Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Orange Star High School ❯ In the Heat of the Night ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Did you know it's nice to get a $7.60 tip for your first day on the job? Because it is. It really is. Now to further my attempts to look like homicidal-maniac alien with over-inflated ego issues with my new found cash.

Uhm… don't kill me? This story is far from over… and things MAY change. Hang on. Also, whoever is the first to guess what Anime theme I stole the translated lyrics from for Piccolo to sing gets to ask me ONE question, via private email, that I will answer. So remember to leave emails, and I'll be contacting you Monday.

Chapter Ten: In the Heat of the Night

He lay quiet in the bed long after the other had fallen into the arms of Morpheus. It had been an `eventful' night to be subtle about it. Parts of it were strange and uncomfortable, and a large portion of it he was still sorting through mentally.

The discomfort that he had felt the last time he'd tried to get `laid' as Juunana so crudely put it, was significantly less this time. The feeling of a slightly sticky warm, breathing body tore his flesh in two, metaphorically, from the urge to crawl from the unfamiliar texture, and to lean into it.

How ironic that things should end like this, when he wasn't even trying. He had intended merely to flirt a bit, and had found himself in the other's bed. Not that he was complaining, although he supposed it did make him a bit easy if they'd started shagging on the first unofficial date. However, the only ones who would see him as `easy' would also be the ones who'd hate him for being gay, so their opinion didn't matter much at all.

He leaned in closer to Piccolo's warm body, tensing slightly as he felt arms slide around him, and tried to remember where it had all begun…


He banged on his locker three times before turning the dial and opening it with a sigh. He'd just gotten out of his mandatory Government class, which was dreadfully boring. Anyone with a brain in their head and who had been paying attention to the news for at least three months would have figured out how the government worked. It wasn't nearly as complicated as the textbook told you it was, in Vegeta's opinion.

Government, in Vegeta's opinion, was run by a series of `I scratch your back, you scratch mine,' by a lot of guys with huge egos. There was also bribery of `representatives' by the medical, and `vice' institutions as Vegeta called them. The pornography industry was the major felon in this. There was no way, in Vegeta's mind, that they couldn't be involved in the government.

He shoved his trigonometry and calculus books into his bag. He'd decided to double up on the courses, even though hours in front of the calculator was not his idea of fun. It looked good on the college resumes however, and that was all that was important.

"Hey." Someone said behind him in a friendly tone. It froze Vegeta for a second, because it was so unusual for someone to speak to him without insulting him.

He turned and saw Krillen, and remembered yesterday.

"You got bus fare?" He grunted in lieu of a greeting.

"I thought we'd take my car," Krillen suggested.


They headed out to the school parking lot, where Krillen unlocked his new car. He'd saved up over the summer to make the down payment with his job working at the fish market, and with his current job at his parent's restaurant, he'd probably have it paid off in five long long years. Still, it was a really nice ride.

It was a half-hour ride to mall, due to a wreck on the main route. Some people just didn't know how to drive safely, Krillen thought, as he drove at the swift pace of seventy miles per hour in the fifty-five zone with thin ice on the road.

"So, Government's pretty boring isn't it?" Krillen asked, searching for something to break the silence of the last five minutes. He and Vegeta shared Government as their last class of the day.

"That textbooks full of shit." Vegeta said, not removing his gaze from the window filled with passing cars. "That's not the how the government runs at all. It's all secretly run by the porn industry."

Krillen blinked at that, it certainly was an unusual statement…

"How do you figure that?"

"Easy, why is it illegal to be or hire a prostitute, yet you can go into most any store and buy a porno video or a skin magazine? You get the same result. These people are being paid to have sex, which is technically illegal since you can't **hire** anyone to **have** sex because that would be prostitution."

"Well, I suppose it's safer to be a porn star than a hooker. They're always talking about how they get cut up and stuff. Get killed on the job, you know."

"Happens in the porno industry too, they don't talk about that though." Vegeta's eyes narrowed. "It's a simple economics question. If you have all those prostitutes out there who can give `the real thing', why settle for your own hand?"

Krillen considered this, and could come up with no rebuttal.

"You live in a fucked up world, Vegeta." He said finally.

"Just remember you live here too." Vegeta shrugged.

There was more silence, until the radio, turned down low, played that familiar roll of piano keys. He immediately jerked down and turned up the dial, just in time to hear sweet Gloria's voice…

At first I was afraid,

I was petrified,

Afraid I couldn't live without you by my side.

But then I spent so many nights,

Thinkin' on how you did me wrong,

And I grew strong,

And I learned to get along….

He began to sing, rather badly, along, not caring about his unwilling audience. He'd always been hypnotized by the song since he was a child.

