Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Water under the bridge ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.
Miyanon: Hello again! Sorry about all this! -nervous laugh- Yeah...I'm moving into my college dorm in a day... I am SO stressed out by all this...
Bardock: You obviously haven't been on a planet purge mission.
Miyanon: ...How can we possibly even compare-
Bejita: Easily! We have gone through a hell of a lot more crap than you have. Dieing for one thing.
Miyanon: But that's not fair!
Bardock: Of course not! That never stopped us before!
Bejita: Face it, your life's been pansied by good fortune.
Miyanon: -opens mouth, closes it- You- You ARGH! -storms off-
Bardock: -smirks- I love teasing her.
Bejita: We better bring her back so she can type out the story.
Bardock: Yeah, the readers have been waiting long enough. Now for the next installment of Onnafied!
Goku physically winced as her wife began screeching again. The fighter had absolutely no idea what it was about this time, ChiChi's voice was far too pitched to really understand. And looking at the faces around the breakfast table, it looked like her two sons were suffering, too.
She sent a grin over to Gohan who returned it with a nervous, twitchy smile. Two days and her eldest still wasn't over the fact that he was a she...temporarily anyway.
Gohan sped up his meal and then grabbed lunch from the kitchen counter as he fled. “Bye Mom! Bye Goten!” he called out as he ran out the door. Luckily it was enough to distract ChiChi long enough to make her stop screaming so loudly.
“Gohan! You come home for dinner!”
There was the faint echo of `Yeah!' coming up from the sky.
Then the housewife set her sights on the two at the table. “Goten, you go up and study in your room,” ChiChi ordered, her eyes piercing into her “husband.”
Uh oh...
“But Mom,” came the automatic reply.
“Goten, you better go do what your mother says,” Goku said quickly, nudging the young boy to leave and quickly. The boy pouted, but he had no choice but to listen when BOTH his parents were agreeing on something. Goten bounded up the stairs, leaving Goku and ChiChi to face each other off in the kitchen.
“What's the matter, ChiChi?” Goku asked, looking up at her small wife. However, ChiChi didn't answer. Her hand raised high above her head and she slapped Goku in the face.
“Where the hell were you last night?”
Goku rubbed her cheek, looking up at her wife in shock. “Nowhere! Just up by my Grandpa's house.”
“LIAR!” she screamed, slapping Goku in the face again. “You're gone out all night! And with what little sleep you do get, I hear you moaning for someone else! A MAN!” She slapped Goku again. “You sick, filthy-”
“CHICHI!” the saiyajin growled, her eyes flashing blue. She looked up at the stairwell, seeing Goten there, shaking like a leaf. Both parents were silent. “I'll take care of him,” Goku whispered getting up from her seat, passing by her wife. She paused, right at her side. “ChiChi, I swear on my honor that I have never seen hide nor hair of this person since I've come back.”
“Oh?” ChiChi said coldly, “what about the three weeks before then?” Goku could say nothing, her eyes carefully averted from hers. “I thought so,” her wife hissed and then loudly gathered the breakfast dishes together and began the vigorous job of cleaning up.
Goku sighed and walked to the bottom of the stairs. “Goten, come here,” she beckoned, holding out a hand to him. “Let's go take a walk.”
“Get away from me, you freak!” Vegeta hissed, swinging his arm over the back of the couch and landing a hard smack on the pruple-haired head behind it.
Mirai fell on his ass in an instant, wincing painfully. “Dad, just cool it, will you?” he said quickly, holding up his hands as a submissive gesture.
The prince watched him for a moment, snorted, and then turned his attention back to the television. Supposedly. A five hour marathon of Jamie Oliver's shows would be enough to entrance any saiyajin, demi or otherwise, even the prickly prince of all saiyajin. But in just three days, everything normal in Vegeta's life, his mannerisms, behavior and routine, had turned into a front.
Mirai was the only one in the house with enough insight to realize this. Bulma would have but right now there was something seriously wrong with the woman. And for that Vegeta was grateful.
