gone. Taking a couple bites of food, Vegeta turned to his son. “As for you-” Mirai winced. “you can go and fetch Kakarotto from her-…his room… Tell her I'm not going to be a ny bother any longer.”
The prince let it go at that and in silence ate his meal while Bulma and her mother battled in the art of cooking. Though he didn't get threatened somehow…Mirai felt as though he was much worse off. “Wait a minute,” Mirai frowned, his father's words just hitting him. “You KNOW Kayka's Goku!”
“I have her the name,” the prince replied, his voice quiet. Crystal… and he shattered the younger fighter. Vegeta could tell that much from Kakarotto's face. He shattered Crystal…
Well, no more. Vegeta decided before as he strained under the intensity of the multitude of gravity. He would just simply let Goku be and let he- him turn back into a man and return to his family where he wanted to be. Without any intervention from the prince at all.
Maybe in another lifetime, Kayka. It will probably be eons before we meet again, but I know we will again one day. Hopefully, next time I won't be so phenomenally stupid.
“You know where to find me,” the prince muttered as he stood up and went back outside over to the gravity room. Just watching his once proud standing father slump outside broke Mirai's heart completely. God, this was more serious than he thought! He had to fix this somehow…
Absently, he thanked his mother for breakfast again and bounded up the stairs to Goku's room. “Son-san!” he called, knocking on the door. “Son-san, I need to talk to-” The door gave way, opening up to show the third class' face, tired and haggard.
“What is it, Mirai?” she asked, all her youthful energy gone from her.
“I…” he started, but then saw the suitcases on top of the bed. “Are you leaving!”
Goku nodded and gestured the demi-saiyajin to come into her room. “I'm going to go back to ChiChi and explain everything to her like I should have from the very beginning.”
“Because of what my father did?” Mirai asked helplessly.
At this, the saiyajin blinked. “Huh? Mirai, you've got it wrong. Geta was… He wasn't himself. Literally. And when he turned back to normal… I'm the one who threw myself at him…” She sighed and sat down on the bed in a dejected slump. “I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I couldn't stop myself either. I just… took advantage of him right when he turned back to normal.”
“You should have heard him…” the saiyajin whispered, her head bent into her hands. “He was so upset when I managed to get a hold of myself. I was… I'm so confused, Mirai. It was like my own body betrayed me…”
…Well, to Mirai it certainly didn't look like his father was being taken advantage of, but it was just like Goku to always assume the best in other people. But at least in this instance it gave the demi-saiyajin the opportunity to right the situation.
“I can't even look at him in the face.”
Mirai knelt by her, laying a comforting hand on her fists, “Son-san. It's not like that at all. If you just talk to him, he's the one who's going to be apologizing. Whatever happened last night was just…a huge misunderstanding.”
Goku looked up at the demi-saiyajin in surprise. “Really? You mean…he's just as confused as I am?” she asked hopefully.
…That was the furthest from the truth that Goku could have guessed, but Mirai played along with it. “Uh..sure… Why don't you just go and talk to him, okay? He's in the gravity room.”
“I…” Goku started, giving the demi-saiyajin a desperate look. “I don't think I should! ChiChi would- Well, frankly, she'd cut my throat!”
“Shouldn't you be more worried about if this will hurt her, rather than if she'll hurt you?” Mirai asked slyly, making Goku blush and sputter.
“Mirai! Stop teasing! This is serious!”
“I'm sorry,” the teenager grinned, not looking sorry at all. “But in all seriousness, Son-san, fear for your life is not a reason to bind yourself to someone.”
For a moment, Goku was silent, staring at the floor in contemplation. “It's not that simple…” No, Goku had to think of how loyal ChiChi always was to him. How she stayed celibate for years when he was dead. And Goku had to think of his children. Gohan had already been through so much, but he always had the security that his parents loved each other. And Goten… He couldn't just leave Goten alone again!
Suddenly a knock came to the door.
With a frown, Mirai opened it, only to reveal the youngest Son standing awkwardly in the hall. Goten instantly pouted when he saw Mirai. “Dang! Why's your ki so similar to Trunks'!” Then he peeked inside and grinned at Goku. “Hi, Touchan!” The saiyajin blanched. “Is it okay if I sleepover here? I didn't ask Kaasan yet.”
…Okay, who else did Trunks tell about her identity? Numbly, Goku answered, “Uh… Goten, buddy, I think you need to ask your mother. Why don't you call?”
“Ah…I don't remember the number…” the boy admitted with a laugh. Oh…well, drat. Goku didn't remember either. Whenever she had to ask ChiChi something she'd just IT over there and ask.
Mirai sighed and shook his head. “I'll help you, Ten-kun,” he said, standing up and ruffling Goten's hair as he led the boy over tot eh phone in the den.
The youngest Son waved at his father as he left. “See ya, Touchan!” Still struck dumb, Goku waved back and listened to her son's excited chirps as he ran through the list of `super fun' things that he and Trunks were going to do that night.
When the two demi-saiyajin were well out of range, Goku stood up and slowly made her way out into the hall and down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen's back door to go over to the GR.
It was raining again this day. Not as violently as the night before, but the sound of pattering water brought back the haunting touches of the prince's hands over her skin, making her physically shiver from the phantom memories.
It was..wrong. It was just wrong.. but then why... Goku was torn. As she stared out at the darkening sky, she tried to think of all the wonderful times that she had with ChiChi and the kids... but all she could think of was... the rightness in the wrong act of throwing herself at Vegeta.