And so you're back,
From outer space,

A second voice joined in with him, thankfully just as bad, and he had to look over just to confirm that it was, in fact, Vegeta. To make sure that coldly reserved Vegeta was actually **singing** and bobbing his head to "I Will Survive".

I just walked into find you here with that sad look upon your face,

I should have changed that stupid lock, (Vegeta changed this to "fuckin' lock" in a fit of artistic inspiration.)

I should have made you give your key,

If I'd have known for just one second that you'd come back to bother me.

Oh, boy, now go!

Walk out the door!

Just turn around now,

You're not welcome any more.

By this time the duo had progressed into quasi-dance moves. They were `quasi' only because they were sitting buckled in the their seats. Given the space, undoubtedly there would have been a fully orchestrated stage show.

By the end of the song, the case had developed into full blown `I-can't-help-but-sing-along-because-it's-my-favorite-song-itis' that had the other drivers on the road staring with shock and fear.

When the final notes died off and an advertisement for a pizza place with a heavy rock music background blasted on, the two boys stared at each other with embarrassment.

"This never happened." Vegeta snapped.

"Of course." Krillen agreed.

They drove in silence for the last ten minutes of the ride to the mall, and Krillen contemplated the boy beside him. He was not as much as an asshole that Krillen had thought him to be. He had good taste in music, for one. He was funny too, in his own, offbeat dark kind of way. Perhaps, he'd judged him wrong.

As they parked Vegeta informed him of the plan. He, Krillen, was supposed to enter the store a few moments after Vegeta. Vegeta would stick his hand in his back pocket as a signal to prepare himself. Vegeta would then bring Juuhachi over, and introduce the two of them.

It sounded simple enough.

He entered the store exactly as planned, and nervously headed over to the clearance rack that he'd scanned a thousand times already, and awaited Vegeta's signal.

Vegeta headed over to Juuhachi, who was behind the counter.

"Hey." She said as she shoved some sacks onto a shelf. "How's it going?"

"Okay." He grinned. "I've got a date tonight."

Juuhachi smirked broadly. "I knew it! One day you'd finally stop moping… where are the two of you going?"

"It's not an `official' date, he's playing at Club Roxie tonight, and asked me if I wanted to come."

"Lucky bitch, getting a musician. What's his name?"

"Piccolo Daimou, he just moved in next door to me."

"My little man's all grown up. Juunana would be so proud if he could see you now…" Juuhachi sniffed dramatically, and pinched Vegeta's cheek. Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"However, my love life was not why I brought you here. Now let go of my cheek."

"What then?" Juuhachi asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"You see that short guy over to the clearance rack." Vegeta said as he slid his hand into his back pocket.

"Yeah, Mr. Stalkie the Short, Stalkie for short" Vegeta laughed. "What about him?"

"His name's Krillen, and he's a classmate of mine. He's smitten with you." Juuhachi gave him a look that said `No, really?'. "He paid me five bucks to introduce you two."

"What are you, my pimp?"

"No, the politically correct term is `talent manager'." Vegeta snorted. "Look, he's an okay guy, just walk over and say `Hi'. If you don't like him, tell him to piss off."

"Fine, but only because I pity him for being so awed by my beauty." Juuhachi shook her head and headed over to the clearance rack.

"Vegeta tells me your name's Krillen." Juuhachi said, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow. "I'm Juuhachi."

"I-it's nice to meet you, Juuhachi…" Krillen laughed nervously. "Wow… uhm…. What time does your shift end? Maybe I could take you out for a soda? Maybe, if you drink soda that is… I mean ---"

"I get off work at seven-thirty,"

"I just made a complete ass of myself, didn't I?" Krillen asked.

"Yes, yes you did."

"Thanks, just making sure I met my stupidity quota for the day."

Juuhachi smiled slightly at that.

"I see you at seven-thirty then?" Krillen asked hopefully.


Krillen grinned broadly.

"Well, it was sure nice to meet you, Juuhachi." Krillen stuck out a hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Krillen." She said, taking his hand. She was surprised when he turned it, and kissed her knuckles. He flushed deeply and scampered out of the store.

"He is the freakiest midget I've ever seen," Juuhachi said as Vegeta came to stand beside her. She smirked. "He's a cute freak though."


He dug about the room, looking for **something** to wear. Nothing seemed right, however.

There was a knock at the door, and Vegeta gave a short growl of frustration as he stomped out to get it.

He was surprised to see Juunana standing there, holding up one of their latest creations. It had been originally made for Juunana, but the legs seemed to have been shortened.

"Juuhachi called and said that there was a fashion emergency, and demanded I hem up my pants for you." Juunana said.