...The boy was staring at him again. “What in the nine hells is your problem!” Vegeta demanded, taking another swipe at the demi-saiyajin. This time Mirai was prepared and he ducked it.
“I don't have a problem,” Mirai countered, “you do.”
“Just let me watch the TV in peace, dammit!” the prince grated out, his fingers puncturing the arm chair's leather upholstery. “I do NOT appreciate being watched like some lab vermin!”
“All right. All right. I'll lay off,” the younger fighter sighed as he took a seat around the TV and watched the marathon. But much like his father, his thoughts were not on potato stuffed bell peppers or whole baked onions lathered in butter glaze... Okay, so he was paying more attention than his father, but Jamie Oliver did not stop Mirai from being concerned about the eldest fighter's deterioration.
It wasn't just that Vegeta was acting extremely cantankerous, it was that his father seemed to becoming more and more unstable.
That afternoon, Vegeta had given him a very disturbing lecture about the time Furiza taught him exactly what happened to the inhabitants of a planet that is about to blow up. `They can die either two ways; one, by pyroclastic surge. A force of such intense heat going at unimaginable speeds. If it hits a living organism, it doesn't burn. The saiyajin is turned into charcoal instantly. Instant death.
`For those that weren't so lucky was option number two: thermal shock. The skin vaporizes, the brain boils and bursts, all the water evaporates from your body, leaving all your organs shriveled and infuctional. Then of course, you die in agony.'
The point of this gruesome story completely eluded Mirai and that also worried him. He wished he could talk to his mother about this, but Bulma was even more whacked up than Vegeta! And worse, the boy from the future didn't even know why! Still, an unstable Vegeta was infinitely more frightening than his mother pursuing baking.
Now his father wasn't even interested in the marathon. He was being really twitchy. “I swear to all the Gods in heaven, if you stare at me one more time, I'm going to rip your head from your shoulders and stuff the sinewy remains down you throat!”
Oops. Mirai looked away from his irate father, his neck popping from the speed of the snap.
If only his father didn't look like he was actually going to carry out that threat...
This was heaven. There could be absolutely NO denial of that fact now.
Not when there was this enormous luscious mound of Philly steak and cheese sandwiches right before his eyes! Almost afraid to touch it, Bejita daintily picks up one of the large subs from the pile. It was warm, fresh, almost too good to eat. ...Almost.
With the agility of a saiyajin and without any of the dignity he was usually known, the king stuffed the entire sandwich into his mouth his cheeks bloated with the heaven sent taste. This was too good to be true! He could almost cry!
During his scarf fest, the other administrative angels could only stare at him in something of shock. “...You really weren't kidding about the sandwiches, were you?” he said, turning to look over at the dignified saiyajin queen. Ruby smiled and shook her head. “So I'm assuming he'll accept the position?”
“You probably didn't have to bribe him into becoming a general,” the queen frowned at General Mac. “He would have done it out of boredom anyway.”
“...Wish I knew that before,” the stiff general muttered. “But it's alright. We need to prepare for this upcoming rise from hell.”
“And what makes you so sure that Hell's going to attack?” Ruby asked suspiciously, her tail twitching with agitation. In hell, she had absolutely no intention of invading Heaven! She and the other saiyajin were just bent on survival.
General Mac frowned heavily on the woman. “There's the angel kidnapping for one thing. Plus I can just feel it in my bones...” the MM general muttered gruffly. “The big guy's behind this one. The Prince of Darkness himself.”
“I've heard,” Ruby said flatly. “Now how are you planning on finding Bardock?”
“Ma'am,” the alien put it frankly, “if he were down there for this long already, then the chances are that he's either nonexistent or has turned.”
“...What do you mean turned?” Ruby demanded.
“As in he sold his soul. I can't think of any reason why Lucifer would come for him if that weren't the case.”