It was just that...She was just...so relieved, so not afraid, so glad, and so ecstatic to see her prince back to his old self that...she just went insane. Vegeta... she thought in irrational shame, watching the prince's movements from the doorway, which were so quick they didn't even leave a silhouette on the GR's windows.
Scared out of her mind, Goku stepped out into the rain out onto the muddy lawn, letting herself get soaked to the bone in seconds. She walked towards the door of the gravity room until she was only a foot away from the door.
Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, the thought kept running through her mind as she tried to work up the nerve to knock. The rain poured harder and the rumblings of thunder began low over the eastern horizon. Why...why was she so afraid? She wasn't this scared when she fought against Frieza or Cell. The only other time she could remember being so utterly terrified was when he was about to face off...Vegeta for the very first time.
All alone on the desert plain. So alone. It thundered like this, too. Not in the heavens, but in the very earth as they battled far above it.
If Yajirobe hadn't shown up... well, Vegeta would have won that fight. He would have anyway if he didn't decided to go into the villainous monologue about how Kakarotto shouldn't have been so utterly stupid to decline the offer to...rule the universe together... Oh god... I can't do this! she screamed mentally and turned about to run back to the house.
Suddenly the loud smack of metal on metal made Goku jump with a guilty state. “Kakarotto?” Slowly, the saiyajin turned around, coming face-to-face with Vegeta, a nervous smile planted on her lips.
“Uh...hi, Vegeta! I was just passing by...in the rain... and I thought I'd just come and...say hi! And so I have! So bye!”
The prince gave a harsh snort and turned back to the engine. “I knew it.”
That...hurt. Goku thought with a wince. That really hurt. Vegeta was still mad at her and Mirai was obviously wrong. “Look, I'm sorry,” the saiyajin said imploringly as she dared to step into the GR from out of the rain. “I'm really, really sorry! I've never been more sorry for anything in my entire life!”
“What are you sorry for, Kakarotto?” the prince asked wearily, checking over the control panels about the engine.
“I'm sorry that...I kissed you?” Goku offered, though it sounded lame even to her. At that, Vegeta went completely still, making Goku even more nervous. Then he turned, revealing not the angry expression that the younger saiyajin was expecting, but one of confusion.
“I...” Goku breathed, staring at the prince who moved closer to her now. “I don't know!” she cried. “I don't know! I don't KNOW!”
Shocked, Vegeta stopped moving instantly, his jaw going slack as he stared at the younger saiyajin in her sudden change of mood. “Kayka, calm down,” he said, his eyes widening as he held up his two hands to the saiyajin.
Goku let out a laughing sob. “You know.. Bejita... he told me what Kayka means. Crystal, huh?” Another laugh. “Th-that's really funny you know. I mean, WHY? Why did you give me that name? I can't figure out if you were making fun of me or if-”
“I love you.” Vegeta said quickly, blurting out his secret. The younger saiyajin stared at him, speechless. She knew, somehow, that he was leaving his heart completely out in the open for her to do whatever she liked with it.
And oh god, those eyes, shining with...something so beautiful one second and in the next they cracked from absolute terror, when the prince suddenly realized how utterly vulnerable he just made himself. But... Goku was not one who lied or toyed with other people's feelings.
“Vegeta...that's not what I really wanted to hear from you...”
“That little WHORE!” Ruby screamed in fury at the crystal ball that she had `acquired' from one of the psychic search parties.
“Erm...Ma-am... we-really-need-that-back,” the leader gurbled apprehensively at the saiyajin after outburst.
“How DARE that third class wench treat my baby like that!” the queen shrieked, ignoring the angel completely. “If I could just get my hands on her, I'll wring her neck!”
“Svniff!” the leader called out its ten yellow eyes widening in fear, “could you go and get this lady's husband! Quickly!”
For a few long moments, the prince was silent, feeling as though his very heart had shattered into a million tiny crystal fragments. “I...” he choked out, “I understand.” Vegeta felt as though he were on the very verge of mental collapse as he forced himself to utter the two hardest words he ever had to speak. This.. This wasn't right! They were soul mates! Once they confessed their love, they were supposed to be bound together for eternity! DO SOMETHING! he screamed at himself. Shake some sense into her! ANYTHING!
But he couldn't.
“Oh Vegeta,” Goku sighed softly, wrapping her arms about him and pulling the prince into a tight hug. “I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you, but I have my family that I need to think about...for once.”
“Can...you at least stay for the rest of the week?” Vegeta whispered, speaking no louder than a mouse.
“I don't think that's a good idea,” the younger saiyajin replied, her throat tightening as well as her grip. “I'm going to go back to ChiChi's where I belong and tell her everything that I should have from the very start.”
“...You don't trust me?”
Goku shook her head, “No, no! Of course I do! I've always trusted you... I just don't trust myself...”
Vegeta said nothing, simply unable to bring himself to it.
Sighing a breath of defeat, his greatest rival withdrew her arms from about him and then tread outside where the storm was just clearing. She closed the gravity room door sharply behind her, leaving Vegeta completely and utterly alone...
B&B: ...
Bejita: ...WTFH!
Miyanon: Love is never pretty, my friend.
Bejita: -twitches in rage- You YOU!
Bardock: And where the heck was I? You can't just sell my soul to the devil and not have me show up in the next chapter!
Miyanon: Of course I can. Shakespeare did the exact same thing with Hamlet when Claudius sends him off to be killed in England. It increases dramatic tension and lets the readers/viewers cool off for a bit after the protagonist has done something incredibly stupid.
Bardock: -snorts- Oh thanks.
Bejita: Wait a minute. He's the protagonist! What about me!
Miyanon: Well...You ALL are! That's the great thing about esembles!
Bejita: ...I don't believe you...