"I've got a date tonight." Vegeta replied.

Juunana smirked. "Finally. The sacrifice of my pants was worth it then. Let's get you inside." He said as he entered and herded Vegeta back into the bedroom.

It was fortunate that both Juunana had a near similar waist size. The tight black pleather pants with navy blue stripes down the sides clung tightly to him as it was. He slid the black fishnet shirt on, adjusting the long blue straps that connected the shoulder to the opposite wrist.

"Tres Magnifique." Juunana smirked. "Now let's get you some make up."


The Roxie was an interesting place. Hundreds of men had shown up that, some in drag, others in plainclothes, and were currently dancing to the rock cover songs.

Vegeta was having fun too, flirting playfully with his eyes and body to the lead singer, who's eyes now avoided the left part of the stage for fear of going flat again. He'd had offers from several men beside him, which he turned down by saying "I'm with the band,". He was surprised when they took his `no' for an answer and did not look upset by it.

"We'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight. You all have nice night," Vegeta checked his watched, and was amazed to find that it was almost eleven o'clock.

The last song they played had more instrumentals than heavy guitar, as the trumpet blared from the back. Piccolo had placed his guitar on his stand, and stood alone before the microphone.

"Like an angel that has no sense of mercy,

Rise young boy to the heavens like a legend."

The music was more lyrical than the rest of the songs had been earlier. Vegeta stood still as he felt the sound of the powerful baritone melt over him.

"Cold winds as blue as the sea,

Tear open the door to your heart, I see

But unknowing you seem, just staring at me...

Standing there smiling serenely."

Piccolo looked over to him and winked.

"Desperate, for something to touch...

A moment of kindness like that in a dream.

Your innocent eyes, have yet no idea...

Of the path your destiny will follow."

The music slowed here, and Vegeta found himself swaying with it. This was not music you danced to; this was music you merely enjoyed being in the prescence of.

"But someday you'll become aware of...

Everything that you've got behind you.

Your wings are for seeking out a new

Future that only you can search for."

The tempo increased as Vegeta felt his eyelids slide shut as he entered trance-like state.

"The cruel angel's thesis enters

Through the window of your soul.

If you should betray the chapel of your memories.

The cruel angel's thesis bleeds."

The chorus repeated several times, although Vegeta wouldn't have known it. His thoughts were lost as he felt something within him harmonize with the lyrics. It was strange to say the least; and he was disappointed when the song ended.

Piccolo jumped off the stage to join Vegeta, whom he escorted to the private rooms in the back.

They sat in those back room tables for hours, although it seemed like less, talking about everything from art (Piccolo was a firm Modern Minimalist, while Vegeta preferred the Impressionistic), to music, to politics, to nothing at all.

By two o'clock, when the owner informed them that they were starting to close up, Vegeta and Piccolo had moved from the table to the couch, where Piccolo's hand had strayed to Vegeta's hip, where Vegeta left it.

Buzzed on high caffeine colas, they decided to head back home, acknowledging the late hour.

"How did you know I was gay?" Vegeta asked as they entered the car.

"Mrs. Johnson, my next door neighbor," Vegeta remembered the wizened nosy old woman. "I was wearing one of my pride t-shirts, and she started talking about how the gays were just wrecking up the neighborhood." Piccolo rolled his eyes as he started up the old Volkswagen Rabbit. "I took a shot in the dark and guessed it was you."

"Lucky shot." Vegeta smirked.

The ride ended too soon for Vegeta's taste, as they parked underneath the tall shadow of their apartment building.

They shared covert glances at each other, but otherwise silence prevailed as they headed up to their floor.

"Well, I guess this is goodnight." Vegeta said as they faced Piccolo's apartment.

"Yeah…" Piccolo sighed and looked with irritation at the door he had arrived at too quickly.

Vegeta stood on his tiptoes and gave Piccolo a goodnight kiss. Piccolo's arms found their way to his waist. After several moments, the couple broke apart.

"Oh, damn." Vegeta said playfully. "I forgot my keys, I **guess** I'll have to wait in the hall until my stepfather comes home." He said, lying through his teeth. Piccolo knew it too, it seemed, judging from his smirk.

"Well, we can't have you just sitting in the hall all alone, now could we?"


They had sat on the couch for a while, watching old Cheers re-runs, until they gradually found something far more entertaining off-the-screen. Things had degenerated quickly, and it was fortunate that the bedroom was so close.

Physically sated, but exhausted, Vegeta fell asleep in the arms of his new lover.


AN2: I hate putting this here, but I might be tempted to write a more detailed description of our newest couple's first night. Whether there'll be true lemon is undetermined. Tell me what you think.