The queen clenched her jaw, but reluctantly accepted the words. Normally, she would be outright offended at the idea of any saiyajin being so weak, but...this was Lucifer...The Lord of the Underworld... He was more fiction than reality. A God.
But what could possibly turn Bardock?
“Bejita, could I show you to your troops now?” General Mac asked, ignoring Ruby's disconcerted look and becoming bored with the saiyajin no ou's antics.
Bejita paused his binge long enough to frown in confusion at the angel. “Troops?” he asked, his mouth stuffed his steak and cheese.
“Yes, the ones that you're supposed to lead in exchange for a never ending supply of Philly steak and cheese!” the general grated out, tapping his fingers against his crossed arms in irritation.
The king then turned to his soul mate, gulping down his food before he spoke, “Ruby, you didn't say anything about-”
“Just take a couple sandwiches and follow the alien, honey.”
Salvation was but a mere hop away. Goku shifted around on the not too comfortable couch, staring up at her living room as moonlight shadowed a window onto the front door. Two days ago had been the last straw for ChiChi, leaving her husband to fend for herself until Goku turned back into a man. The saiyajin desperately waited for everything to go back to the way it was. It was only a couple days left. Then ChiChi would stop being so mad all the time. Gohan would look him in the eyes again.
...And Vegeta would realize the error in his thinking. Then he'll probably beat his rival up over it and not speak to him for months. Years. Uncharacteristically depressed, Goku tossed again, clutching the thick blanket up to her chin.
At least he wouldn't be sad, if he was pissed off. God, she would prefer dying again before seeing such heartbroken look on Vegeta's face. Her insides squeezed with guilt just thinking about it.
It wasn't fair! Why couldn't Vegeta have fallen in love with Bulma! She thought that he was in love with Bulma already! They had Trunks, didn't they! And he just- Vegeta just- Out of the blue!
Wracked with guilt, the warrior was no where near asleep. Instead she shifted again and stared at the ceiling, her heart twisting cruelly. It wasn't fair!
There was no way that she could sleep. Sighing, Goku sat up and tossed the blanket over the back of the couch. Giving up, knowing ChiChi will kill her later, Goku raised two fingers to her brow and transmissioned out of the house.
Only a few hours later the sun peeked over the eastern horizon to find Son Goku sleeping at the roots of a large oack, her head laying comfortably on the crook of her elbow.
A pair of scrutinous eyes watched her.
He waited while Kakarotto blinked into the early sun and stretched out her sleep sore muscles. His hand fisted and unclenched absently as he waited for her to become aware of her presence in the tree above her.
Finally she did when she sat up and jerked her head to the branch above her. “Vegeta!” the exclamation was almost a shriek. Instantly, Goku was up on her feet.
The prince almost smirked as he lightly dropped down to the ground. “What are you doing here, Kakarotto? Did the harpy kick you out?” he asked, leaning against the trunk of the large oak.
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Goku countered, standing defensively with her arms crossed around her chest.
This time Vegeta did smirk. “You happen to be in my backyard.”
A spike of panic stabbed the younger saiyajin and she spun around to look at her environment. The only thing around was trees. “Jeez, Vegeta! Why did you scare me like that!” the fighter pouted. “I don't see Capsule Corps anywhere near here!”
“However, it is my property,” the prince replied, examining the tree sap that had stuck to his gloves. “I had Bulma get it for me a while back. My villa's in the middle of the grove.” A small grin played on his face and Goku sent him a look of annoyance as he seemed to delight in poking fun at her. However, embarrassment pawed at her insides.
She didn't even realize that this was his place! He wasn't happy because he thought she was...did he? Oh hell! Who knew what went on in the prince's head!
Guilt knifed her again and she felt out of sync with herself due to Vegeta's presence. The warrior quickly sought an escape route. “Look, I need to-”
“I want a fight, Kakarotto,” the older saiyajin interrupted.
Instantly Goku was wary, so the prince rephrased his intent. “I haven't done much sparring since you left. Bulma is too busy baking to fix the battlebots,” he muttered, his mouth curling in disgust. “And Mirai thinks I should be institutionalized.” Then, almost as if he were checking himself first, the prince held out a hand to the younger saiyajin. “So come. Let's see how much you've improved in your mosquito style.”
Goku had to keep herself from bursting into laughter. Ah! He still remembered! Contemplating the handsome prince, the fighter caught an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes; sour acceptance, and some hope.
Man, this was completely against better judgment.
But who listened to that anyway?
She reached out for Vegeta's hand. Immediately, the older saiyajin snatched it away and tossed a haughty smirk at his subject. “Do you think I'll let you touch me that easily third class?” he demanded loudly, jumping back and taking an offensive position.
Goku's eye twitched.
Sure, she was still uncomfortable with their relationship. Sure she was still in pajamas. But dammit! She worked her ass off to prove herself better than a third class!
And the prince knew it. He was completely ready for her façade of a grin and her sudden attack.
The two saiyajin nearly collapsed by the end of the day, landing with soft thuds onto the battle torn ground. Resignedly, Vegeta glared at the landscape. “Well there goes the neighborhood.” Goku blinked and looked over what was left of the terrain. Small hills were upheaved, the trees scraggly and shuddering from the wind, as if they just suffered a traumatic near death experience. Craters coated the grassy floor. Boy they did a number from such a short-
What time was it!
Goku looked up at the sky in panic, suddenly realizing that the pink rosy dawn had turned into an orange dusk without her realizing it! Oh God! “ChiChi's going to kill me!” she shrieked, jumping to her feet. At which point, her stomache contested a much more important matter. “Oh man, I'm starving,” Goku moaned, falling on her back onto the tufts of grass.
Her sparring partner smirked, reaching over and flicking a strand of hair from across her face. The small action made the younger saiyajin go very still, a lead weight of awkwardness planting itself in her gut.
“I'll get you something to eat then. Just wait for a bit,” the prince said, heaving himself up to his feet. He strode off towards what the new edge of the mountainous forest.
The younger saiyajin watched his back until it disappeared behind the trees. ...Now the normal Vegeta would just call her an idiot for being so susceptible to her stomach. And he would never just hunt for her sake.
So, he still...
...Well, she couldn't expect his feelings to evaporate overnight...
Goku stared at the sky in silence. “...GAH!” she screamed, so suddenly that she nearly startled herself. She didn't want him to love her! She wasn't even a her! With a moan, the fighter flopped onto her stomach. Before Vegeta had always scoffed at the soft notion of love, dismissing it as solely a human concept. And when he finally finds it for himself... It just made her heart break.
With yet more uncharacteristically depressing thoughts stewing about her mind, Vegeta returned with his...hunt. Goku blinked when the prince dropped a couple capsules onto her lap. She stared down at them. “Since when did hunting involve Capsules?”
“Who said I was going hunting?” Vegeta asked, setting himself down next to the younger fighter. “My villa is only half a kilometer away. Besides, I realized that hunting meant taking extra time to prepare the meat. And you looked as though you were about to die from starvation,” the prince added with a teasing smirk.
Goku laughed, feeling more at ease. “Hey! I don't die that easy!” She tossed the couple of capsules over at her feet. In a bamph of smoke, several boxes of pizza came into being. “Pizza! My favorite!”
“...Everything's your favorite, Kakarotto,” Vegeta said, his voice flat. Grinning, Goku pounced on the first steaming box and nearly inhaled one pizza after another. “Hey! Don't eat it all!” the prince yelled, when the stockpile of boxes was getting too low too quickly. “Dammit! I haven't anything all day either!” he said, reaching over the girl to get at the food.
Goku shoved him back with her shoulder. “Nuh-uh! As I recall you got it for me,” she reasoned, laughing at the prince's frustration. Growling, Vegeta physically clambered on top of the younger fighter and grabbed one of the boxes. “Hey, hey! Get offa me!” Goku protested, ineffectively trying to shove him off with his elbows, both hands filled with pizza.
Vegeta turned over, cocking an eyebrow at the younger saiyajin. “Get off? I don't feel like starving, Kakarotto.” He shifted, until his head was comfortably on top of her stomach. “I'm staying right where I am.”
His pillow went still, her mirth leaving her. “...Vegeta, if you don't move I'll make you regret it,” she said tonelessly.
The prince snorted, rolling his eyes. “I don't see what you could possibly-”
His words cut off, when lips pressed against his own. Vegeta stiffened, his whole body turning rigid. Who- Kakarotto... Kayka was... kissing him... His hands hesitantly made their way up to her shoulders, feeling the warmth of her skin under his fingers.
Then he shoved her away with everything he had. “Kakarotto! What is wrong with you!” he screamed in fury. His rage died away when he saw tears in her eyes. Eyes wide, he echoed quietly, “What's wrong with you?”
Goku hiccupped and then pushed the prince off of her. “I have to go.”
Vegeta grabbed her wrist before she could even move. “You're not leaving. Not until you explain what just happened.” Her eyes trained on her ankle, so he cupped her chin and forced her face to his. “Kakarotto, look at me. What ha-” His voice caught in his throat when he saw his own eyes clearly staring back at him.
“...I...I love you,” she whispered.
The prince's hand dropped to his sides. “I don't believe it. You're lying aren't you?” he accused. “Aren't you!” Goku winced, then slowly shook her head her eyes back on her ankles. Vegeta jumped up and began to pace furiously in small steps. “I don't believe this,” he hissed, his hands clenched into fists. He stopped to face his rival, his mouth opening to talk. But he couldn't speak and he started pacing again.
“DAMMIT!” he roared, and backhanded their tree. Roots and dirt upheaved, showering the two with mud as the tree moaned in its fall. Finally, the prince found his words and the menace in the glare he sent down to his rival would have made Furiza back away. “You have always followed your heart, Kakarotto. So why the hell am I the exception!”
“Vegeta, I-”
“Kakarotto, nothing you have to say could possibly-”
He went on to say more, but then Goku felt an angry buzz in the back of her mind. Reluctantly, she ignored the prince and started communicating with her heaven bound mentor. “King Kai, what's the matter?”
“Goku! It's trouble! You and Vegeta need to come up here RIGHT NOW!” Horror gripped the saiyajin as she listened to the event unfolding in the so-called paradise. She looked up at the ranting prince, her face emoting battle readiness.
“Vegeta, we have to go.”
The prince's face was nearly red with anger. “No! Kakarotto, I'm not going anywhere! We're going to sort this-”
“Vegeta, Hell is going to invade Heaven.”
Her statement caught Vegeta by surprise long enough for his voice to lower in register a few notches. “That's their problem. They're the ones that caused this whole mess in the first place. I could care less-”
“GodDAMMIT! Stop interrupting me!”
Goku took a breath and looked the warrior prince straight in the eye. “Vegeta, your parents are going to be caught in the crossfire.”
A cold chill ran down Vegeta's spine and he slowly turned to his rival. “My parents?” Goku nodded. “What are they thinking?” the prince wondered aloud. “I suppose we can sort this out later,” he told the younger saiyajin. Without a word, she grabbed his hand and teleported the two of them to heaven.
...Then teleported them right back to Vegeta's villa because their clothes were in shreds.
Miyanon: -looks up at the introduction- Obviously its been a while since I started this chapter. sighs I had writer's block. I have no explanation.
Bardock: -nods- Sad, really. It's been what? Over a year?
Miyanon: It has not!
Bejita: Pretty damn close though. -examines his poker cards-
Miyanon: ...I thought you were off that!
Bardock: We're not saints, Miya. Plus you've been gone for soo, soo long.
Miyanon: ...Careful, or I'll have you killed in the next chapter.
Bardock: ...
Bejita: ...
Miyanon: ...
Bardock: ...That's not funny.